Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,638 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. I dunno who to hate most. The media for absolutely loving this to get hits and cause mass panic or the government for not doing mass testing which could make the official figures total bollocks.

  2. Virologists have been saying for 30 years that we we’re overdue for the next pandemic.
    Do governments listen & prepare ? No
    They only ‘react’ to what’s in the media, or what opinion polls show people are concerned about, so they can get elected.

    Bill Gates (who has given mosts of his money away to foundations) in 2014 :-

    Stockpiling nuclear weapons = waste of money
    HS2 = utter waste of money

    People moan like fuck if you put up taxes, but they’ll find £50 a month for Sky Sports or an iphone contract.

    Who wouldn’t gladly pay 10% more tax right now if we had 4 times as many FULLY STAFFED & FULLY FUNDED HOSPITALS & enough decent care homes for our elderly family ?

    No-more wasting NHS resources on fertillity treatments, sex change operations, cosmetic surgery & operations for people who arrived last week….

    Politicians know when the worst happens, they have the safety net of a fully stocked, fully manned & fully funded underground isolation bunker ready.

    • At home I’ve started my program of self-isolation, self-respiration and self-resuscitation.
      It looks as though I’ll have to do it all on my own.

      • I’m working on self-reproduction but for some reason the used kleenex just fester in the corner and turn green without little Shaggas sprouting forth bringing joy to the world.

  3. I notice that the libtards, BBC and MSM in general were all quick to criticise Trumpy after banning flights coming from Europe. ‘Racist’ they all cried.

    Then, within hours, African and Middle Eastern countries do the exact same thing…not a peep from these cunts, of course!

    China too, was quick to cry ‘You waycist about Chinese peepur?’ when the west touted travel restrictions against the Chinese. Now the coronavirus epicenter is Europe, watch these fuckers ban Europeans in a heartbeat from entering their country if they reduce cases to zero.

    All that foreign aid we give to Africa and the middle East to battle MERS and yet another Ebola outbreak, and their first thought is ‘Ban those honky fuckers!’ when we get an outbreak. Brought about by the fucking Chinese, of course!

    Maybe cunts at home might wake up to the fact that we need to protect our own. Because when push comes to shove, they don’t give a fuck when we’re in trouble. It’s all take, take, take with these cunts.

    So fuck them all next time they come asking for help because Mtembe ate some raw monkey brains for breakfast and caused yet another Ebola outbreak.

  4. I’ve had emails from the Royal Mail and Tesco with regards Corbyn19. The former suggesting they will leave parcels on your doorstep without the need to sign for them (just in case their handheld device is infected with nasty germs)

    And Tesco saying that they’re putting a limit on what people can buy, as well as suggesting booking delivery windows early because everyone is taking up delivery slots due to not wanting to mingle with cunts in their supermarket.

  5. Fucking bollocks!

    Bulgaria has declared a state of emergency and just found out my local bar here in the village is shut! Rats cocks, the emergency measures are in place till 13th April

    Fucking filthy Chinese messing with my beer time. Thought we would safe out here in the middle of nowhere but now we are forced to go to supermarket and mingle with the cunts that have the virus!

    • You shout rats’ cocks? You make fun o the Chinese foo? You no rike Chinese peepur? You know rats’ cock delicacy in China? You have?

  6. Just got back form the supermarket to pick up some bread and milk here in Edinburgh, and naturally the place looks like it’s been cleared out by a pack of starvin’ Marvins participating in supermarket sweep. Hopefully once all the daft cunts chucking 3 of everything in their trolleys realise they literally haven’t got any more room in the garage for bog roll, boxes of eggs, cleaning sprays, and weetabix, us cunts who aren’t stupid can shop normally again.

  7. Also the hashtag #boomerremover is being used on twitter to refer to the virus (you don’t need an account on there to view the posts) and is popular.

    This is what the kids refer to as the older generation aka baby boomers. Really nice way to show your true colours towards generations who paved the way for your easy lives. Hoping they all die? Fucking Cunts.

