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14 thoughts on “Nominations


    Well just when you think you have seen and heard it, you see something that makes you go hot and dizzy and not in a good way, see above link.
    We have been drawn to the plight of the modern gypsie/ traveller community and these hard done by minority are disillusioned with their lot in life, lots of moaning and whinging about how difficult it is for them to live in the conditions and the general feeling they get from the general public, so I would like to set a few things strait here.
    They feel persecuted by the police, I know for fact there are 2 camps in Cardiff and the police dont want to go there if they can avoid it, but when the place is a haven for stolen cars, wire spools, plant and equipment, illegal vehicles, stolen dogs, fires, ferral kids even a slaves once, I shit you not and anti theft trackers pinging away like some sort of demented Lilly Allen song what the fuck do they expect, stop theiving and breaking the law and this wouldnt be a regular occurrence.
    Then they moan that the conditions are not good, first of all they are not wanted in any town [ trust issues you see, fucking well deserved as well], so they have camps built for them, again in Cardiff when these were new, they ripped all the copper pipes out of the shower blocks, weighed it all in and then demanded the council repaired the damage, for fuck sake, but the council used plastic pipes the next time and surprise, surprise they are still there, lesson learned.
    Then they are moaning that people are racist, now are these theiving gysie bastards actually a race apart or just a breed apart, im leaning towards the latter here, the facts are they are not to be trusted and they prove this fact again and again by theiving, conning and general dishonesty every fucking day and everywhere they go.
    Again Cardiff, there was a funeral some years back and these inbred cunts decided to completely block a main road out of town by literally using it as a car park, they they had the biggest theiving, lying, shit kicker talk to the press to say how these cunts were so miss understood and they cant understand why the are less popular than Meghan Markle.
    The same aforementioned pikey, likes to park horses on other peoples land and then claim it for himself after an allotted period of time.
    They they claim there are rats the size of dogs where they live, now if they weren’t so cruel to their animals , didnt have teid up horses,dead, dying or killed animals hanging around looking forward to the next life [ hopefully doggy heaven is pikey free] and tidied their self caused shit holes they wouldnt have overfed, giant super rats running around the place.
    Then they moan that the Welsh government are not pandering to their demands, have they not noticed the country is in the shit and a percentage of this is down to these cunts directly, while they dont pay taxes, drive around in Mercs when not driving the Tranny around looking for things to steal, wasting police time all the time.
    Ripping off all the local businesses by day and breaking in by night, thank god we dont live in Appleby, must be a fucking nightmare.
    So now I can say these fuckers deserve absolutely everything they get, nobody wants them around because they are cunts of the highest order in every level in life.

  2. Ravi Jayaram is a cunt, who should be pilloried in the way that Letby was and this is a small attempt to balance the ledger

    Let’s be clear Lucy Letby in all likelihood is innocent, what cant be denied is that she did not receive anything resembling a fair trial. So out NHS and Justice system is well and truly fucked
    There are too many cunts to mention vice cunt captain is probably Dewie Edwards a money grabbing non expert and Dr Stephen Brearley who along with the nominee had a huge axes to grind with Letby, not to mention each are directly responsible for killing a child each.
    Ravi played the humble hero after Letby was found guilty and was the main instigator contacting the police with Brearley only after losing a grievance hearing made by Letby against them for which they had to apologise to Letby .
    Apparently Ravis memory improved over time and he was able to confirm the exact time he had seen Letby allegedly “killing” which amounted to her doing nothing and the time he gave amazingly matched swipe access data (almost as thought he had colluded with police and had seen the data)
    The only problem was the clowns at Cheshire police had fucked up and Letby had actually left the ward not entered, essentially meaning the prosecution evidence, which was proof of nothing anyway because it was clearly a fabrication by Jayacunt, is now 100% exculpatory evidence and matched Letby and other nurses statement and a clear indication that Jayacunt was lying.
    This sub human trash was the instigator of the allegations against Letby who has had her life destroyed.
    There is now not a single piece of evidence against Letby can’t be refuted or that doesn’t have an infinitely more plausible explanation.
    This cunt is responsible for millions of wasted taxpayer money on enquiries into murders that probably never happened, , hiding what were obvious failings in the NHS, he probably killed a child under his care by inserting a breathing tube incorrectly ,and then tried covering it up by blaming a nurse he had lost a grievance hearing to days before making the allegation, this media whore was also lead singer in shit band ironically called The Deluded

    This is one narcissistic cunt of all cunts, and I challenge anyone to say otherwise

  3. Boris Johnson Meet and Greet Photo Opportunity

    I read with amazement today that this shameless, scruffy, wibbling cockwomble has an event on 2 September at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, titled ” An Evening with Boris Johnson”. Tickets are priced between £53 and £159. He will talk about his massive victory and how he got Britain back on course etc. I pondered about what sort of person would what to go to such an event and listen to this utterly delusional ballbaggery. Certainly nobody I know.

