BLM Shit

Let’s be absolutely clear about this….. this is not a page where you can post race hate about any colour on any other colour, but there are a lot of heavy feelings going around about BLM, what it really stands for and what it means to achieve.

This page is here to allow you to vent your frustration, deflate the anger and debate the issues – be it Uncle Ben’s Rice, statue toppling, offensive warnings on Dumbo or anything thing else that needs calling out. But remember, ALL lives matter.

Be aware that some nominations may be redirected to this page to keep space clear for other issues.

450 thoughts on “BLM Shit

  1. As the ongoing fight against election fraud continues, WJCL TV22 (an ABC affiliate), reports that the Georgia Secretary of State has announced another (approx) 2700 uncounted votes in Fayette County.

    The previous cache of uncounted votes was in Floyd County and like those recently discovered are expected to favor President Trump.

    That makes 2 counties with over 5000 originally uncounted votes.

    It makes one wonder…How many other “uncounted” votes in other counties are there?

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

  2. @Robin

    As I said before, I have won the argument with facts, logic and reason. You have lost the argument and must now resort to name calling and insinuation.

    The IsaC faithful can decide for themselves what to think.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

      • Good morning Robin. I hope you rested well and I hope you have a great rest of the day.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender.

      • And to you sir.

        Sorry for my cuntishness yesterday. I just enjoy a good argument and you were too obliging. You should have just told me to fuck off.

        Have a good one General


  3. I’ve read this thread with great interest but it seems to me that RB has lost the argument because he’s stooped to personal insults.

    I’ve no great love for Trump but I think Biden will be a disaster. As a former director of a well known company I see nothing wrong with sacking people who refuse to obey direct instruction so I’m with Trump on that one.

    Biden appears to be rather too left wing for my taste. He supports the IRA and the EU and we all know how law abiding and democratic they are. He’s no friend of Britain.

    Let’s remember that any country or party that uses the word democratic seldom is. An extreme example would be North Korea or China.

    Having said all that, Nixon was a republican and look what a crook he was.

    I just think it’s sad that in a country thae size of the USA these are the best candidates they could come up with. Let’s take a balanced view. They’re both cubts…

  4. With all that’s been going on it’s been a while since we’ve had a BLM update. With that said, let’s see what our Neo Marxist friends are up to.

    It seems there is dissension in the ranks over…what else…money. Yes the race baiting Communists revolutionaries are fighting over the all mighty dollar.

    Fox (i.e. Rat) News is reporting that the local chapters are angry with “Fearless Leader” Patrice Cullors for her lack of transparency. In fact many say she has assumed control of the righteous organization against their wishes and are now demanding both transparency and an accounting.

    Over the “Summer of Floyd,” BLM raked in untold millions of dollars in donations from the gullible eager to signal their virtue by supporting the social in-justice movement.
    Lots of money was given for organizing and operations. Even more was given for bond and bail for those peaceful rioters who just happened to get arrested and locked up by the systemically racist system.

    Despite the pleas of the local chapters of BLM, it seems most of the money went to the national organization and it’s sole Board Member Patrice Cullors. Now the local chapters want an accounting and their fair share. But the righteous revolutionary at the top of the dung heap ain’t about to give it to them.

    How much money was raised? How was it spent? Who donated it? Who got it? where is it now? These are just some of the questions their Crotch Cannibal Commander refuses to answer.

    Despite her refusal to answer, one thing seems clear. Revolutions…just like Dykes…always eat their own.

    Merry Christmas to all. 🎄

    • A good post sir👍

      It’s not surprising really – all of a sudden she has access to huge amounts of money, and all her cronies want a piece of the pie.

      It will be very interesting to hear what the auditors have to say once they have had a look at the books.

      With any luck this is the beginning of the end for blm (I cant bring myself to use capital letters for their name).

    • Did you read that?

      Former striker Dion Dublin quoted as saying “They don’t agree with taking the knee, which means they are racist. They don’t agree with black lives matter, that says they are racist to me”.

      As far as I am concerned Dublin has just outed himself as a complete cunt. An intolerant fucking cunt. He hasn’t bothered to ask anybody why they booed. He just automatically assumed that they must be racist.

