Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,638 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. I nominate that BBC tv programme, The Repair Shop for wasting the talents of Jay Blades. Or rather the cunts in charge.
    Jay is a furniture designer who cares for the environment and sustainability by re-imagining old and vintage furniture by rebuilding and converting it into useful modern looking pieces.
    Now in this programme all be does is sometimes greet the bearers of old work out bits and pieces which have some sentimental value.
    However not one of these old work out bits of stuff is restructured into a new and exciting piece of artistic modern work. No, all they do is make it look exactly like it did when the owner was a child.
    All that poor Jay is allowed to do is sometimes carry stuff from one table to another, or hold something as some craftsperson hits it. Sometimes for a bit of excitement he is allowed to shake hands with the “customers”.
    The latest insult has been to take away his impressive artisans sturdy leather apron. Proof that he could be useful.
    This heartless treatment of a skilled tradesman has caused some to think that he is only employed for some other pc reason and not for his ability to transform old tat into thrilling pieces of modern wonderment.
    So, producers of The Repair Shop, you are cunts for misusing this great talent and pandering to racist suspicions.

  2. Apologies for requiring a change already.
    “work out” should read “worn out” in the two places it occurs in the above nomination.
    In fact this is a cunting for text prediction. Which seems to kick in in the fraction of a picosecond before PUBLISH is commanded.
    Many apologies.

  3. The Keep Lockdown Doomsters

    I don’t know how you feel about it but these people are making me very cross.

    They must all be on handouts or retired or just have enough money in reserve to keep locked in their cages for another six months, hell, why not another twelve months? a few years? stay in until the mystical “vaccine” is found…..sheep who just want to be led by the nose, lambs to government and corporate control.

    What the people on these various handouts don’t figure into their calculations is the fact that these are paid for by taxes, people working, people paying. Fine, you worked all your life and deserve a pension, I agree but if we all stay in our hutches quivering like jellies there will only be made up money to pay you out. This means your weekly pension of say £123 will buy one small tin of beans and bottle of Checkov Vodka.

    We need to get things back to normal, not the fucking “new normal” that the BBC have switched to now their doom news output has been forced into a slight course change.

    We took the advice of an adulterer phoney scientist who previously got the foot and mouth disaster wrong, advised the UK government to lockdown over SARS and who has now been found to have the morals of an alley cat.

    If you want to stay in your squalid holes for the next few years then fine, you stay in there you cunts but I WANT OUT.

    Fuck you all, Spanky signing out.

  4. Today is Saturday 9th May

    Headlines- UK airlines say they have been told the government will bring in a 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in the UK from any country apart from the Republic of Ireland in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

    The new restriction is expected to take effect at the END OF THIS MONTH, specifically the END OF MAY.

    Japan (population approximately double that of the UK) introduced these measures on 5th FEBRUARY, nearly 4 whole months earlier.

    Net result, Covid-19 deaths in Japan (next door neighbours to China) 590, deaths in UK (a long way from China) over 31,000.

    British government putting economics above lives.

  5. This navel gazing on the virus is all very well but we are quickly saving up some HUGE problems for the near future.

    Mental health, suicide, misery, unemployment, mass poverty, dependence on the state, fear, terror and many more, coming to a street near you soon.

    Things is, the people making up all the rubbish and forcing it on the rest of us will all be totally unaffected in their 4th home in the Cotswolds.

    The whole thing make me fucking sick.

  6. Watched Boris’ address last night at 7pm. 10th May on the BBC. Seemed perfectly clear to me what he said.

    Next the BBC bring on Sir Keir Starmer, who deliberately acted the goat by pretending he didn’t understand a word of it. Apparently Keir doesn’t understand what words mean despite being a knight of the realm. Pull the other one.

    Also Piers Morgan followed suit on GMB claiming he was confused. A former newspaper editor doesn’t understand words! And finally Matt Lucas of Little Britain fame made a video containing contradictory statements mocking the P because he doesn’t understand words.

    Deliberately daft cunts, the lot of them.

      • Last Sunday the BBCunts were in full attack mode before the broadcast, saying it has to be clear and unambiguous, while knowing full well that in a 13 minute broadcast it would be impossible to dot all the I’s and cross the T’s.
        It is absolutely vile how they behave.

