Mark Hammond (EX PCS President) is a lying two faced snidy fucking cunt. Useless tosser with a fucktarded haircut, total cunt. So is his sidekick Sue (FatMong)Kendal, a right cunty old fucking boiler cunt
Nominated by Harry The Bastard
3 thoughts on “Mark Hammond”
He is indeed a proper Cunt who has been known to wank himself into a coma. Now employed as a weekend trolley collector at Lidls.
He is indeed a proper Cunt who has been known to wank himself into a coma. Now employed as a weekend trolley collector at Lidls.
Its the Forest Gump spastic haircut that makes me laugh, that and the gormless expression. Pointy chinned cunt.
I saw the MongFaced twat covered in vomit, sitting in a pool of piss outside a Hotel after the PCS Conference. Fucking delusional sad cunt.