    But it got worse..for a further £121.25, attendees can have a photo taken with him shaking their hand. I would be afraid I wouldn’t get it back.
    It seems fair to say that we are in financially challenging times and I would question the mental stability of anyone that bought a ticket, never mind the photo opportunity. Probably the sort of person who would buy Magic Beans or Tower Bridge.
    What a festering bag of old wank.

  4. “Pum Pum”

    Pum pum/poom poom is a cunt on the basis of less than desireable large black ladies knowing it.

    “Pussy onna pedestal”

    To be fair, I for one would have no qualms in providing said pum pum with a robust filling but for said “pum pum” to be gyrating in ones face in a lyrically challenged “music” video I’m less sure.

    Some things are best done but unspoken.

    Not entirely sure of my point of this nom other than identifying the lack of recent noms and the growing abundance of poom poom.

    Eat it, use it, abuse it, ditch it while yer can before the pum poom comes religiously unobtainable, just mind double bag yourself.

    Musically, seperate cunting needed and cunters needed.


    The pure brass of the Labour party has been caught with her knickers down again – not this time to insert her jiggle balls and dildo, but, like so many others in that abomination of a political party, she has been lying about her work prior to her gittering political career. Not for her pretend soliciting, like that derelict Jonathan Reynolds, or pretending she was a “trained economist”. No, our Ange likes to do things the Kweer way, and play down her achievements, like Uriah Heep on an especially helpful day. She has always liked to give the she was a “home help”, no doubt to back up her claims that she was a poor but honest unmarried mother at 16, trying to earn an honest crust, wiping old ladies bums and putting the Mr. Sheen round the old dears commode (like Auntie Kweer picking up stones on a farm). In fact she was a Unison official (agitator?) and was sitting on her arse all day no doubt earning far more than the pittance that is the lot of a genuine home help.

    Can nobody in that decrepit party ever tell the truth about anything?:

  6. Greater Manchester Stasi

    *Knock knock*
    ‘Who’s there?’
    ‘Stasi who?’
    ‘Ve vill ask ze qwestions…’

    It’s an old ‘un but a good ‘un, and it never goes out of fashion. Cunters will no doubt recall the recent ‘WhatsApp’ scandal, when offensive comments posted by a number of Labour politicians led to the sacking of Health Minister Andrew Gwynne and the suspension of Oliver Ryan (MP for Burnley) and a number of councillors.

    Enter a certain Mrs Helen Jones of Stockport, who called on Facebook for resignations on the part of those councillors involved. And guess what… Within 48 hours, she gets the proverbial knock on the door from Greater Manchester Plod, who ‘want a word’ about her comments. In a subsequent phone call, the lady learns from the fizz that a complaint has been made against her (the cops won’t say by whom; mmm…give me three guesses…).

    Naturally Mrs Jones had committed no crime, and was simply engaging in legitimate comment on the disgraceful behaviour of those politicians involved. Unsurprisingly however, she felt intimidated by the police actions, and stated ‘it made me think I’d just best keep quiet for the rest of my life’.

    No doubt the police would argue that they had a ‘duty’ to act as they did, but it will also come as no surprise that the actions of the scuffers have been branded a waste of time and resources in an area where so much crime goes uninvestigated and unsolved. It’s a view that’s hard to disagree with. A more disagreeable factor is consequence for free speech. Mrs Jones feels that she’s been leaned on by these pettyflogging plods, and when this starts to happen, we can fear that we are indeed on a slippery slope.

    In her position I’d have told them to piss off and catch some proper criminals instead of wasting my time on what is no doubt classed by the hierarchy as a ‘non-crime incident’. Is this really what we pay our taxes for?