    Couldn’t give a shit about London. It’s almost been completely overrun by third world invaders so it won’t be long before they’re being pulled about in rickshaws anyway which is a bit ironic as the polluting Chinese responsible for covid are going the other way and getting more motorised.
    Interesting to see the Manchester councillor refer to many of the cycling initiatives having been years in the planning. Isn’t it miraculous how all those plans suddenly come to fruition at a time when we are least likley to be able to afford them due to the economic downturn caused by covid. Talk about taking advantage of bad news. What odds the Manchester public opinion survey (if one was ever done) was conducted outside the velodrome just as staff were leaving and arriving for work or am I just being cynical?
    As part owner of Manchester Airport Group, the council is already guaranteed to take a substantial hit in the coffers of several tens of millions of pounds because of the fall in flight movements and they are already claiming they are skint. I wonder how they’ll bury the costs of their initiatives in order to justify the inevitable council tax increases? Regardless of whatever government funds are available you just know the Labour controlled council will claim it isn’t enough and overspend blaming Boris for it.
    No doubt Chris Boardman will keep his pointless job in Manchester thanks to fellow scouser Mayor Burnham. What the hell is a cycling commissioner needed for and how much is the role costing? A 70% increase in cycling on some days, he says. I wonder what days he’s comparing? A mild, sunny day in May with a dark, wet and cold day in December perhaps? I also wonder if any increase in cycling/walking has anything to do with the fact that lots of people have listened to the government message about essential travel only / not using public transport or that there is less public transport about and people are shit scared of using what little public transport there is because buses/trains are filthy potential breeding grounds for covid? People are out walking and cycling more due to the fact that thousands of furloughed workers are taking advantage of semi-decent weather to get out and about to relieve the boredom. It’s f-all to do with traffic free streets. Wait ’til people start to go back to work and shit weather returns then count the numbers and see if there is a corresponding 70% fall in walking/cycling or not.
    Unless traffic and public transport patronage returns to pre-covid levels there won’t be any economy left to fund the NHS short term never mind long term.
    As an aside, it’s interesting to note that in the artists’ mock up of a Levenshulme street the kids are playing in the road. Why when 20 yards away they is a perfectly safe patch of open grassland to play on? Also, why is the woman in the black headcovering on the left of the mockup not pushing a pram and have at least 3 sprogs in tow? As usual, no realism in an artists impression (apart from the dark-key doing his drug deal under the tree at the end of the street on the right).

  8. As a follow on to the above, unsurprisingly Andy Burnham, scouser and failing Gtr Manchester mayor, has chipped in raising the possibility (more likely probability) of “arguments about funding”.

    Burnham warns Boris risks ” fracturing of national unity” if he ignores the regions and wants one of his fellow (pointless) regional/city mayors appointed to the cobra coronavirus committee.

    Ideas above his station again.

    Not all regions have a mayor so why should the left leaning mayors of metropolitan areas stick their oar in potentially to the detriment of regions without a mayor. Coronavirus is a national issue not a regional one. The people elected a parliament in Westminster to govern the nation as a whole. If (or rather, when) the Westminster government cock up, the surviving national electorate will have their say at the ballot box in the next parliamentry election. Far fewer people bothered to vote for the met mayors than voted for a Tory government. I suspect even fewer people want a met mayor at all.

    Burnham has previous form for interfering in national issues where he’s not wanted – see his comments on Brexit at:-

    Based on historical events in Staffordshire his judgement on matters of public health interests could arguably also be called into question. See:-

    Best if he keeps his gob shut.

    • “Lucy, 21, from the north-east of England is transgender.. After years spent living as a woman, she says she has “no doubt” her parents would bury her as a man if she was to die from coronavirus. “They’ll shave my long hair, put me in a suit, use my birth name and call me ‘he’ all the way through the funeral. The thought of my family doing it makes me feel so sick, but I know they will.”

      Its like something from Family Guy and funny as fuck!

      • There are simple legal steps to be taken , that would ensure it could be interred as whatever it wants.
        The first step would involve a doctor’s report , stating it is of sound mind – which is obviously an insurmountable hurdle.
        That is my careful , considered view in this harrowing , but endearing dilemma.

