BLM Shit

Let’s be absolutely clear about this….. this is not a page where you can post race hate about any colour on any other colour, but there are a lot of heavy feelings going around about BLM, what it really stands for and what it means to achieve.

This page is here to allow you to vent your frustration, deflate the anger and debate the issues – be it Uncle Ben’s Rice, statue toppling, offensive warnings on Dumbo or anything thing else that needs calling out. But remember, ALL lives matter.

Be aware that some nominations may be redirected to this page to keep space clear for other issues.

450 thoughts on “BLM Shit

    • The Old Bill should fit this little soyboy cunt up nicely and give him a leathering, but they wont. Of course they fucking won’t.

      If only it were the 70s or 80s again….

    • Yes, I Yank, your white privilege is extremely racist. Perhaps you can mitigate your privilege by claiming victim status as an immigrant.

      I suggest spending an enormous amount of time in the sun in order to create the proper visual effect.

      And learn to speak Spanglish. (That’s pidgin English mixed with Spanish.)

      And stop calling people “mate.” Use homie…ese…bato…or comrade (if you’re among the revolutionary La Raza types).’

      • An expert response, General. Me thinks you’re just a little too knowledgeable about such things, homie. 😉

  1. Let’s get right to this week in BLM:

    1. The Hill (on line) Magazine reports that according to it’s latest poll, American support for the BLM movement has fallen by 9 points. This poll is consistent with others that show an even greater decline. But regardless of degree, the reality is people are not supporting the “peaceful riots” sponsored by these heathen, degenerate, commie cunts.

    There is an interesting bit of data hidden within this poll. Answers to specific questions indicate that while white women publicly support the BLM movement, they only do so out of guilt and not conviction.

    2. Perhaps due to falling support, several media outlets are reporting that the official BLM website has been scrubbed. Subjects removed from the “What we believe page” include the destruction of the nuclear family and the notion that the movement is more important than notions of mother, father, brother, sister etc.,

    In addition, their support for the concept of “communal children”, i.e. those raised by the “community” rather than by 2 parents, was also removed.

    The normalization of “queer and trans women of color” and their “struggle” against the patriarchy was likewise dumped.

    Their virulent opposition to “individualism” and fervent support for conformity disappeared as well.

    Originally, the lying cunts at BLM said their positions were taken out of context. But internet geeks used the so-called “wayback machine” to show the exact content of the pages and literal wording of the positions. When confronted with these facts, the brave (but peaceful), courageous freedom fighting, social justice warriors refused to comment.

    3. In a follow up to my dissertational cunting of half breed, sword swallowing, faggot Jussie Smolett (see above) the wildly (not)popular cable production of the “drama” Empire has resumed shooting…with armed body guards for the “Stars” and armed security for the set.

    For those of you not familiar with the show…Empire is a family drama centered around a successful, Black, multi millionaire, record producing, rap mogul..his musical “empire” and…his family’s struggle against systemic racism in America.

    As we all know, both the PO-lice and roving bands of white racists are indiscriminately hunting black foke (sic) all over America. Accordingly, the cunts associated with this show felt they needed protection especially, after expressing support for Jew-SAY and his tale of terror while buying a sandwich in MAGA country.

    4. In political news, the city of Seattle, Washington has hired a former pimp to be it’s “Street Czar.” After cutting it’s police budget in response to the defund the police movement, the Seattle City Council reached out to and then contracted Andre Taylor, to provide “expertise and support services in de-escalation, and alternatives in policing.”

    Taylor who has been convicted of seven counts of prostitution and two counts of money laundering will be paid $150,000 a year for his “expertise.”

    5. And finally, a fire in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Heights is being called “suspicious” when authorities determined that “Biden 2020”, “BLM” and an “Antifa symbol” were spray painted on the door just before the blaze broke out.

