5 thoughts on “Baroness Scotland

  1. Criminal, unelected, hypocrite and not very Scottish bitch ladying it over us like she’s something special.
    She should face the full penalty of the law for being a self-serving Laborite cunt as demanded by listeners of BBC Radio 2 yesterday.

  2. She should pay a fine like everyone else caught with an illegal in their employ.

    Now I call a spade a spade she is an inept fucker caught out by her own rules.

    No doubt the righteous will seek to play the race card on this.

  3. This fucking Hubristic, self- Righteous, Labour Leftie feminist, multiculturism and pro- Islamifiaction Guardianista retarded fuckwit is the epitome of 12 and a 1/2 long years of theiving, Lies,sleaze, self righteous Hypocricy and utter destruction of BRITISH history, language, culture and way of life at the alter of the new religion of this fucking “politically correct” multi-ethnic diversity crap that we have been force-fed for so long under Liebore. It’s now time we took OUR country back from these socialist lefie cunts. The whole lot of them ought to be put on trial for treason! I nominate all Labour voters who are still stupid and brain-dead enough to continue voting for Labour as a total CUNT!!!

  4. Don’t fret boys and girls, it was only a technicality, a mere oversight and she has ” paid the price “.

    £5k, a mere pittance of loose change for this overwheening Nu Labour Sprog and criminally crooked Devils Advocate Cunt of the first order.

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