Rebekah Vardy

I’m no great football fan but have been enjoying the World Cup. However, I can’t pick a paper up without that glory-stealing old bag,Rebekah Vardy, trying to shoehorn her way into the celebrations.

She obviously wants to believe that she’s the next “Posh”(God Forbid),but at least Posh was married to a regular starter who didn’t resemble Albert Steptoe. I was fucking relieved when Vardy didn’t get to take the winning penalty,that bitch of a wife of his would have probably claimed it was all down to her sucking his cock the night before. Anything for a bit of publicity.

She also,amongst the mainly younger other wags, looks like the corpse of Nelson Mandela that has been stood in the sun a bit too long. Far too much tan,make-up,fillers and botox allied to a determination to be centre-stage makes her appear to be a Cunt who really does need a kick in the Cunt. I wont ask Jordan Henderson,he’d probably miss…No,I’ll do it myself…a steel-toe capped felling welly right up her kipper-crate. That’ll shut the Cunt up.

Nominated by Dick Fiddler