        My knee-jerk reaction is somewhat different………

        The twisted cunt is quite obviously missing all the peaceful cock it was getting in the local woods prior to lockdown.
        The simple lack of mutual anal-activity has brought many of our nation’s trannies to an almost pressure-cooker situation.
        Once the lockdown eases , expect local parks and beauty spots to be filled with trannies on their hands and knees – wantonly displaying their enraged bumholes at anything with a pulse.
        You may scoff – and who wouldn’t blame you? In fact , getting your gob round the steaming semi-prolapse of a trans-gender that has only had raw vegetables and kitchen implements up there for 6 weeks – well , that’s one of the sadly much-overlooked delights of the modern world we live in. Still , that’s more holes for us , and for the truly discerning , let’s face it – nothing beats the whimpering cries of encouragement of a squirming tranny in heat – as you suck their arsehole inside-out.
        It’s obvious the media are as much to blame here , as any sane , red-blooded male ,would have forgot interviewing the fucker – and instead rammed their engorged knob right up their spasming colon , as quick as you could say LBGT.
        The funeral itself would be an interesting affair in any case , since there would naturally be a mile-long queue of lockdown-eased , rabidly horny ,masked-up doggers waiting to pay their last respects before they finally screw the lid shut.

    • When I was growing up, you rarely saw a transvestite and when you did there was an opportunity to have a bit of ‘banter’. 6ft brick layer in a blouse, pencil skirt and size 12 heels….Brilliant. BBC’s report on this fella called Lucy being buried as the wrong gender.
      She’s 21 years old is this lad and is talking about death. Now listen pal, you have got your whole life ahead of you love! Find a man ..or a woman mate, settle down pal…or play the field sweetheart, buy a home dear…or stay living with mum and dad, mum and mum or dad and dad (s). Too much negativity in the world at present. I couldn’t give a monkeys about transbenderism believing high heels to be a high risk health & safety issue! CUNTS!

  9. Please, in these troubled times spare a thought for our tranny brethren/sisterhood/fuck knows. Not a cunting but a plea for compassion.

    Below, courtesy of the BBC:

    Even though lockdown measures have eased a little in England, the “stay alert” guidance is still affecting daily life. Seven weeks on, some LGBT people have told the BBC they are in more danger than ever before.
    Lucy, 21, from the north-east of England is transgender and has severe heart issues. After years spent living as a woman, she says she has “no doubt” her parents would bury her as a man if she was to die from coronavirus.

    There you have it you cynical, unfeeling cunts. Concerned about friends and family dying, your jobs, your children when you should reflect upon this poor creature (good word that. Cant be accused of misgendercrime) who fears being buried in a suit.
    And thank the BBC for alerting us to the horror and injustice.

    • Pathetic. Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves. Talk about first world problems. Fuck sake, who cares about what they dress your corpse in when you kick the bucket, you’re dead, it doesn’t matter any more. Spend some time thinking about how you spend the extremely limited time you have on this planet, never mind worrying about how fashionable your suit will be after you pop your clogs. Holy cow you couldn’t make this stuff up could you ?

    • Indeed – Poppers and Meth do affect the cardio-vascular system in a detrimental fashion. You can’t have it both ways – putting yourself at risk , and then claiming to be a victim.
      Repeated rammings from behind can actually have an auto-asphyxiational effect , which can become desirably habitual amongst the more submissive of our wonton , wandering night-time tranny fuck-dolls.
      Then along comes a virus and spoils all the fun ‘eh.
      Well bad luck.

  10. You might wonder at my comments?
    But the crux of the biscuit , is that when reading the BBC report – I was struck by the repeated inferences that being locked-down with their parents had curtailed their activities somewhat , and that many were “returning to the closet” – as the BBC reported.
    So I feel my observations are quite accurate in this case.
    What saddens me is that they didn’t post a picture of this delightful , mixed-up specimen , since that would have helped me fine-tune my responses – and provided half-decent wanking material for at least a few minutes.

  11. MSM’s Zooms/Skypes

    Now I’m no Stephen Hawkings science cunt, but I can use a laptop reasonably well.

    Enough to have Zoom meetings with work and mates. Enough to share the screen using various apps to play games or present stuff. All the while using a £25 headset that produces great sound quality during the videos or after when looking at a recording.

    However, during the Bat Flu, the BBC and others (but moreso the BBC due to their media dominance and financial resources) seem not to know how to use this technology. I’m a cunt and I know how to use it properly.

