Carey Mulligan


Carey Mulligan. Until yesterday I was blissfully unaware of the cunt but today she has forced herself into my bubble, teddy bear in hand, demanding that I give a fuck about Syrian children getting killed (as if children have more right to life than adults).

Aparently she formed her opinions on the subject while visiting a refugee camp while pregnant last year. What is it with these luvie cunts? Why don’t they go to Spain or Greece on there holidays like normal people? It’s no wonder she got the arse if she went on an all inclusive deal with Thomsons to a refugee camp.

Anyway, what she saw there compelled her to call for “something to be done”. Right you are, love. What would you suggest? A no fly zone? War with Russia? Nice one. Since when was UK policy dictated by a hormonal pregnant woman on a far from satisfactory holiday? Cunt.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart