
Use the Comment section below to write up your cunting nomination.

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Either way, your nomination will disappear from this page.
That’s how you’ll know it’s been reviewed, so don’t ask.

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[1] Whenever possible include a link to a recognised news source or risk 🗑️.
[2] Unsubstantiated allegations against living people or institutions results in 🗑️.
[3] Too short (less than 5 lines) or too long (more than 50 lines) qualifies it for 🗑️.
[4] Pay attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation & spacing. Unreadable equals 🗑️.
[5] Respond appropriately to an admin comment within 2 days, otherwise it’s 🗑️.

Which leads us to a most important rule:
Do NOT ask questions or add comments to nominations unless:
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If you break this rule, you will be moderated indefinitely or possibly banned.


3 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. David Lammy.

    This man is a complete fucking plank and a complete fucking bell end.

    If he’s not making a fool of himself with his Grenfell lies or his appearance on Mastermind, he’s making a fool of himself and a mockery of our once great country on the world stage at the UN.

    Elevating dim wits to positions of power simply because of their skin colour is insanity.

    What is it with the Labour Party and their penchant for racist low IQ blacks?

    Corbyn was quite happy to have Dianne Abbott as Home Secretary had he been elected and now, thanks to Dame Kweer Charmer, we have this fucking imbecile Lammy as foreign secretary.

    Anyway, off our Dave trots to the UN in his Air Max trainers and Matalan suit to wave his race card around.

    As always with cunts like Lammy, his historical knowledge is both severely limited (like his brain capacity) and is also incredibly selective.

    What else would you expect though when you possess the intelligence of a Daddy Longlegs?

    David Lammy – you are a cunt and a national embarrassment and so is your political party.

  2. Rude celebrities.

    I’ve just been reading encounters with horrible celebs on another site.
    Any fellow cunters met a rude celebrity?

    I’ve met a few celebs, and most have been surprisingly ok.

    Andy cole was full of himself and a insufferably cunt.

    Cilla Black Is famous for being a obnoxious cunt especially to flight attendants.

    The best encounter was some guy bumped into Janet krankie in a pet shop in Wolverhampton and she said

    ” Shift you fuckin prick”.😆

    Upto now I’m holding my own having called yank survivalist Cody Lundin and goalkeeper Peter shmiechel a cunt.

    Maybe a fellow ISAC has abused Wendy Craig or stuck 2 fingers up at Amos Breiley?

    Do share!

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