    Despite this, the BBC have twats like Linekunt ‘presenting’ Match of the Day (without a new match) with no headset and a cheap mic. His guests just use their laptop mics. Sounds fucking pony.

    I get that these cunts don’t want to get near others, but for fuck’s sake, can they not afford a decent headset?

    Or are the BBC too scared to even visit them to give them instructions on how to use such technology, so that their multi billion pound output doesn’t sound like it’s been recorded on a 1970s tape recorder?

    Maybe, but my guess is that these “broadcasters’ are too fucking thick to show them (and haven’t done their research on how to use it) and know full well that it probably takes the likes of Alan Shearer every brain cell he has to switch a laptop on.

    The media’s use of Zoom/Skype is a fucking embarrassment. If I were the boss of the Beeb, I’d be sacking loads of cunts for not researching how to use this tech. If fucking teachers can learn to use it then why not broadcasters?


    • Zoom is a chinky dink thing mind you… and there’s been hullabaloo about people’s private vids getting put up online. Same with that Shit Tock or whatever it’s called.

    • I don’t clap because they sent my mum home with three months to live (the Big C) in 2013 and she had to get into a taxi with a catheter attached. Oh, and she was in a wheelchair with arthritis years before she got cancer and she was in one when when she was discharged. She was also sent home without a morphine driver either. Thank God for MacMillan and the district nurses who finally got her set up with one and the care they gave her. Paid in all her life… For what?

  12. Severn Trent.

    I see a farmer on the news moaning that the lack of rain has ruined his crops. Four months ago they were moaning that floods had destroyed them.

    After months of the Government telling me to wash my hands regularly I get an email today from STW telling me to save water.


    • I had that fucking thing as well. You’ve had two, nearly three, months with fuck all traffic on the roads where you could have fixed plenty of leaks, get your own house in fucking order before telling me to have a bath in an inch of water.

    • Yes, I miss them. I used to shower by hosepipe in the garden at 8 every week. My self esteem rocketed – all that cheering and clapping as i washed my cock, waving at passers by. Ahhh, lets hope we get a second spike!

  13. I got a letter today telling me I’m at high risk if I contract the virus and I should self-isolate and get some other cunt to get everything for me, although they appear unable to tell me why this should be, and the reasons on the form don’t apply to me. Well, gee, fucking thanks for letting me know 3 months after it fucking started, and on the day I come back from the city centre after donating blood. How come nobody at my GP surgery has been in contact? I’ve had to speak to them several times in the last 3 months just to get medication which the cunts keep removing from my repeat, so why didn’t they tell me then? And who is this ‘somebody else’ who’s going to get everything for me? It can’t be my wife because she’s even more vulnerable than I am. I’ll put a plastic bag on my head when I go out and take my chances.


    A mini cunting for mini Mayor Khan, who announced in his faux “important” voice yesterday that passengers would have to wear masks on buses for a year (at least).

    Who does this self important little shitstain think he is?. Of course being Muslim he is all in favour of face coverings, but I wish he would take his religion and his mini brain and go fuck himself.

    The sooner he is the proud owner of Sadiq’s Fags and Mags Shop the better.

    • I shall take great pleasure in ordering the latest Asian Babes from him when he does.
      Then spend the next year getting him to phone his suppliers for non-existent mags.
      Hijab Harlots.
      Burka Bumholes.
      and Pakistani Pissflaps.

  15. I stupidly said on here I hope there is a vaccine soon. Well I retract that with bells on.

    I do not want any vaccine that has been rushed through without years of trials. Will you take the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded vaccine? Bill ‘Needle’ Gates has been flailing his money about everywhere!!! I also have heard rumours that any vaccine they bring out with make us all infertile.

    Fuck the vaccine!

    • If the vaccine works for us old cunts who are most at risk of being seriously fucked, then infertility would be the last of my concerns.

      Where’s your Bilko gone, Cuntologist?

      • Ok too much info for you but I am still fertile! I’ve read too much David Icke and don’t believe in da virus anymore.

        It must be a conspiracy where my Sgt Bilko has gone! I’ve been de-Bilko-ised; must be Susan Wotsit of YouTube at it again.

        Off topic RTC- – check out this website and look at the predicted 2025 populations of UK, America and Australia.

        For example, it predicts 15 million in the UK in 2025, a big drop from 66 million. Do they know something we don’t?

