I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine
3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine”
Full credit to Zelensky for blasting Germany’s policy of appeasement to Russia when he addressed the German Bundestag. He savagely criticised Nord Stream and German selfishness with respect to their business interests.
Compare and contrast to Zelensky’s address to Parliament which was full of praise for the UK.
Sir Limply gets a tip o’ Cuntys hat here. Ukraine has long been a tansit hub for child trafficking. Let us remember it was Jean Luc Brunel’s preferred ‘hunting’ ground wherefrom he provided the ‘feedstock’ for Epstein’s faedopile blackmail operation!
Those oligarchs sure do love their blonde preteen shiksas!
n.b. Brunel was iced 2 days after Sussia’s mobilization into the Donbass.
In full, his tweet goes thus: “I understand times are hard, but doesn’t the President of the #Ukraine own a suit? I don’t have much respect for current members of the U.S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt. I wouldn’t want to disrespect the institution or the Unites States.”
Anyone seen the recent pictures of Micron. He’s trying to imitate the Zelensky effect and has been pictured around the Elysee Palace in scruffy combat-zone clothes, unshaven and with uncombed hair.
That’s exactly what, and all, he is and ever was. Sticking the cunt in a khaki T-shirt is intended to make him the poster boy of some imagined jewish machismo.
Just a couple of important things to note regarding an increase in hacking attacks in western countries over the last few days.
Most troubling is the return of “DirtyMoe”. This is a Windows botnet that has been around since 2017 and is primarily a data-miner of cryptocurrency, but just lately has ramped up their aggression by hitting unprotected businesses with DDoS attack.
The malware also uses brute force SMB password worm modules on machines with weak passwords. And what makes it more difficult to detect is its multi-scripted self defence bots that will disguise and bury itself further into the core Windows OS
Most of the attacks are sourced from China and possibly Vietnam and Indonesia (historically it was Russia but most western countries are expecting hacking attacks from Russia while taking their eye off the ball from other countries)
Best thing to do is to update your Windows OS as a matter of urgency; and to use a very good AV/AM app such as BitDefender, Avast, Avira, Malwarebytes (but NOT Kaspersky) and run a full scan (don’t forget to enable a Rootkit scan if your app has it)
My second point regards Kaspersky
A lot of western governments and IT news sites are recommending uninstalling this app from your devices either as a form of taking a stand against the Russian company, or to make sure that the developers of the product don’t do anything malicious in their updates no matter how unlikely.
The decision is yours, but I have removed the app from at least 5 of my customer’s mini datacentres over the last week, to be replaced with something just as good such as BitDefender
Cyril Ramaphosa seems to be a right daft Cunt and probably up to something shady with the Russian government following his blaming NATO for the invasion of The Ukraine ??.
Yup bad or mad I’d stick my house on it. A county bombs the fuck out of a peaceful neighbour killing thousands and this retard blames a third entity that that alone makes him a Cunt.
Now a while back I said in one of Dioclese s nominations that the west should chuck Putin a bone one over this meaning state that they won’t let the Ukraine ?? join NATO, but to blame NATO for all of Russian war crimes is pathetic. And makes you a Cunt.
A little bit of reading on said Cyril Cunt suggests business dealing in the Middle East involving one Tony. B liar. Maybe a further cunting for this shadowy prick might be in order down the line.
Haven’t heard from Sir Gareth Wokegate about this Ukraine business. I would have thought a well known intellectual and deep thinker like himself would have given his guidance by now.
Personally, I can’t wait to hear what the incompetent, big nosed, arselicking dullard has to say on the matter.
In 2014 the BBC, Channel 4 and the Guardian ran a series of programmes and articles about neo-nazi parties in Ukraine and their involvement in the Maidan coup. They now cite Putin’s reference to de-nazification of Ukraine as evidence of madness. They also fail to mention that Zelensky and his mates were exposed in the Panama papers as hiding millions in off-shore banks or present any facts about the 10,000+ killed in the eight year civil war in Donass involving the Azov battalion. Putin may be a gangster but Ukraine is not some cuddly, peace-loving model of democracy.
Like many of the East European countries they can’t wait to get out, there are loads of Ukrainians here some on genuine visas and many more on ‘Polish passports’
Ukrainians have been spreading across Europe for 20 years, the media always focus on the well educated in cities but lots of Ukrainians are eager to get out.
Far right is all over Europe, but Putin has gone way too far, the fucking Donbas should have been sorted out years ago and Crimea was ethnically Russian.
Oh, St Patrick he drove out the snakes
With his prayers but that’s not all it takes
For the snake symbolises
An evil that rises
And hides in your heart, as it breaks
And the evil has risen my friends
From the darkness that lives in some men
But in sorrow and fear
That’s when saints can appear
To drive out those old snakes once again
And they struggle for us to be free
From the psycho in this human family
Ireland’s sorrow and pain
Is now the Ukraine
And St Patrick’s name now is Zelensky.
Oh yeah, so when has Ireland had the shit bombed out of it?……..except by the fucking Irish. Bonio is a simpleton, virtue signaller fucking wanker.
Fuck off cunt.
I see those international statesmen, John. “I like peas” Major and Gordon “wonky eye” Brown are calling for Big Vlad to be put in front of a “Nuremberg style” court. Oh yeah, just invite him along and I’m sure he’ll turn up.
Besides which this pair of cunts should be in court themselves for fucking treason. Guilty as charged!
I see Vlad got himself a new bullet proof vest at his latest Pop Concert (If you watch RT) \ Russian Imperialist Rally (If you watch the BBC). He never even had the Russian version of Frank Sidebottom or Kylie at it pfffft. I thought it was all solemn music in Russia.
Well, I was banned – my ISP blocked – and rightly so, as I was becoming enraged with some people here. My ISP is no longer banned, so here I am. I have no intention in getting into discussions let alone arguments. I will mainly just watch this thread and post the occasional link, like the one below from last night on the George Galloway (gasp!) YouTube channel with Chilean-American writer and filmmaker, Gonzalo Lira who has a Ukrainian wife and seems to understand this situation on a far deeper level than anyone else does. He is currently living in a hotel in Ukraine and posts to his own YT channel, which is linked below. I know Galloway isn’t liked here, but he doesn’t speak here, he lets Mr Lira speak uninterrupted. The corporate media, as ever, isn’t telling us the whole story, so whenever someone balances out the bias, it’s worth listening to.
Like I say, I am no longer interested in posting my thoughts here, I’ll just let the links I post speak for themselves. The truth eventually comes out no matter how hard it is suppressed. Peace.
“Gennadiy Druzenko, head of Ukrainian military medical service, boasts on Ukraine 24 channel that he “gave strict orders to castrate all the wounded” Russians “because they are cockroaches, not humans.”
Apparently, Dr Gennadiy Druzenko has said on his Facebook account that the he was highly emotional in that interview and he did not actually give orders to castrate Russians. I don’t have Facebook so I can’t access his posts, but if you have Facebook, this is the link…
A link that doesn’t work hardly supports your 13 post rantage.
Are you off your meds again?
Would you like me to call someone for you, a family member, perhaps?
Or maybe a nice person with a soothing voice?
Or some blokes with a chemical gosh, a comfy jacket and a white van?
Perhaps the voices in the TV can help, because mate, we carnt.
Gonzalo Lira, currently living in Ukraine is the man with all the answers, from his hotel room, didn’t want to be on camera for Galloway but seems fine running a live feed you tube channel. ?
Yeah, I don’t get why he wouldn’t appear on screen either, but that isn’t important, is it? It’s what he has to say that is important. He’s at ground zero, he has walked the streets daily for three weeks, he has followed Ukraine politics for decades, his wife is Ukrainian. Most men in his place would be spouting anti-Russian bile, but he’s not, he’s bravely giving the world a different perspective on the conflict. He despises the Ukraine regime and I don’t blame him. Zelenskyy needs to surrender to save lives. There is so much insanity going on now. Russia are holding a nuclear bomb drill now, Putin’s family are in one of those underground cities, apparently. Those cities made the news a few years ago. No other country has ever admitted to having such things, though America supposedly has many.
This is an unwinnable war for both sides. Russia holds all the cards, though, so it’s up to Zelenskyy to go on TV and surrender and enter negotiations to see who “wins”. But Zelenskyy keeps spouting the Rambo rhetoric, “we are in World War 3” all that comic book bullshit. It’s over for him and his cronies, he knows that, but narcissism is keeping him going. He’ll be fine come Christmas, he’ll be living in America being hailed a hero wherever he goes. But for the ordinary people of Ukraine, it won’t be sunny skies if Zelenskyy keeps up his (non) strategy.
Even Mohammed Ali knew when he was whipped. This fight was a TKO weeks ago, but it rages on due to narcissism by Zelenskyy and hubris by the western governments who are not talking him into surrendering for fear of being called Putin sympathisers or whatnot.
@CG…..although it’s of no matter…I’m genuinely pleased to see you back. I might not agree with all that you post but we are sometimes in danger of turning into an echo-chamber on here and personally I don’t agree with this shout of ” Troll” that seems to go up when someone posts who doesn’t happen to follow the narrative.
Aye, cheers, man! I like your musings, too. I just want to see a ceasefire, then talks between Zelenskyy and Putin, then an amicable settlement not for those two egomaniacs, but for the people of Ukraine, Russia and the watching world who have no stomach for this level of insanity after the last two years. And for me personally, I want Ukraine to play Scotland at Hampden in the fitba! We all want a traditional spring-summer then the World Cup in November. We want affordable fuel costs and the urban decay problems in Britain to be sorted out. What we don’t want is to see a guy in a ratty green T-shirt spouting Rambo rhetoric at us on TV, cajoling us into a war that would be so suicidal that the Dirty Dozen would stay in their death-row cells. Peace will come, but probably not for a few weeks, I reckon. Peace.
Good post Cunty. Ukraine have been brave beyond words but now is the time to sue for peace. They won’t have a country left at this rate. Let Putin have the illusion of a ‘win’. A thousand lives lost is bad enough but going into tens of thousands? Enough is enough.
My guess is, I was banned… then unbanned. Such things can happen in life. The owner of this site is obviously a reasonable fellow who enjoys my contributions as long as I don’t get personal with others. I’m fine with that.
And no, I’m not trolling, not my style at all to troll. I’m speaking calmly from the heart and mind. If you disagree with me, then do so, marshal the facts in your favour. I just want to see a ceasefire and old fashioned negotiations, but Zelenskyy doesn’t it seems. He’s been telling his kids today that, “soldiers are dying for you,” the man could have a ceasefire tonight at midnight and be hugging his kids this weekend. I think that being an actor, he sees this in movie terms and expects a glorious ending to his story, but life ain’t like that, Vlod, life’s a bitch, politics is real and it doesn’t get realer than war.
That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? This isn’t a complicated scenario. Ukraine has pretty much been taken by Russia, so it’s time to sit down like men and TALK. Use Zoom, use YouTube livestream, but just cease firing and TALK. Duh.
Or maybe they can conduct peace talks via you, as you seem to have such a firm grip on this all out war, sorry I meant situation, where the Russians seem to be handed their arse.
Interesting to see the MSM now admitting Cunt Hunter’s laptop contents are genuine. He and kid sniffer Pa are up to their necks in it over there.
Also of note was a high ranking officials wife being apprehended with suitcase containing millions and millions in dollars and euros.
Of course these corrupt fucks want war, they want it burned to the ground and all blamed on Vladimir while they scurry away with their loot.
Russian defence ministrys states 10k dead, 16k wounded from their army, no figures for Chechnya though and Belarus have moved back from the border, if to be believed.
