Madison Hildebrand


Anyone watched a documentary programme called Million Dollar Listing on ITVBe about real estate brokers in Los Angeles? One of these brokers is called Madison, who never stops telling us that he doesn’t mind who he dates, whether it’s a woman or a man. There is one thing about men who continually claim to be bisexual – you never see them with a woman.

In the latest episode, friends (of both sexes) have fixed him up with a blind date – a man of course – and invited them both to their house to join them for a meal. They’re all sat round the table watching the ‘couple’ like hawks to see how they get along, knowing full well that if they hit it off, it’s going to result in mutual cock-sucking and lubricant-assisted penetration.

After the meal Madison sees the fella to the door and they discuss whether they’re attracted to each other. Madison says “I’m not feeling it” (words open to interpretation) and the two decide they’ll just be friends and leave it at that.

All this would have been embarrassing enough if it had been a blind date between a man and a woman, but two men?

What sort of cunt agrees to do this in front of other people? And how desperate for publicity do you have to be to do it for the tv cameras? They can choose whatever lifestyle suits them, but I’ve found one more reason for not liking Americans.

Nominated by: Allan

39 thoughts on “Madison Hildebrand

  1. I’ve never heard of him and don’t watch that sort of trash, if something like that appears on tv I grab for the remote control and flick over superfast! I would advise you to do the same mate as your in depth cunting amounts to a weird voyeurism!

  2. The name itself – Madison Hildebrand – just screams out ‘cunt…’
    This creature (I won’t call him a man) is a sick cunt, and belongs in the days of the Roman Empire when they fucked their own relatives and married horses….

  3. That’s not his real name, his real name is Bert Thwaite and he comes from a housing estate in Gateshead.

  4. With a name like Madison, it’s no wonder he’s fucked up. He sounds a real cunt. And what the fuck were you doing watch that shit anyway? 🙂

  5. Is america more gay friendly than uk?
    The faggots can ask a bakery to produce a cock shaped cake if the bakery refuses it’s homophobia

    Alot of homos do this to earn extra cash

    Hildebrand should admit to taking it up the ass,he will be 10 times more famous

  6. Good grief, I’m being cunted for watching a tv programme, and for watching the channel it happens to be on. Calm down lads. Do you watch soaps? Is your football team not doing well? Neither is mine. I like to view the luxury houses so that I’ll know what to buy when I win the lottery. I can’t comment on what else ITVBe shows.
    Since that episode Madison saw his ex-girlfriend, who’s been with another man for three years. He told her that he prefers women spiritually but not sexually, and he thinks the reason he still wants her is because he can’t have her. I’m sure she felt flattered by that. What woman wants to go with a man, however good-looking, rich or successful he happens to be, when she knows he’s weighing up all the fellas and wondering what their cocks taste like?

      • Go careful or he will turn up and tell you to ‘relax’, which given the content of his replies would red flag him and make me put a virtual coaster over my drink.

  7. Never heard of him but that picture of him proves he is a cunt.A guy named Madison!What a twat!I loved you line about bisexual men who go on about it.I have a friend like that.He sounds and acts like Kenneth Willams and Larry Grayson never seems to get with any women and never stops talking about men.Bisexual my arse.And just to clarify no he has not been near my arse:P

      • Do I watch soaps!!!!! No of course not, I have a fucking brain!

        Don’t shoot the messenger but as soon as the whole gay angle surfaces on any program i’m watching I turn over mate, I don’t watch it until the end to see the conclusion. Quite honestly it’s you that needs to calm down given the fact you watched that shit in the first place.

      • Oh dear, I seem to have touched a nerve. The laddie doth protest too much, methinks (with appropriate Shakespearean gestures). If you’re a fan, it’s ok. You shouldn’t try so hard to deny your natural inclinations, it’s not healthy. Learn to live with yourself. I’ll withdraw my nomination if it’ll make you feel any better.

      • Nice try miss, now project some more in the hope you can find someone here that hasn’t spotted your fascination with queers Sally.

        The only reason you would withdraw your nomination is you’ve been nabbed as the shitstabbing voyeur you are….zingggggg.

        You can thank me later once you’ve come to terms with your sexuality.

  8. To be fair to this cunt, it’s his parents’ cuntishness that is responsible for his name.

    Sticking cocks up men’s arses, that all his own!


  9. Bi-sexual = loves to suck cock, take it up the arse but does not want to admit to be a shirt-lifter for fear of being ostracized.

    The only thing worse than being a poof is claiming to be bisexual or one of those transgender fuckwits.
    Transgender is not a real thing, it is a fucking mental illness.
    If I claim to be God in a mans body I would be sectioned under the mental health act.
    If I claim I am a woman in a mans body I get a TV show, fawned over by the media and a free operation on the NHS.

    Fucking dysfunctional, attention-seeking, narcissistic, head-fucked cunts

    • I suspect Bruce Jenners ‘transgender issues’ is a psychological response to him killing a woman in that car crash.

      • Or all the women he’s treated like crap and all the bastard children he’s spawned, and then ignored or discarded, over the years…

    • Fantasising about me now is just your queer evolution, still just keep it over the legal age and you should have no problems 😉 Now just remark about me proving your point again and keep reaching for that rainbow twinkletoes….

