Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,639 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. When white English people argue on a forum we all love, anarchy will ensue. There’s no immigrants arguing their point on here. There is only division. Covid created absolute division making indigenous white people hate each other. This thread makes it pure truth that people will hate each other.

      • Not one single person can have power over you. They think they can, but you can never actually punch the cunt. Keyboard heroes and admins always think they have power, because they live in a fantasy world of zero idea of your opinion , they can ridicule your ideas in a keystroke.
        This is why the world is fucking beyond ridiculous.
        The administration is a blind led by the blind ‘I was only obeying my orders’. Now where did we see that one before ?

    • I love every white brother, but when you start arguing about something that has been created by cunts who want you to hate your white brother, then there is anarchy.

      • It’s a scary-as-fuck subject, mate. Those fluids injected into humanity can’t be removed. People just want to forget about it, cognitive dissonance. I just hope we don’t get another event like what we had in 2020-21.

      • Personally I really don’t give a fuck about anyone anymore. The banging pans was the epitome of absolute bullshit. I tried to coax my Mrs out of the jab, but she took it

      • The irony of electric cars fucking pisses me. All charging is from coal power stations. Allegedly power blackouts. £60000 to buy

      • I’m not scared, I just dread the thought of people becoming more retarded and compliant to idiotic ideas this decade.

      • During the ‘pandemic’ all pubs shut, local business shut, but McDonald shit was open hahahaha

      • At the local vaccine center.
        Hi, will this vaccine make me immune ?
        Not as much as much as big pharma who made it.

      • It was a medicine that wasn’t tested, wasn’t really needed and didn’t work. Result? BILLIONS in profit for the pharma companies.

      • Yeah, because it’s good to rush a vaccine that all 8 billion humans will be cajoled/blackmailed into getting, isn’t it?

      • @Le Cunt

        Not all 8 billion (approx). I didn’t take it and I’ve worked with quite a few people who didn’t either. I didn’t take it because I’m:

        a) A rebellious non-conformist who doesn’t adhere to the whims of those whose “authority” I do not recognise.

        b) Very sceptical of/resistant to those in positions of power


        c) A critical-thinker who likes to weigh the pros and cons of any given proposition before making a decision regarding an important matter …. kind of like how the ACTUAL speed of science should be: considered, methodical and based on doubt; not based on political or public peer pressure.

        Science is ultimately based on doubt, transparency, repeatability and falsification. Some of the revelations in the last 12 months about the processes involved with the whole Coof-kerfuffle have demonstrated that the scientific method and the medical scientific establishment have been compromised, politicised and weaponised against the general public and it makes me a bit physically sick if I’m honest.

      • Haha! Fuck me, you’re almost as ironic as The Worcestershire Warrior! Stay away from Worcestershire, I doubt he’d like a rival!???

    • Matt Taibbi is a name I hear a lot like Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté and Max Blumenthal who are (admittedly lefties) but seem to care about truth.

      It’s a sad situation when I find myself agreeing quite consistently with lefties about such a thing as truth when I’ve been denouncing lefties as being prone to shameless dishonesty for many years but here we are.

      That being said, I recently retook that bullshit political compass test and I’ve somehow moved about 2-3 squares to the left in the last 3 years an

  2. Matt Taibbi is a name I hear a lot like Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté and Max Blumenthal who are (admittedly lefties) but seem to care about truth.

    It’s a sad situation when I find myself agreeing quite consistently with lefties about such a thing as truth when I’ve been denouncing lefties as being prone to shameless dishonesty for many years but here we are.

    That being said, I recently retook that bullshit political compass test and I’ve somehow moved about 2-3 squares to the left in the last 3 years and I’m now technically a centre-left libertarian (-0.34 left so not by much).

  3. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) didn’t know about heightened risk of myocarditis in young men until five months after Pfizer, Moderna approval.

    The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization has revealed it did not know of heart risks until five months after approving vaccines for use.

    Full article:

  4. Payouts for Covid-19 vaccine injuries are set to explode more than 80-fold to nearly $77 million in Australia by July next year. The figure was quietly buried in the Services Australia portfolio budget statement, in a table detailing third-party payments from the agency “on behalf of other entities”.

    Figures released earlier this month showed out of 2987 people to apply for compensation, only 59 were successful, with experts describing the rate of payouts as “absolutely pitiful”.

    “With all of the hoops you’ve got to jump through, and the paperwork you’ve got to do and the medical support you’ve got to find with evidence, you’d be thinking, ‘Is it even really worth it?’” said Shine Lawyers head of medical negligence Clare Eves.

    The TGA has identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 939 reports received and reviewed, including one related to myocarditis after Moderna.

    Full article:

    • I was trying to think of a sarcastic quip but it’s difficult to make light of it when you have so many embalmers with decades-long careers talking about these fibrous clots that they’ve never seen before until around 18 months to 2 years ago.

  5. Personally I think it’s a tongue in cheek horror story stab at the overwhelming horror story propaganda that was forced worldwide by the media. For the sake of humanity I sincerely hope so.
    It’s a pushback against utter bullshit and I think it’s fucking great.
    On the other hand, it could also be propaganda on another level forcing regretful people into suicide ?

  6. CAUTION: Please note that the cumulated excess mortality outputs for the COVID-19 pandemic period may be unreliable, due to some model issues. See more information and technical explanations in the EuroMOMO weekly bulletin

  7. Lots of people “dying suddenly”

    A number of very young, seemingly healthy people, have died suddenly in the last few weeks in my local area

    Heart failure and sudden adult death syndrome apparently.

    Mark Drakeford’s Mrs being a recent addition to the list of “died suddenly”

    I suppose it’s all part of the new normal.

    In all seriousness – it’s becoming a genuine concern now and fuck the “tinfoil hat” mud slinging shit. Something is wrong. Very fucking wrong.

    • It’s not “died suddenly”; I believe the term is “died OF suddenly”……. because suddenness is now a cause of death apparently.

      I wouldn’t want to eat too much chipotle – the next day I might shit myself suddenly…… and you can die from that due to the suddenness of it.

  8. Well folks, having successfully given it a swerve in its early, lethal days, I’ve actually contracted the plague in a milder form.
    I think you’d dismiss it as a common cold.
    A antihistamine tablet, for snot control, 2 paracetamol for aches and I’m good to go.

    • My dirty, smelly, unvaxxed self finally contracted the deadly Coof in mid-March (after not having had any cold or flu-like symptoms since January 2018 when I got the Australian Flu).

      The symptoms were like a mild Flu but persistent…. I had it for about 10 days and my sense of smell, sense of taste and appetite didn’t return to normal until about 2 or 3 weeks after initial symptoms presented.

      Had I been vaxxed, I’m sure my symptoms would have been even milder than they already were (as is the usual refrain of those Branch Covidians jonesing for a permanent, intravenous vax-drip).

      • Not worth shutting a country down for feeling ill for 10 days.

        Even Sir Cunt Whitty said ‘most people will have a mild illness’. 10 days feeling fluey is mild.

        Not a personal attack to be sure, just a rant at the atrocious overreaction we all put up with!

  9. Seeing alot of funerals everyday around here.
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what could it possibly be?
    Fucking thick cunts.
    Good luck ?

  10. Here we go again.
    Fucking Pissing my self waiting for the pro establishment cunts (who didn’t die from being pro establishment)
    Line up again, take your poison and fuck off you pleb.

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