As I’ve said here before, I had the misfortune of seeing one of the images from that laptop whilst browsing twitter. It looked pretty real to me, unfortunately. Crack smoking nõnce.
It’s going to be glorious watching America go into meltdown when this shit comes out.
This penis piano player has now shut down all opposition media and only allowing state controlled sources.
Sound familiar?
Anyway, back to supporting democracy in Ukraine.
There’s been a growing rise in cyberattacks here in the UK over the last 1-2 weeks, most of which are coming in from Russia, Belarus, India, Iran and Indonesia.
My own recently installed cybersecurity monitoring software confirms this, as as well as targeted attacks in France, Germany, Italy and Brussels, surprisingly!
Sniffer Joe issued a warning to public and private businesses in the States to be on their guard (this doesn’t just apply to businesses, but to everyone really).
Gear up and protect your devices and local network (I know I keep on banging on about this, but bad shit is starting to happen!)
Politics aside, all I am saying is gear up and protect your networks because it doesn’t matter where these cyberattacks are coming from, they’re actually here!
I’ve watched a bit of the Gonzalo Lira video. Seeing as the guy is actually in Ukraine I thought I would hear what he had to say. I’d never heard of him, and watched the video without looking at his other content, as not to judge him unfairly. Here are a few thoughts on what was said.
First off, he gives the impression that he is going to give you the inside story on what is happening on the ground. Fair enough, but within a minute or two he’s saying he’s scared because local forces aren’t happy with his videos and are searching for him, and he is scared because he doesn’t understand Ukrainian or Russian and doesn’t know if people are saying hello or trying to capture him.
Hmmm, not a good start, not being able to understand the subtleties of the languages of the combatants. Not understanding what people are telling you firsthand is definitely a handicap in that respect.
Secondly, he stated he had been living there since 2016. Later he says that during that time he has also spent a lot of time in London and Amsterdam. So how long has actually spent in Ukraine? Not enough to pick up basic phrases that could indicate friendly intentions or otherwise.
Thirdly, he says that he took no notice of Ukrainian politics until recently. So how does he suddenly become an expert, and where did he get his information? Obviously not from the mainstream media, as he says a few times he despises them and they’re full off shit. Then he tells you to check out Telegram, that’s where the truth is, as it’s unfiltered. Telegram, the Russian mix of WhatsApp and twitter, which absolutely doesn’t have Kremlin approval (or access).
Finally there’s the content. He states categorically that Russia is not targeting civilians and that the Ukrainian resistance is futile as he outlined Russia’s battle strategy of encircling and isolating the military, and giving them the opportunity to surrender and live happily ever after. Bless. How he can expect anyone to believe what he is saying is beyond me. Simply because the very same internet freedom that allows him to post his videos allows others caught up in the actual fighting to do the same, and it paints a completely different picture than him. It usually comes with some evidence too, unlike his tales which he expects the viewers to believe without question.
Then there is his plea to his Patreon fans. Yes, this guy is making money out of this misery, and a look at his other content shows a certain theme. A deeply anti western theme, everyone is corrupt etc. He has the language of the conspiracy theorist too, phrases such as ‘mental gymnastics’ (where have we heard that before?).
Sorry for the long winded post if you bothered to read it, it’s not a criticism of the poster or the video, more an insight into how I interpret stuff like this.
Thanks RTC. Some think we disregard what these people say. I don’t, I consider them the enemy, spreading hate, envy, fear and division among the west, the very things they accuse their targets of doing, calling it truth yet its lies, misinformation and fantasy. There’s enough greed, incompetence and collusion in real life to make some of it almost believable, but real life always comes along and spoils it.
For this guy, and the many like him, I would offer up a piece of advice that is quite often given on this site, though less well meaning, and that is ‘If you don’t like our way of life, go find somewhere else to live’
I hear Russia would welcome a few new conscripts, I mean comrades. See how free they feel then.
Trump says that Russia would never have dared start a war with Ukraine if he were still president. That’s a joke. He spent so much time licking Rasputin’s arse, the cunt didn’t need to spend money on toilet paper for four years.
Trump can afford to run his mouth because his claim cannot be proven either way. It’s an easy shot to take at the current administration and quite deserving since they’ve been a complete incompetent failure since day 1. It’s one of those situations where there’s no downside and all upside for Trump putting the boot in. He didn’t start out a politician, but he became one so it’s an entirely predictable thing to say.
I would also say he did try to keep things civil with Russia, North Korea and China by doing state visits and such like. That’s got to be a better strategy than staying at home in your recliner while your nurse wipes away your dribble. Supplemented by nonsensical outbursts of crap like getting people and countries mixed up. That’s been Biden’s approach and look where we are.
Very early in his presidency, Trump launched a missile attack on Syria. I’m sure he wasn’t looking for an excuse to blow shit up, but it did send the message ‘America is back. America is watching. Obama’s apology world tour is over so don’t fuck with us’. A strong, arrogant, don’t-even-think-about-it type of America makes the world a safer place. 8 years of Barry and The Shewolf fucked America and fucked the world. The senile old hair sniffer is doubling down. The results are there for all to see.
You’re sadly misinformed Allan. Trump’s alleged links to Putin have been revealed as disinformation, mainly by the Democratic party activists, acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Much the same as the Labour party accepting millions in bribes from the Chinese and Russians.
All nations in the UN, including Russia I believe, signed up to the Geneva Convention which sets out very clearly the rules for war and also details how civilians should be treated. Ukraine is an atrocity by Putin and we should all gang up on the cunt.
There seems to be a distinct lack of Ukranians greeting the Russians with any degree of enthusiasm Chunky, considering the “evil” picture you portray of the Ukrainian regime. Sounds as if you’ve swallowed Putin’s cool-aid.
Gut: I assume there are no credible sources beyond the bare basic evidence of a situation being reported on. All have bias, funding, political involvement etc. E.g. I’ll believe the BBC when they say Russia is in Ukraine, as that is black and white, but beyond that I won’t trust a single thing they put forward. Why would I, after Syria, Iraq, etc..
Stick to the self evident, discard the narratives, assume all are trying to hawk some bullshit (whether it be infowars t-shirts or installing an ideology favourable to the establishment agendas).
MM: You’ve seen that have you? Are you there? I’ve swallowed nothing. I’ve made it clear I think Putin is a dick and playing a globalist role. It just happens to be that Zelensky is a corrupt cunt too, along with Ukraine itself.
A credible source? Anyone who spouts pro-Putin anti-West propaganda. Anyone who seeks to sow instability in Western democratic countries. You get the picture.
Apothenia – the tendency to build erroneous patterns into miscellaneous and unconnected events and seeing connections where none exist. This gives rise to conspiracy theories.
Really poor stuff this. Wouldnt it be better to discuss specific incidents of the war.
Those who are suspicious of the reporting saying why they are. Those who are not and the reasons why.
For example I am suspicious of the Maternity Hospital reporting. It was said that the bomb hit a ward at one point. Many mothers and babies probably dead. But it never got passed the probably. Then the figures were given two adults and a baby or something
Not the massacre we were all expecting.
‘The ghost of Kiev’ tbe pilot that got all those’ kills’ at the beginning. What happened to him? No footage or anything. Just stated. I thought he.might become a ‘celebrity’ fighter pilot like the Red Baron.
The Theatre one. They’re all in the bunker below it trying to survive. Surely someone’s got a mobile phone that could send out some footage?
People have no memory, Miles. We were told shit about Iraq, we were told shit about Assad and chemical attacks that never were. We have multiple instances of bullshit from Ukraine in a matter of weeks.
I’m amazed anyone would not be skeptical at this point unless they were establishment cunts. Hillary AND Blair are piping up for more involvement.
It’s not an “erroneous pattern” if we’ve done the same thing multiple times. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fucking reality. But then these two are masonic sympathisers so their judgement is off base to begin with.
Russia’s land invasion has already failed and Putin’s objectives are unrealised. Putin understands he is facing a long guerrilla war of attrition which will also end in failure. In his desperation for a quick resolution Putin will undoubtedly look to use chemical weapons, if he thinks he can get away with it. Neither would I rule out a tactical nuclear strike in Ukraine.
None of the supposed shortcomings of the Ukrainian regime or conspiracy theories about the West justify this horrific barbarity and naked agression.
“Masonic sympathisers”. What has that got to do with it? Unless we’re back to the old conspiracy theories about the world being controlled by Freemasons, the Jesuits and the Rothschilds – the three most unlikely bedfellows you could ever hope to meet.
Masonic sympathisers, what the fuck are they? That you have to disregard the acres if real world evidence to come to your conclusions says more about your gullibility than mine.
Iraq is a well documented shitstorm, with all its fuck ups and dirty dealings laid bare. The wheels came off that cunt before the first shots, let alone the last. That Blair and others haven’t been brought to some form of justice is wrong, but it all played out in full glare of the mainstream media.
Assad used chlorine gas, as did the Russians, its a gem because it dissipates and leaves very little trace, however the effects of it are pretty easy to diagnose.
My memory is fine, as is my moral compass.
Perhaps you would be happier in Russia?
I heard earlier that Zelensky has bwe6n speaking to the Japanese parliament. So that’s Japan, Germany, Britan USA, Brussels…more I think. I wonder are Cunters a bit suspiciouso of how ‘slick’ the PR has been for him?
He mentions all the right things.
Churchill in Britan,9/11 in America, 5tge Nazis in Germamy.
His script writer is very accomplished.
Or maybe its just him.
I’m not really sure what points you are making, Miles.
Zelensky’s addresses could certainly be scripted. Whether by someone else, or by him or by a team in which he is included, I don’t know. If they are scripted I should think he has input into them. But does it matter? He delivers them well and they sound as if they come from the heart.
I think there is enough evidence to show that the attacks on the maternity hospital and the theatre took place. You yourself said you believed the photographs of the devastation. Ukraine is a war zone in a state of chaos. I don’t think you can always expect people to have the state of mind or even the internet connection to always send out videos from their phones. But there is enough photographic documentation to show the aftermath of these attacks.
Ok Miles, I will try to address some of your concerns.
Speeches tailor made for each country. Zelensky is a smart man. Mocked for being a comedian he is far more than that. The series he was in where the schoolteacher becomes president? He wrote that. I’ve seen some of it and it looks pretty good. It would be easy for someone who could write material of that calibre to write eloquently and from the heart speeches that could resonate with people.
Using specific dark times from a specific period in each nations history for empathy is a no brainier. It’s a seriously dark time for Ukraine, so why wouldn’t he draw parallels?
As for the targets that Russia is choosing? Lavarov at first denied the hospital bombing, then changed his mind later saying they did bomb the hospital because there were rebels inside, making it a legitimate military target.
The reason for the low casualty figure is because those that could be evacuated had already done so, leaving only those that couldn’t, such as heavily pregnant women, who made up a significant proportion of the casualties. They had been moved to the safest part of the building but it wasn’t enough. However, how many pregnant women and their babies need to die to make it an atrocity?
Russia rarely use precision guided munitions it this type of war, preferring widespread devastation to pinpoint military strikes against confirmed military only targets. That poundshop Hemmingway tried to say otherwise on the video above, making him a Putain apologist, a liar, and a cunt. The rare occasions that guided weapons are used are against soft targets such as this hospital, and the newly built shopping centre they bombed the other day. Russia said it was housing military vehicles. None in the rubble though. And, Russian helpfully provided the video of its destruction, from the infrared camera on the attack aircraft, just in case someone wanted to doubt its authenticity.
What proof do you need of this indiscriminate bombing and shelling? Look at some of the recent drone footage since the war and compare it with google earth.
With regard to the notion of truth…we live in a very Orwellian era. Misinformation is the new enemy of mankind. Anyone who doesn’t accept the “official” government line is a dangerous subversive…indeed a traitor. Yet governments and their allies in the MSM lie to us with impunity every day.
