Cunt of the Year 2024

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British Cunt of the Year 2024

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Foreign Cunt of the Year 2024

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Political Cunt of the Year 2024

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Sports Cunt of the Year 2024

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Celebrity Cunt of the Year 2024

17 thoughts on “Cunt of the Year 2024

    • As he is so utterly inept at absolutely everything he ever does, I think he should actively try to completely ruin the UK and, if true to form, the result will be an abject failure by him, resulting in peace and prosperity for the nation.

      Or we could just hang him for treason.

  1. No surprises there.

    But, how that cunt David Tennant didn’t get the celebrity one is baffling.
    The man is a woke fanatic and a luvvie abomination.

  2. I’m disappointed that vile piece of Paki shit Suckdick Khunt didn’t pick up an award to go with his nauseating knighthood.
    I signed a petition to try and prevent him becoming sir Suckdick to no avail.
    It needs Charlie boy now to slip with the sword and give the Muslim cunt a taste of what his ilk have been dishing out to the West this past decade.

  3. Excellent job by Admin.
    No hanging about for re-counts, stuffed ballot boxes and as for postal votes, not a chance.
    Could I perhaps suggest another category for this/next year?
    “Business, Commercial Enterprise, or Company” ie Royal Mail, Water Company
    or “Political, Campaign, Protest, Pressure Group” ie Liberals, BLM, Stop Oil.
    pip-pip ol’ thing.

  4. Utterly splendid wall by Admin. I tip my hat.

    Love the picture of Keir waving his forefinger in the air, announcing to the world just what a fucking prize-winning cunt he really is. As if the world needed reminding of course!

  5. Anyone want statistics on cunters votes/nominations?

    70 submitted sets.

    No-one got 5/5

    3 cunters got 4 each

    26 only hit 1

    26 got 2, as well.

    11 scored 3.

    4 scored 0/5.

    The 4-scorers were :

    Hugh Cumber (named all 4)
    Chunder Tunt (named all 4)
    Duke of Cuntshire (missed Putin, got double-starmer)

    Just too many cunts to choose from in the world, I guess…


    Gotta go, now, do my hourly check every picture in the house is still hanging straight & level.. 😄

    • * those stats only refer to the first ’round’ vs. the final outcomes… I have no way of knowing how anyone did on the follow up, i.e. the picking 5 from the whittled-down choices of 5’s.

      I think I brought my own tally up from 2 to 3, for example.

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