      It would be so much better if the fans just stayed away and kept their money in their pockets while all this knee bending crap is still going on. Fucking virtue signalling cunts.

  5. The Millwall fans deserve to be applauded for this.

    Why the fuck are cunts still taking the knee as Christmas draws near?

    Saint Chicken Floyd George carked it ages ago. And, besides that, he was a drugged up armed criminal who wasn’t worth pissing on to start with. Yet this chiggun chomping gun toting cunt has had more eulogies and a longer period of mourning than Lady Diana Sloaney, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Pope John Paul II and John and Bobby Kennedy combined.

    Enough is enough, right? Fuck Saint Chicken Floyd George, fuck the BBC, fuck Sky, fuck the FA, and fuck BLM.

      • It gets worse too. According to the Ministry of Truth at Google, Saint Chicken Floyd George is officially listed with his profession as a ‘Hip Hop Artist’.

        Funny, I can’t recall a single record that he ever made. Mind you, he does have all the right qualifications to be a hip hop artist. Consumption and dealing of drugs. Threatening people with a loaded firearm. Substantial arrest sheet and criminal record.

        And being a complete and utter cunt.

      • Oooh, I don’t know. Surely you remember his famous hits: Neck and Neck, WindYour Neck In, and his all time great Break Ya Neck,?

      • He did. He was due to record Toni Braxton’s brilliant song ‘Breathe Again’, but for some reason didn’t turn up at the studio?

    • Excellent piece, as usual, CMC.
      Some interesting quotes in there attributed to Yusra Khogali, the Canada born muzzĂźe daughter of immigrants forced out of their own country, the Sudan, by their own kind.
      I don’t recall having heard of Khogali before so looked it up on the internet. It isn’t hard to find plenty examples of its wittering bollox on there. I’d provide links but there are so many possible laughable, p*ss boiling articles Admin would have a censorship meltdown. The bile it frequently spouts is a match for any of our home grown lööns.
      I love the quotes in the one link I have attached below in which it attributes a lack of melanin in whyte people to superior intelligence in bliks (understandably it hasn’t tried to give any non-existent scientific evidence of that claim) then goes on to say “melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy”. Wow, cosmic energy! Far out man (except as its a radical feminist as well as race baiter it probably objects to the “m-a-n word). Is it also through melanin that the great Alan Snackbar communicates his ramblings with his followers?
      Khogali has a Master of Arts degree in “Social Justice Education” focussing on blick diaspora, blik African, anti-colonial, trans*feminist liberation thought. Translated I think that means the degree is in how to make a living out of denouncing a whyte patriarchal society who welcomed my parents into their country and ensured I grew up disease free and physically healthy (but mentally deranged).
      I wonder why it thought it was ok to refer to wiping out the whyte race? Can you imagine the outcry if the race terminology were swapped?

  6. The BBC cunts have been banging on about the poor bliks being disproportionately hit by the chinky flu …. Again!

    Who actually gives a shit!

    • Not me, that’s for sure, SOI.
      Thoroughly pëëd off with all this poor me wailing crùp by the BLM mob and its appeasers.
      Even Artificial Intelligence has it in for the cnuts if the claims by a former Google scientist are to be believed
      FGS, just f*cking stop it.
      It’s funny that the scientist making the claims about AI was forced to flee Africa because of blik on blik conflict in her Ethiopian homeland but sought asylum in whytĂ« dominated America. Why not Kenya, Egypt, Somalia or any of the other flyblown sh*t-holes nearby? Any guesses life with all mod cons and clean water in a privileged whytĂ« man society was preferable to living under her own kind where the female of the species are seen as 2nd class commodities, valued behind donkeys, goats and the like? Her doctorate degree at Stamford (not exactly a backwater southern state university) was supervised by one Fei-Fei Lee (good old traditional Devon Plymouth Pilgrim father name NOT). Sets up her own blik only research group as well. Supposed racism has done her no harm, has it? She comes across as a typical card carrying member of the chip-on-shoulder everything is racist club despite owing everything to what she seems to despise. I wouldn’t be surprised if Google (incidentally now run by a man of Indian heritage) had got rid of her simply because she was a constant pain in the ars*, trouble making race baiter.
      She’d have moaned even more if AI had turned out to be 100% effective in recognising blÄ«ck criminals but only half as good as all other races. No pleasing her sort. Professional cnut.