Covid started in a wet market. We will only lockdown for 2 weeks to slow the spread. Masks will slow the contagion. Vaccines will immunize us. They have even lied to us about how many people have died from Covid as opposed to how many people have died with Covid
Putin is a cunt of cosmic proportions…that is a metaphysical certitude. He started this unjustified, illegal war and is spreading propaganda and misinformation as a means of justifying his aggression.
Russian and Ukrainian soldiers along with innocent civilians are dying. (Innocent civilians always die in war.)
Ukraine is a corrupt nation fighting for its sovereignty. Zelensky has showed great courage. But…he has also outlawed all opposing political parties…taken control of the media…and silenced anyone other than those who speak the official government truth…all in the name of combating misinformation. The official line is he is preserving democracy.
Preserving democracy in a notoriously corrupt country by silencing and controlling all speech and information is indeed the very epitome of Orwellian madness.
But perhaps he has no other choice? As Churchill said;
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
In short…I’m skeptical of anything and everything I hear about the war in Ukraiane
Ukraine is a war zone Chunky. The normal functions of the state have ceased and the government is focused on one thing only – the survival of the country. Take the case of the UK in WW2 – there were no elections, rationing was put in place, conscription, the curtailment of civil liberties for those deemed enemy aliens and a host of other controls which in peace time would be unaceptable.
So fucking what. You can dress it up however you like but you are saying it is acceptable for the state to treat you like fucking livestock and send you off to die for THEIR cause.
FUCK that. Freedom is not dependent on the whims of politicians.
Zelensky has not banned men from leaving the country. Only able bodied men between 18 and 60. What part of Putin invading Ukraine do you not get? Stop spreading misinformation.
‘Russia’s land invasion has already failed and Putin’s objectives are unrealised.’
That was the ‘narrative’ from the get-go it seems to me. There was a piece in the Mail by some military expert (Western) who said it was going to plan. Albeit hard going.
What is Russia’s stategy? To destroy the whole country. And they have nearly achieved that by the looks of things.
‘Putin understands he is facing a long guerrilla war of attrition which will also end in failure.’. I think he is prepared for a long guerrilla war. I am sure when he took the decision to invade he knew that what he wants to achieve will take years and years. Remember he has moved only in the Crimea and the Bondass reigion for the 20 years he has been in office.
‘Neither would I rule out a tactical nuclear strike’
Nor would I.
‘Russia used chemical weapons in Syria only a few years ago.’
But the way the Mail reports because he’s so supposedly ‘desperate” their use is imminent. That has been going on for for a while now.
Zelensky’s addresses. No doubt they are inspiring. But it just reminds me of someone who has been tricked into thinking NATO will come to the rescue. He speaks the language of heroic self sacrifice but the West when it comes to it doesn’t want to know. This links in with my belief that he sue for peace asap. What CG said we all know what the end result will be lets start negotiations now and save a lot of lives.
Not blaming Zelensky there he has asked for them. And if the people want to fight (as it seems they have from the start) he must go with that.
‘I think there is enough evidence to show that the attacks on the maternity hospital and the theatre took place. You yourself said you believed the photographs of the devastation.’
Yes. The attacks took place but I havent seen the dead bodies or casualties. Or I have missed it.
‘Ukraine is a war zone in a state of chaos’
I remember watching the Vietnam War the first ‘television war’ and running battles in the streets and dead bodies everywhere. Got to say I havent seen much of that in Ukraine.
I have of course seen the rockets hitting apartment blocks. And destruction of whole streets. A street where a prestgious university was.
Above is to Chunky. IOW hold on Chunky this thing is not being ‘staged’.
‘It would be easy for someone who could write material of that calibre to write eloquently and from the heart speeches that could resonate with people.’
But its all too scripted. I just cant help feeling its a bit of an ‘act’. Playing out in real life deadly situation. Just my opinion.
I mean right at the very start he was there on the telly. As though hed no need to rush for cover. Is that courageous or reckless?
‘Using specific dark times from a specific period in each nations history for empathy is a no brainier. It’s a seriously dark time for Ukraine, so why wouldn’t he draw parallels?’
But its almost become a formula. In the middle of a war and are all wondering what connection hes going to make with the situation ‘right now’ and the past.
‘What proof do you need of this indiscriminate bombing and shelling?’
I think it is part of the strategy. To bomb them into submission. But I dont think Russia is akone in using this tactic. If you can call it a tactic.
‘Take the case of the UK in WW2 – there were no elections’.
There was a National Government. Political parties werent banned. But according to reports Zelensky has banned all political partties. Even the ones that have supported the defence of the country from the beginning.
‘Opposition Platform for Life, for example, denounced the Russian invasion the moment it happened, just like everybody else. But Zelenskyy took the opportunity to turn Ukraine into effectively a one-party state, which it now is. So having banned all opposition, he then seized control of the country’s media outlets. Zelenskyy signed a decree that combines all national television channels into a single platform that he controls. He described this as a “unified information policy,” and it certainly is unified. ‘
Tucker Carlsen.
Ostensibly, he has banned political parties with ties to Russia but some argue the ban takes in parties that have opposed Russia, true.
Ukraine is not the first democracy to have suspended democratic norms in time of war. Zelensky still has a large pro-Russian political opposition to deal with which could easily become a quisling government if the Russian assault succeeds. Perhaps dissent and discord ought to be quelled during a fight for the life of a country? I can hardly imagine having George Galloway, Nicola Sturgeon or Corbyn on Question Time during the blitz.
Not surprisingly, the British Union of Fascists and the National Socialist Party were banned in this country during WW2. A number of prominent members were also arrested and interned. That’s what happens when a country is fighting for its survival.
I think it’s very important to keep things in perspective. Especially, with regard to Zelensky’s actions and the comparison to WWII Britain.
Both Zelensky and Churchill are/were…under the legitimate functioning of their respective democracies…elected leaders. And while the UK was not invaded, the very real possibility of invasion certainly existed after the defeat of France and into the fall of 1940. And to be sure Britain was a war zone as it was bombed and blockaded even into 1944. (I’m not sure when the last V or Vengeance weapon attack was.)
However, with regard to governing it is important to point out that while elections in Britain were suspended it wasn’t the end of democracy.
Churchill brought many members of the opposition into the government and indeed, gave them a voice and significant responsibility.
The most prominent of which may have been Labor Leader Clement Atlee. Other prominent members included, Earl A.V. Alexander…also of the Labour Party as 1st Lord of the Admiralty, Archibald Sinclair of the Liberal Party, and Lord Beverbrook. He even appointed his old nemesis in the Conservative Party, Neville Chamberlain as President of the Council.
So in a time of great national peril, rather than silence his opponents and rivals he included them in the government.
That’s the difference between democracy…giving everyone (including those who oppose you) a voice…and a dictatorship…i.e. outlawing and silencing all opposition.
I agree General. The wartime government in the UK was a coalition government and Churchill was careful to include his political opponents within it. Parliament still functioned and, especially during the early years of the war, Churchill relied on Labour MP’s who were more supportive of him than his own Conservatives, many of whom still distrusted him.
The UK was of course a mature democracy. We have to take account of the fact that Ukraine is a less mature democracy. Zelensky can be excused, in my view, for his current actions in banning opposition parties in a state of war, some of whom do harbour pro-Russian sympathies and are linked to the Kremlin. The test will come after the conflict. Will Zelensky restore political opposition? I believe he will.
Remember also that Ukraine has ambitions to be counted as part of the West. They would like to join Nato, for obvious reasons. True, Nato does not stipulate that a treaty state has to be a democracy. But it’s a club of democracies that largely subscribe to Western norms of governance (Turkey being the exception although it aspired to Western norms when it joined).
Ukraine also wants to join the EU and to be considered it must be a democracy (the irony being that EU membership effects a significant diminution of sovereign democracy, but that’s another tale).
For these reasons, and others, I believe Ukraine will resume democratic opposition when the war has ended, with the exception perhaps of pro-Kremlin opposition parties.
While some historians and contemporaries regard(ed) Halifax as pro-German, your points are well taken.
With regard to being considered a democracy…in this Orwellian day and age…democracy…much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Democracies all over the world locked down their citizens and restricted their freedoms if they didn’t comply with the government’s health mandates. Mostly by executive decree and not by law.
In my own once great nation…peaceful protesters at the nation’s capital are being held in solitary confinement on trumped up (no pun intended) charges of insurrection. They are denied legal representation, medical treatment and family visitors until they denounce Trump and plead guilty. Meanwhile violent BLM and Antifa thugs roam freely and continue to perpetrate violence.
Fraudulent elections install puppets (Joe Biden)…truth is suppressed (Hunter Biden)…and fake charges (Russian collusion)…undermine the ability of those truly elected to govern.
In Canada, peaceful protesters (Truckers) are violently arrested. Their property is seized and their assets are confiscated because they dare protest the government’s policy…all in the name of democracy.
How short is your nation’s memory? Voters approve Brexit and politicians spend years trying to thwart their will. It’s only when some back bench clown seizes on the issue for personal gain that it gets done. (And is it truly done?) Doesn’t sound like democracy to me.
Thomas Jefferson said; “When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
It seems to me that democracy is a perverted ideal that those in power invoke in order to enforce their will, rather than implement ours.
History says that during the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned his critics. After the war he reinstated it and released them.
I’m not convinced Zelensky (or any other politician of today) is made of the same stuff Lincoln was.
All good points General and I tend to agree with you.
Democracy in its purest form is unworkable. An ancient Greek ideal, it worked in their city states because they were small and had less weighty and less complex issues to deal with. If we were to have a pure democracy in the 21st Century then literally every issue would have to be put to a referendum and government would effectively cease to function.
Instead, we have a type of managed democracy in which a government is elected for a term but during that term effectively does what it wants. Only an effective opposition, and the thought of being turfed out of office at the next election if it fails to enact the wishes of its voters, holds it in check.
It works after a fashion and as Churchill said, it the worst form of government except for all the others.
But recent events have shown how tenuous our democracy is. You rightly mention the establishment rage against Brexit and Trump and how powerful vested interests have conspired against them – successfully in the case of Trump. And a state of emergency – be it Covid or a war – gives a government the opportunity to revert to type, that type being the preference for authoritarianism and illiberalism.Once governments, even well intentioned ones, get a taste for undisputed control they are reluctant to surrender it.
This type of big, unchecked government is the greatest threat to liberty.
I would also add to what I said General, about your point of today’s politicians not being the calibre of past politicians.
Where are today’s Lincolns and Churchills ? There are none that I can see – not even Zelensky (although he’s doing a great job). We don’t even have the equivalents of Thatcher and Reagan.
Politicians are drawn from the general population of course and reflect them. The West has been asleep since the end of the Cold War, assuming history had ended like Francis Fukuyama. Having no great ideals to defend many people have slipped into a culture of managerialism and bureaucratic centralised government by an elite of technocrats. Many have forgotten the meaning of liberal democracy and instead obsess over the perceived slights of minorities. Consequently we get the rulers we deserve.
I’ve only read a % of the over 1,600 comments, so apologies if this question has come up before.
If the west is so concerned about Ukraine and want the Russians to fail and bugger off, why aren’t the Ukrainian skies filled with drones taking out Russian positions and such? Why hasn’t there been a Ukrainian strike on targets in Russia as a bit of payback?
Get some willing Ukrainians over the border onto friendly/neutral soil. Train them up on how to flying drones, then unleash the mayhem. I don’t see why that’s so different from the west supplying arms to Ukraine without actually joining in, so to speak.