      • Maybe Greta gets her way causing a sudden return to the Middle Ages… or the Eloi become extinct due to Morlock gluttony…

        Either way, at least we don’t have to wait long to find out.

        Re Sgt Bilko – have you made a minor error when typing in your email address? Or changed your email address recently?

        That’s what usually causes avatars to change unexpectantly.

      • Ha ha – I faffed about writing my reply for so long that I didn’t see your two posts above!

      • Well it says the population of Oz will be just over 23million, we are supposed to be at 25million at last count.


    Are we supposed to feel sympathy for ethnics who migrate to an English speaking country, can’t be arsed to learn the language and make no effort to find out why they’re in lockdown?
    Why should information published in the overwhemingly majority language (I don’t think Australia has an official language) have to be translated into Göd knows how many different languages and dialects* for the sake of relatively few migrants who are clearly making no effort to integrate?
    Who would be paying for it? You can bet it ain’t going to be out of any migrants tax dollars. The odds are few are employed and paying tax.
    If the “community” leaders spent as much effort on getting folk to integrate as they do on helping them claim asylum, welfare benefits, fight extradition etc then there wouldn’t be any issue with lockdown.
    No wonder covid seems to affect certain groups more than others.
    The UKs present is Australia’s near future it would seem.
    * Perhaps we could ask for government websites here to be translated to reflect our own unique regional dialects and terminology e.g. why ‘aye man, ‘ee bah gum, knees up mother brown me, ye wee cocksparra etc. Why should we learn the Queens English when the imports don’t?


      It was only a matter of time before the UK govt also got the blame for ethnïcs not learning English despite them living here. FFS isn’t 26 languages enough? Personally I don’t see why we should translate anything, not even into Welsh or Gaelic.
      If 860000+ don’t speak the lingo what are they contributing to the economy? I doubt they are anything like the white English expats in Spain, France etc who may have a limited or non-existant grasp of the local language but at least put money into the economy by spending their pensions (or ill gotten gains) there rather than simply take out.
      Funny how it says these immigrants don’t trust the NHS. It doesn’t seem to stop them packing out hospital and doctors waiting rooms for treatment of their Victorian inspired diseases.
      Also, miraculously, there doesn’t appear to be any language barriers when it comes to claiming anything from the state by way of housing, tax credits, child benefits etc.
      If they live here and can’t acquire a working grasp of English within a year kick ’em out. No employment or benefit rights, no access to the NHS etc until they pass basic oral & written English exams and prove they can contribute something to a British society. All costs of passing those tests to be borne by the immigrant of course.

  17. Londoners are dying for a day at the beach.

    My neighbors had 6 people round for a dinner party yesterday. Apparently this part of the country is very safe so they wanted to bring the infection with them from London.

    Some people are just born stupid, selfish and arrogant…

    • Why does it matter to you? If you’re scared, keep away.

      Were you invited?

      Why do you think they were infected? Are you?

      • Don’t be a cunt all your life. Take a day off and learn to read.
        It matters because they’re fucking irresponsible and if everyone did this it would all kick off again and kill people…

  18. Have been trying to get my head round the new strict rules and regulations for visiting a boozer when they officially open from July 4th.

    This article in the Telegraph just seems to make the entire trip like hard fucking work, and I very much doubt if some punters will bother to follow the guidelines, especially once they’ve had a few!

    So for the time being I won’t be bothering with pubs or restaurants, especially since there’s every chance of catching Dink-19 from there.

  19. Seems that some countries around the world are lifting restrictions wholesale, including flights; while others are tightening lockdown after a second wave – according to news reports on Aljazeera.

    The USA is in a particularly fucked up state with places like Florida, Nevada and Arizona reporting a huge spike in Dink-19 infections.

    Typically the EU can’t agree on how to reopen their borders along with what “safe countries” should be included for travellers to visit Europe from.

    It’s a tidal-wave of political fuckwittery personified.

  20. The new coronavirus rules say no singing at weddings and yet it appears you can hold as many illegal raves in the street with impunity.
    It’s not the world gone mad, just this fucked up country of appeasers.
    Still, people should be safe from my karaoke offerings for now but I still insist on continuing my Grandad moves at any wedding reception – oh fuck! What’s that you’re saying – only 6 people allowed at a time at a reception?

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