
I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine

3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine

  1. Just another heads-up regarding hacking activity going on in western and central Europe

    My Romanian colleagues tell me hacking activity has escalated quite considerably in the Ukraine, but also Estonia, Latvia, Moldova and Poland. Most sources are coming from Russia, Belarus and China.

    I have paid for and downloaded some recommended hack monitoring software and will be using it to see if the UK finds itself under attack via the usual methods that I won’t bore you with here.

    We do have Anonymous to fight the good fight in terms of hacking Russian targets, and so far they seem to be doing a good job.

    But I emphasise again the need to keep your personal data backed up locally. Don’t rely on the Cloud, make sure you AV/AM software installed in your devices, and always think of “What should I do if…”, and thus think about your Plan B should things go tits up.

    Special mention to this:-

      • 1. I don’t think I’ve ever visited that site.
        2. You’re not funny.

        Care to actually discuss either of my points? Anonymous was smashed in 2008 and now only pops up in support of establishment causes, and cyberpolygon was outlined by the WEF/Schwab as cybersecurity drills.

      • 1. Do you have anything that a normal person would accept as evidence that Anonymous is actually GCHQ?
        2. If they are, top job. Nice to see my tax being used on a worthwhile cause for a change, it goes some way to returning the cyberhacking the Russians do hourly.
        3. I laughed, it’s all that matters.

      • 1. Absolutely. For those hard of thinking though, I’m afraid I’m all out!

      • I thought as much.
        However, on a positive note, you didn’t call me a spastic or a fanny, so it’s all good here. ?

      • So,you have the evidence but you won’t show it because we’re not ‘worthy?’ That’s a Veterans Today moment.

    • I read his article on the whole thing yesterday, he made some interesting points about the leadership in Ukraine before this all kicked off.

      It was edifying reading something that put a different slant on things but I still condemn shelling innocent folk with artillery and rockets with all my heart.

      • His perspective is practically revelationary in comparison to the rest of the MSM who have been deliberately obtuse about historical context and yet again having these sly undertones that would suggest the establishment actually wants conflict (surprise.. not).

        He’s right though. If we want peace then why are we not creating the environment for it e.g. NATO not creeping eastwards, our involvement in Ukraine internal affairs.

        No one wants war, yet it’s all we’ve done ourselves for the past 20 years. The public should (have) be careful not to be emotionally manipulated into support for yet another conflict..

      • ‘Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said today that Russia is demanding Ukraine cease military action, change its constitution to enshrine neutrality, acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory and recognise the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent territories.’

        And the hostilities would cease ‘in a moment’.

        I would take it. That will be the end result anyway.

      • I’d tell them to fuck off.

        “Nations that go down fighting rise again, but those who surrender tamely are finished”.

      • See, this is the problem Chunky – you can make good points but so much of the other stuff you spout is so far out that no one’s prepared to listen to them.

      • It’s only far out because you are not ready to hear it though, not because it’s not true.

        It’s dark, realising things aren’t what they seem. Look at Saville and Epstein.. elite nõncery was conspiracy 20 years ago..

        Spend a day looking into the declassified history of the CIA, The City of London, the Technocrat/Eugenics movements of the early c20, international banking.

        Shit is fucked up.

      • Erm, this is a chat about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.
        Not Epstien or Saville, or naughty men who do nasty things to young people!
        Get a fucking grip, Chunky.

      • No there isn’t,
        You go back to your TV!
        How long have you been getting messages through it?
        You really need to take your meds.

      • Mr Plastic 5:14PM.

        I can only conclude that you were born yesterday.

    • I go along with Miles. Crimea was never part of Ukraine but a present from Khrushchev in 1954, not long ago in historical terms. Getting rid of the Russian separatist enclaves in the east would remove a headache. Look at Ireland where de Valera was smart enough to see that partitioned without troublesome Ulster was not a bad deal. The question of neutrality is more complicated but some way could be found round it.

  2. Z. The letter has become a symbol of Russian aggression, as it is painted on its military vehicles to act as a recognition symbol to tell its vehicles apart from its allies Belarus, and its enemy Ukraine, because they are all using Russian vehicles.
    But, it has become a symbol of support for ordinary Russians who support the invasion. Some Russian athlete wore it at a medal ceremony yesterday, inflammatory because he was sharing the podium with a Ukrainian athlete.
    There are videos of Russian men marching and waving flags showing approval of their country’s aggression, and they are all wearing t shirts emblazoned with the letter Z. How representative they are of Russian opinion isn’t clear, as these look the type of basic cunts you would see at an English defence league rally, or those proud boys twats, both groups hardly representative of their respective countries population.
    But, it has been seen on the back windows of cars, and painted on the sides of work vans too, so it makes me wonder if they know about the horror their country are unleashing on a civilian population, or how many of their soldiers are dying carrying out these deeds. And would it make a difference if they did?

    • Russia is very divided on this, GJ.

      Metropolitan educated and middle class types in Russia largest Western cities, such as Moscow and StPetersburg, are vehemently opposed. They are Western in outlook, generally liberal and appreciate the comforts of Western technology and culture. All of these things are ending with the sanctions and their dream of a western lifestyle is going up in ashes.

      Outside of these enclaves, most Russians are quite poor, uneducated, fiercely nationalistic and only a few generations removed from serfs.On the whole, they support Putin, but might change their views when they see body bags coming home (which the Kremlin is of course determined that they do not see). I would estimate at least 60% of Russia’s population falls in this camp.

      Of course the divisions are not watertight, but I think that’s the broad pattern.

      • I tend to agree, based on what I’ve seen. Also, a generation and a half have had something near freedom , and a closer relationship with the west, so these are the people we see protesting. Freedom isn’t free.

    • Interesting take on this “Z” phenomenon in the Torygraph today. They liken it to the new Swastika and point out that Russia, to all intents and purposes, has become a fascist state.

      It certainly has the trappings –
      A cult of personality around the leader.
      Authoritarian with no opposition.
      Censorship and relentless propaganda.
      Cult of the “Motherland”
      Aggressive foreign policy.
      Jailing of dissidents and criminalisation of protestors.
      A feeling of betrayal and encirclement by other powers combined with a sense and fear of decline.

      The other nation on a similar path is China.

  3. I’ve just watched a YouTube clip of a little Ukrainian girl singing in a bomb shelter, to cheer people up.
    I’m not ashamed to say that I wept like a 3 year old toddler who’d been told No.
    That’s what this should be about, on this nom.
    Not if Trump was cheated. Not Chunky and his deranged conspiracy theories, not you cunts egging him on.
    It’s about a little girl singing.
    Now fuck off, the lot of you and show some compassion and humanity.
    Cunts, arguing about the irrelevant.

    • I understand your feelings buddy, I really do. Seeing that family mown down on the pavement this morning did me. Lying there dead, with their dog in a pet carrier. I didn’t care who they were, where they were from, if they had religious conviction or political views, all I saw were human beings killed without thought or mercy.
      People can argue about the cause and the rights and wrongs, and the consequences, and I will continue to do so, but the people that really matter are those who are suffering there.

      • To be honest I think that’s why we sometimes ramble off topic. Otherwise it’s too intense. Those caught up in the conflict don’t have that luxury.

    • I’ve just watched that clip of the little girl singing Jeezum.

      Seems like only 5 minutes ago my daughter was that age.


    • Fair points well made Jeezum, but when Chunky and his acolytes make fools of themselves we’re obviously going to pull them up on it.

      • Fair do, OC.
        Someone has to make sure the lunatics don’t take over the asylum.
        Rather you than me though, I don’t usually go head to head with the dangerously disarranged.

    • This is the danger of propaganda. You get hysterical and lose your sense of judgement.