It’s a very sensitive and difficult situation. There are those that will say that the west has been pushing for this for years, poking the bear etc. If this was remotely true, why would so many NATO members entrust their energy security with Russia?
The truth is that the west has done everything it can to avoid conflict with Russia. We have let them get away with many things that others would have got flattened for, Russian missiles taking down civilian aircraft, annexation of Crimea, murdering Kremlin opponents on British soil, recklessly using chemical weapons and radioactive isotopes. We should have taken far more action than expel a couple of fucking diplomats. And, let’s not forget Trump was in the big chair when the Kremlin staged a chemical attack in the U.K. and he did fuck all. In fairness there wasn’t much the cunt could do, with as I have said, so many allies dependant on Russian gas and crude.
Nobody in the west wants this war. If it escalates, which it would surely do if our involvement was anything more than sanctions and military aid to Ukraine, it is apparent that Russia would lose a conventional war, and the only ace they hold is the nuclear option. They have more nuclear weapons than the whole of NATO combined.
Whether we are neutral, or non belligerent, there is only so much we can do, and the aid and support we are supplying now is pissing the Russians off to the point of escalating the conflict themselves.
Hopefully China, not bothered by the war or the humanitarian crisis but pissed off with the global economic consequences will try and give Russia a nudge to seek a peaceful resolution.
That’s my two pence worth anyway.
Cheers GJ. I appreciate you taking the time to lay it out for me. You make a great point about past Russian ‘infractions’ going unchallenged. On that basis, what has happened was almost bound to happen sooner or later. The Russian energy dependency now looks like an own goal too. Yikes!
Mo problem IY, hope there was something there. Obviously it’s far more complicated than what I’ve written, but what I consider the salient points are there.
And yes, unfortunately there was always going to be a point where Russia came to blows with the west, at least as long as Putin or someone like him is in power.
As someone who shat himself regularly during the cold War at the thought of nuclear war, operation able archer almost starting WW3 in 1984, the prospect of a friendly Russia was a massive relief.
I hope we get to that point again.
‘Next stop the Bahmas!’. The top link on the DM website.
I thought it was referring to Zelensky again. A conference call to the Bahamas.
No kate and Wills.
‘Ukrainian resistance means more wanton deaths. Neither is the West ready for a military confrontation, nor is Putin ready to retreat from his goal, which may be more than merely pushing Ukraine to neutrality.
Western sanctions seem like a pre-planned war against Russia. Volodymyr Zelensky was ill-advised to put his country at the service of a project that is larger than him. It is true that the humanitarian response shown by the countries of Europe in coping with the flow of Ukrainian refugees fleeing from the war was quick and elaborate. But this does not mean that the catastrophe will be over once its tragic manifestations are contained. This is particularly true if one believes the countries that say it is all temporary, even if until recently they used to fear Ukrainians just getting near their borders.
Moscow wants to impose neutrality on Ukraine, which means preventing it from joining NATO to stop it from posing a threat to Russia’s national security. Moscow has no intention to annex it as it did with Crimea. For years, Putin has been saying this and repeating it. The West does not ignore this. The Ukrainian president has, for reasons unknown so far, decided to cross Russia’s red lines in order to facilitate the task of the West in imposing economic sanctions on Moscow, but at what cost? It is the embarrassing question that will lead Zelensky to face justice in his country once Ukrainians catch their breath.
It was clear that Ukraine had been sacrificed by its president. None of the nationalist slogans he raised can be achieved. Ukraine is small and cannot play in the big league. It is doomed by history and geography to be closer to Russia than to the West. What is said about it being an independent and sovereign state is true, but within the framework of those two conditions. This does not detract from its sovereignty nor independence. Ukraine does not have to gravitate within the Russian orbit. But it should not be a threat to Russia. Zelensky, a comedian whose artistic talent I cannot judge, was so good at playing the role of the valiant vassal of the West that he managed to drag Putin into war without that costing the West anything. But Putin will not put an end to the war without bringing down the Ukrainian regime.
The West erred in imposing its sanctions. By doing so, it condemned the existing regime in Kyiv to death. Any negotiations between the warring parties will not lead to a decisive result in terms of stopping hostilities. The negotiators are only trying to minimise civilian casualties. But no one will able to stop the war. This is because the West knows the roots of the problem and its sanctions have only complicated the situation. Putin’s line of thought has changed since Western sanctions were imposed on his country. With its sanctions the West has betrayed its goal of using Zelensky, not knowing what this might lead to. What the Ukrainian president said and still insists on repeating is anti-Russian rhetoric. He has offered justifications for a war where the West has made Ukraine sacrifice its own people and imposed economic sanctions on Russia.
It is naïve to say simply that the Ukrainian president was not innocent. Is not his type of behaviour considered treason? The man has crushed his country and people in a war between two superpowers. He played a dubious role in making sure the war would be costly to one party, the Russian Federation, while the second party, represented by the United States and Europe, practices its malice in imposing economic sanctions and isolating Moscow as if it had committed the crime of the century. Putin always mentions in his speeches the crime of the invasion of Iraq. Incidentally, we can recall that Ukraine contributed to that invasion. When the United States invaded Iraq, it did not have the motives that Russia has today in its Ukrainian campaign.
I believe that Russia will stop its campaign only when the Kyiv regime is toppled. Will there be a compromise between the two parties? That could be the best case scenario. At worst, Ukraine could end up over the precipice’
I dont agree with every word of it.
That’s for the virtue-signalling keyboard warriors on here.
A well placed comment Miles.
One day,folks will see just how far they have been played.
“It’s OK when we do it”.
NATO bomb Serbia . ✅
Saudis attack Yemen ✅
Coalition forces destroy Libya ✅
Coalition forces destroy Iraq ✅
The bogeyman goes on his rampage ❌
Money money money.
Until that ridiculous little shyster steps down with his loot this is going to continue.
Precisely. It’s not as if Russia has invaded an independent sovereign nation or anything, or is bombing the shit out of civilians…. Err, wait a minute…. ?
I think a little mistake you make about me is that I put my jokey stuff up yes being a bit anti Jewish but then someone comes along who is really anti semitic with nasty stuff and you think ‘that’s what Miles truly believes’ when I dont.
Morello wote –
NATO bomb Serbia . ✅
Saudis attack Yemen ✅
Coalition forces destroy Libya ✅
Coalition forces destroy Iraq ✅
The bogeyman goes on his rampage.
So when the West makes these destructive interventions causing mayhem its not evil. But when the big bad Russians do it its ‘evil’
Whatever you think of the West’s interventions in the conflicts you mention Miles does not matter. They are criticised by many in the West. It does not make the Russian intervention right.
Of course the West is bitterly divided over those past interventions. That criticism and debate is freely allowed in the West and will no doubt shape future interventions. That’s the point of democracy. In Russia protestors are arrested. Debate is not permitted. If he succeeds in the Ukraine Putin will impose the same model there.
For all its faults, Western liberalism is still the best path to follow and we should support Ukraine’s right to chose its own path.
Has anyone else encountered the interview where Rishi Washi tries to ignore the question on what his wife’s status with Indian firm “Infosys”, based in Moscow, using a Russian Bank?
Boss eyed shit weasel.
“But it’s OK when we do it.”
Full credit to Zelensky for blasting Germany’s policy of appeasement to Russia when he addressed the German Bundestag. He savagely criticised Nord Stream and German selfishness with respect to their business interests.
Compare and contrast to Zelensky’s address to Parliament which was full of praise for the UK.
What does Ukraine mean to Germany….. Cheap labour.
And cheap girls
“And cheap girls”
Sir Limply gets a tip o’ Cuntys hat here. Ukraine has long been a tansit hub for child trafficking. Let us remember it was Jean Luc Brunel’s preferred ‘hunting’ ground wherefrom he provided the ‘feedstock’ for Epstein’s faedopile blackmail operation!
Those oligarchs sure do love their blonde preteen shiksas!
n.b. Brunel was iced 2 days after Sussia’s mobilization into the Donbass.
Cuntsider yourself a proper Cunt @PeterSchiff.
Following this nugget https://twitter.com/PeterSchiff/status/1504082706598146058
In full, his tweet goes thus: “I understand times are hard, but doesn’t the President of the #Ukraine own a suit? I don’t have much respect for current members of the U.S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt. I wouldn’t want to disrespect the institution or the Unites States.”
Case rested.
Don’t know about suits but he definitely does own a cracking pair of stilettos and tights.
Anyone seen the recent pictures of Micron. He’s trying to imitate the Zelensky effect and has been pictured around the Elysee Palace in scruffy combat-zone clothes, unshaven and with uncombed hair.
What a colossal prick.
Peter Stiff.
Zelensky rocks a T Shirt.
Most of the Labour Party look like tramps.
Apart from Dianne, she so horny, love her long time, 5 dollar…
He’s a puppet shill
That’s exactly what, and all, he is and ever was. Sticking the cunt in a khaki T-shirt is intended to make him the poster boy of some imagined jewish machismo.
Just a couple of important things to note regarding an increase in hacking attacks in western countries over the last few days.
Most troubling is the return of “DirtyMoe”. This is a Windows botnet that has been around since 2017 and is primarily a data-miner of cryptocurrency, but just lately has ramped up their aggression by hitting unprotected businesses with DDoS attack.
The malware also uses brute force SMB password worm modules on machines with weak passwords. And what makes it more difficult to detect is its multi-scripted self defence bots that will disguise and bury itself further into the core Windows OS
Most of the attacks are sourced from China and possibly Vietnam and Indonesia (historically it was Russia but most western countries are expecting hacking attacks from Russia while taking their eye off the ball from other countries)
Best thing to do is to update your Windows OS as a matter of urgency; and to use a very good AV/AM app such as BitDefender, Avast, Avira, Malwarebytes (but NOT Kaspersky) and run a full scan (don’t forget to enable a Rootkit scan if your app has it)
My second point regards Kaspersky
A lot of western governments and IT news sites are recommending uninstalling this app from your devices either as a form of taking a stand against the Russian company, or to make sure that the developers of the product don’t do anything malicious in their updates no matter how unlikely.
The decision is yours, but I have removed the app from at least 5 of my customer’s mini datacentres over the last week, to be replaced with something just as good such as BitDefender
Thanks for the update Techno. Much appreciated.
Was under the impression that the psycho rooski cunt sold out to some other outfit a few years ago. Can’t be arsed to check which though.
Cyril Ramaphosa seems to be a right daft Cunt and probably up to something shady with the Russian government following his blaming NATO for the invasion of The Ukraine ??.
Yup bad or mad I’d stick my house on it. A county bombs the fuck out of a peaceful neighbour killing thousands and this retard blames a third entity that that alone makes him a Cunt.
Now a while back I said in one of Dioclese s nominations that the west should chuck Putin a bone one over this meaning state that they won’t let the Ukraine ?? join NATO, but to blame NATO for all of Russian war crimes is pathetic. And makes you a Cunt.
A little bit of reading on said Cyril Cunt suggests business dealing in the Middle East involving one Tony. B liar. Maybe a further cunting for this shadowy prick might be in order down the line.
Haven’t heard from Sir Gareth Wokegate about this Ukraine business. I would have thought a well known intellectual and deep thinker like himself would have given his guidance by now.
Personally, I can’t wait to hear what the incompetent, big nosed, arselicking dullard has to say on the matter.
Ofcom has at last revoked the license of Russia Today. A station which in its heyday boasted nearly 2000 viewers!
An Ofcom investigation into the channel has revealed deep ties to the Kremlin. No shit Sherlock!
Now Salmond and Galloway will have to find another job.
Oh no – Corbyn and Flabbott will be devastated!
Pity it wasn’t BBC and Sky lying sacks of shit.