    • Most at risk group are the Greatest and Silent generation (Those 75 and older).The ones all the Remoaning cunts said should die.Looks like the cunts could get their wish.One positive is this will end Terry cunting Christians career after he wished a virulent strain of flu to infect the elderly.

  8. Lol!
    I see that ‘ammers VP Karren Brady reckons that the football season should be declared ‘null and void’ if remaining fixtures can’t be completed. Well she would say that, wouldn’t she, given the position West Ham is in. I’d bet that the Villa chairman is thinking the same!

    • As an Arsenal fan I’d be up for cancelling the whole season. An unmitigated fuck up from start to finish.

      Fuck me, even our new manager got the Corona as our form slightly improved.

      I’m with Karren, the dirty old mare.

    • Posted that yesterday Bertie, do my contributions mean nothing to you?

      It isn’t even just bags of food they’ve got in those refuse trucks – it’s loose fresh fruits ‘n’ veg! All being allowed to ferment in the stinky bin juices of the gooks garbage. Given the Filthy Fuckers of Wuhan will eat anything, fuck knows the abominable shit that gets chucked out – undoubtedly some filled nappies and jam rags present – lovely.

      • Sorry Shagga. I thought I remember seeing it somewhere but couldn’t think where.
        Your contributions are very entertaining and your noms rate must only be marginally behind big Ron’s!

  9. People have stolen loo roll and soap from public toilets, due to panic buying. Also, first lincolnshire man to get it has completely recovered and is now immune. That should be relayed to the world to stop people overreacting, but it wont.

      • People in Northampton’s hand washing is generally poor, now all of sudden they’re conscientious, clean people. Shame their characters aren’t as clean, stealing from a hospital is very bad form the selfish cunts. That’s like nicking from a blind charity collector. Pikey cunts should be hung.

      • I am in Northamptonshire and have been down to a small local hospital twice this week. They have 2 hand sanitisers at the entrance. People have been found filling empty detergent bottles from them.

      • Fuck. Have these cunts no conscience? Hope they got caught on cctv, prosecute the heartless cunts.

    • The idea that viruses such as this are living organisms and learning as they evolve and could at any time become a superdooper virus that goes straight to the brain instead of messing around with the respiratory system scares me more than an old girl coughing next to me in the local cost cutters.

  10. When will these thick as fuck millennial mongs realise that good old fashioned soap is all that’s needed?…. All this handwash stuff is bollocks…

    And you can bet your bollocks that some stupid thoughtless entitled foreign tosspot will ignore the signs on the doors of every medical practice in the country and walk right in and spread the virus to every fucker…

    • Apparently there’s concern that coronavirus will ‘rip’ through the prison population due to the fact that the prison authorities can’t put hand sanitising fluid in. The jailbird cunts just end up drinking it. Hard to know whether to laugh or cry, isn’t it?

  11. I have already deliberately rubbed my left over diarrhoea around the flush handle and wash hand basins in pubs all around the Manchester area lol

  12. Still plenty of bog rolls at the Joe Daki corner shop today. I bought a twin pack because that’s all I need. I could have bought a dozen……..Joe don’t care as long as he gets his money…….admittedly more than you would pay in the supermarket but that’s fucking capitalism innit?

  13. Some Chink Foreign Ministry cunt has predictably tried to blame someone else for the Coronavirus outbreak, suggesting that those evil Yank bastards snuck into their hallowed land and let rip with some surreptitious germ warfare.

    Yes. Of course they did. We totally believe you. Nothing to do with your disgusting, filthy, vile, inhumane slaughtering and consuming of every fucking animal on the planet of course, nothing to do with the insanitary conditions by which you slit-eyed fuckwits flog said animal products……oh, hell no.

    It is all the fault of the evil West and some secret agent with a test tube of Covid-19 secreted up his bumhole.

    Fucking cunt. Bad enough that they have infected the entire planet with their fuckery, but to now try and sell some conspiracy theory?

    Just fuck off.

    • Well it makes a change from Brexit or climate change being blamed for the worlds ills NC. I’m sure Orange Man is going to crash his own economy considering its one of the strongest reasons to re-elect him in November.

