Sarah Jeong and the New York Times

Who: Many might already know that the NYT is the yank version of the Guardian but with more wet farts and a much bigger subscriber base. Sarah Jeong on the other hand is a previously unknown, Korean half-breed, trust-fund liberal lesbian shitcunt.

Cunting: Sarah Jeong enjoyed a privileged upbringing, steadily climbing up the greasy pole in journalism and last week (w/c 30 July 2018) was unveiled by the New York Times as being awarded a position on their editorial panel.

As is the wont of social media basement detectives, they dug deep and found a dearth of racist tweets she published, with real vitriolic hatred towards white people and, you guessed it, the good ol’ bogeyman of the white male. Talk of ‘exterminating them’, ‘breeding them out’, and video-clips from her Harvard days of giving speeches on the cancer of ‘white male privilege’. Now this wasn’t just some rebelious phase; it was sustained over a 4-5 year period.

A soupçon of this cunt’s magnum opus can be found here (Washington Times link; just click ‘not this time’ if it asks you to login)

So far, so clear cu(n)t. Where this little episode really ramped up a notch though was when the NYT, almost unbelivably, stood behind their newest charge AND supported her in a statement, effectively condoning the behaviour. This from the same shitrag that went nuclear everytime Trump said something non-PC and was at the forefront of making Roseanne Barr a pariah for much less in the name of Waycism. Even Twitter, famed for giving these liberal cunts a free pass, confirmed Jeong’s tweets were a breach of their own guidelines and suspended the fucking scumcunt.

Jeong’s own ‘apology’, which wasn’t actually anything of the sort, but instead the tried ‘n’ trusted old switcheroo of claiming her racist bile was just in retaliation (over many years natch, and to date, no cunt has seen anything that passes remotely as an instigating comment toward the bitch), laughably trying to play the victim.

People have railed against this cunt in a big way, and quite rightly too, but the MSM of course do not want to know – a grudging mention in the AL-BBC website which did the old trick of putting ‘racist tweets’ in commas to inherently play down the cuntitude of the woman. I guess it is true folks – being a white man is the one acceptable face of agressive prejudice in the Western world. NYT subscriptions have been cancelled left, right and centre and every article they release online is flooded with condemnation of them protecting a militant racist.

A few days ago, a wonderful cherry on this decidely shit-filled cake of cunt was plonked atop, when yet more tweets were uncovered with her angry little petulance aimed at – guess – the NYT themselves! Slagging off a number of journos who are now her employment bedfellows, I can only imagine that the fucking cunt is about as popular in the office as a turd in a fruit bowl.

I sympathise with any Korean war vets who have had their attention drawn to this overly-precious and wealthy cunt specimen shitting all over their life-risking efforts. Sarah Jeong is a fucking cunt who is a classic symbol of the millenial, liberal age of hypocritical bullshit.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

50 thoughts on “Sarah Jeong and the New York Times

  1. In the interests of balance may I point out that there is one group of whitemen (besides stinking rich politicians who bow down to their demands) who the snowflakes love……..fucking dirty thieving pikeys!
    Slag off the pikeys and you have the R word applied to you. Why?……. because they’re Irish!
    Now any cunt who has travelled in Ireland knows the Irish hate them more than we do and are quite happy that, thanks to our generous benefits system and weak Criminal Justice system, we take the fuckers off their hands.
    Like the peacefuls, pikeys hate poofs, treat women and children like shit and are cruel to animals. All this AND their skins are the wrong colour!!
    Is there any logic to libtard ideology or are they just fucking barmy?

    • I usually like to avoid generalisations about whole groups but I’ve never heard anyone say anything positive about their experiences with the gyppos. My dad has himself had two negative experiences with them in his youth. Honestly, the secret organisation from Hot Fuzz had a point.

      • I’ve had plenty, going right back to childhood. By the way, those virginal , pure Pikey girls you see on “Big Fat Gypsy…..whatever “ aren’t the ones I remember from my teenage years. Guaranteed BJ for 20 Silk Cut. Fucking liars the lot of them.
        I can tell a group of Pikeys before they open their mouths.
        When they walk into a pub I walk out because you are guaranteed a punch up. That’s why venues don’t want to touch a Pikey wedding. Their fixtures and fittings will be smashed to fuck and , if it’s a hotel it will be all over laterooms the next day. Channel 4 tell you it’s racism and prejudice. OK cunts, have their weddings in your studios then you thick libtard cunts. Don’t leave any cameras laying around though…….you won’t see them again.

    • Pikeys really are the most disgusting set of cunts I can think of. I hate lots of different races/cultures but I can’t actually sit here and say that ALL of a certain race or religion are cunts because even Pakis (who I generally tend to despise), I have met a few who are perfectly nice and respectable people. But as OC already pointed out, I’ve never witnessed anything from a pikey other than being a bunch of horrible scruffy twats whose sole purpose in life is to start fights, steal, wake me up with their fucking megaphone mounted to their stolen vans, and generally turn every location they rock up to into a scene from a nuclear disaster. Utter scumfucks, one and all.