Ukrainian MP on QT last night, Leisa Vasylenko, she was sat next to Max Hastings, at on point I thought he was going wank all over her ?
PS, I would ?
Good call Sick if it. I’ve only got a one bedroom house but she’s more than welcome to stay if she stumps up the £350 a month.
Too late Bob, she is already round at my place (I wish)
Lucky sod!! ☹️
In 2014 the BBC, Channel 4 and the Guardian ran a series of programmes and articles about neo-nazi parties in Ukraine and their involvement in the Maidan coup. They now cite Putin’s reference to de-nazification of Ukraine as evidence of madness. They also fail to mention that Zelensky and his mates were exposed in the Panama papers as hiding millions in off-shore banks or present any facts about the 10,000+ killed in the eight year civil war in Donass involving the Azov battalion. Putin may be a gangster but Ukraine is not some cuddly, peace-loving model of democracy.
See above, passim.
Like many of the East European countries they can’t wait to get out, there are loads of Ukrainians here some on genuine visas and many more on ‘Polish passports’
Ukrainians have been spreading across Europe for 20 years, the media always focus on the well educated in cities but lots of Ukrainians are eager to get out.
Far right is all over Europe, but Putin has gone way too far, the fucking Donbas should have been sorted out years ago and Crimea was ethnically Russian.
Bono’s poem for Ukraine
Oh, St Patrick he drove out the snakes
With his prayers but that’s not all it takes
For the snake symbolises
An evil that rises
And hides in your heart, as it breaks
And the evil has risen my friends
From the darkness that lives in some men
But in sorrow and fear
That’s when saints can appear
To drive out those old snakes once again
And they struggle for us to be free
From the psycho in this human family
Ireland’s sorrow and pain
Is now the Ukraine
And St Patrick’s name now is Zelensky.
Much ridiculed. But I dont think its too bad.
So the cunt couldn’t even be bothered to spell the presidents name correctly ?
“Ireland’s sorrow and pain
Is now the Ukraine.”
Oh yeah, so when has Ireland had the shit bombed out of it?……..except by the fucking Irish. Bonio is a simpleton, virtue signaller fucking wanker.
Fuck off cunt.
St Patrick was born in England, ha!
I see those international statesmen, John. “I like peas” Major and Gordon “wonky eye” Brown are calling for Big Vlad to be put in front of a “Nuremberg style” court. Oh yeah, just invite him along and I’m sure he’ll turn up.
Besides which this pair of cunts should be in court themselves for fucking treason. Guilty as charged!
Along with Blair the cunt, liar and warmonger then?
Gordon Brown, the man who admitted misleading both Parliament and the Iraq inquiry on defence spending.
What a fucking champion of justice, the one-eyed cunt.
Anyone seen that Simeon Boikov:
He looks like The Kingpin out of Spider-man or Daredevil. ?
I see Vlad got himself a new bullet proof vest at his latest Pop Concert (If you watch RT) \ Russian Imperialist Rally (If you watch the BBC). He never even had the Russian version of Frank Sidebottom or Kylie at it pfffft. I thought it was all solemn music in Russia.
Cunty Gordon here.
Well, I was banned – my ISP blocked – and rightly so, as I was becoming enraged with some people here. My ISP is no longer banned, so here I am. I have no intention in getting into discussions let alone arguments. I will mainly just watch this thread and post the occasional link, like the one below from last night on the George Galloway (gasp!) YouTube channel with Chilean-American writer and filmmaker, Gonzalo Lira who has a Ukrainian wife and seems to understand this situation on a far deeper level than anyone else does. He is currently living in a hotel in Ukraine and posts to his own YT channel, which is linked below. I know Galloway isn’t liked here, but he doesn’t speak here, he lets Mr Lira speak uninterrupted. The corporate media, as ever, isn’t telling us the whole story, so whenever someone balances out the bias, it’s worth listening to.
Gonzalo Lira on George Galloway:
Gonzalo Lira YouTube Channel:
Like I say, I am no longer interested in posting my thoughts here, I’ll just let the links I post speak for themselves. The truth eventually comes out no matter how hard it is suppressed. Peace.
Water pipeline restored to Crimea:
Ukraine shut down 80% of Crimea’s water supply for the past eight years. Russians just restored it to the people of Crimea.
Neo-Nazi Ukranian mayor calls Russians, “cockroaches”…
Stepan Bandera was responsible for the murders of Poles and Jews during World War 2. He was a Nazi collaborator.
Bandera was honoured by hundreds of Ukrainians in January:
Ukraine citizens flee to safety… to Russia:
Ukraine head of medical military services, says that wounded Russian soldiers are being castrated on his strict orders: https://twitter.com/_/status/1505670818327674882?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
“Gennadiy Druzenko, head of Ukrainian military medical service, boasts on Ukraine 24 channel that he “gave strict orders to castrate all the wounded” Russians “because they are cockroaches, not humans.”
Sounds like a lot of bollocks, quite literally.
Apparently, Dr Gennadiy Druzenko has said on his Facebook account that the he was highly emotional in that interview and he did not actually give orders to castrate Russians. I don’t have Facebook so I can’t access his posts, but if you have Facebook, this is the link…
Still an insane thing to say on live TV. Call for a ceasefire if you have the airwaves, saying crazy shit won’t help.
A link that doesn’t work hardly supports your 13 post rantage.
Are you off your meds again?
Would you like me to call someone for you, a family member, perhaps?
Or maybe a nice person with a soothing voice?
Or some blokes with a chemical gosh, a comfy jacket and a white van?
Perhaps the voices in the TV can help, because mate, we carnt.
Gonzalo Lira, who is currently living in Ukraine, is live right now on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rZK7o-pyw8&ab_channel=GonzaloLira
Gonzalo Lira, currently living in Ukraine is the man with all the answers, from his hotel room, didn’t want to be on camera for Galloway but seems fine running a live feed you tube channel. ?
Yeah, I don’t get why he wouldn’t appear on screen either, but that isn’t important, is it? It’s what he has to say that is important. He’s at ground zero, he has walked the streets daily for three weeks, he has followed Ukraine politics for decades, his wife is Ukrainian. Most men in his place would be spouting anti-Russian bile, but he’s not, he’s bravely giving the world a different perspective on the conflict. He despises the Ukraine regime and I don’t blame him. Zelenskyy needs to surrender to save lives. There is so much insanity going on now. Russia are holding a nuclear bomb drill now, Putin’s family are in one of those underground cities, apparently. Those cities made the news a few years ago. No other country has ever admitted to having such things, though America supposedly has many.
This is an unwinnable war for both sides. Russia holds all the cards, though, so it’s up to Zelenskyy to go on TV and surrender and enter negotiations to see who “wins”. But Zelenskyy keeps spouting the Rambo rhetoric, “we are in World War 3” all that comic book bullshit. It’s over for him and his cronies, he knows that, but narcissism is keeping him going. He’ll be fine come Christmas, he’ll be living in America being hailed a hero wherever he goes. But for the ordinary people of Ukraine, it won’t be sunny skies if Zelenskyy keeps up his (non) strategy.
Even Mohammed Ali knew when he was whipped. This fight was a TKO weeks ago, but it rages on due to narcissism by Zelenskyy and hubris by the western governments who are not talking him into surrendering for fear of being called Putin sympathisers or whatnot.
@CG…..although it’s of no matter…I’m genuinely pleased to see you back. I might not agree with all that you post but we are sometimes in danger of turning into an echo-chamber on here and personally I don’t agree with this shout of ” Troll” that seems to go up when someone posts who doesn’t happen to follow the narrative.
@Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Aye, cheers, man! I like your musings, too. I just want to see a ceasefire, then talks between Zelenskyy and Putin, then an amicable settlement not for those two egomaniacs, but for the people of Ukraine, Russia and the watching world who have no stomach for this level of insanity after the last two years. And for me personally, I want Ukraine to play Scotland at Hampden in the fitba! We all want a traditional spring-summer then the World Cup in November. We want affordable fuel costs and the urban decay problems in Britain to be sorted out. What we don’t want is to see a guy in a ratty green T-shirt spouting Rambo rhetoric at us on TV, cajoling us into a war that would be so suicidal that the Dirty Dozen would stay in their death-row cells. Peace will come, but probably not for a few weeks, I reckon. Peace.
Good post Cunty. Ukraine have been brave beyond words but now is the time to sue for peace. They won’t have a country left at this rate. Let Putin have the illusion of a ‘win’. A thousand lives lost is bad enough but going into tens of thousands? Enough is enough.
Good post CG.
Good to see you back.
What have we said about feeding trolls?
He’s going to load the bullets for you to fire.
Withdraw, disengage, don’t respond, ever.
Q: When is a ban not a ban?
A: When Cunty Gordon is banned.
RTC, I have commented above.
But you sort of summed it up, he’s let back on and goes into a, a, can’t describe it.
Insane rant?
My guess is, I was banned… then unbanned. Such things can happen in life. The owner of this site is obviously a reasonable fellow who enjoys my contributions as long as I don’t get personal with others. I’m fine with that.
And no, I’m not trolling, not my style at all to troll. I’m speaking calmly from the heart and mind. If you disagree with me, then do so, marshal the facts in your favour. I just want to see a ceasefire and old fashioned negotiations, but Zelenskyy doesn’t it seems. He’s been telling his kids today that, “soldiers are dying for you,” the man could have a ceasefire tonight at midnight and be hugging his kids this weekend. I think that being an actor, he sees this in movie terms and expects a glorious ending to his story, but life ain’t like that, Vlod, life’s a bitch, politics is real and it doesn’t get realer than war.
That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? This isn’t a complicated scenario. Ukraine has pretty much been taken by Russia, so it’s time to sit down like men and TALK. Use Zoom, use YouTube livestream, but just cease firing and TALK. Duh.
Or maybe they can conduct peace talks via you, as you seem to have such a firm grip on this all out war, sorry I meant situation, where the Russians seem to be handed their arse.
Zelensky offered to sit down with Putin over a week ago. Presumably that doesn’t count.
Not wholly correct, Charlie.
Now then Led Zeppellins (CS).
Hope you’re well.
Mutatis mutandis and all that.
See you around.
Interesting to see the MSM now admitting Cunt Hunter’s laptop contents are genuine. He and kid sniffer Pa are up to their necks in it over there.
Also of note was a high ranking officials wife being apprehended with suitcase containing millions and millions in dollars and euros.
Of course these corrupt fucks want war, they want it burned to the ground and all blamed on Vladimir while they scurry away with their loot.
Russian defence ministrys states 10k dead, 16k wounded from their army, no figures for Chechnya though and Belarus have moved back from the border, if to be believed.
As I’ve said here before, I had the misfortune of seeing one of the images from that laptop whilst browsing twitter. It looked pretty real to me, unfortunately. Crack smoking nõnce.
It’s going to be glorious watching America go into meltdown when this shit comes out.
@Cunty Gordon : Whatever makes you think we’re reasonable?
This penis piano player has now shut down all opposition media and only allowing state controlled sources.
Sound familiar?
Anyway, back to supporting democracy in Ukraine.
There’s been a growing rise in cyberattacks here in the UK over the last 1-2 weeks, most of which are coming in from Russia, Belarus, India, Iran and Indonesia.
My own recently installed cybersecurity monitoring software confirms this, as as well as targeted attacks in France, Germany, Italy and Brussels, surprisingly!
Sniffer Joe issued a warning to public and private businesses in the States to be on their guard (this doesn’t just apply to businesses, but to everyone really).
Gear up and protect your devices and local network (I know I keep on banging on about this, but bad shit is starting to happen!)
Yeah, I fucking bet. Not. Sniffer Joe and his whole corrupt nõnce family can fuck off.
