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Comphet is a cunt.
I was oblivious to comphet until I caught sight of a headline but the article itself was behind a paywall, so I googled comphet.
‘ Compulsory heterosexuality, often shortened to comphet, is the theory that heterosexuality is assumed and enforced upon people by a patriarchal, allonormative, and heteronormative society. The term was popularized by Adrienne Rich in her 1980 essay titled “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”. ’
There you go, you’re only straight because you’re forced to be, in reality you’re gay as fuck.
The lengths LBGT advocates will go to convince us and themselves they are not deviant (from the norm) is astounding, more astonishing is how this utterly toxic and destructive bullshit filters into mainstream cultural belief.
I’m not providing a link because I don’t have one but a little bit of searching will enlighten any of us .
A link.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
I am not the fucker’s biggest fan but:-
”Elon Musk’s gesture at Trump rally draws scrutiny”
Yes, a bit of arm waving and heart touching (see attached video) apparently makes Musk Goebbels to Trump’s Hitler.
And then we get the mealy mouthed vicaress or whatever the fuck she is saying:-
‘have mercy’ on LGBT+ community and immigrants’
Fuck me he has stated there are only 2 genders and that he wants illegals out. I didnt think he was proposing a Holocaust.
These morons only reinforce Trump’s stance but are too fucking stupid to realise it.
Benefit Cheats
“could lose driving licences in anti-fraud drive” trumpets BBC News!
I’m not sure if the pun is intentional, or just that the 14 year old who wrote this headline was unaware of the irony.
Four paragraphs down is a link to a £240k debt write off, because the cheater has died, after screwing the system for 15 years!
Anyway, back to the thrust of this nom.
Who on earth would think that anyone who has been caught out cheating the system would give two flying fucks about their driving licence ( assuming they have one) being suspended?
This measure, if it’s actually introduced and not just a virtual sticking plaster, will make no difference at all to those convicted of benefit fraud who have failed to make court ordered reparations, and anyone who thinks it will is severely deluded.
Also, referring to the case mentioned above, of the £240k write off, the fiddle went on for 15 years, 15 fucking years! I can’t get my breath.
The housing Crisis is a cunt.
What crisis, the latest is the breaking news that councils are on the wrong side of the law housing children in B&B longer than the legal limit.
The solution(s)
1 put them on the street
2 find a nice house in the private rented sector
3 magically find social housing
4 evict any foreign cunt in favour of a British family
Not to worry because there will be compo for all the families suffering with a roof over their heads and plenty of lawyers to make sure they get it.
Why is there a crisis, too many people on benefits, too many immigrants, there cannot be a shortage of actual houses because we had over a million legal entries in the the UK last years so unless they are all on the streets in tents they must be living somewhere.
Adverts that really, really get on your tits!
This one from Domino(ooo)s!
It’s from 2022, recycled ( committed to being Green, then), to promote their current 50% off ad campaign.
The Domino’s ads in general get on my tits, but also ads for incontinence pants/pads. I’m 70, I don’t piss myself when I cough, sneeze or laugh, I don’t need a product for ‘just in case’, so fuck off.
I’ve already cunted the better, brighter, more efficient at lower temperatures laundry products, so I won’t go there again, except to say I’ve noticed a lack of fit, young birds rolling about under my duvet.
Over to you.
Dale Vince
A solar-powered cunting please for keffiyeh-wearing eco-spiv Dale Vince.
The Ecotricity owner demonstrates all the rank hypocrisy you’d expect of a Marxist multi-millionaire who’s raked in over £100 million of our hard-earned in subsidies for his bird mincers. A vegan who wears a leather jacket, not averse to flying by private jet (according to his ex-wife) and bunging Labour a cool £5.4 million while demanding that Elon Musk be banned from donating to Reform.
All so predictable, of course. As is the fact that Ed Miligoon, playing Bluebottle to PM Rodney’s Neddie Seagoon, has seen fit to ride roughshod over the people of Lincolnshire and grant permission for Vince ultimately to cover up to 30,000 acres of prime agricultural land in Chinese plastic crap. Add to that the massive batteries needed containing cobalt mined by child slaves in Congo. All very environmentally friendly, my arse.
Now let’s think about this. Half-a-Haircut Man donates millions to Labour, who then grant permission to wreck the Lincolnshire countryside, which will net him millions. If I wasn’t so trusting of the ‘Government’ I think I’d be overcome by the foul stench of bribery and corruption.
James O’Brien.
Two things.
First one: This guy is a weapons grade cunt.
Second: How has he not received more nominations on this site?
James O’Brien is a cunt of biblical proportions and is such a snivelling piece of shit that he makes Gary Lineker likeable by comparison.
For anybody fortunate enough to not know who James O’Brien is, he’s a cunt of galactic proportions who works for those bastions of free speech LBC.
I’ve had the misfortune of hearing his phone in show in the past and can safely say that he’s the most obnoxious champagne socialist cunt that you’ll find anywhere in the mainstream media.
Consumed with bitterness over Brexit, Trump, Musk et al, a deep loathing of the white working class of this country and what I imagine is a problem with alcohol (judging by his gammon appearance – oh the irony) O’Brien’s show is him rambling on in dull Tory hating monologues or talking down to ill prepared, specially selected callers armed with his mute button and a condescending demeanor.
O’Brien is the type of disingenuous liberal cunt who claims he loves multiculturalism and mass immigration while living in the whitest area, miles away from the diversity he is so fond of.
Naturally of course.
Anyways, the particular purpose of this cunting is for the simple reason, probably out of morbid curiosity, I recently checked in to view some recent LBC YouTube videos.
Once there, I discovered (surprise surprise) that James (not unlike Labour Home Secretary Yvette Cooper) was busy blaming Jeff Bezos and Amazon for selling knives to poor little Axel Rudakanooboo.
Not only that but I also found this video where he’s attempting to garner sympathy or something along those lines for the family of that piece of sub human murdering African vermin who butchered those little girls.
His poor family boo hoo
His Dad was a nice man boo fucking hoo
As far as I’m concerned Rudakanooboo’s family should never have been allowed anywhere near the shores of this country.
If they hadn’t then those children would all be still alive today.
What a disgusting insult to those girls families.
I can’t say I’ve been entirely surprised that O’Brien has approached this terrible story from the “holier than thou” angle because that’s what he does best but he can go and fuck himself for all eternity this time because this is way way beyond defensible.
Are there any depths that the liberal left wing media will not stoop to?
James O’Brien – Fuck off and die you bastard and take Dame Kweer Stalin with you