  4. Rumour has it, that Russians have started to use rubles to wipe their arses on, as it’s cheaper than using bog roll.
    Perhaps they’ll rename it the ‘ Izal ‘.
    There are currently 130 Izal’s to the dollar.

    • I saw o picture of a Ukrainian army dugout, and the had bog roll with a picture of Putin on each sheet. Probably worth more than a rouble.

  5. Slightly off-topic, but because of the consequences in Ukraine and Putin’s threat to close off NS1 into Europe, there is a huge risk of oil/gas prices going through the roof and into the stratoshere!

    As we know, the recent price cap was raised by OFGEM so that domestic energy bills will go up by around 54% come April 1st, and that was before the conflict started.

    The next price cap review is in October, and there is every chance it will be raised again from anywhere between 20 and 60% given the current gas crisis and Britain’s lack of looking after itself. This could mean your bills will have doubled or even trebled come winter if those predictions come true.

    This will also mean inflation will probably hit double figures as suppliers and retailers have to pass on their own increased costs onto the consumer.

    As a precaution I have just recently bought a large chest freezer (AAA energy rating) which is now stored in the garage. We have a smaller chest freezer in the kitchen. And very slowly we’re stock piling on meats such as bacon, beef joints, mince, steaks chicken fillets etc. We’re also adding bread as that has a freezer lifespan of around 4-6 months.

    Seems that bread and meats could be vulnerable to massive price increases due to wheat shortages from Ukraine/Russia.

    We are also slowly stocking up on bog roll, tissues, tinned food, teabags and a few other items that might either become hideously expensive over the next few months, or become scarce in the shops.

    We are not going OTT by buying 20 packs of bog roll or anything like that; just doubling up every time we do an online shop. But if the covid/lockdown restrictions have taught us anything, it is best to plan early than go mad and stock up on 50 packs of bog roll when the shit hits the fan.

    Plan, plan and plan again, is my motto in these uncertain times.

    • It would ease the burden if the Government abandoned its ludicrous green taxes on energy and the NI hike.

    • Fortunately I don’t eat all that much meat. Might be worth me stocking up on cheese and chive bagels though.

    • Your not alone, Techno.
      Tins of tomatoes, soup, beans, shed loads of pasta, flour, sugar, teabags, bog roll, tinned fish. The freezer is rammed.
      I can always donate it to a food bank later, if things improve.
      I see the Government are rushing licensing through for North Sea oil and gas. Good on them.

  6. This site is a joke now. It used to be hardcore, “fuck the gov/media” but 95% of the posts now are just emotional pussyfart derpings parroting the pablum from the gov, media and the general dumbfuck hive-mind. This situation could have been sorted out years ago when Russia pleaded with Ukraine to talk but Zelensky and his nutjob goons just waggled their dicks at Putin while their country became a cesspool. Now the gloves are off and it’s a horrorshow and Britain will be dragged in. Summer is cancelled. World Cup cancelled. Christmas cancelled. Life will be even more ultra-depressing and there will be no fuel, blackouts, crimewaves. Yes, magic! Utopia is here! And all because PEOPLE ARE DUMB AS FUCK, and have no balls to speak the truth.

    Enjoy marathon circle-jerk, lads.

      • It’s just that when I first came to this site (I googled, “Gary Lineker is a cunt”) it was a great place, it was outrageous and hilarious, but since Covid came along, it has became like your typical web forum where people think they own the place and “you broke the rules, harumph, harumph!” and it has became kinda gay now, but also super-serious. Honestly, I don’t get why the owner has this Ukraine thread. If someone or something relevant to Ukraine, Russia, media lies, etc then nom that thing, but these ongoing threads destroy the spirit of this site. God, I just skimmed some of the posts and… ugh, just derpings with no humour, style, going against the grain, it’s like studentroom or mumsnet on here now.

        Look, I fucking HATE war, there’s nothing cool about it. My great grandfather had to look after ponies and horses in World War One, watched men and his horses die, he himself was hit with schrapnel and was sent back to the horror. This war could have been avoided so easily, but Ukraine the psychos who back their degenerate regime did NOTHING to prevent Russia’s actions, they in fact goaded Putin for years while he sought peace. Now, Putin is a crazy motherfucker, too, you have to be to run Russia, it isn’t Lichetenstein, it’s Super Power with nukes and many enemies for centuries. Of course it is vomiting inducing to see the stuff on TV, but you have to look into why events like this unfold and fuck up an already fucked world. But derping on a site that gets 200 views per day won’t do SHIT. There are endless places online to do that. This is a vile humour site – it’s called for fuck’s sake, no one has heard of this site and be honest you’d be embarrassed if people found you post on a site called that, yes? I would. “Gordon, I was just using your laptop to check my email and you post on a site called, Is that a misogyny site? Porn? Oh, it’s where you “cunt” people? I’m confused, that seems a sad way to use the internet. I thought you were into spiritual things?” LOL!

        Honestly, get rid of this sub-forum and just have three cuntings of the dumb people of Earth per day and let’s laugh at that and each other. Like I say, there are infinite other outlets for your Russia-rage on da webz. Peace.

      • Aha!
        My younger tried to tell me it’s when one of her greyhounds twists itself into a pretzel,, then goes to sleep for 8 hours.
        I like your explanation better, MNC

      • @ CG

        I’m beginning to get the impression that you’re not keen on this Ukraine thread. Tell me, is it simply red tape that prevents you from ignoring it?

        Last time I checked ISAC was not here for your benefit alone. As it says in Important Stuff:

        “If you’re not happy with this, then please feel free to fuck off somewhere else.”

      • Ruff, I’m trying to wrestle this site back to what it was around 2017-19 when it was FUN and FUNNY. Look what it has turned into since Covid – crappy noms about straws, but then hysterical shit like this sub-thread. I just would be sad if I ran a site like this in 2019 to see what is was in 2022. Even on the football forums this Ukraine shit is dominating the pinned/busy threads with Iranians getting crazy at Yanks and Albanian dude who is normally locked-in-tight on the World Cup now raging at someone who says, “TV is not telling you the while story, brah” and the rage-a-thon gets worse and worse each day.

        None of us no shit about this situation. Even the experts look confused. That’s why I say delete this dumpster fire thread. THe Covid one is mothballed, that was a rage-a-thon for 2 fucking, shitty years. No one talking Covid now. Funny that. Still need to wear masks in Scotland, though! LOL!

        Don’t you see how insane this all is? Don’t you see that there are OTHER ways of looking at life? This site is actually more cancelly in it’s vibe now than Twitter. There’s that soccer-mom/Karen feel to it, getting a bit yogurt-knitting!

        I enjoy posting here. It’ll turn around, once the hysteria dies down. Some other crap will occur like Elton John dies. Have a big juicy sub-forum for that, eh!

      • It’s OK, RTC, I just did it, too.
        It’s easy to forget that, if you respond to some diatribe posted by a spotty 17 year old, with crusty sports socks under his bed, he’s going to respond with another diatribe.

      • He did what he set out to do. Made a fuss like a spoiled child for attention, hijack a serious conversation and make it all about his gibberish.
        Ignore the pillock until he either grows up or fucks off.

      • You guys are either internet n00bz or are just pure fannies if you think I am a troll. I don’t give a shit how you react to my wordies on your ickle screeny-weenies. You guys very rarely say anything of substance, rarely any wit, you are guilty of the worse sin in life – being boring and tedious.

        “Serious discussion”. Pffft! Get over yourself, GUTSTICK JAPSEYE. He is a serious intellectual, folks! Has to be with a name and avatar like that! What a douchebag.

        Carry on with your highbrow discourse into geopolitics, oh wise ones!