      • Indeed it does, LL. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that lump of lard sinks the economy, the big orange ape.

        Melania deserves a medal for putting up with that cunt..she must whisper herself to sleep every night with the words…’think of the money, just think of the money’……..

      • I guarantee Trump had her sign a prenup, she’s probably actually just getting paid by the hour.

  14. I’m eyeing up my local mall so I can be ready to do a “Dawn of the Dead” style retreat.

    I’ll tool up with Nerf guns and squirt water at all the old mutated coffin dodgers trying to get in to buy the last cup a soups and baked beans.


  15. It won’t be long before supermarket delivery vans get hijacked and robbed of all their bog rolls and hand cleaner gunk.

  16. Went to Waitrose this morning. People are so sensible there so no panic at all – except for the tinned fruit and bog rolls sections. Even the upper classes are panicking. There’s no hope…

    Also no kitchen roll so people will presumably wipe their arses with that before movong on to the Sunday Telegraph, a higher class of arse wipe.

    Anyway, apparently the reason there’s no bog roll is because people are wrapping it around their faces because they can’t get face masks. Rather apt as most of them talk shit.

    Fucking idiots…

  17. Some so-called virus expert was being interviewed on local radio just a few minutes ago. And she said young families should have priority at supermarkets, even suggesting a special opening hours just for mothers with children, and that they should be allowed to buy whatever they want and in whatever quantity!

    She also suggested families are placed at the head of the queue at hospitals and GP clinics, and should be inoculated first should there be a C19 jab available.

    and to put the icing well and truly on the WTF cake, she said that ethnic minorities should also be prioritized because their immune system is not as strong as caucasians’!

    Stupid bigoted cunt

    • Snotty-nosed brats,entitled Mothers and Tarry-Toots wouldn’t be high on my “most-favoured” list, I must admit.

    • What kind of fucking expert is she??

      Coronavirus is virtually at zero in kids (I think it is around 0.2%) and if they do get it, they get it mildly, and the risk to younger adults is also way lower, so on what basis does she say that they should be prioritised?? What the actual fuck? Is she surreptitiously trying to suggest that they are worth protecting first because of their youth, whereas anybody older and past their sell by date should just be left at the back of the queue to pop their clogs? Surely it doesn’t take Columbo to work out that those in higher risk groups need protecting first and prioritising?

      That is one cunt I would happily boot up the snatch and drag by the hair on to a one-way plane to Wuhan.

      • You will have had more experience of this than me Nurse Cunty but as I understand it the NHS uses a points system for various diseases. For instance Prostate Cancer is treated differently in different age groups, the older you are the less treatment you get. I can see the same thing happening with CV, if it really takes hold. Let’s save the younger ones as it is more difficult to save older people and they will take up too many resources.

      • I actually don’t know about the points system at all, Wanksock (I worked in Paediatrics, so not much use for it there) but let me say it does not surprise me at all. I know they prioritise patients by need and urgency, as they do across the board, but how callous is the age-based criteria here? Life is worth less if you are closer to dying age?

        Words fail me. Actually, no they don’t. CUNTS.

      • It makes perfect sense to me to prioritise the young should circumstances require. It would be completely illogical to do anything else. I’d much rather my daughter got the treatment than I and if I had to choose between a octogenarian with preexisting medical conditions and a comparatively healthy 40 year old likely to make a full recovery with more than likely a family to support then as far as I’m concerned it’s a no brainer.

      • Sorry, but I disagree. Your child, or any child doesn’t have more worth based on her age. I have 78 year old parents who have paid taxes for 60 years, asked for nothing from this country back in terms of benefits, served their country (Dad), but they should be put on the back burner because they will die soon and what does it matter if they survive or not?

        Jesus, talk about selfish and mercenary.

      • I’d argue it was far more selfish and irrational to deprive a young child of a father or mother or potentially both parents and save an octogenarian with dementia, or someone with terminal cancer. I don’t follow the logic of doing anything else. Does another 40 years of supporting a family have more worth than 12 months of not knowing who you are sat in a care home, for me it does.