Wikileaks: Vault 7
The CIA Umbrage Project has the ability to conduct cyber attacks masked as if they were done by foreign entities.
Schwab and the WEF have talked and held cyber polygon events in preparedness for a ‘cyber pandemic’.
New World Order here we gooooo!
Politics aside, all I am saying is gear up and protect your networks because it doesn’t matter where these cyberattacks are coming from, they’re actually here!
As always Techno, thank you for sharing this information.
I’ve watched a bit of the Gonzalo Lira video. Seeing as the guy is actually in Ukraine I thought I would hear what he had to say. I’d never heard of him, and watched the video without looking at his other content, as not to judge him unfairly. Here are a few thoughts on what was said.
First off, he gives the impression that he is going to give you the inside story on what is happening on the ground. Fair enough, but within a minute or two he’s saying he’s scared because local forces aren’t happy with his videos and are searching for him, and he is scared because he doesn’t understand Ukrainian or Russian and doesn’t know if people are saying hello or trying to capture him.
Hmmm, not a good start, not being able to understand the subtleties of the languages of the combatants. Not understanding what people are telling you firsthand is definitely a handicap in that respect.
Secondly, he stated he had been living there since 2016. Later he says that during that time he has also spent a lot of time in London and Amsterdam. So how long has actually spent in Ukraine? Not enough to pick up basic phrases that could indicate friendly intentions or otherwise.
Thirdly, he says that he took no notice of Ukrainian politics until recently. So how does he suddenly become an expert, and where did he get his information? Obviously not from the mainstream media, as he says a few times he despises them and they’re full off shit. Then he tells you to check out Telegram, that’s where the truth is, as it’s unfiltered. Telegram, the Russian mix of WhatsApp and twitter, which absolutely doesn’t have Kremlin approval (or access).
Finally there’s the content. He states categorically that Russia is not targeting civilians and that the Ukrainian resistance is futile as he outlined Russia’s battle strategy of encircling and isolating the military, and giving them the opportunity to surrender and live happily ever after. Bless. How he can expect anyone to believe what he is saying is beyond me. Simply because the very same internet freedom that allows him to post his videos allows others caught up in the actual fighting to do the same, and it paints a completely different picture than him. It usually comes with some evidence too, unlike his tales which he expects the viewers to believe without question.
Then there is his plea to his Patreon fans. Yes, this guy is making money out of this misery, and a look at his other content shows a certain theme. A deeply anti western theme, everyone is corrupt etc. He has the language of the conspiracy theorist too, phrases such as ‘mental gymnastics’ (where have we heard that before?).
Sorry for the long winded post if you bothered to read it, it’s not a criticism of the poster or the video, more an insight into how I interpret stuff like this.
Nicely articulated post, Gutstick. I reached a similar conclusion about this cunt but could not be arsed to comment. Thank you for so doing.
Thanks RTC. Some think we disregard what these people say. I don’t, I consider them the enemy, spreading hate, envy, fear and division among the west, the very things they accuse their targets of doing, calling it truth yet its lies, misinformation and fantasy. There’s enough greed, incompetence and collusion in real life to make some of it almost believable, but real life always comes along and spoils it.
For this guy, and the many like him, I would offer up a piece of advice that is quite often given on this site, though less well meaning, and that is ‘If you don’t like our way of life, go find somewhere else to live’
I hear Russia would welcome a few new conscripts, I mean comrades. See how free they feel then.
Trump says that Russia would never have dared start a war with Ukraine if he were still president. That’s a joke. He spent so much time licking Rasputin’s arse, the cunt didn’t need to spend money on toilet paper for four years.
Trump can afford to run his mouth because his claim cannot be proven either way. It’s an easy shot to take at the current administration and quite deserving since they’ve been a complete incompetent failure since day 1. It’s one of those situations where there’s no downside and all upside for Trump putting the boot in. He didn’t start out a politician, but he became one so it’s an entirely predictable thing to say.
I would also say he did try to keep things civil with Russia, North Korea and China by doing state visits and such like. That’s got to be a better strategy than staying at home in your recliner while your nurse wipes away your dribble. Supplemented by nonsensical outbursts of crap like getting people and countries mixed up. That’s been Biden’s approach and look where we are.
Very early in his presidency, Trump launched a missile attack on Syria. I’m sure he wasn’t looking for an excuse to blow shit up, but it did send the message ‘America is back. America is watching. Obama’s apology world tour is over so don’t fuck with us’. A strong, arrogant, don’t-even-think-about-it type of America makes the world a safer place. 8 years of Barry and The Shewolf fucked America and fucked the world. The senile old hair sniffer is doubling down. The results are there for all to see.
You’re sadly misinformed Allan. Trump’s alleged links to Putin have been revealed as disinformation, mainly by the Democratic party activists, acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Much the same as the Labour party accepting millions in bribes from the Chinese and Russians.
Personally I think Putin played them both. It would have been win win or that cunt.
All nations in the UN, including Russia I believe, signed up to the Geneva Convention which sets out very clearly the rules for war and also details how civilians should be treated. Ukraine is an atrocity by Putin and we should all gang up on the cunt.
Just wait until the truth comes out about what Ukranian forces have done to Ukranian civilians.
Not letting the men leave the country is just the tip of the iceberg.
Keep eating up that MSM propaganda folks! It’s good for ya!
MSM propaganda is the only show in town with any credibility.
News today, Zelenskyy has said peace talks are tough but moving forward step by step.
It could be over by Christmas ?
Credibility. Fucking lol.
Genuine question chunky, what sources do you consider credible?
And what do you do to measure someone’s credibility?
As I said, genuine question.
Veterans Today.
There seems to be a distinct lack of Ukranians greeting the Russians with any degree of enthusiasm Chunky, considering the “evil” picture you portray of the Ukrainian regime. Sounds as if you’ve swallowed Putin’s cool-aid.
Gut: I assume there are no credible sources beyond the bare basic evidence of a situation being reported on. All have bias, funding, political involvement etc. E.g. I’ll believe the BBC when they say Russia is in Ukraine, as that is black and white, but beyond that I won’t trust a single thing they put forward. Why would I, after Syria, Iraq, etc..
Stick to the self evident, discard the narratives, assume all are trying to hawk some bullshit (whether it be infowars t-shirts or installing an ideology favourable to the establishment agendas).
MM: You’ve seen that have you? Are you there? I’ve swallowed nothing. I’ve made it clear I think Putin is a dick and playing a globalist role. It just happens to be that Zelensky is a corrupt cunt too, along with Ukraine itself.
We’re being played, again. It’s so obvious.
A credible source? Anyone who spouts pro-Putin anti-West propaganda. Anyone who seeks to sow instability in Western democratic countries. You get the picture.
A credible source: anyone who promotes the narrative of conspiracy nutters. Credibility is measured by how far from the MSM narrative it travels.
Apothenia – the tendency to build erroneous patterns into miscellaneous and unconnected events and seeing connections where none exist. This gives rise to conspiracy theories.
Really poor stuff this. Wouldnt it be better to discuss specific incidents of the war.
Those who are suspicious of the reporting saying why they are. Those who are not and the reasons why.
For example I am suspicious of the Maternity Hospital reporting. It was said that the bomb hit a ward at one point. Many mothers and babies probably dead. But it never got passed the probably. Then the figures were given two adults and a baby or something
Not the massacre we were all expecting.
‘The ghost of Kiev’ tbe pilot that got all those’ kills’ at the beginning. What happened to him? No footage or anything. Just stated. I thought he.might become a ‘celebrity’ fighter pilot like the Red Baron.
The Theatre one. They’re all in the bunker below it trying to survive. Surely someone’s got a mobile phone that could send out some footage?
People have no memory, Miles. We were told shit about Iraq, we were told shit about Assad and chemical attacks that never were. We have multiple instances of bullshit from Ukraine in a matter of weeks.
I’m amazed anyone would not be skeptical at this point unless they were establishment cunts. Hillary AND Blair are piping up for more involvement.
It’s not an “erroneous pattern” if we’ve done the same thing multiple times. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fucking reality. But then these two are masonic sympathisers so their judgement is off base to begin with.
Having said all that the devastation looks complete. I do believe the pictures.
Russia’s land invasion has already failed and Putin’s objectives are unrealised. Putin understands he is facing a long guerrilla war of attrition which will also end in failure. In his desperation for a quick resolution Putin will undoubtedly look to use chemical weapons, if he thinks he can get away with it. Neither would I rule out a tactical nuclear strike in Ukraine.
None of the supposed shortcomings of the Ukrainian regime or conspiracy theories about the West justify this horrific barbarity and naked agression.
“Masonic sympathisers”. What has that got to do with it? Unless we’re back to the old conspiracy theories about the world being controlled by Freemasons, the Jesuits and the Rothschilds – the three most unlikely bedfellows you could ever hope to meet.
Masonic sympathisers, what the fuck are they? That you have to disregard the acres if real world evidence to come to your conclusions says more about your gullibility than mine.
Iraq is a well documented shitstorm, with all its fuck ups and dirty dealings laid bare. The wheels came off that cunt before the first shots, let alone the last. That Blair and others haven’t been brought to some form of justice is wrong, but it all played out in full glare of the mainstream media.
Assad used chlorine gas, as did the Russians, its a gem because it dissipates and leaves very little trace, however the effects of it are pretty easy to diagnose.
My memory is fine, as is my moral compass.
Perhaps you would be happier in Russia?
“Masonic sympathisers”?
Chunky usually posits that the Jesuits are behind everything pulling the strings. Probably easing off that theory now in order to keep Miles onboard.
I heard earlier that Zelensky has bwe6n speaking to the Japanese parliament. So that’s Japan, Germany, Britan USA, Brussels…more I think. I wonder are Cunters a bit suspiciouso of how ‘slick’ the PR has been for him?
He mentions all the right things.
Churchill in Britan,9/11 in America, 5tge Nazis in Germamy.
His script writer is very accomplished.
Or maybe its just him.
The Daily Mail as well. It used to say reports were sent by our ‘correspondents in Kiev’ or something.
Talk of chemical weapons and such like. People resorting to cannibalism. I just dont know.
Russia used chemical weapons in Syria only a few years ago.
Neither of you have addressed the reporting I cited.
‘None of the supposed shortcomings of the Ukrainian regime or conspiracy theories about the West justify this horrific barbarity and naked agression.’
I never said anything about the ‘shortcomings of the Ukrainian regime or conspiracy theories’
I’m not really sure what points you are making, Miles.
Zelensky’s addresses could certainly be scripted. Whether by someone else, or by him or by a team in which he is included, I don’t know. If they are scripted I should think he has input into them. But does it matter? He delivers them well and they sound as if they come from the heart.
I think there is enough evidence to show that the attacks on the maternity hospital and the theatre took place. You yourself said you believed the photographs of the devastation. Ukraine is a war zone in a state of chaos. I don’t think you can always expect people to have the state of mind or even the internet connection to always send out videos from their phones. But there is enough photographic documentation to show the aftermath of these attacks.
Ok Miles, I will try to address some of your concerns.
Speeches tailor made for each country. Zelensky is a smart man. Mocked for being a comedian he is far more than that. The series he was in where the schoolteacher becomes president? He wrote that. I’ve seen some of it and it looks pretty good. It would be easy for someone who could write material of that calibre to write eloquently and from the heart speeches that could resonate with people.
Using specific dark times from a specific period in each nations history for empathy is a no brainier. It’s a seriously dark time for Ukraine, so why wouldn’t he draw parallels?
As for the targets that Russia is choosing? Lavarov at first denied the hospital bombing, then changed his mind later saying they did bomb the hospital because there were rebels inside, making it a legitimate military target.