    The fire broke out in the “wee hours” of the morning while the family was asleep. Homeowner Dennis Molla heard an explosion and ran outside to see his garage (with cars inside) on fire. He returned inside to evacuate his family and called 911. When police and fire units arrived they found the spray painted messages and were able to document them with a photo.

    Molla, who had a giant Trump 2020 in his front yard, said it never occurred to him that he and his family would be in danger for simply expressing his support for the President.

    The garage was a complete loss and there was only minor damage to the house. But the family’s 3 dogs and a litter of 4 puppies were saved by the firemen.

    To date no one has protested this act of arson, No one has gathered to hold a white lives matter protest. No calls for defunding BLM have been issued. There is no Go-fund Me page for the family. And neither the leadership of BLM nor their most recent outspoken advocate, the Duchess of Suckit have issued a statement condemning this peaceful act of civil disobedience.

    Check back for more updates and remember ONLY Black and NOT White Lives Matter.

  2. Good stuff General. I read about that filthy pimp “Street Czar” in Seattle. What worries me is that our own, beloved Suckdick Khan might have a similar idea. I’m sure he knows a few peaceful pimps, specialising in under age girls, who could do with 150 grand of taxpayer’s money.

  3. In these trying times it is important that we keep our sense of humor. And what could be more humorous that laughing at the immoral grifters who make up the BLM movement and the gullible marks who support them.

    Fox News Alert:

    (Try to stay with me in the details.)

    The founder of a Black Lives Matter group in Atlanta, Georgia has been arrested on charges of fraud at his “home” in Toledo, Ohio.

    Sir Maejor Page (whose real name is Tyree Conyers-Page) has been arrested by the FBI on charges of fraud and money laundering. Page…a white albino…who founded Black LIves Matter of Greater Atlanta…raised more than $466,000 and spent more than $200,000 on personal items.

    The FBI found that Page spent money on food, dining, entertainment, clothing, furniture,jewelry and even guns. However, they said the single largest purchase was of $116,000 for a home and adjacent vacant lot in Toledo, Ohio, which was then registered to an organization known as Hi Frequency.

    The FBI said that Page pledged to use the donations “for George Floyd” but in fact there was not one single “…identifiable purchase or expenditure for social or racial injustice.”

    The FBI also said that Page had the money raised from his BLM site transferred directly into his own personal bank account and proceeded to make and post videos of himself in expensive clothes and jewelry, while bragging about how much money he had.

    The FBI further said that Page tried to conceal ownership of his home claiming that by purchasing the home and registering it to Hi Frequency, that he was actually, acting on behalf of Hi Frequency…of which he was the agent for. Furthermore, he claimed a private agreement exited between him and the “seller”…for his exclusive use of the home.

    A spokesman for Hi Frequency and close personal friend of Page (Ron Goolsby), who frequently stayed at the home, disputed the FBI account and said the home was purchased “…to shelter battered women and other victims of domestic violence.”

    To further compound this farce, another group somehow affiliated with Page and Hi Frequency; the Community Solidarity Response Network of Toledo, issued a statement through their spokesperson Julian Mack which read in part:

    “I am disappointed to hear the news of Sir Maejor’s indictment. It is important to maintain trust and accountability as servants to our community & not mimic the behavior of our oppressors…”

    He further went on to say:

    “…we are in the midst of a 50 state uprising demanding a systemic & cultural change that values black lives. I hope for the safety and mental wellbeing (sic) of Sir Maejor & his family during this difficult time as well as fair court proceedings.”

    So to sum up this cluster fuck…we have an albino white man…in Toledo, Ohio…forming a BLM fundraising page in Atlanta Georgia…some 660+ miles away…to raise funds for George Floyd. Then he transfers the money he raises to his personal bank account. He then funnels that money to a group run by him and his friend…purportedly, to buy a shelter for battered women…in Toledo, Ohio. But in reality, and by exclusive agreement with his own group, he is to live (a pampered life of luxury) in that house.