  7. It has possibly been mentioned before but If it has I missed it. I do apologize if that is the case.
    I give you Anne Boleyn as depicted in portraits of the time.
    I now give you the actress you will shortly see in a BLM inspired television production.
    Remarkable similarity don’t you think? Peas in a pod you might say.
    Can’t wait for the WLM remake of Long Walk to Freedom starring Warwick Davis as Nelson Mandela and the swimmer Ellie Simmons as his wife, Winnie. As suitable a pair of look-alikes as you could find.

    • Yes, I also noticed the supportive gay staffer, just to compound the insult and indicate where this shit drive is coming from.

  8. On a nominally related note, why was Sky News’ helicopter (G-UKTV, Arena Aviation) stooging around Harwich and Ramsgate this morning? Has it found some more visiting architects?

  9. This looks more likely. Nice calm day in the Channel, and the first architects of the year, if they aren’t on their way, are booking their unsafe rubber boat. And I see the Bristow/HM Coastguard (all this stuff’s contracted out, natch) has just turned off its ADSB transponder after taking off from Lydd and heading NE, so we don’t know where it went next. Wouldn’t want anyone to notice, would we?

    Update: also in the air having just overflown Dover and on its way back to Donny, is G-HMGA, another Coastguard asset, described here as being good at spotting cunts in the water.

  10. The next time someone demonizes whites for racism and the slave trade, direct them to this link which is presented by black people and portrays a very different picture from the wok clichĂ© rammed down our throats every day. One African historian says millions of black slaves were taken to the Moslem world over the centuries yet there is little sign of this today, unlike in the United States. One of the reasons is because many of the men were castrated and the women were turned into concubines. Saudi Arabia did not abolish slavery until around 1960 and Mauretania in 1981 but only on paper as it still exists. Morgan Freeman also dismisses the idea of Black History Month as “ridiculous” and says “black history is American history” and it is an insult to reduce it to a month.

    What Most ‘Experts’ Aren’t Telling You During Black History Month | Larry Elder Show – YouTube

    • Well to be expected really, the Swiss do love their Chocolate, oops! that’s racist, I don’t want to be Black listed, shit! there I go again. I hope no one Cottons on to me, I’ll end up in chains. I give up….

      • Shit, geography was never my strong point, but I’m sure Swedish (Svenskar) like a bit Chocolate too, did this save me??? Don’t drink and message folks.

  11. It seems that some sh!tty street mural of George Floyd in Manchester has been vandalised for a second time prompting “fury” amongst police and local councillors. “Racism has no place in Manchester” they bleat. That is so, but but does a provocative image supportive of a career criminal* have a place in the middle of a public square in a city in Northern England? No it doesn’t.
    Given the current failings of the Greater Manchester Police and the political overseers (of which the council, along with Burnham, must take blame), I think a bit of vandalism is the least of their concerns. Just take the mural down. It has no place here. It’s going to be a continuining source of trouble, a drain on police and council resources as well as being an eyesore. Before you know it, there will be another f*cking precept on GM council tax bills to fund the creation of a special unit to tackle a racism issue that the police and council have created by their own incompetence and stupidity.
    * I note that George is described as being a security guard in the news item and died as a result of being forcibly held down by police. No mention at all of him being a career crimininal or why the police were trying to arrest him again at the time he accidentally died. Airbrushing inconvenient facts out of news items as usual by the press. The beatification process of St George continues.

