
Use the Comment section below to write up your cunting nomination.

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Which leads us to a most important rule:
Respond appropriately to an admin comment within 2 days or guess what happens.
That’s right. It goes in the 🗑️.


6 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. MoD data breach:
    I may be wrong but I guess the unnamed company that managed the armed forces payroll system may be Capita. The government’s favourite outsourcer. Well stop employing Chinks and Poles with Russian sympathies you useless cunts.

    I doubt if it really was a ‘state’ hack but it seems there are so many untrustworthy people in IT willing to risk their jobs by selling data on the dark web. Payroll systems for the MoD should not be outsourced and the people involved should be vetted and have no “social” media accounts and in their contract it should say that they must not mention their job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. It makes them targets.

    Think about the people in WW2 who kept secrets for 50+ years and the cypher people during the cold war. These were professionals who knew how to keep quiet.

    Good nom, but needs a link to the story – NA.

  2. Gustav Gustafson

    “The Norwegian national was today handed a life sentence with a minimum term of 22 years at the Old Bailey having admitted multiple counts of conspiring to and causing grievous bodily harm (GBH) to five men. The offences included removing a man’s penis, clamping others’ testicles, and freezing a victim’s leg to the point of amputation.”(Sky news)

    No not a Viking chapter of the Kray Brothers but an aficionado of an international group of sickos into what is known as “extreme body modification” or “genital nullification practitioners” so all very kosher (Jewish circumcision geddit). Web sites, chat rooms, contact forums and all. Not just the odd post card in a public phone box swimming in rancid piss. Serious and well connected connections if you get me drift. They use the terms “nullers” (those cut or wishing to be cut eg Thomas the Cunt Engine) and “cutters” (those offering the service eg Admin).

    By no means averse myself to having me calloused old arse paddled by a very naughty leather clad filly flashing a bit of whiffy minge – but enough of me grand daughter – she’ll be the death of me yet. Just wishing to establish that YT is by no means an old prude – old school public school education including introduction into buggery (for the under 5s), Catholic junior school advanced level flagellation (top marks) and Sexual Perversions for the Tory Candidate (pass mark only due to strength of competition).

    I had a late mate who liked to keep a piece of wire wool tucked into his japs eye and piss through that. Apparently it reminded him of the sensation of his first clap so he could feel young again. It takes all sorts and I cast aside none except when the wanker forgot he had it in when going through an airport gate and set off the alarm. I let him handle that one all by himself. He was allowed onto the next plane after a full internal.

    I tip Cunters the wink that despite the shock horror revelations, there is nothing new about such shenanigans. Part and parcel of life in Certain Circles and with the spread of the internet, available to all (for a monitization). Enough from me, I do not judge but judge for yourselves:

    • Sorry Admin it should be Marius Gustavson not Gustav Gustavson. Also could you please add at the end perhaps from Admin:

      As part of our due diligence we have checked the website in question and it is now available for purchase at $1600.95 which is really quite reasonable with the goodwill attached.

  3. Meghan, Harry and the BBC

    Further proof, not that it’s needed, that our once admired national broadcaster is turning itself into a laughable parody of a news outlet:

    The Countess Montecito has decided she’s Nigerian and so deigned to bestow upon that great country her charm, grace and majesty (for 3 whole days) with her poodle ‘Ginge’. Hence the BBC report that Ginge played a ball game with some other doggies while his mistress looked on approvingly. Apparently this is what constitutes ‘News’ in Savile House.

    One would have thought a few photo ops with some black faces could be arranged just as easily by spending half an hour in Brixton. Instead of the little girl giving flowers we could have Diane Abbott presenting the Countess with a bucket of chiggun.


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