      • There you go again CG, more projecting.

        For someone who professes to want rid of this forum you don’t half waste an awful lot of time posting on it.

      • It’s OK RTC, he’ll be tucked up in bed with a nice cup of cocoa soon, and if he’s really lucky, mummy will read him another fairy tale.

    • Calm yourself CG!! Bloody hell, they’re only other people’s opinions …& you know what Dirty harry said about opinions!

      • Komodo, you’re posts make no sense most of the time. You’re another who doesn’t seem to “get” this site. You are way to serious and emotional. Moon of Alabama? I google that term…? What? What is that? You see? You suck at internet discussion, dude! LOL! Like a lot of people who post here, very n00bie and derpy. Try harder, saplings!

      • Dude?

        Sorry I implied you were a spotty 17 year old.
        You’re obviously a 13 year old Kevin, and I claim my free tickets to the next Harry Enfield Live show!

      • You really can’t criticise others for being emotional considering your current behaviour CG.

    • I tend to agree. It’s why I liked to post here, along with the ability to speak more freely compared with other places.

      It’s surprising that people are being suckered by the Ukraine hysteria, given we’ve just spent two years being inundated with evidently bullshit covid propaganda. But then maybe it isn’t? ISAC is just comprised of people afterall.

      Don’t forget, CG, that you can’t see who is who here as with any online forum. Don’t assume everyone here is playing straight dice.

      • So you’re now suggesting that ISAC has been infiltrated by outside agents? Come on Chunky.

      • Not saying either way, I just said don’t assume that’s all. None of us know each other, or can see who it is.

        It’s open information that our military was engaged in online psyop warfare with covid. It used to be joked that ‘every newsroom has a mole’ (re Operation Mockingbird).

      • I’ve been posting my thoughts online since dial-up days, saw how the web works, watched it evolve then de-evolve as it now rapidly is, into what real life is like – filled with emotional witless dupes, hypocrisy and cowardice. Bill Hicks was trashing the way media manipulates us into what we hate back in 1991 with the Gulf War, the whole, “Saddam Hussein is the new Hitler!” only a few years after sucking up to Saddam for his oil, same happened with Gaddafi, he was a hero then a Hitler, ended up with a knife up his ass and Hillary cheered it and NO ONE in the media vomited at that. I mean Gaddafi wanted to built a drinking water pipleline through Africa, tapping the aquifers, low-cost clean water for Africa like we see on TV ads all the time! Yeah! Gaddafi solved that problem and… he was killed, now Libya is a horrorshow with child prostitutes and you can;t get your money from the bank. But those people are FREE now, maaaaan! No one cares about Libya here, never seen a Libya thread. Or Sudan thread. But let’s pontificate about Russia and blah blah blah, here’s a BBC link, even though BBC is the most cunted thing on this site. Might as well post Gary Lineker’s Twitter.

        When this type of horror occurs in the world, you need to stand way, way, waaaay back these days as things are never as they appear or are presented to you. 9/11 should have taught everyone that, the Obama administration, Trump, Covid, Biden, but no! People seem more inclined to lap up the media Kool-Aid than ever.

        De-escalate the war. What does Putin want? What are the terms of peace? You don’t have to be Henry Kissinger to figure this one out. But it seems the game is to escalate this war, involve USA, Britain (always us is it? Never Spain or Tonga) and create an good ol’ money-makin’ war, create a shit-storm. No, just do whatever it takes to have a ceasefire and have peace talks. I’m talking to Putin, too, he’s a strange dude, he’s KGB, he’s not a good dude, but no one is in the powerplays of the world now, the good guys are powerless it seems now, their voices get buried by the endless shrieking dumbass twats who have all the influence these days. Time to leave Earth! Bring the flood again, Lord!

    • CG for a person who doesn’t like this thread, why do you continue with your rants here?

      By all means feel free to post on the daily nominations, but let the other cunters worry about this sidebar thread.

      • Yeah, Technocunt, that would great if people were posted good stuff, but they aren’t, they are derping. This site is waaaaay better when humour is the style, when horror rears up, this is not a good place, the Covid handbag wars was just awful, “MY LINK BEATS YOUR LINK!” all of that pish.

        I would have hated to see this site if it existed when 9/11 went down, Iraq invasion, Islam hatred. Yikes! That would have been cringe as fuck. Thank God they got that Bin Laden fella, phew!

    • Dude, people here don’t necessarily all think alike. That’s OK. It’s part of a healthy democracy.

      • Never mind all this bollocks, Cunty Gordon/Marco – six of your finest trafficked white Caucasians if you please!
        (I forgot to mention I don’t want any Canadians/Americans either – all that rolling of their r’s would remind me of Lyse Doucet, the baggy old buwer on the BBC with the push-button on her bulletproof vest marked “PRESS”)

        Thanks in advance

  7. Got as response though, didn’t it? Never mind, CG. If you don’t like freedom of opinion, there’s still Veterans Today, The Saker, Voltaire Net and for up-to-date instruction on what to tell us, the hilariously named Pravda (=Truth).ru.

    I’ve got a little time to waste today, so, are we having fun yet?

    Your remarks here might have resulted in a user ban on most forums: equivalent sentiments on a Russian site would earn a visit from the FSB. Here, we do freedom of speech, look, learn and fill your Cossack boots.

    I lived the greater part of my life in the shadow of Soviet subversion, and your Russian chums haven’t changed one iota. Ironic that the playbook was written by Goebbels…

  8. Chunky if you come on here and provoke your going to get a response in kind. If you don’t like the thread don’t look at it. It’s business as usual in the main forum. Which is precisely why the admins opened this sub-forum – to kept the discussion on Ukraine from entering other threads.

    I don’t understand your complaints.

    • I know you and others don’t get it. It’s my mistake for continuing to assume people here have the humility and self reflection to admit they made a mistake (covid narrative) and not fall for the TV=reality trick again. We constantly point out the bs on ISAC, but apparently there is a blindspot for propaganda ‘in the moment’ as opposed to hindsight.

      Jeezum posted the perfect example. Focus entirely on the emotional bait presented to you by the TV, and not consider the wider context that led to the situation. That tunnel vision is dangerous.

      Regardless, I’m dipping out from this site now anyway. CG is half-right about the circlejerk here, though I think it’s just ISAC being no more different than real life where only a percentage don’t fall for the bullshit.

      • That’s what bothers me, that people here pride themselves on seeing through low-level bullshit, but when high-stakes scenarios like Covid or Ukraine comes along, they default to being nagging aunt Nancy’s: “IT’S ON BBC NOW! I SAW IT!” but days before they were shitting on BBC, mainstream media. It’s funny, but also scary.

        People LOVE media. Media is fairly new, when people were mostly illiterate there was no media. Modern media smothers reality, it’s inescapable. So when they flood media with terrorists, a virus, a war, you really ought to be wary. I mean, were you pro-Ukraine government in January? No, you gave no fucks. But the place is a cesspool whose leaders acted like Billy badass for years towards Russia and finally, Putin said, “say that to my face,” and Zelensky shat his little panties and screamed for the big boys at school to help him. Cheers you little gimp, drag us into your fight. No one in Britain wants to be involved in shit like this anymore, we’ve been through too much shit, we have too many problems at home to bother with these shit-shows abroad. Sue for peace, Zelensky and shut the fuck up, you snivelling wee shit-bag.

      • Well, you were wrong Chunky about nearly everything Covid related, not least your insistence that the virus did not exist.

        Why anyone would take your utterances on Ukraine seriously is a mystery.

      • “…Regardless, I’m dipping out from this site now anyway.”