  18. Completely in agreement Nurse Cunty. Many of the elderly and sick are part of a generation whose loyalty and love for their country is unquestionable. My father was blown up in a tank whilst fighting in Egypt during WW2. What was his reward?
    A lifetime of pain carrying inoperable shrapnel near his brain for the rest of his life.
    He would be horrified at the way some of his contemporaries are being treated today by some people. I’m fuckin’ angry! 😡

    • Me too, Bertie. It boils my piss.

      I don’t see why the elderly should be treated like second-class citizens, like they are surplus to requirements and not worth bothering with, health crisis or not. This is the time when the most vulnerable should be most PROTECTED. They have paid their dues, a lot more so than any fucking Generation X, Y, Z or whatever the fuck, who obnoxiously suggest that the older generation are not even worth the bother of being treated, probably due to the fact they still have their arses in a snot about Brexit, fucking pathetic cunts.

    • The treatment of people as an economic unit simply utilized as a resource by the state is an evil mindset.

  19. Labour shadow immigration minister has called for all detainees to be released to reduce the risk of infection in removal centres subject to bail conditions and electronic monitoring. Cant see what is going to go wrong here.

  20. This Covid-19 shit is really pissing me off big time I live in Leamington spa and all the supermarkets have sold out of bog roll and Im not very happy about it. Some selfish cunts are going in there taking it home and fucking hoarding it. you are all blog roll pimping cunts xx

    • Although selfish and stupid, it’s the cunts buying food that they’re probably not going to even eat, and that will be chucked into landfill in 6 months that really want a slap.

  21. 0.0019%.
    That’s the amount of people who have tested positive for it in this country. Even allowing for undiagnosed cases, the fact that viruses tend to spread and my maths being a bit shit I can’t help thinking that’s quite a low figure.
    Having said that I’ve been self-isolating for years, simply because I fucking hate almost everyone I’ve ever met.

    • Do not underestimate the severity of the effects that this virus can have on anyone, irrespective of age or physical fitness.

      If you have a genetic proclivity towards the virus then you could be in your 20’s, have the fitness of Usain Bolt, and you will get viral pneumonia. Viral pneumonia cannot be treated using antibiotics and even if you recover, chances are that you will have irreparable lung tissue scaring for the rest of your life. Handy for when you do get older eh?

      Then again you could be one of those who get the bug without even realising it.

      There is a scale of around 6 levels of affect between none and death.

      I’ll just say this: you have a revolver with six chambers. There’s a bullet in one of them. Spin the wheel. Go right ahead and pull the trigger, there’s only a 1:6 chance you’ll die…

    • Doubling in less than four days at the moment, and this is what four days looks like:

      18-Mar 2,626
      22-Mar 5,252
      26-Mar 10,504
      30-Mar 21,008
      03-Apr 42,016
      07-Apr 84,032
      11-Apr 168,064
      15-Apr 336,128
      19-Apr 672,256
      23-Apr 1,344,512
      27-Apr 2,689,024
      01-May 5,378,048
      05-May 10,756,096

      Exponential growth in action! OK, so it will naturally slow down as it has fewer uninfected people to nobble, but we definitely need to reduce the growth of the numbers as soon and as much as we can. Fucking thing has already cost me my holiday. It’s a cunt.

  22. Just got this email from Aldi, similar to one I got from Sainsbury’s yesterday:

    Dear Customer,

    As you will be aware, all supermarkets have been working very hard to keep up with demand over the last few days.

    I am writing to reassure you, and all our other valued customers, that our colleagues and trusted suppliers are working round the clock to keep our warehouses fully stocked.

    We have increased orders from our suppliers and our warehouses have sufficient stock to replenish all stores. This includes all of the essentials such as sanitary and baby products.

    Our amazing colleagues have been working tirelessly to restock our stores. However, unprecedented demand for certain products has made it difficult for us to ensure that there are no gaps on shelves.

    All of our stores receive daily deliveries, often multiple times a day. So if a certain product is not available when you visit, it will be replenished in the overwhelming majority of cases by the following day.