The reason for the low casualty figure is because those that could be evacuated had already done so, leaving only those that couldn’t, such as heavily pregnant women, who made up a significant proportion of the casualties. They had been moved to the safest part of the building but it wasn’t enough. However, how many pregnant women and their babies need to die to make it an atrocity?
Russia rarely use precision guided munitions it this type of war, preferring widespread devastation to pinpoint military strikes against confirmed military only targets. That poundshop Hemmingway tried to say otherwise on the video above, making him a Putain apologist, a liar, and a cunt. The rare occasions that guided weapons are used are against soft targets such as this hospital, and the newly built shopping centre they bombed the other day. Russia said it was housing military vehicles. None in the rubble though. And, Russian helpfully provided the video of its destruction, from the infrared camera on the attack aircraft, just in case someone wanted to doubt its authenticity.
What proof do you need of this indiscriminate bombing and shelling? Look at some of the recent drone footage since the war and compare it with google earth.
With regard to the notion of truth…we live in a very Orwellian era. Misinformation is the new enemy of mankind. Anyone who doesn’t accept the “official” government line is a dangerous subversive…indeed a traitor. Yet governments and their allies in the MSM lie to us with impunity every day.
Covid started in a wet market. We will only lockdown for 2 weeks to slow the spread. Masks will slow the contagion. Vaccines will immunize us. They have even lied to us about how many people have died from Covid as opposed to how many people have died with Covid
Putin is a cunt of cosmic proportions…that is a metaphysical certitude. He started this unjustified, illegal war and is spreading propaganda and misinformation as a means of justifying his aggression.
Russian and Ukrainian soldiers along with innocent civilians are dying. (Innocent civilians always die in war.)
Ukraine is a corrupt nation fighting for its sovereignty. Zelensky has showed great courage. But…he has also outlawed all opposing political parties…taken control of the media…and silenced anyone other than those who speak the official government truth…all in the name of combating misinformation. The official line is he is preserving democracy.
Preserving democracy in a notoriously corrupt country by silencing and controlling all speech and information is indeed the very epitome of Orwellian madness.
But perhaps he has no other choice? As Churchill said;
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”
In short…I’m skeptical of anything and everything I hear about the war in Ukraiane
Don’t forget he has banned men from leaving the country. That in itself is the action of a corrupt dictator, not a freedom loving democracy.
Still silence on Hunter’s laptop.. nõncy, corruption involving the Chinese and Ukraine. All known to the FBI prior to the election.
The MSM and even dozens of intel experts all claimed it was disinformation at the time haha.
If you believe the MSM you are a fucking dull mug, period.
*Russian disinformation. Haha. If in doubt, blame Russia.
Ukraine is a war zone Chunky. The normal functions of the state have ceased and the government is focused on one thing only – the survival of the country. Take the case of the UK in WW2 – there were no elections, rationing was put in place, conscription, the curtailment of civil liberties for those deemed enemy aliens and a host of other controls which in peace time would be unaceptable.
So fucking what. You can dress it up however you like but you are saying it is acceptable for the state to treat you like fucking livestock and send you off to die for THEIR cause.
FUCK that. Freedom is not dependent on the whims of politicians.
Zelensky has not banned men from leaving the country. Only able bodied men between 18 and 60. What part of Putin invading Ukraine do you not get? Stop spreading misinformation.
“Zelensky has not banned men from leaving the country. Only able bodied men 18-60”.
HAHAHA. That is the most atrocious mental gymnastics I’ve ever seen on this site.
The desperation is palpable.
Like seriously, did you even think before you wrote that? Under 18s aren’t men yet and over 60s aren’t exactly breeding material any more.
Hence, they ARE stopping the MEN from leaving.
Jesus H Christ, that was really scrapping the barrel Ruff. You should be fucking ashamed.
My post above was for Chunky.
“Freedom is not dependent on the whims of politicians.”
Who suggested it was?
“mental gymnastics”
There you go again. ?
Your desperation to be a Putin enabler is certainly palpable, Chunky.
Putin enabler ?
I’ve said it several times, he’s a globalist cunt. Just ask Schwab about it.
It’s not a matter of “breeding” Chunky. It’s a matter of staying and fighting for your country. Something you clearly have no conception of.
If I wanted to fight for this country I’d join the military. But I don’t, so I won’t.
Conscription is antithetical to freedom. People are not slaves of the state, bureaucrats and generals.
If people don’t want to fight that’s their business. Until you yourself have actually seen war or killed someone, I’d keep your mouth shut.
“breeding material”
‘Russia’s land invasion has already failed and Putin’s objectives are unrealised.’
That was the ‘narrative’ from the get-go it seems to me. There was a piece in the Mail by some military expert (Western) who said it was going to plan. Albeit hard going.
What is Russia’s stategy? To destroy the whole country. And they have nearly achieved that by the looks of things.
‘Putin understands he is facing a long guerrilla war of attrition which will also end in failure.’. I think he is prepared for a long guerrilla war. I am sure when he took the decision to invade he knew that what he wants to achieve will take years and years. Remember he has moved only in the Crimea and the Bondass reigion for the 20 years he has been in office.
‘Neither would I rule out a tactical nuclear strike’
Nor would I.
‘Russia used chemical weapons in Syria only a few years ago.’
But the way the Mail reports because he’s so supposedly ‘desperate” their use is imminent. That has been going on for for a while now.
Zelensky’s addresses. No doubt they are inspiring. But it just reminds me of someone who has been tricked into thinking NATO will come to the rescue. He speaks the language of heroic self sacrifice but the West when it comes to it doesn’t want to know. This links in with my belief that he sue for peace asap. What CG said we all know what the end result will be lets start negotiations now and save a lot of lives.
Not blaming Zelensky there he has asked for them. And if the people want to fight (as it seems they have from the start) he must go with that.
‘I think there is enough evidence to show that the attacks on the maternity hospital and the theatre took place. You yourself said you believed the photographs of the devastation.’
Yes. The attacks took place but I havent seen the dead bodies or casualties. Or I have missed it.
‘Ukraine is a war zone in a state of chaos’
I remember watching the Vietnam War the first ‘television war’ and running battles in the streets and dead bodies everywhere. Got to say I havent seen much of that in Ukraine.
I have of course seen the rockets hitting apartment blocks. And destruction of whole streets. A street where a prestgious university was.
Above is to Chunky. IOW hold on Chunky this thing is not being ‘staged’.
‘It would be easy for someone who could write material of that calibre to write eloquently and from the heart speeches that could resonate with people.’
But its all too scripted. I just cant help feeling its a bit of an ‘act’. Playing out in real life deadly situation. Just my opinion.
I mean right at the very start he was there on the telly. As though hed no need to rush for cover. Is that courageous or reckless?
‘Using specific dark times from a specific period in each nations history for empathy is a no brainier. It’s a seriously dark time for Ukraine, so why wouldn’t he draw parallels?’
But its almost become a formula. In the middle of a war and are all wondering what connection hes going to make with the situation ‘right now’ and the past.
‘What proof do you need of this indiscriminate bombing and shelling?’
I think it is part of the strategy. To bomb them into submission. But I dont think Russia is akone in using this tactic. If you can call it a tactic.
‘Take the case of the UK in WW2 – there were no elections’.
There was a National Government. Political parties werent banned. But according to reports Zelensky has banned all political partties. Even the ones that have supported the defence of the country from the beginning.
‘Opposition Platform for Life, for example, denounced the Russian invasion the moment it happened, just like everybody else. But Zelenskyy took the opportunity to turn Ukraine into effectively a one-party state, which it now is. So having banned all opposition, he then seized control of the country’s media outlets. Zelenskyy signed a decree that combines all national television channels into a single platform that he controls. He described this as a “unified information policy,” and it certainly is unified. ‘
Tucker Carlsen.
Ostensibly, he has banned political parties with ties to Russia but some argue the ban takes in parties that have opposed Russia, true.
Ukraine is not the first democracy to have suspended democratic norms in time of war. Zelensky still has a large pro-Russian political opposition to deal with which could easily become a quisling government if the Russian assault succeeds. Perhaps dissent and discord ought to be quelled during a fight for the life of a country? I can hardly imagine having George Galloway, Nicola Sturgeon or Corbyn on Question Time during the blitz.
Not surprisingly, the British Union of Fascists and the National Socialist Party were banned in this country during WW2. A number of prominent members were also arrested and interned. That’s what happens when a country is fighting for its survival.
Indeed – that’s a good example, Ruff.
In a word, “Patriotism”.
Do you think there’s a whiff of a fifth column in the air in some of these posts, Ruff Tuff?
I couldn’t possibly comment, Colonel…
I’ll comment.
I think it’s very important to keep things in perspective. Especially, with regard to Zelensky’s actions and the comparison to WWII Britain.
Both Zelensky and Churchill are/were…under the legitimate functioning of their respective democracies…elected leaders. And while the UK was not invaded, the very real possibility of invasion certainly existed after the defeat of France and into the fall of 1940. And to be sure Britain was a war zone as it was bombed and blockaded even into 1944. (I’m not sure when the last V or Vengeance weapon attack was.)
However, with regard to governing it is important to point out that while elections in Britain were suspended it wasn’t the end of democracy.
Churchill brought many members of the opposition into the government and indeed, gave them a voice and significant responsibility.
The most prominent of which may have been Labor Leader Clement Atlee. Other prominent members included, Earl A.V. Alexander…also of the Labour Party as 1st Lord of the Admiralty, Archibald Sinclair of the Liberal Party, and Lord Beverbrook. He even appointed his old nemesis in the Conservative Party, Neville Chamberlain as President of the Council.
So in a time of great national peril, rather than silence his opponents and rivals he included them in the government.
That’s the difference between democracy…giving everyone (including those who oppose you) a voice…and a dictatorship…i.e. outlawing and silencing all opposition.
I agree General. The wartime government in the UK was a coalition government and Churchill was careful to include his political opponents within it. Parliament still functioned and, especially during the early years of the war, Churchill relied on Labour MP’s who were more supportive of him than his own Conservatives, many of whom still distrusted him.
The UK was of course a mature democracy. We have to take account of the fact that Ukraine is a less mature democracy. Zelensky can be excused, in my view, for his current actions in banning opposition parties in a state of war, some of whom do harbour pro-Russian sympathies and are linked to the Kremlin. The test will come after the conflict. Will Zelensky restore political opposition? I believe he will.
Remember also that Ukraine has ambitions to be counted as part of the West. They would like to join Nato, for obvious reasons. True, Nato does not stipulate that a treaty state has to be a democracy. But it’s a club of democracies that largely subscribe to Western norms of governance (Turkey being the exception although it aspired to Western norms when it joined).
Ukraine also wants to join the EU and to be considered it must be a democracy (the irony being that EU membership effects a significant diminution of sovereign democracy, but that’s another tale).
For these reasons, and others, I believe Ukraine will resume democratic opposition when the war has ended, with the exception perhaps of pro-Kremlin opposition parties.
While some historians and contemporaries regard(ed) Halifax as pro-German, your points are well taken.
With regard to being considered a democracy…in this Orwellian day and age…democracy…much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Democracies all over the world locked down their citizens and restricted their freedoms if they didn’t comply with the government’s health mandates. Mostly by executive decree and not by law.
In my own once great nation…peaceful protesters at the nation’s capital are being held in solitary confinement on trumped up (no pun intended) charges of insurrection. They are denied legal representation, medical treatment and family visitors until they denounce Trump and plead guilty. Meanwhile violent BLM and Antifa thugs roam freely and continue to perpetrate violence.
Fraudulent elections install puppets (Joe Biden)…truth is suppressed (Hunter Biden)…and fake charges (Russian collusion)…undermine the ability of those truly elected to govern.