  2. Quite so, TECB. Quite so.

    British people should be equally disgusted at the snotty little oik’s comments about white people, given that over 1000 Britons (mostly white males, including the older brother of a former colleague) gave their lives to defend South Korea from Communist invasion*. Were it not for the sort of courage shown by the likes of the Gloucestershire Regiment, Yeong’s family would have been treated to the full North Korean experience.

    So not only is she a racist cunt, she’s an ungrateful one to boot.

    *Personally, I’d have pulled our troops out before the conflict started and left the Koreans to get on with it.

  3. Meh, let them keep protecting her. With any luck such practices will soon see that commie rag and similar electronic toilet paper factories like the Huffington Post, the Groaniad and Buzzfeed go out of business.

    • I have absolutely no problem with these places hiring blatant racists like this cunt, they’re well within they’re rights to do so because that’s the sort of culture they want to promote. And the public who don’t approve can respond by not reading their crap.
      But what I can’t stand is all the libtard MSM doing their mental gymnastics to explain to us all how she is not actually a racist because to admit otherwise goes against their narrative of how morally superior they are to everyone on the right while Roseanne loses her job over making this comparison.
      Now I can’t really see the racism in such a comparison and it was clearly a joke, but being a joke is never an acceptable excuse if you’re white. Only non-white like Sarah Jeong here can use that as an excuse because as we all know only white people are racist.

      Even if I don’t agree with someones beliefs I at least have a bit more respect for the person if they’re willing to wear them openly rather than bullshitting around the issue pretending otherwise.

  4. A good,well written cunting which not only exposes the racism of the ugly Gook(yes thats a racist slut but at least I dont deny it) but also the hypocrisy of the Yiddish Rag the Jew York Times.Typical Jew bollox, do as I say not as I do.So its ok for Israel to stay an ethnically “pure” Jew state but Europe has to become a multicultural shithole. From the horses gob:

      • Nope. I know people like Soros and his ilk are Jewish but I think the fact they fuck the average pleb over is more to do with the elites just being elites than it is to do with Judaism specifically. I mean, these policies affect the average Jew as well remember.

      • Good point OpinionatedCunt.

        And awesome Cunting TECB – this bitch truly is the pits, would never have heard of her cuntitude if you hadn’t brought her to our collective attention. As you say, if she had been white she’d have been crucified up in lights 24/7 in the MSM – the silence is deafening!

        Hopefully she’s no more representative of Koreans than Blair is representative of Brits.

        Saw the start of a series on the New York Times coverage of Trump a few weeks ago… had to switch off after 20 minutes, how fucking sick can you get?

      • Don’t forget RTC that this same bog roll rag praised Stalin’s mass killings of the Ukrainians as well. Actually, on second thoughts I wouldn’t even use it as bog roll because my ass deserves better than that.

      • I hope the local authorities have the decency to burn discarded copies rather than risk contaminating the bog roll chain by sending them for recycling.

  5. Its with rich irony that she was exposed using Twatter to spread the white male privilege myth (yawn), the very platform these holier-than-thou entitled shit stains use to preach their supposed moral superiority.

      • Does she have a fit bod then Freddie?

        I don’t want to take the risk of putting her name in my search engine in case the rest of its body is as ugly as its wretched face.

      • Fuck knows. Me suckee suckee. You pay twenny dorrars. Me ruv you rong time.
        Fuck me, i’ve just read the bitch’s tweets. Substitute the word black for white and that’s a fucking prison sentence right there.

  6. I am of the generation where racism ids recognised as a natural human characteristic , hard wired within to help us out in times of the “lifeboat” test. In fact, before PC, Sociology contained models of social structures and their formations that today would be deemed “Nazi”

    Fuck her and fuck all cunts. Racism IS natural and does not necessarily have to be a negative .

      • Yeah, imagine Blair being swallowed by a shark like whatshisname in “Jaws”, screaming his head off, blood pumping from his mouth.
        I’m gonna dream about that for a fortnight now.

      • Wanking over that thought right now, mandleslime is there too having his ring chewed off by a lamprey… ahhh yeah, he’s fucking loving it. Here comes the Flabbot, she’s about to shove a blue whale up her clam, the smell is horrific. Like 12 day old chum left out in the sun… the whale don’t smell much better. Ohh and here come’s Jess Philips, she’s smiling at me…

        damn, lost it.

      • Evening Freddie, perhaps a more pleasant image would be Sarah Jeong being gobbled up by a giant-sized aquatic Tony Blair. There’s a quite horrific mental image in my head. And now I’ve included an enormous brown giant squid that looks suspiciously like a monstrous ocean-going Dianne Abbott gobbling up a screaming Jeremy Corbyn.