    We have taken action to discourage people buying more than they need. Customers are currently limited to buying four items of any one product during each visit. This is still significantly more than most customers would buy in a normal shopping trip and we hope this temporary restriction will give as many customers as possible the opportunity to get what they need, every time they visit.

    I’m sure, like me, you are also concerned about those who are vulnerable at this time. Not everyone has the financial or practical resources to buy in bulk, including our elderly customers. We all have a responsibility to ensure we only buy what we and our families need. If we shop as we normally do, our stores will quickly return to normal.

    Finally, my sincere thanks to you for your continued support and to every single one of our colleagues. It’s the people at Aldi that make our business special and they have come together like never before to serve you, our customers, during this extremely busy time.

    With very best wishes,

    Giles Hurley

  23. Coronavirus shit

    And the stories don’t come much fucking shittier than this

    David and Victoria Beckham are the latest celebrities to be affected by coronavirus.

    David Beckham initially invited his family, including his four children, wife Victoria Beckham and her parents, to Miami on Saturday to watch his football team, Inter Miami CF take on his former team LA Galaxy in their opening game of the season. However, due to the impact of COVID-19, football matches have been suspended for 30 days, meaning that the game couldn’t go ahead. Determined to make the most of a bad situation, the Beckham family still went to visit the newly-built Miami CF stadium, and shared photos from their day together on social media. Victoria posted a group shot on Instagram, and wrote alongside it: “So proud of @davidbeckham and team DB!!!! @intermiamicf Xxxx Kisses.”

    The former Spice Girl also posted a picture of herself and David with their arms around each other on the pitch, and reflected on the importance of health and family at the time of a world health pandemic. She wrote: “The family and I are here in Miami for the launch of @davidbeckham’s team. At times like this, the most important thing is to be with loved ones and to support each other. Let’s listen to the experts and stay safe x kisses from us all x.”

    The retired footballer was cheered up with a game of football with his sons

    David too, urged everyone to be safe in a post shared on his own Instagram account. He wrote: “It’s times like these when we are reminded of the things that are truly important in life. Our health, our loved ones and looking after those that need support in our communities. In these moments, sport takes a back seat. We must all listen to expert advice and do the right thing. Stay safe and look out for yourselves and your families x.”

    Totally amazed that daddy cunt Beckham hasn’t found yet found a way to promote himself or to endorse a product connected to the virus. He has just about everything else.

    David “thicko” Beckham and pouty stick insect. What a couple of attention seeking money grabbing cunts.

  24. Yesterday my local Co-op (Durham) was well stocked at 7pm (Sunday 15th March 2020 – so after the main supermarkets had been closed for 3hrs) with bread, milk, fruit/veg, cooked meats, etc.

    I couldn’t see any gaps in the shelves and the freezers looked will stocked too.

    I’m not out in the sticks, literally a mile away from the main Cathedral city centre.

    It would be interesting if folk – when talking about provision shortages in your supermarkets – could mention where you are (Town/City) because I’d like to know if there is a norf FC Vs sarf FC divide in people taking the piss across the country. 👍

  25. People with coronavirus symptoms should only call 111 if they “cannot cope”, the NHS has said.

    Guidelines on the NHS website advises those with a high temperature or a new, continuous cough to simply stay at home and not contact them or visit their GP.

    Jesus Christ we’ve reached this point with only a couple of hundred cases?

  26. Kudos to Iceland for allowing stores to open an hour early at their discretion, and allow elderly shoppers to have their fill before the fat cunts storm in and raid the shelves. Iceland is taking a lead and prioritising the people most vulnerable to this new virus, and other illnesses, putting the governments ageist policies to shame.

  27. Who the fuck are the public relations officials acting for the government? What a cockup they’re making. Today, we are being told care of the elderly is a priority.
    Last week they were being told to curl up at home and die. Fuck off Boris.

    • I too was astounded when BJ said something to the effect many families will lose loved ones. WTF? I realise it stands to reason that some people will succumb, which is incredibly sad for them and those they leave behind, but for the fucking PM to come out and say it I thought was both callous and unnecessary. Twat!

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