        Don’t you dare Chunky… this sub-thread just got interesting! And if you fuck off they’ll just gang up on me… meh… whatever, I’ve got freshly laundered asbestos grundies at the ready…

      • Cunty G. “That’s what bothers me, that people here pride themselves on seeing through low-level bullshit, but when high-stakes scenarios like Covid or Ukraine comes along, they default…”

        Well spotted, and something I’ve inwardly noted and wondered at. Esteemed cunters have righteously cunted any number of ACTUAL ‘conspiracies’, the Post Office “Horizon scandal” being the most recent, but yet seem unable to entertain the idea that such practices, could or would ever be extended onto the world stage. At that point they become tinfoil wrapped ‘conspircy theories’. Preposterous! Impossible! Who would do such a thing! Nutjob… (derp-a-derp-a-derp) but then…

        events happen… seemingly unconnected…

        Put yourself on a boat, paddling down the Media River, you can’t see round the next bend and you can’t see what’s happening round the one you last drifted past. I like to send up a metaphorical ‘intellectual drone’ to get a wide angle back-panned view of the likely cataracts ahead and the likely damage from debris of past events astern.

      • Yeah, shit source, but is it true? Does Zelensky have a $35 million mansion in Miami? Does he have $1.2 BILLION in a Costa Rican bank? Looks that way, he lives mighty high for a humble servant of a crime-free utopian Ukraine to me.

      • ‘Does Zelensky have a $35 million mansion in Miami?’

        Here is a point to answer. From my googling I could not be sure CG.

      • ‘Does he have $1.2 BILLION in a Costa Rican bank?’

        Even more debatable I think.. The bank in question doesn’t seem to be in Costa Rica.

      • ‘he lives mighty high for a humble servant of a crime-free utopian Ukraine to me.’

        That’s what you have to prove. I cant see any evidence of ostentatious living.

  9. Chunky’ and co’s general philosophy can perhaps best be summed up in a scene in Terry Pratchett’s Thud. In it, Corporal Nobbs says that his mate Dave in the pub knows about certain conspiracies that the government have hushed up, at which point Sergeant Colon points out that if this is the case, it is weird that Dave still gets to hear about them.

  10. The price of nickel has reached record highs of $100,00 per tonne.
    Nickel, as we know is used in EV batteries, which are not only extremely heavy but hugely expensive to replace. I guess they’ll be even more expensive now, which won’t be good news for the ecoloons trying to suggest this renewables is going to be a cleaner cheaper option.

    This war really has opened up a can of worms towards this net-zero shite. But I doubt even a European war will be good enough to dissuade the mindset of this government.

    And why is it always Macron involved with talks with Putin? Surely this should be the job of the EU president, Ursula von der Leyen! Or is she too shit scared of making a wrong decision, annoying Putin that may lead to an escalation of the conflict?

    She’s quick enough to stick the boot in with the UK/Brexit, but seems strangely reticent to step up on the world stage when it comes to Putin.

    • Macron is yesterday’s man, easy to let the blame fall on his shoulders.

  11. Cunters may be interested to know that a USAF Boeing WC-135W “Constant Phoenix” has been orbiting over Norfolk for some time today. So what?

    “Constant Phoenix atmospheric-collection aircraft support national-level intelligence consumers by collecting particulate debris and gaseous effluents from accessible regions of the atmosphere in support of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963. ” (Wikipedia)

    Could it be that we are anticipating problems arising from the incompetent and brutal Russians shelling three nuclear plants ( so far) with the objective of destroying infrastructure and inflicting the maximum possible damage to Ukraine’s civilians? Surely not.

    I’ve bought a new battery for my personal exposure meter, just in case. (So far, so good, although the surface pressure chart suggests that air moving S over Ukraine could conceivably get entrained in the flow over the UK)

    • Apologies. Senile decay. It wasn’t orbiting Norfolk – that was another a/c – but is still around the Fens. Can be seen on ADSB Exchange and other flight trackers.

  12. When we Christians come to the end of our lives we hope to receive ‘The Crown of Righteousness’. ‘Go good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of your Lord’.
    When Chunky enters that extremis he’ll be ‘Crowned with the Hat of Tinfoilery’ I believe.
    Or at the next year’s Isac Christmas Party I want to sit with Chunky and Cunty with our tinfoil hats on. The others in their paper hats.
    Why? Because I am agreeing more and more with C and CG.
    I would like to say first to the non tinfoil. There might be tinfoil tendencies in what he says but you dont have to dismiss the WHOLE of what he is saying. Chunky and CG make some very good points but they are dismissed because they stray a bit from the narrative.
    I would like to see more of cunters answering the points rather than just resorting to…what is it now? Oh yes ‘Army veteran’.

    Chunky is right imo about the Hitchen’s piece being ‘practically revolutionary’ to the tide opinion in the MSM at the moment.

    Cunty Gordon said that you have to kook at ‘dodgy news sites’ now because the MSM is so tainted.

    Two good points I thought.

    My plea (to cunters characterized as tinfoilers and those not) stick to point, answer the points I mean. And then leave it

    Don’t be looking for ‘motives’..

    • For example myself. I have something to say. But I will be agreeung with a tinfoiler.
      I am sure that Chunky would agree tgat when Zelensky speaks to the House of Commons ut will be just like something out of a movie. Like a James Bond movie Zelebsky in his quasi military gear…and…
      (Oh I can hear GJ….’he’s only sayjng that because antisemitic’) and there they will all be–the MPs virtue signalling to the very utmost degree.

      What an opportunity for them!!

      It will just be an ’emoteFest’ for everyone. For MPs, for the journalists, for the the public at large.

      Another thing-when I get up in the morning I click on the Daily Mail site. I dont know why its just the first one I do out of habit.

      ‘The Daily Mail is going nuts” I thought to myself. Now I an not challenging the reporting (for non tinfoil I do believe the war is not going well for the Ruskies).

      But it is absolutely emotional hysteria. Funny its only when I click on the BBC that things calm down a bit..

      • Right now, we have atrocities in Yemen, Saudi, China, Syria, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Haiti is still largely unhelped, this wee island nation, many many places. Ukraine is not even new, it’s been called one of the most corrupt and degenerate countries for years and no one in the media made much about it until now. Two years of the Covid chaos. We need a new dawn of good living in the UK, not another shit-show. Beg for peace, Zelensky and then sort your country out and shut the fuck up.

    • A lot of people on here are normie conformists, they aren’t really anti-anything, not rebels, not close to being anarchists. We live in the dumbest period in history, the bullshit is so obvious that someone with Down’s can see it. But facing up to the realities is terrifying, you stare into an abyss with no good guys coming over the hill. So people revert to their 1990s view of life when things were simpler, it was easier to pick the “right” side, the good guys side. But to me, I look at Ukraine’s regime and go, “holy shit, these guys are psychos who have wrecked their country and have mocked Putin for years,” so I say fuck those guys and hope the violence ends and Ukraine gets a decent government and no more teenage girls selling themselves on the street and people having to pay 50% or more of their income on energy bills. A lot of Ukrainians feel this way. If I lived there, I would want better than what they have had over the last 10 years and hopefully they will when this horror is over.

      • Gordon @
        Repeatedly insulting fellow cunters isnt gonna win hearts and minds.
        I look like something from a fuckin sideshow for one!

        As for anarchists,
        Whod want to be?
        Ive met plenty and theyre cunts.

        Ever been in a riot?
        I have.
        Ever fought with the police?
        I have.
        Its fuckin stupid.
        Im ashamed of it.(well, a bit)

        Not having a go at you pal,
        Or Chunky.
        But making a uninformed assumptions about people youve never met is a mistake.

        Some have been soldiers
        Others police,
        Plenty travelled to distant corners of the globe (disc to you ?)

        Cant win a argument with name calling kid.