  10. Not long ago, I walked past some blokes in their early twenties, and one of them turned to the rest and said “you know me, I’m as metrosexual as the next guy”. Well, I thought what a twat. This is all Beckhams fault, cos he is only one step from chugging cock. Take your moisturiser, your faggy hipster beards and your little top knot cunty hairstyles and fuck right off. Advertisers have turned whole generations of men into limp cock Wendys just so they can flog more cosmetics. I was once told my bedroom smelled of farts and socks and I took it as a compliment!

    • Yeah the funny thing is the metrosexual lefties who hate big business but are perfectly oblivious to the fact that all their shitty namby pamby cosmetic products are produced by big business.It is no wonder the birth rate is decreasing with all these twats prancing around.If you are straight acting gay will not get you laid!Similarly you see an increase in butch women these days.It is fine to dress like that but don`t be surprised when men don`t want you.

  11. You’re losing.
    I called him a cunt, which is what this website is all about. Now you could have said “I don’t think he’s a cunt, I think he’s nice”, or you could have maintained a diplomatic silence, but you made the mistake of over-reacting. You should realize that it’s always the ones who make the most noise. You’ve given the game away. But I’m sure no-one will hold it against you, literally or figuratively.

    • ‘Over reacting’….’you’ve proved my point’ etc etc etc yawn….all the last bastion of someone defeated in internet banter and fighting to save face.

      Odd you say ‘no-one’ will hold it against me as if there are others that hold your view when the evidence of the replies here are other people also ripping the piss out of you for your mincing voyeuristic opinions. Look forward to your next fail reply ignoring that fact.

  12. Ah, now you’re looking round for assistance. However many times you click ‘like’, it won’t alter anything.
    Insults are all you have. You’re so defensive. It was never my intention to upset you. I suggest you take a tranquilliser. Or you could try having a wank, if you can find a more revealing picture than the one above.

    • Yup, more deflection. You have already replied to someone else taking the piss out of you on this cunting, well one of the people taking the piss out of you to be accurate so I certainly don’t need assistance to watch you make a fool of yourself.


      • You’re repeating yourself. This little joust is all but over.
        How to extricate yourself from this web, eh? You may feel that you have painted yourself into a corner, however, I have a solution. You will have to summon up all your courage, but it will be worth it.
        Go into your local gay bar tonight and announce “I like Madison, and I don’t care who knows it!” You will feel a great weight lift from your shoulders. Someone may even buy you a drink.
        Good luck.

      • Yup i’ve no doubt you would be the first to offer the drink, but I would feel safer putting a coaster over it.

        Now run along to the new deadpool and try and forget the shame of this cunting and your subsequent poor replies.

      • Did you go? Was it a success? You don’t need to go into detail but let me know what happened.

  13. Not another non entity, jaysus. Who’d call their brood Madison anyway, fucking nutters. I blame the parents, always.

  14. Aw come on pagliacci, don’t chicken out now, not when we’re having so much fun. Remember how confident you were, coming on with all guns blazing because you thought you had back-up?
    This puerile gang mentality dictates that you need to be part of the majority, to ensure you’re on the winning side. But no-one came to support you like you expected. Though thinking about it, wouldn’t it have been humiliating if someone had come to your rescue. It would have been an acknowledgment that they knew you couldn’t hack it on your own.
    You know the only way you have any chance of claiming a victory is if you have the last word, even though everyone has seen you being picked apart. So far you’ve tried insults, you’ve said I’m gay, you’ve said I fancy you, you’ve repeated things you’ve already said, you’ve repeated things I’ve said. Don’t you have anything else?
    Come on now, don’t give up. You must have something in reserve. Give it your best shot. Cut me to the quick with your rapier-like wit.

  15. Oh pagliacci, how disappointing you are. You seem to have thrown in the towel. I know you’ll be reading this so I’ll have one more go at drawing you out.
    You are being taught a lesson, which is that the object of the exercise is to cunt the person who has been nominated, as Dioclese has pointed out on more than one occasion. You are not supposed to let your youthful exuberance get the better of you and start flailing around in all directions. So be a good boy and stick to the script. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.
    I hope you didn’t mind me playing with you, metaphorically speaking of course. Don’t get your hopes up.
    If you are willing to concede graciously, I am ready to shake your hand. As long as you haven’t been fisting anyone recently.

  16. Holy fuck, tldr, but now i’ve finally seen the walls of text you posted days running with no reply you must be furious I touched a nerve and you lost via a failed homoerotic cunting.

    At the risk of making you angrier I will never come back to see your reply so by all means post away here to yourself some more to try and alleviate your trauma.

    I hope this helps miss 🙂

    • Reeled you in. Putty in my hands. And presenting a bit of bravado, that’s splendid. Good for the morale.
      “I will never come back”, that’s so lame it’s priceless. I know I’ve made a fool of you but I couldn’t have done it without your help. And you’ve given yourself four ‘likes’. You must be feeling so lonesome and unprotected.
      Did you see your hero on Monday? Which was the most heart-stopping moment for you, when he hugged Josh in the field or when he turned up at the house-warming party with his new girlfriend? That was a shock wasn’t it?
      If you’re really honestly truly never coming back, I suppose that’s as good an admission of defeat as we’re likely to get. Out of your depth my friend. I don’t know if it’s a knockout but you were way behind on points. I know, let’s call it ‘retired hurt’.

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