In Canada, peaceful protesters (Truckers) are violently arrested. Their property is seized and their assets are confiscated because they dare protest the government’s policy…all in the name of democracy.
How short is your nation’s memory? Voters approve Brexit and politicians spend years trying to thwart their will. It’s only when some back bench clown seizes on the issue for personal gain that it gets done. (And is it truly done?) Doesn’t sound like democracy to me.
Thomas Jefferson said; “When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
It seems to me that democracy is a perverted ideal that those in power invoke in order to enforce their will, rather than implement ours.
History says that during the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned his critics. After the war he reinstated it and released them.
I’m not convinced Zelensky (or any other politician of today) is made of the same stuff Lincoln was.
Note to the Admins:
Why is my post in moderation?
No idea, General. I just released it from mod jail. Nothing wrong with it as far as I could tell. Wordfence must like you this evening – NA.
Thank you NA.
I suspect it had more to do with me offending the New World Order than Wordfence liking me.
All good points General and I tend to agree with you.
Democracy in its purest form is unworkable. An ancient Greek ideal, it worked in their city states because they were small and had less weighty and less complex issues to deal with. If we were to have a pure democracy in the 21st Century then literally every issue would have to be put to a referendum and government would effectively cease to function.
Instead, we have a type of managed democracy in which a government is elected for a term but during that term effectively does what it wants. Only an effective opposition, and the thought of being turfed out of office at the next election if it fails to enact the wishes of its voters, holds it in check.
It works after a fashion and as Churchill said, it the worst form of government except for all the others.
But recent events have shown how tenuous our democracy is. You rightly mention the establishment rage against Brexit and Trump and how powerful vested interests have conspired against them – successfully in the case of Trump. And a state of emergency – be it Covid or a war – gives a government the opportunity to revert to type, that type being the preference for authoritarianism and illiberalism.Once governments, even well intentioned ones, get a taste for undisputed control they are reluctant to surrender it.
This type of big, unchecked government is the greatest threat to liberty.
I would also add to what I said General, about your point of today’s politicians not being the calibre of past politicians.
Where are today’s Lincolns and Churchills ? There are none that I can see – not even Zelensky (although he’s doing a great job). We don’t even have the equivalents of Thatcher and Reagan.
Politicians are drawn from the general population of course and reflect them. The West has been asleep since the end of the Cold War, assuming history had ended like Francis Fukuyama. Having no great ideals to defend many people have slipped into a culture of managerialism and bureaucratic centralised government by an elite of technocrats. Many have forgotten the meaning of liberal democracy and instead obsess over the perceived slights of minorities. Consequently we get the rulers we deserve.
Well said, MMCM.
Our modern politicians are gibbering idiots and far too weakminded to resist the fashonable nonsense of the era compared to the statesmen of the past.
I’ve only read a % of the over 1,600 comments, so apologies if this question has come up before.
If the west is so concerned about Ukraine and want the Russians to fail and bugger off, why aren’t the Ukrainian skies filled with drones taking out Russian positions and such? Why hasn’t there been a Ukrainian strike on targets in Russia as a bit of payback?
Get some willing Ukrainians over the border onto friendly/neutral soil. Train them up on how to flying drones, then unleash the mayhem. I don’t see why that’s so different from the west supplying arms to Ukraine without actually joining in, so to speak.
Military strategists – over to you.
It’s a very sensitive and difficult situation. There are those that will say that the west has been pushing for this for years, poking the bear etc. If this was remotely true, why would so many NATO members entrust their energy security with Russia?
The truth is that the west has done everything it can to avoid conflict with Russia. We have let them get away with many things that others would have got flattened for, Russian missiles taking down civilian aircraft, annexation of Crimea, murdering Kremlin opponents on British soil, recklessly using chemical weapons and radioactive isotopes. We should have taken far more action than expel a couple of fucking diplomats. And, let’s not forget Trump was in the big chair when the Kremlin staged a chemical attack in the U.K. and he did fuck all. In fairness there wasn’t much the cunt could do, with as I have said, so many allies dependant on Russian gas and crude.
Nobody in the west wants this war. If it escalates, which it would surely do if our involvement was anything more than sanctions and military aid to Ukraine, it is apparent that Russia would lose a conventional war, and the only ace they hold is the nuclear option. They have more nuclear weapons than the whole of NATO combined.
Whether we are neutral, or non belligerent, there is only so much we can do, and the aid and support we are supplying now is pissing the Russians off to the point of escalating the conflict themselves.
Hopefully China, not bothered by the war or the humanitarian crisis but pissed off with the global economic consequences will try and give Russia a nudge to seek a peaceful resolution.
That’s my two pence worth anyway.
Cheers GJ. I appreciate you taking the time to lay it out for me. You make a great point about past Russian ‘infractions’ going unchallenged. On that basis, what has happened was almost bound to happen sooner or later. The Russian energy dependency now looks like an own goal too. Yikes!
Thanks again – IY.
Mo problem IY, hope there was something there. Obviously it’s far more complicated than what I’ve written, but what I consider the salient points are there.
And yes, unfortunately there was always going to be a point where Russia came to blows with the west, at least as long as Putin or someone like him is in power.
As someone who shat himself regularly during the cold War at the thought of nuclear war, operation able archer almost starting WW3 in 1984, the prospect of a friendly Russia was a massive relief.
I hope we get to that point again.
‘Next stop the Bahmas!’. The top link on the DM website.
I thought it was referring to Zelensky again. A conference call to the Bahamas.
No kate and Wills.
Something to read-
‘Ukrainian resistance means more wanton deaths. Neither is the West ready for a military confrontation, nor is Putin ready to retreat from his goal, which may be more than merely pushing Ukraine to neutrality.
Western sanctions seem like a pre-planned war against Russia. Volodymyr Zelensky was ill-advised to put his country at the service of a project that is larger than him. It is true that the humanitarian response shown by the countries of Europe in coping with the flow of Ukrainian refugees fleeing from the war was quick and elaborate. But this does not mean that the catastrophe will be over once its tragic manifestations are contained. This is particularly true if one believes the countries that say it is all temporary, even if until recently they used to fear Ukrainians just getting near their borders.
Moscow wants to impose neutrality on Ukraine, which means preventing it from joining NATO to stop it from posing a threat to Russia’s national security. Moscow has no intention to annex it as it did with Crimea. For years, Putin has been saying this and repeating it. The West does not ignore this. The Ukrainian president has, for reasons unknown so far, decided to cross Russia’s red lines in order to facilitate the task of the West in imposing economic sanctions on Moscow, but at what cost? It is the embarrassing question that will lead Zelensky to face justice in his country once Ukrainians catch their breath.
It was clear that Ukraine had been sacrificed by its president. None of the nationalist slogans he raised can be achieved. Ukraine is small and cannot play in the big league. It is doomed by history and geography to be closer to Russia than to the West. What is said about it being an independent and sovereign state is true, but within the framework of those two conditions. This does not detract from its sovereignty nor independence. Ukraine does not have to gravitate within the Russian orbit. But it should not be a threat to Russia. Zelensky, a comedian whose artistic talent I cannot judge, was so good at playing the role of the valiant vassal of the West that he managed to drag Putin into war without that costing the West anything. But Putin will not put an end to the war without bringing down the Ukrainian regime.
The West erred in imposing its sanctions. By doing so, it condemned the existing regime in Kyiv to death. Any negotiations between the warring parties will not lead to a decisive result in terms of stopping hostilities. The negotiators are only trying to minimise civilian casualties. But no one will able to stop the war. This is because the West knows the roots of the problem and its sanctions have only complicated the situation. Putin’s line of thought has changed since Western sanctions were imposed on his country. With its sanctions the West has betrayed its goal of using Zelensky, not knowing what this might lead to. What the Ukrainian president said and still insists on repeating is anti-Russian rhetoric. He has offered justifications for a war where the West has made Ukraine sacrifice its own people and imposed economic sanctions on Russia.
It is naïve to say simply that the Ukrainian president was not innocent. Is not his type of behaviour considered treason? The man has crushed his country and people in a war between two superpowers. He played a dubious role in making sure the war would be costly to one party, the Russian Federation, while the second party, represented by the United States and Europe, practices its malice in imposing economic sanctions and isolating Moscow as if it had committed the crime of the century. Putin always mentions in his speeches the crime of the invasion of Iraq. Incidentally, we can recall that Ukraine contributed to that invasion. When the United States invaded Iraq, it did not have the motives that Russia has today in its Ukrainian campaign.
I believe that Russia will stop its campaign only when the Kyiv regime is toppled. Will there be a compromise between the two parties? That could be the best case scenario. At worst, Ukraine could end up over the precipice’
I dont agree with every word of it.
That’s for the virtue-signalling keyboard warriors on here.
Which Kremlin propagandist wrote that? Or did he/she/it wish to remain anonymous?
A well placed comment Miles.
One day,folks will see just how far they have been played.
“It’s OK when we do it”.
NATO bomb Serbia . ✅
Saudis attack Yemen ✅
Coalition forces destroy Libya ✅
Coalition forces destroy Iraq ✅
The bogeyman goes on his rampage ❌
Money money money.
Until that ridiculous little shyster steps down with his loot this is going to continue.
Ridiculous little shysters being the Zelenko marionette.
Or whatever the fuck his zib zib name is.
Ant-semitism. The last refuge of the scoundrel with nothing original to say.
‘The bogeyman goes on his rampage’
Yup, Russia as the Bogeyman MF.
Its old thinking.
The Cold War was years ago.
We must have an enemy.
NATO’s raison-d’etre.
What Trump said-‘What’s with Russia?’.
‘Ant-semitism’ maybe MMCM.
Could very well be.
Got to be careful with you.
Remember I am the uppity ‘bog trotter’.
Funny I was thinking he is a little Jew.
I mean physically little, short.
5’7”’ he is.
The same as one Vladimir Putin.
Could tgere be ‘short man syndrome’ going on with both of them?
Precisely. It’s not as if Russia has invaded an independent sovereign nation or anything, or is bombing the shit out of civilians…. Err, wait a minute…. ?
The above in reply to Miles @ 11:24am.
I think a little mistake you make about me is that I put my jokey stuff up yes being a bit anti Jewish but then someone comes along who is really anti semitic with nasty stuff and you think ‘that’s what Miles truly believes’ when I dont.
Winston Churchill 5’6″
There’s nothing funny about your anti-semitism, Miles.
Is that all Churchill was?
Morello wote –
NATO bomb Serbia . ✅
Saudis attack Yemen ✅
Coalition forces destroy Libya ✅
Coalition forces destroy Iraq ✅
The bogeyman goes on his rampage.
So when the West makes these destructive interventions causing mayhem its not evil. But when the big bad Russians do it its ‘evil’
Stop virtue- signalling.
Who’s saying “when the West makes these destructive interventions causing mayhem its not evil.”?
In your world two wrongs may make a right, but not in my world.
‘In your world two wrongs may make a right, but not in my world.’
Stop using cliches.
Whatever you think of the West’s interventions in the conflicts you mention Miles does not matter. They are criticised by many in the West. It does not make the Russian intervention right.
Of course the West is bitterly divided over those past interventions. That criticism and debate is freely allowed in the West and will no doubt shape future interventions. That’s the point of democracy. In Russia protestors are arrested. Debate is not permitted. If he succeeds in the Ukraine Putin will impose the same model there.
For all its faults, Western liberalism is still the best path to follow and we should support Ukraine’s right to chose its own path.
Has anyone else encountered the interview where Rishi Washi tries to ignore the question on what his wife’s status with Indian firm “Infosys”, based in Moscow, using a Russian Bank?
Boss eyed shit weasel.
“But it’s OK when we do it.”