        Unless your me.
        Im fuckin great at it!!!?

      • I don’t know what the fuck he’s on about half the time. I would try google translate but bellend isn’t in the drop down menu.
        And I don’t give a shit either.

      • I blame the benefits system. The Devil finds verbal diarrhea for idle hands.

      • @ Gutstick Japseye.

        I do wonder if CG and BCC are the same person.

        They sound exactly alike to me.

      • For what it’s worth, they sound distinctly different to me. That said, they’re clearly on another planet.

      • I think they may be refugees from Cunts Corner. Their chronically confrontational style has the distinct whiff of Cunts Corner.

      • I don’t think they are the same, Chunky is out there but he’s nowhere near as bad as the other one.
        The problem is these guys all trawl the same sites, and there is conspiracy vocabulary, which they all use so they end up sounding the same. Strange there’s a cunty in their names though.
        Chunky, Gordon and Chops.
        Sounds like a firm of sitcom solicitors. ?

      • I find it difficult to read some of their posts all the way through. Stream of consciousness. James Joyce meets David Icke.

      • “the bullshit is so obvious that someone with Down’s can see it.” – thought that was a bit nasty….

      • I’m starting to see him as a bit like Jay from The Inbetweeners tbh. That’s why I thought he might be Hero/Bad Lt.

        Similar trolling, confrontational style.

  13. Regarding the various posts above (CG, BCC, Miles) it really matters not what you think of the Ukraine government, whether or not Zelansky has a mansion or whether there is some huge conspiracy involving the US and UK governments, the military industrial complex, the BBC and NASA. All of it nonsensical, irrelevant background noise. All that matters is that whole families are being wiped out in Ukraine. And the culprit is not NASA.

    I don’t mind going a bit of topic. I think we have to sometimes to lighten the mood. But your posts are disrespectful to those that are dying. This is a nasty, bloody war – not a playground to try out your bizarre theories.

    • Haha. We are in absolutely no position to posture morally about Ukraine and you are in no position to demand emotional worship of tragedy that neither of us are within 1000 miles of. Ridiculous.

      Wearing coloured ribbons and playing Live-Aid jamborees means nothing to those in the reality of tragedy. They would look at us both with equal disdain as the selfish gluttonous virtue wanker western cunts that we all are.

      I couldn’t give a fuck. Child miners die every day, get beaten, raped, etc. This world is a shitshow and I don’t need propaganda to guilt trip me into a predetermined outcome.

      • MMCM right on cue, snickering like schoolgirl over lame humour. You guys have fuck all to say. Don’t you get bored? Doesn’t your wife say, “John, take out the dog. Are you on the cunt site again?” LOL!

      • My apologies, Cunty. But you have to admit, schoolgirl humour is better than no humour ?

      • “I couldn’t give a fuck”

        Yes Chunky, we’ve noticed. You don’t give a fuck about anything apart from your tinfoil conspiracy bollocks, we get it. Life’s just a big game to you. One of these days you’ll come up against reality and hopefully will think different.

      • Indeed, OC.

        “I’m dipping out from this site now” were his exact words.

    • Oh God, what sanctimonious soccer-mom bleating. I more than made it clear how this tragedy repulses me, the suffering of people of Ukraine has gone on for over ten years under their own degenerate government. This invasion has now freed them up, they have a good reason to seek asylum now. My sister-in-law’s father in Poland is putting up in his house two Ukraine women he used to work with, librarians, so spare me the moralising. This site has a stock-in-trade of hating refugees, you lot are not all that compassionate, again this site is called, it’s hardly a bastion of humanitarian compassion and seeing the best people, is it? Most people would read the posts here and go, “Jesus, what is this? This is a haven for racists, homophobes, misogynists, Islamophobes, creepy dudes,” so also spare me the, “Veterans Today” derpy bullshit. Like the sites you visit are squeaky clean, 100% legit. You are probably covered in your own jizz right now to teen porn, Opinionated Cunt. Your vast browsing history will be similar to mine, full of the good, the bad and the ugly. Blow me in a Jacuzzi, brother, blow me in a Jacuzzi.

      • “This invasion has now freed them up…..”

        I really can’t believe you said that. But yes, you did….there it is in black and white.

        Do get a grip, please.

        And the Ukranians hate their country so much they are dying for it. They certainly aren’t greeting Putin’s “liberators”, as he himself thought.

        You’ve drunk too much Putin kool-aid, Comrade.

      • Dude, have you seen the borders? People are fleeing, they aren’t “defending” anything. You would be too. You would have ran to the airport on your NASA pyjamas when the first drummer boy arrived at the border!

      • You’re right that many are fleeing. They are just ordinary people not up to fighting. Many are fighting. No one is throwing flowers at the feet of the “liberators”.

      • No one is up for this. War isn’t like a fist-fight. I see a tank in my street, I put my hands up, give the soldiers my cigarettes, etc. Only idiots charge at tanks with a garden rake or whatever. Let the Russians have their turf and move on with your own problems, Ukraine. Being gung ho is for American actors, your life is not worth giving up over this. Hysteria starts wars, that’s what happened in 1914. Without public hysteria, wars rarely start or last long. Breathe, relax and discuss over tea. No one has the stomach for this shit after two years of a crippling pandemic. It’s time to end this shit with the inevitable old sit down and compromise epilogue.

      • “Let the Russians have their turf…”

        Oh dear… has someone invaded Russia? Only just got in from work so not caught up with the news yet.

    • Thank you, MMCM.

      Little girl singing, remember.
      Not slagging of fellow cunters.
      Not spouting about your latest tinfoil hat conspiracy.

  14. I actually think this will be over soon. Zelensky seems ready for peace talks. Dude has probably not slept in a week, his ass and pits smelling like Camilla Parker-Bowles after a summer horse romp and just wants to get back to his version of normal, he isn’t cut out for this, it’s like Bambi versus Godzilla with the great lizard with nukes his shite-pipe. Give Russia Crimea, Donestk and Luhansk, it’s no great loss to them. It could all have been settled peacefully years ago, but Billy badass is a helluva drug when you are backed by USA, NATO. Lesson learned, don’t poke the bear, don’t even tickle his balls.

  15. Just catching up after being under the weather for a couple of days

    Learning some new phrases but feeling a little bit depressed by some Americanisms being thrown around

    Get go

    How dare you ?

  16. It’s a little bit sad to see that lines are being drawn in the sand again and the beginnings of a mob mentality breaking out – on both sides.

    I have a friend who lives in Finland and he and his missus are getting a little bit twitchy about this. I don’t think it will come to that, but anything can happen I suppose.

    Oh FFS next door are shagging again.
    Quick got to put Appetite for Destruction on to drown them out.
    Oh fuck sake she’s making weird high pitched noises.

    Please make it stop!!

    • I have friends in Sweden who feel the same. Putin threatened Sweden directly without provocation, so it was out of the blue.

      • I don’t pretend to know anywhere near enough about this to form an opinion one way or the other or to pick a side.

        I don’t think either side is completely without fault in all of this, but I am not a Putin fan.

        As usual certain celeb types who didn’t know where the hell Ukraine was until 2 weeks ago have jumped on the bandwagon (the prodigal son and his demanding wife).
        If there’s a bandwagon to jump on they will jump on it like they’re trying to win a trampolining competition.

        The grim reality is that people. Ordinary hard working people with families, who are innocent in all of this, are having to flee from their homes and leave behind the lives they knew.

        Some have been killed unlawfully due to the actions of power-tripping, megalomaniac dictators and their lackeys.

        Some have to flee taking their young children with them. They don’t know where they are going to end up and if they will ever go back home again.

        The whole thing is very, very sad.

        I’m not a journalist for the BBC……honest.