    When all was said and done, he never spent one red fucking cent on black lives or any other social cause. Yet, he is still being supported by another affiliated SJW group…who is denouncing his arrest as part of the systemic corruption of the white oppressors…who must be purged from our society in order to truly support all black lives.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

    Sources include Fox News and WTOL 11.

  4. I find it ironic the the BLM movement chose a symbolic gesture like “taking the knee” to highlight the death of George Floyd, when in fact it was that very action that killed him. Surely the movement that came out of the incident should have been ACAD, “American Cops Are Dickheads”? I pisses me off that everyone springs to defence of Floyd who was clearly some sort of career criminal, however in no way was what happened to him justifiable and the people responsible deserve everything they get. Maybe he needed restraining in that way initially but it was very clear to anyone with a brain the he was in trouble. So it appears that the police aren’t just responsible for Floyds death but also the world loosing it’s shit and the BLM explosion that seems to preach if you’ve no skin tone then you’re a cunt as you’re responsible for everything that’s ever been done to any fucker! Maybe we should all slaughter our first born to atone for the sins of our predecessors? Get a fucking grip!

  5. I can imagine the planet a year after all but the blacks vanished. It wouldn’t be like Planet of the Apes, more like the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

  6. This week’s BLM update is a short West Coast edition.

    Los Angeles, California: Authorities announced today that they arrested the (alleged) shooter of 2 ambushed Transit Authority Deputies from earlier this month. Deonte Murray…who has actually been in police custody since Sept. 15…3 days after the shooting…was arrested…(apparently) in jail and charged with…attempted murder and “other charges.”

    Deonte…a long time (reputed) gang member, was (as stated earlier*) already in jail, having been arrested and charged for a violent car jacking during which he also shot someone. CBS News is reporting that:

    “Murray has an extensive criminal history including convictions for sale of narcotics, firearms possession by a felon, buglary and terrorist threats.”

    There’s no word on why this career criminal was out on the street after so many previous convictions for so many serious crimes. Nor was there word on his motive for (allegedly) shooting the 2 police officers other than that they were police officers and he hated police officers.

    In other BLM updates, California Governor Gavin Newsome today signed a bill to form a commission to study the payment of reparations to black people. The Bill will study “the lingering impact of slavery in the state and make recommendations to the legislature…on what form of compensation should be awarded.”

    In point of fact, California was admitted to the Union in 1850 as a Free State. Before statehood, California was a part of Mexico and slavery there was abolished in 1829. It is not known if the governor, the legislature or the commission is aware of any of these facts.

    What is also unknown is how this bullshit, bogus legacy of race baiting propaganda, effected Deonte Murray and his choice of a career in crime. We’ll simply have to wait to see how much money this psychopathic, gang banging, attempted murderer will qualify for.

    Stay tuned for updates.

    (*I don’t want to cunt the Police but they had no idea they had this guy. They figured it out because a gun was found on him during his arrest for the car jacking. A routine ballistic check was then run and matched against unsolved shootings. From there further evidence was developed.)

    • We have an addendum to this week’s West Coast edition of BLM and it ties some of ISAC’s recently cunted cunts with everyone’s favorite Clueless Crusading Cunts…the Dick and Dickess of Suckit.

      Montesino, California: In what People Magazine (that paragon of hard hitting journalism) is calling “a powerful” new interview, the Dysfunctional Duo made a number of statements designed to introduce the traditional English practice of piss boiling to their systemically racist American cousins, while insuring that the boiling stream of UK urine does experience diminished flow.

      For starters, Halfwit Harry told the Evening Standard that he credited his “awakening” to meeting his celebretard wife:

      “I wasn’t aware of so many of the issues and so many of the problems with the U.K. and also globally as well.”

      He then continued to blither:

      “if you’re white and British the world you see often looks just like you.” And “…as long as structural racism exists, there will be generations of young people of color who do not start their lives with the same equality of opportunity as their white peers.”

      In a clear reference to the multitude of melanin enhanced, potential (and peaceful) engineers, scientist and surgeons crowding Londonistan today he went on to say:

      “And as long as that continues, untapped potential will never be realized.”