  7. Off topic but who here would be happy to be treated by the Doctor re- instated today? she made 21 errors which resulted in the death of a 7 year old boy.

    • The incompetent Peaceful one? I do wonder what the hell they were thinking there…..

      • More disgusting was how fellow doctors flocked around her like a fly on shit, the poor lads death was almost a footnote.

      • God forbid they give two shits about the poor white lad there eh?

        Now if it were a white Doctor who got a peaceful hellspawn killed via incompetence they’d have the lynch mobs ready at dawn!

        Fuck them.

      • Too scared of being labelled with the R word.
        If Dr Shipman had been a follower of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) they wouldn’t even have bothered to investigate.
        It’s just a coincidence that all these old ladies keep leaving shitloads of money to him in their wills.

    • Apparently she’s learnt from her errors, and hopes to become a better medic.

      I wonder how many fatalities – sorry – errors she managed to cover up.

      Despite being back in UK 3 years, I have yet to be treated by one of these most wonderful gimmegrunt medics, although I’ve sure as fuck waited my turn many hours behind a cesspool of the cunts.

      May their rags be ripped off by their camels, and trampled upon by a herd of goats fleeing from the Slimist “entertainment” centre.

    • At the risk of flying in the face of my cuntish normal self, the reported 21 errors were all not committed by Bawa Garba. Apparently a senior consultant (unavailable when the incident occurred) attempted to push her under the bus.

      I am no fan of those of the peaceful persuasion, but many of the errors were systemic hence the success of the appeal. My wife is a doctor and has been following this closely.

      Ps, she said you are all a bunch of rotten cunts.

    • I would Richard. I’ve read the full facts of her case and whilst what happened is very sad she was incredible stitched up, made a patsy big time to cover up the fact that she’d not been retrained, all Doctors have to undergo retraining when coming back from maternity leave, was running 3 wards and there wasn’t a single consultant on duty on any of them.

      Theres a lot more to this case but the last bit was key and the NHS moved to cover their asses as they broke Government rules on senior hospital staffing levels, so they did what all organisations do, they threw the weeker member to the lions to shit them up.

      It has to be noted that Doctors from around the country were so disgusted by what happened they crowd funded her appeal to the tune of £300k.

      What should concern us more is how shocking levels of cuts and underfunding led to this tragedy much more than the missed diagnosis.

      • Interesting. My thanks to you and Paul for giving an alternative view. I shall do some research into this matter.

      • I am very much in agreement re the points made re the NHS being stretched to breaking point, but the question to ask is…
        Who, or what, is causing the stretch ??
        Answers on the back of a postcard…
        Dont mention the “typhoons” – I did once, but think I might have got away with it.

  8. Supporters of Jeong claim that racism against white people does not exist and that the white race cannot interpret her tweets as racist as they are the oppressors and not the victims.

    Jeong is a nasty, divisive, dog-eating little geek who probably smells of stale bean sprouts and monosodium glutamate. She has nothing to fear from my lovely, marble-smooth, white schlong.

    • So that’s why her family emigrated from South Korea, educated at Berkley and Harvard Law School and now a plum job at the NYT. That’ll stick it to whitey.

  9. I can’t stand listening to any of the NYT reporters these days because they’re ALL against anything the Mighty Trump does, even if he does something good.
    This latest addition is a natural fit for the loony bin the paper has become.
    They’ll do anything to try and stave off their inevitable demise and if that means hiring some femoid, white man hating nutcase to bump up the readership, then they’ll do it. I wonder where she stands on Global Warming?
    They are so devoid of any trace of shame that they would hire Donald himself the next day, if he suddenly stopped being President.
    We get their journalists appearing quite often on the Public Broadcasting Television news show here ( shown in Canada from the U.S.) and without fail they’re either lesbian feminists (which is an oxymoron when you think about it) or left wing gift machines .
    They’re always appalled by the lack of consideration of the minorities but they don’t give a fuck when entire communities go under due to lack of jobs caused by insane regulations and giving stuff away for nothing.
    Not one of the contributors to ISAC would stand a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a job with this fucking nasty, supposedly liberal organisation, and yet they hire one who’s nastier and more bigoted than all of us.
    It will go under eventually and when it burns there’ll be no smoke that’s for sure.

  10. I can offer a limited confirmation that this bitchbis entirely unrepresentative of South Koreans. I’ve recently been working with a dozen of them and they’re the nicest, most pleasant bunch with a splendid work ethic. Indeed, I’ve had to ask them to slow down a little as they’re leaving our other suppliers behind and causing an inbalance in supply allocations.
    I hope that I’ve cause to go to S. Korea for a work trip in the near future, it looks great and not a blambo or barely a peaceful in sight.

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