Climate change is even more urgent that it was, well last week, the latest from the UN IPPC is a ‘clear and present danger’, CO2 must peak by 2025, not only that it has to coming down rapidly by 2030.
If not we a fucking doomed, doomed I say, I wonder if China, India, USA and Co are listening.
What does it mean for us in the UK, well we are going to be screwed, when you hear the words from politicians like ‘there are no plans to ration energy’, you can bet your life it’s on the fucking way.
Maybe those ranting cunts from Stop Oil will get their way as we plunge into darkness, ah well at least I can say I have done my bit, reduced my gas usage this winter compared to last year by about 10 to 15%, I can’t claim it was by design, it’s been a relatively mild winter
Looking forward to the 3 day week ???
Note, clear and present danger is coming for the new world order, to quote a regular cunter ‘we are being played’
Nominated by: Sick of it