      The world, Mr. Markle-Hewitt went on to explain; “…was created for white people by white people.” And that over the last 30 years, “signifcant progress had not been achieved.”

      Given the Duke’s dimness it’s not surprising that a spokesman later tried to clarify the idiot’s remarks and issued this statement:

      “The Duke believes that structural racism exists in the U.K. and I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who disagrees with that. He is not saying that Britain itself or the Britain is racist.” But rather “…he was referring to parts of institutions of Britain.”

      For her part the D-List Duchess referred to the BLM peaceful protests as a “beautiful thing” that while “challenging” was “uncomfortable” for many people, including them.

      The Clueless Cunt and her Hapless Halfwit concluded their interview by praising the recently cunted, Ashley fucking Banjo and his troupe of shaking simian clones known as “Diversity” for their recent George Floyd dance.

      Not surprisingly, the formally royal retard and his thinking impaired, celebretard wife didn’t mention the 2 deputies who were shot, nor the courageous, freedom fighting criminal who shot them.

      So at the intersection of Social Justice, systemic racism and peaceful protests the Markle-Hewitt-Mountbatten-Windsors can condemn systemic racism but not wanton criminals. They can praise a protest dance but not their homeland. They can laud themselves and their accomplishments but damn their heritage and it’s achievments.

      My, but the world sure looks different to a pair of privileged cunts from the utopia of Montesito than it does to retired (and Deceased) “General” from the racist Redneck Riveria.

      • Evening General, the good Fiddler has nominated his Royal Wokeness but this is a top retort. Britain may not manufacture much these days but we still turn out top cunts and send them into the big wide world.

      • Good evening to you LL,

        The Dynamic Dimwits deserve cunting on so many different levels. On this page I try to keep things related to the whole or rather the entirety of the BLM fiasco.

        As the Ginger Minger and his Mongrel wife were talking about race and racism I thought the BLM page was the appropriate venue.

        I have a generalized cunting somewhere in the queue.
        (Assuming of course that the Gods of Cunting working their will through their Admin acolytes deem it worthy.)

      • Shit!

        Lately, the Pea-brained Prince has been wont to sue anyone who says anything about him or his wokester* wife. It seems doubtful to me that he can read above a rudimentary level, so it is unlikely that he has seen anything on ISAC,

        However, as I have included quotes attributed to both the Cunted Crusadress* and her Boy Blunder, I should’ve listed my sources for the above rant.

        They include; Fox News, People Magazine, the Evening Standard and the lovable Auntie Beeb.

        (*Non words that are beginning to creep into today’s politically correct vernacular.)

      • For the record all three posts went up on Oct. 1:

        My post went up on the BLM page at 5:01 AM.

        Fiddler’s excellent post went up on the Nominations page at 1:46 PM.

        Dark key’s solid second went up on the Nominations page at 8:32 PM.

        Different times…different pages. This is not to imply anything other than 3 cunters, cunted the same cunt on the same day, for the same thing. Or as some might put it:

        Cunt minds think alike.


      • Oops…my original post went up at 5:01 am…my follow up post (Markle update) went up at 10:00 pm.

        This is not to imply anything other than that sometimes, I am a cunt.


  7. Let’s detail the players in yet another BLM fiasco:

    1. Mr. Daniel Prude. Dead.

    2. Police Chief La’Ron Singletary. Fired

    3. Mayor Lovely Warren. Indicted

    4. Attorney General Leticia James. Investigating.

    5. Adrian Hale. Running for Mayor?

    Let’s ask the question; What do all these people have in common? Aside from the fact that they all have enhanced melanin levels, they all were/are embroiled in another Black Lives Matter cluster fuck.

    Stay with me cunters. This is a long one. (Even by my standards.)