      • Evening Harold,

        Just something about picking a side. When it’s a knee-jerk reaction.

        Still the old Cold War Attitude. Russia= bad. America and the West good.

        But the end of the Cold War was years ago.

        But still there must be an enemy for Nato.

        That’s why that Russian commentator or politician said recently -‘does it matter if Russia exists?’

        Russia = bad is the raison d’etre for Nato’s existence. If Russia was good there would no need for it to exist?

        Nato membership is spreading to east european countries. That is not la neutral thing it- No it changes their relationship with Russia.

        It’s a psycological thing.

      • How do Miles,

        Agree about the cold war thing.
        All those American films in the 80s where they ‘stick it to those goddam commies’.
        Propaganda of it’s time.

        There are some people in Russia for whom the Cold War never ended.
        Remember all that spy ring stuff involving Anna Chapman – the real life Black Widow/Red Sparrow?
        As an aside, I seem to remember she looked absolutely filthy (in a good way).

        It does feel at times like the West has to have someone to hate. Reminiscent of a television series where they have a new baddie every episode.

        Some evil Lex Luthor type guy.

        Alexi Luthoranov?

      • Putin is an evil son of a bitch however you slice it.

        Russia is as much a victim of Putin’s psychopathy as Ukraine is.

  17. I knew a Russian guy. Nice bloke.

    Poor fella started losing his sight and then ended up going blind.

    Ivan was his name.

    Ivan Katoomutsch

  18. I have decided that Cunty Gordon is a fucking asshole and we’re better off without him.
    There is no appeal
    This is not a fucking democracy
    He’s toast.

    • Possibly better for CG’s health, he seemed to be getting far too cranked up…

    • This site shouldn’t cancel people.

      This is one of the best sites on the internet and surely none of us want it resembling Twatter or Faecesbook due to disagreements or some cunters having what are deemed unacceptable opinions.

      Comments and Cuntings no matter how outlandish, which poke the bear (no pun on Russia intended) are important for debate and for good banter.

      Respond with banter, humour or with facts but don’t cancel.

      Just my tuppence halfpenny worth.

      • Cunty has been given free rein to express his bizarre conspiracy theories for some time.I think Cunty was cancelled for being abusive to other cunters, not due to his views.

      • I, for one, will miss my Flat Earth debates with Cunty. But he crossed a line with some of his abuse above.

      • Feel a bit sorry for him,
        He was Rufftuffs brother after all.
        He was clearly a bit puddled but could be quite funny.

        So long Cheeky Gordon
        I’ll never forget you!

      • Cunty Baiting was certainly becoming quite a fun sport. Sounds cruel that but he brought it on himself with his unpleasant behaviour.

      • Nice one Mis, cracking tune, I do a great version myself on the acoustic guitar, in the style of George Formby.
        He wasn’t banned for his views, it was how he chose to express them and how he was goading others into squabbles. The cunt hijacked this thread yesterday and made it unreadable, just because he didn’t like it.
        Happy trails CG.

      • Think he missed the covid thread,
        He certainly didn’t like this one.
        But, the invasion of the Ukraine is dominating the news understandably,
        Obvious it would be discussed on here.
        I don’t like a nom, don’t bother with it.
        No point getting upset.

        What was his name again??

      • I have a vision of Cunty standing in a boat, against a background of rolling ocean waves, dressed in a U.S. general’s uniform saying “Dude I shall be back”.

      • He did use a lot of Americanisms – brother, dude, soccer-mom, to name a few. I had the impression he was a Millennial or Gen Z.

      • Evening LL. ?

        As my dad said when Princess Di died: “good riddance”.

      • Disagree strongly with the ovening…

        “…He wasn’t banned for his views, it was how he chose to express them and how he was goading others into squabbles. ”

        Oh fer fuck’s sake G/Stick… y’ call that ‘goading’? pfffft… I used to frequent the now defunct (notionally UKIP run) British Democracy Forum and their B.N.P. sub-forum really was a fucking bare knuckle bear-pit!!
        I’ll stand with Chunky on 90% of his conclusions; the NASA/flat Earth stuff… nah sorry mate, there we part in opinion… but hopefully not of your company.

      • You’re getting your Cuntys mixed up, Cunty.

        Chunky Cunty wasn’t banned, he decided to walk. But knowing him he’ll be back before you can say: “There is no fucking virus. It’s statistical manipulation, propaganda, and outright fraud.”

      • Chops, you can make your point, and argue the rebuttal, but if you are just calling someone a spastic because they disagree with you, then you have lost the argument, and you are just being a cunt.
        I had fuck all to do with his banning, and if you look further up this thread I said I I didn’t want him banned, but his childlike actions pissed off admin, and now he’s gone.
        Indicative of the conspiracy mindset is discounting the real reason for his removal in favour of the silence him for speaking the truth narrative.
        Have an early night old chap, you’ll feel better for it. ?

  19. I just find it a tad hypocritical of both our Government and the USA, all this ‘Good v Evil’. There’s more to it than that. And for two countries that illegally invaded Iraq not so long ago, they have very short memories. The chaos, destruction, violence and deaths that are still happening today in the Middle East. Don’t get me wrong, Putin is a cunt and deserves an 7.62mm in his forehead. I’m coming to the conclusion now that it is time to sue for peace. Is it worth thousands more lives being lost just to give Putin the Crimea and disputed areas? I include Russians in the lives being lost because a lot of the lads that are there have been sold a lie and don’t want to be there. The Ukrainians have put up a good showing, fought like lions but are just delaying the inevitable in my opinion. There won’t be a country left soon, it will start looking like Aleppo. From looking at Putin, he’s looks like he’s on his way out anyway. Let him have his so called glory, hopefully he’ll fuck off and die soon anyway.

    • Interesting points. Do you remember the first Gulf War? 1990. The USSR didn’t break up until 1991. I always wondered why the US didn’t carry on to take Baghdad back then and assumed it was because the Ivans told them to back off and they were still a massive threat then and things were different second time around. Russia is smaller now and their conventional forces are obviously much weaker but they still have the nukes. All under the control of the whims of a single autocrat and which probably actually makes them more of a threat. Without those this could never have happened. Ukraine’s mistake was to give up their share of the USSR nukes up back in ‘94 (even if they hadn’t maintained them they could have kept the threat).

      • The reason Bush I didn’t carry on to Baghdad was that he sought and got UNSC – including Gorbachov’s – approval only to kick Saddam out of Kuwait. Bush i was a relatively honourable man, btw.

        The parallel between Kuwait and Ukraine doesn’t escape me. Would we get the UNSC to agree to kicking the Russians out? No. Would it be a short stroll in the park with minimal Western casualties? No. Does it carry an infinitely higher risk of escalating into a nuclear conflict? Yes. The Russian doctrine regards tactical nuclear weapons as merely being a bigger bang, as befits its disdain for civilian safety.

        WE are right to be cautious. However, I think (pace today’s news) that if Ukrainian pilots were to smuggle themselves onto NATO airbases where MiG-29 had accidentally been fueled up and armed, and, one by one, very quietly, take advantage of this opportunity, that would be no more provocative than overtly arming and supporting the Donetsk separatists for eight years, or sending your troops to take Crimea over.

      • Afternoon Komodo.

        Cheery question. What is a tactical nuclear weapon?

        For example could Putin order a bomb to be dropped and it would be small enough to cause devastation to a city but leave the surrounding area relatively undamaged?

        What is a small bang?

    • Or

      Can you have a nuclear device say that is small enough to just destroy part of a city?