    • I wonder if the reverse side had a mural depicting Saint George holding a gun to the stomach of a pregnant white Woman as his drugged up criminal gang ransacked her house?
      A mural showing the forged money he was attempting to spend which led to his arrest?
      A list of his almost innumerable criminal convictions stretching over decades?
      A copy of the coroners report showing he died after his damaged heart stopped due an overdose of Fentanyl and crystal meth?
      No? Aww.
      And I have just earned a 12 hour ban from Twitter after posting that BLM are a rabble of racists, thieves, looters, rioters, vandals, terrorists and m*rderers – all of this is truthful and factually correct.
      Fuck Jack Dorsey, fuck George Floyd, and fuck BLM.

      • Thank fuck for people like Vernon who speak THE TRUTH.
        If everyone spoke the truth then CUNTS LIKE THAT SHIT F##Yd would not be idolised by other gormless CUNTS.

      Quelle surprise! Who woulda thunk it? St.George’s image vandalised again.
      Still no mention by the MEN of Floyd being a career criminal or, as Vernon said, him carking it due to a drugs overdose.
      Typical response as well from the abject failure that is GMP. “Brilliantly diverse and inclusive communities” my @rse. Just the kind of politically correct bullsh!t you’d expect from a box ticking, overpromoted WPC who you wouldn’t put in charge of the pre-morning shift brew-up & toast making.
      I wonder how many squad cars plod mobilised and how so quickly to attend the incident? Pity they weren’t as quick with the grooming gangs.
      Just try getting one of the boys/girls/trannies in blue to respond to a break -in at your home as quickly. If you’re lucky, the best response you’ll get is a crime reference number for insurance purposes from their call handling centre and that’ll be the end of it.
      Just take the feckin’ monstrous image down and stop wasting council tax & police resources.
      Roll on the GMP council and mayoral elections when hopefully Burnham and some of the imbeciles in town halls across the region responsible for this sort of cr@p can be put on the dole.

      • GM council not GMP council although I wish we could have a vote on who the GMP head was so the people (not some wishy washy liberal minded committee) could elect a chief constable capable of doing the job and unconcerned about upsetting the vocal minority do-gooders.

  12. I can’t object strongly enough to all this BLM shit. Why do I object? Because it and the media, and advertising in particular, is evidently turning me into a “racist” – giving me racist thoughts.
    I have never been a racist, never had a problem with “non whites”. Many of my colleagues have been, still are, “non white”. I have met many “non white” who I would rather trust my life to than many “white” men I have met. But these days I find myself noticing these things. Like an unrepresentative proportion of “non whites” in TV commercials (every other commercial???). Like how half of all couples portrayed in commercials are mixed race (despite the fact that the census of ten years ago revealed that only 2.2% of UK households were mixed race).
    I object … I object ..

    • I’m sure the same types, that fixed the US elections, will fix that census, in their favour of course. As Captain Jean Luc would command in a diverse future, “MAKE IT SO!”

  13. GM council not GMP council although I wish we could have a vote on who the GMP head was so the people (not some wishy washy liberal minded committee) could elect a chief constable capable of doing the job and unconcerned about upsetting the vocal minority do-gooders.

  14. You are not born a racist, you are made a racist. The woke have created more division through their so called diversity, than there ever was, with their shut up white person policy.

  15. Funny thing, KFC (Krap Fuk’n Chuk’n) in their attempt to tick the BLM membership box, have created an advert that portrays black folks as fried chicken eating, getto gang class, cocks. Now with woke representation like that, the so called racists need not bother and sit back and enjoy. All woke agenda and no brain cells me thinks.

  16. It’s funny that George Floyd used to say to his little 4 year old daughter to be a good little girl & to brush her teeth before she goes to bed while he goes out to rob a pregnant woman at gunpoint!

  17. George Cunt Floyd.
    Drug abuser.
    Violent offender.
    To top all that, our HERO Mr Floyd broke into a pregnant womans home and threatened to shoot her unborn child unless she gave him money for his drugs.
    Such a HERO. Such a brave cunt.
    Pointing a gun at a pregnant woman in her own home.
    I hope that cop chocked that nasty cunt really slowly.
    Worthless cunt.
    There are CUNTS out there who actually say he didn’t deserve what happend to him.??
    Of course he did. He was just a CUNT and a bit of human waste like a lump of shit.
    Anyone who says he didn’t deserve it is a CUNT just like that cunt was.

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