    It all started when Daniel Prude was visiting relatives in Rochester, New York. Upon his arrival his brother noticed him acting erratically. After watching his brother dive down a flight of stairs Superman style, Joe Prude decided to call Emergency Services. Daniel was taken to a local hospital and given a mental evaluation but was released that same night.

    After being released Daniel resumed his “erratic behavior” forcing his brother Joe to call the police. When the police arrived, they found Daniel naked and bleeding. Threatening him with a taser, the officers ordered Daniel to lie down. At this point Daniel complied.

    But upon being restrained, the still naked and bleeding Daniel became “agitated” and started spitting at the officers while demanding they turn over their firearms to him. At this point Rochester police applied a “spit hood” over Daniel’s head and forcibly held him down until they could arrange transport. Do I have to tell you what happened next? Daniel Prude died. Police on the scene gave him first aid but to no avail.

    The incident was kept quiet by Rochester Police and City officials until a police body cam video was received by the family’s lawyer showing most of the incident. The video was obtained under an open records request and had an unexplained 11 minute gap.

    It was also revealed that the official police report showed a police officer on the scene had applied a “hypoglossal nerve technique” to Daniel, by forcefully jamming 2 fingers below his jaw, into a nerve with the intent of causing pain and forcing Daniel to comply.

    As you might have guessed the excreted fecal matter impacted the oscillating ventilation device and BLM sprang into action.

    Amid the usual nightly peaceful rioting, the scum at BLM demanded the autopsy report and also demanded to know why the incident had been “covered up.”

    When the autopsy report was released it listed the cause of death as homicide…with the usual mitigating factors. An alluded to but unspecified mental illness led to an episode of “excited delirium” compounded by the ingestion of phencyclidine (PCP) creating a state of “acute intoxication.”

    After this mess hit the news Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary was asked a lot of questions. None of which focused on Daniel or his intoxicated state. All of which focused on how Chief Singletary’s department’s handled the matter and it’s subsequent cover up. Rather than answer any questions, the indignant Chief said he would not have his integrity questioned and promptly put in for retirement.

    Not so fast said Mayor Lovely Warren. You can’t retire. I’m firing you. As it turns out, e-mails revealed that the Mayor’s office was also involved in the cover up. Even before knowing this, the righteously indignant BLM masses had been protesting the cover up at City Hall. In fact, they had “occupied” Rochester City Hall and demanded the Mayor’s resignation. In order to save herself, the Mayor need a scapegoat and the Chief fit the bill.

    After firing the Chief, she made a big deal about the Police Department’s culture of violence and corruption and insisted that the city’s Depart of Public Integrity would investigate the matter thoroughly. (She also fired a couple of city officials who supposedly admitted their knowledge of the cover up.)

    End of story right? Uh…no. Speaking of Public Integrity, a lengthy investigation dating back to 2017, has been concluded and Mayor Lovely Warren has been indicted on 2 felony counts of willful campaign finance fraud. Which of course she denies as a “political witch hunt” by the man who wants her job.

    That man is attorney Adrian Hale…who led the investigation into the Mayor’s finances and according to sources other than the Mayor, plans on challenging her in the next election.

    For her part New York Attorney General Leticia James, has decided to get involved and is launching an investigation as to whether of not the Rochester Police violated Daniel Prude’s civil rights. As he is dead I wonder how relevant the findings will be. But no matter…General James assures us that her office will see justice done in the matter.

    In case you haven’t figured it out…all of these people are black. So the point is; what does that say about the BLM narrative of innocent black folk minding their own business…being killed by a racist police department…and having it covered up by systemic racism while aided by a corrupt culture of white supremacy.

    As an organization BLM has yet to comment on the cover up, the back stabbing, the scapegoating, the corruption, the grandstanding or the scheming by any of the black principals. It does however, continue it’s crusade against white privilege.

    • No, I hadn’t guessed these fuckers were all black until I got to the end.
      It really does show BLM to be a load of pathetic fuckwits, doesn’t it?