      • You’ll have to ask Putin. I imagine he’d reply that ‘tactical’ means ‘capable of correcting our Slavic brethren’

        Alternatively, Google is your friend. Caution:

        “According to several reports, including by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, as a result of the effectiveness and acceptability of USAF use of precision munitions with little collateral damage in the Kosovo conflict in what amounted to strategic destruction once only possible with nuclear weapons or massive bombing, Vladimir Putin, then-secretary of Security Council of Russia, formulated a concept (“escalate to de-escalate”) of using both tactical and strategic nuclear threats and strikes to de-escalate or cause an enemy to disengage from a conventional conflict threatening what Russia considers a strategic interest.

        The lowered threshold for use of nuclear weapons by Russia is disputed by other experts.”


        And see:

      • Ta

        But I still don’t know what a ‘limited nuclear strike’ would mean exactly.
        In terms of damage.

  20. There’s some shite on this thread. Possibly why I don’t comment much anymore, at least ‘our hero’ the I’ve done this, I’ve done that ambulance driver is not around much anymore, but hey if anyone here doesn’t think this conflict is about oil, oil and more oil just look at the prices on the forecourts.

    That is all. Get to fuck.

      • Fair point MJB.

        Leonardo is saying that this crisis was somehow concocted with the connivance of oil interests, Russia, the EU and the US to force up the price of oil.

        If only life were that simple.

      • To expand on your analysis Leonardo, I find it difficult to accept.

        It’s true that some conflicts can come about from the machinations of powerful vested commercial interests. The industrial-military complex in the US has influenced US decision making and the 1st and 2nd Gulf Wars were probably about oil more than anything else.

        I don’t see that here. Yes – oil companies can charge more but that’s offset by the major economic dislocations caused by war which will effect their profits. BP and Shell have already had to pull out of lucrative Russian contracts. And the Russian oil industry is hardly benefitting as it finds itself shut out of markets due to sanctions.On the whole, this war is probably a clusterfuck for the oil business, despite the rising prices.

        This is a plain old fashioned war of territorial aggrandisement from a nation which sees itself (wrongly) as being surrounded by strategic enemies focused via NATO. No doubt Putin has calculated he can increase Russia’s store of gas by taking Ukraine, but I don’t think it’s the main objective. Western miscalculations may have contributed to the situation but does not justify it. It’s been launched foolishly by a hermit psychopath who will stop at nothing to achieve his objectives. If you want a parallel, think Hitler.

      • You’re asking who I am, LDC sir?

        I’m Minge Juice Bottler – Minge Juice to my friends.

        Anything else you want to know?

      • I could have said I was Jesus, but you’d just think I was crazy. That’s why I always wear gloves, so you can’t see where them nails went through, get me?

    • The main role of oil in this one is that 90% of Ukraine’s hydrocarbons are produced in the Donetsk region. However, gas is a much more abundant resource there, and this, with its industrial base, may have moved Putin to pump up the separatists. From that, the rest follows.

    • The “ambulance driver” bloke vanished in a puff of his own farts.

      He has returned before though.

    • Stupid bastards.

      This country needs to stand up to these clowns and put them in their place once and for all.

      Fuck the green agenda.

      • Two things will arise from this horrible war which are beneficial ( not that I’m saying it’s worth it – of course not).

        1. The green agenda will hopefully be met with more scepticism and slowed down.
        2. That Russian Meercunt pest has been withdrawn from TV advertising.

        It just a shame that it takes a human catastrophe of this nature to bring about these changes.

      • Hope theyve been put down.

        Its In Ukrainian meerkats or nothing for me.


      • I fucking hated them Ruff. Nowhere near as loathsome as the GoCompare adverts with that bloody opera singer though.

    • I heard on the radio today that they are also going around letting car tyres down “because cars pollute the planet”. It occurs to me that this might be a turning point. A lot of cars might be parked away from traffic flow, CCTV and their police minders. Open season on the cunts if you happen to catch one?

      • As far as these meerkats are concerned, I used to enjoy watching them, until I saw the programme where two sisters killed their mother so that they could take control of the pack. So much for being cute and cuddly. I haven’t watched them since. They won’t be missed around these parts.

  21. The Telegraph has reeled off a list of well-known corporations who have either suspended operations in Russia, or are still trading.
    One of the most galling is Unilever, and in particular those woke virtue signalling cunts, Ben and Jerry, who are sticking to their Russian guns despite thousands of Ukrainians being killed or fleeing for their lives.

    Below is an extract from the paywalled article…

    quote – “McDonald’s – going
    When McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in Moscow in 1990, it was seen as a defining moment for the triumph of capitalism after the Cold War.

    But the company, which has 850 restaurants and 62,000 staff in Russia, now says it has a responsibility to “do the right thing” and quit the country following the invasion of Ukraine. However, it has said it will continue to pay staff there.

    Mondelez – staying
    The maker of Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bars has so far been silent on whether it will curtail operations in Russia, although Dirk Van de Put, chief executive of Mondelez, has observed his firm does “big business” both there and in Ukraine.

    Mondelez, previously part of Kraft Foods, has owned Cadbury since 2010 and is also behind Alpen, Oreos and TUC biscuit brands.

    Levi Strauss – going
    The iconic blue jeans made by Levi were a symbol of dissent among Russians who dreamt of freedom during the Soviet years.

    Since the end of the Cold War the company has made about 2pc of its revenues there, but bosses have now halted sales due to the “devastating” Ukraine conflict. They have also donated $300,000 (£227,842) to humanitarian aid.

    Unilever – staying
    The consumer goods giant behind Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Dove soap and Hellmann’s mayonnaise suspended imports to and exports from Russia but continues to sell “everyday essential” products there which are made locally.

    Unilever, which claims to put “purpose before profit”, has facilities in Moscow, Omsk, Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and Tula.

    Ben & Jerry’s, which sparked a backlash for halting sales in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, has been virtually silent on Ukraine – only criticising the US for “fanning the flames of war”.

    Imperial Brands – going
    Imperial Brands has become the first big tobacco firm to join the exodus from Russia, saying it had “suspended all operations” there including sales and production at a factory in Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad.

    The company said its decision was due to the “highly challenging environment in Russia as a result of international sanctions and consequential severe disruption”.

    Danone – staying
    Danone, the world’s largest manufacturer of yoghurt, has vowed not to make new investments in Russia but continues to sell dairy products, water and baby foods there.

    Antoine de Saint-Affrique, the chief executive, justified this position by saying his company had a “responsibility to the people we feed, the farmers who provide us with milk, and the tens of thousands of people who depend on us”.

    Coca-Cola – going
    Long one of the most enduring champions of consumerism, Coca-Cola has suspended its business in Russia.

    In a statement, the company said: “Our hearts are with the people who are enduring unconscionable effects from these tragic events in Ukraine.”

    Rival Pepsico has said it will continue to operate but only selling “essentials” such as milk and baby formula.

    Kellogg’s – staying
    The breakfast cereal manufacturer behind Corn Flakes and Coco Pops says it has suspended “all shipments and investments” into Russia.

    But the company, which also makes Pringles, has three factories in the country and continues to sell products there.

    British American Tobacco – staying
    BAT, which makes Dunhill and Lucky Strike cigarettes, says it has cut marketing spending and capital investment in Russia.

    However, the company, which says it is “deeply concerned” about the Ukraine conflict, continues to operate for the most part in Russia.

    Reckitt – staying
    The owner of Durex condoms and Dettol surface cleaner, has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as “unconscionable”.

    However, the company has decided to keep its business there, which makes about £400m annually, open for now. ” – unquote

    • Fuck Ben and Jerry’s, the hypocritical woke cunts. It’s always the “principled” woke companies that put money first. Virtue signalling morons.

    • I’d recommend an embargo on Ben & Jerrys but I think it’s unlikely readers on here actually buy this woke shite!

      • I wouldn’t eat that hippy shit if it added a inch to my pecker.

        Honestly, I wouldn’t.

        If my winky doubled in size the missus might not be able to handle it!

      • Nothing wrong with a 3 inch penis, Mis.

        Some girls like it that wide. 🙂

    • BAT… rings a bell, didn’t they have a chief, Sir Roger Hollis, later to become head of MI5, and some have also alleged, of the KGB?

  22. Gotta say, I do somewhat miss Chunky and co. It was good fun mocking their outlandish theories.

      • I thought the only rule was you don’t cunt cunters. Specifically saying ‘you’re a cunt’. I cant see anywhere he said that.

      • What is it about “Don’t piss about insulting other contributors and commenters because that’s trolling. We review all comments, so behave or we’ll kick your arse out. We’re here to cunt the cunts of the world not to cunt each other, so piss off and don’t be a cunt!” that you don’t understand, Miles?

  23. Putin is digging his own grave like Hitler 1943-45. His callousness, disregard for human life and ineptitude will be his downfall. The UK and USA must arm the Ukraine but not too much that Putin makes a propaganda win out if it. Tighten the noose but keep it a bit slack. Keep mercenaries out of Ukraine. Give Putin enough rope that he will hang himself. MI6 and the CIA were designed for this. Fuck Putin, we’re no saints but lobbing a missile onto a maternity hospital? Burn in hell you cunt.

  24. Meanwhile, on the home front, domestic heating oil that has averaged £0.47p/litre for the past 6 years has increased to £1.37/litre today and still seems to be on the increase?

    • I’ve considered contributing to the Ukrainian’s war effort, but as with most charities, you don’t have a guarantee the money will go where it’s intended. If putting more pressure on Russia means paying a lot more for gas and petrol, I wouldn’t object.

      • Allan, giving your money to charitties is like giving money to a drunk on the street, good intentions soon get pissed away or wasted on a house extension so the charity can have “an office” or in bigger organisation it’s wated on crap like lease cars.

        I raise / give money to one charity, I know where it goes and it give it to them personally, not through some 3rd party skimmer.

  25. Bombing maternity hospitals? You could get that target from Google maps.
    Subhuman cunts.

      • That is also terrible. Although the Israeli’s claim the hospitals and schools are being used by Hamas as rocket launch sites – which would be a war crime on the part of Hamas. If correct that puts the Israelis in a very difficult position as they have the right to defend their citizens from indiscriminate attacks.
        No doubt the Israelis would rather not have to fire on schools and hospitals to defend themselves.

        There is no such defence available to Russia though.

      • @Miles.

        Are you trying to justify your man bombing that maternity hospital?

  26. Among the latest developments Chelsea have been seized by the government. That’s them fucked.

      • Oh no…. who’s going to pay the players their £250,000 a week salaries? ?

      • Que? What made you think I might be about to criticise someone in relation to my post above?

      • Miles, if you are against the Israelis using overwhelming force in Gaza, preventing the its civilians from escaping and blandly lying to the world about it – and I’m sure you are – then the Russians doing the same in Ukraine might give you pause for thought, no?

        RTC, No. I was simply luring Miles. At least you are consistent in your sympathies.

      • And your anti- semitism knows no bounds, Miles. It’s quite shocking and frankly repelling.

        As for Israel, it’s not beyond criticism and finding issue with it is fine, so long as you judge all countries by the same standards. You evidently do not.

        Quelle surprise.

      • I wrote MMCM-

        ‘The Israelis bomb hospitals, schools.’

        I thought you could criticise Usrael without being accused of anti-Semitism.

      • I have to admit, Miles, that I do hold Jesus and Larry David in pretty, pretty, pretty high esteem.

      • It’s not that Miles. It’s your remark about Ruff’s “ pro- semitism” knowing no bounds as well as other anti- semetic comments you have made in this thread and others.

        What is Pro- semitism? Do you mean “ pro-Israeli”.

      • Also Miles you criticise Israel for doing something ( fine) but give Russia a free pass for doing the same thing. That’s where you cross the line from being anti- Zionist to anti- semetic.

      • ‘if you are against the Israelis using overwhelming force in Gaza’

        I would have thought all decent people would be against that.

        Like all decent people should be against what is happening in Ukraine.

        Just because I adhere to the Peter Hitchen’s argument doesnt mean I support what is happening.

        Like saying Peter Hitchen’s supports the bombing of maternity hospitals just because he holds the opinions he does about the causes of the war.

      • LOL. That should lighten the mood a bit. Watch it Miles and have a laugh. Just innocent comedy.

      • Perhaps Miles stand about being anti Israel rather than anti Semitic might hold water if it hadn’t been for the long winded posts about Zelensky being a degenerate Jew, and many other posts hating Jews.
        Technically, I could be considered anti Semitic because I’m anti religion, and obviously Judaism is one. However, I’ve never had to worry about Jews, whereas for thirty years I had to worry about being blown up by catholics and the last twenty by islamists, and both religions robbed their whole reason for being from the Jews, and both seem to hate them for being the original fable, and would happily kill them all.
        Crazy fucks.

      • @ Miles. Where in today’s thread(s) did I accuse you of anti-Semitism?

      • I never called him a ‘degenerate’ Gutstick. That was Cunty Gordon.

        I challenged Cunty Gordon about Zelensky’s suppposedly ‘dodgy’ finances.

        I wrote ‘uppity jew’ which I think is ok for Isac.
        There’s a ‘type’. See John Bercow.

        It’s the rabid pro-semites that need to relax.

      • I’m an uppity half-jew, my dear Miles.

        Bercow isn’t a “ type”. He’s a cunt but not because he’s Jewish. There are many Bercow “ types” that are not Jewish.

      • And where does Hitchens justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the bombing of civilians?

      • Miles, perhaps re read my comment, especially the bit where I said I don’t like any religion and what the consequences of that are.
        Then go back and read some of the poison you wrote about Zelensky, mainly to do with his religion, but you got really upset about his comedy, and you called him sick for playing the piano with his knob.
        Degenerate in all but name.

      • There’s a community of commentators on this thread that are determined to exonerate Putin and pin all the blame on the West or Western vested interests.

      • Well that makes you ‘half uppity’ MMCM.

        I’m a uppity ‘bog trotter’.

        My prejudice. But I do believe there is a troubesome subtle ant- Christian cosmopolitan…all the rest…Jewish type.

        I never accused you of you accusing me of Antisemitim RT. I hinted that you were a rabid pro-semite.
        In your post about Ambramovitch.

        You have deliberately misread me about Hitchens. I was just saying that it would be ridiculous for people to say that Hitchen supported the bombing of a maternity hospital just because has a different take on what led led to war.

      • Not good enough Gutstick. I never called him ‘degenerate’ which you accused me of.

      • @Miles. If by pro-Semite you mean someone who doesn’t hate Jews, then yes, I stand guilty as charged.

        Found that post yet?

      • Komodo – “I do hope you’re not going to criticise someone who has given Jewish causes half a fucking billion dollars? That should buy a bit of protection…”

        Yup at the same time as it furthers our anihilation!

        It’s a win win particularly when you’re hauling the puppet strings of both sides!

        That is a pretty comprehensive overview. Nice one Komodo spoiled only by the image of a genocidal psycopath…
        No not Puketin… no not the (billionaire) rabbi Lazar…(although..) … behind him… the cunt in the print with whom he’s quite happy to be associated … well fuck me old brown boots if’n it ain’t the 7th (and final) Chabad lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

        Question: Who do the jews consider to be Amalek?

        If you are ignorant even of the question let alone the answer to it then you don’t know enough about the driving motivations behind this murderous cuntfest.

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