    *Ding dong*

    Oh hang on, there’s someone at the door…

  7. Claudia Webbe.

    Now, here’s a name we haven’t heard for a while! So, why am I cunting this convicted criminal again?

    Well, she addressed a meeting of Youth Demand (an off-shoot of Just Stop Oil) as the group plotted to shut down London in April ( presumably travelling there in vehicles powered by Unicorn farts).
    She encouraged the pro-Palestine activists to act now and bring chaos to the streets.
    Youth Demand wants the Government to stop all trade with Israel and to raise £1trllion to pay for climate damages. They intend to swarm London day after day in April and are looking to cost the Met police £££Ms.

    Fucking wonderful! Now arrest the lot, including Ms. Webbe for sedition, terrorism, any fucking thing you can think of, and make sure she gets several kicks in the cunt.

    You’d think age might bring wisdom, wouldn’t you?


    No – me neither but this lad, all of 15 years old, has ambitions to become Prime Minister – he has all the qualifications, Pro EU, nerdy, wearing glasses three sizes too big for him, massive ego, looks as though he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, skinny (I bet his head has gone down the school lavatory more than once). Probably sounds a bit “posh”.

    Apparently Labour has already “reached out to him”. Well, I bet Mandy has, and several of the other little bum boys in the PLP too. He clearly looks, in addition to being a pretentious little prick, – “one of them”

  9. Potholes.

    Are the bane of anyone who uses roads.
    To be honest, footpaths aren’t much better where I live, due to folk parking on them.

    I often wonder, when my council tax bill drops through the letterbox, exactly where Sheffield is spending the money allocated to roads? On Dutch roundabouts perhaps.

    Perhaps I’d be more impressed if they spent some £££s on a few of these babies.
    Come on, who wouldn’t want a go in one?

  10. The Adrian Chiles Lookalike Hoax

    I’d like to nominate the entire Sunday Sport team (or myself, if you prefer) for “Cunt of the Year” for their role in creating one of the most absurd media hoaxes of 2023.
    Here’s the story: In March 2023, *Sunday Sport* published an article claiming that a man named Mike, who resembled Adrian Chiles, was selling nude content on OnlyFans. The article included my photos, which were found online, and I was never contacted for permission. This fabricated story went viral, appearing in The Guardian, The Sun, Daily Star, and even making its way into books and discussions about a potential documentary.
    Despite the widespread attention, the truth is that I am the person in the photos—not Mike, and I have no connection to OnlyFans. I tried to set the record straight, but my attempts were ignored. Now, I’m left wondering: who’s the real “cunt” here? The journalists who created this hoax, the media outlets that spread it, or me for not capitalizing on it sooner?
    Here’s the link to the original Guardian article discussing the hoax:
    Let me know if you need any additional details or proof. This story is too ridiculous not to be recognized!

  11. U2 are cunts.

    Now, we already know that, As they are the hypocritical champagne socialist heap of stupid sunglasses, cowboy hats, tax dodges and gobshites who we know and don’t love.

    However, the musicial Diddymen from the treacle butty mine have reached new levels of cuntitude. Even by their standards.

    U2, on their official website – are selling T-Shirts featuring that Ukranian pest and gold standard shitehawk Zelensky.

    What has this fucker got to do with a rock band or rock music? A band – any band – should be just that. Musicians who play music and nothing else. Shoving this cunt onto their fanbase is typical of them though. And it’s not the first time Bonio has sucked up to dodgy political figures. Bonio couldn’t get enough of Burmese cunt Aung San Suu Kyi, unitl she was outed for ethnic cleansing.
    When the Russian/Ukranian war ends, I dare say there will be a few revelations and cans of worms opened about Saint Zelensky as well.

    U2 and Bonio’s political and social interference and gobshitery has blighted almost all of their entire career. And. as they live like fucking emperors on their yachts and in their mansions, they want their ‘ordinary’ fans to dig deep and buy these T-Shirts. They say it is for Ukranian ambulances. But, what right have these clowns to tell people what’s a worthy cause and what’s isn’t? They are doing it not because they are bothered about Ukranian people. If that was the case, there would be Ukranian people or writing on the shirt. This is a blatant pug for their mate Zelensky. I dare say he has been to dinner with Bonio and The Edge on their luxury yacht.

    As one concert goer once shouted at a U2 gig:
    ‘Shut the fuck up. Stop preaching and play!’

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