
Use the Comment section below to write up your cunting nomination.

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Either way, your nomination will disappear from this page.
That’s how you’ll know it’s been reviewed, so don’t ask.

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[1] Whenever possible include a link to a recognised news source or risk 🗑️.
[2] Unsubstantiated allegations against living people or institutions results in 🗑️.
[3] Too short (less than 5 lines) or too long (more than 50 lines) qualifies it for 🗑️.
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[6] Stop using the Nominations page to ask for things not to be nominated. Use the Contact Us page. That’s what it’s there for, otherwise 🗑️


Which leads us to a most important rule:
Respond appropriately to an admin comment within 2 days or guess what happens.
That’s right. It goes in the 🗑️.


4 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. ‘From Just…’ !!!

    I was listening to a music channel while driving the other day. Well, I say ‘music channel’ but between the phone-ins, the news, the weather and the competitions, there was actually precious little music on offer, but that’s maybe for another time.

    Oh, and let’s not forget the bastard adverts. In this case, I’m going for one in particular, one where a gushing, incredibly enthusiastic female was trying to convince the audience that a mobile phone deal was fantastic value ‘from just £something 99 pee per month!’. Even better, the superdelux deal was ‘from as little as £something 99 pee per month! That’s right; only £something 99pee per month!’ (Limited offer, terms and conditions apply rapid blah babble).

    It will come as no surprise to cunters to learn that I was so impressed that I raced home and immediately signed myself and the wife up*.

    Why, I ask myself, are advertisers so lacking in imagination that they still believe that anybody anywhere is influenced by this hackneyed, worn out technique? ‘From just… for as little as… only…’ ; and they always sound so amazed, you’d almost think they actually believed it themselves.

    Fucking boring twats.

    *Actually, I didn’t really…

  2. Barbara Furlow-Smiles, former Facebook Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ( DEI) manager, used her position from January 2017 to September 2021 to defraud Facebook, to the tune of $5m+.

    She faked events, business deals and invoices using fraudulent vendors, faked invoices and cash kickbacks. Friends and relatives, as well as Ms. Furlow-Smiles benefited.

    She also ran a similar scheme while working for Nike in a similar DEI role, though only managed to scam a paltry $120k from them.

    Miss Furlow-Smiles is now enjoying the hospitality of the prison system, and will be doing so for the next 5 years. She’s also been ordered to repay both Facebook and Nike (good luck with that!).

    I now invite my fellow cunters to quess Miss Furlow-Smiles ethnicity without reading the article.

  3. Dog obsessives are cunts. Now, I don’t mean normal, responsible dog owners who train their mutt, exercise it, pick up its shit, obey lead laws etc. I’m on about the people who are so in love with dogs that they see any criticism, or any rule regarding their ownership, as an infringement on their yewman rights. The people who refuse to train their dog to behave properly because ‘rules are cruel.’ The people who seem to believe that the world is made exclusively for them and their pet, and that they have the right to take it anywhere and everywhere. The people who post endless photos of their pooch on soshul meeja, and make it their entire personality. The people who think that those with a phobia or allergies should just ‘get over it’ or go somewhere else. The people who believe the ‘no such thing as a bad dog’ horseshit and refuse to recognise genetic differences between breeds. The people who have so little regard for others that they won’t even bag and bin the shit after their dog does its business… you get the picture. These people are vermin. They are a cancer to society. And, worryingly, they are often the sort who are too lazy and/or incompetent to even own a dog in the first place. Proper licensing is needed urgently. (It’s older and American-centric but the most relevant one I can find. Unfortunately the media doesn’t discuss poor ownership enough).

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