      Great post General…

      • Thank you Dio. Taking this a little farther:

        There are whispers popping up that the leadership of BLM is out to get black politicians and police chiefs because their existence defeats the very essence of the BLM narrative.

        All of these cities are Democrat controlled and a significant number have black mayors, black city council members and/or black police chiefs. The existence of a black power structure controlling the levers of power exposes the lie of white supremacists controlling the systemic racism inherent in our society.

        As to whether or not this is a conspiracy theory depends on which side of the movement you’re on. But it amuses me to watch the “revolution” eat it’s own…even before they take power.

  8. Sky News running a piece all day – moaning that US police are equipped with British made “Scorpion” shields and are using them to police BLT protesters……… SO FUCKING WHAT! – And your point is?

    If you’ve not seen the report, these shields are clear round plastic type held in one hand with POLICE written across them. Apparently a legal challenge has been raised (Not sure by who – sky don’t say) as this is an ARMs sale. Emily Fat Arse Thornberry is interviewed and states this is “really worrying”. No Emily, what is really worrying is that you are Shadow International Trade Secretary and you are against UK exports.

    Sky tacks on to the end of this report that the company making these shields has done nothing wrong, however they have made them aware of their research. WHY? you CUNTS, they have done nothing wrong! – What a pointless exercise that was.

    Ordinarily the US police shoot these fuckers, however they are now showing restraint and taking a leaf out of the UK police manual – yet still the left wing media spread outrage that they do their job……. My suggestion, go back to shooting the CUNTS.

  9. With the vice Presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala “Flatback” Harris about to kick off…and with President Trump’s Covid recovery dominating the news let’s get a quick look at what’s happening in BLM.

    1. Killer cop and lifelong cunt Derek Chauvin of St. George of Minneapolis fame was released today on a $1,000,000 bond. Court records show the “non cash” bond was paid by a A-Affordable Bonds, a bail bondsman company from Brainerd, Minnesota.

    St. Georges family attorney said the family is outraged and issued a statement which read in part:

    His (Chauvin’s) release serves as”…a painful reminder to George Floyd’s family that we are far from receiving justice for George.” and bemoaned the “fact” that Floyd’s life was “ended over a $20 bill.”

    No statement was issued regarding the counterfeit nature of said $20 bill nor was mention made of St. George using illegal drugs or resisting arrest.

    Chauvin…who is a cunt… made no comment upon his release. However, citizens of Minneapolis who are fed up with the BLM peaceful riots once again defaced a mural/shrine to St, George as a sign that they are tired of the false narrative surrounding this career criminal.

    2. Speaking of false narratives the NBA (National Basketball Association) has issued a statement today saying they will no longer allow BLM messages to be displayed on their courts or the players jerseys beginning with the next season. In an interview the idiot NBA Commissioner said:

    “We’re completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality…” but “…I understand those people who are saying; ‘I’m on you side but I (just) want to watch a basketball game.”

    It appears that, get woke or go broke has bit the league and it’s spoiled superstars right in their collective asses proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that money matters more than black lives.

    3. Jacob Blake was released from the hospital today. Blake was the groid shot by Kenosha police when he returned to the home of a woman he had (allegedly) sexually assaulted and (allegedly) tried to steal her car, and then (allegedly) brandished a knife, while (allegedly) resisting arrest, after the officers tried to arrest him on an outstanding warrant for (alleged) sexual assault.

    Kamala “Flatback” Harris had previously visited the (alleged) rapist in the hospital and issued a statement praising him and saying how “proud” she was of him.

    As far as we know his (alleged) victim has not commented on whether or not she is “proud” to have been (allegedly) raped by such a hero.

    4. It was announced today that Wauwatosa, Wisconsin police officer Joseph Mensah will not be charged in the shooting death of Alvin Cole. Cole, a 17 year old black (young) man, was in fact brandishing a gun, but his family has insisted that the shooting was not justified as (a) the gun was not loaded and (b) he never pointed the gun at the officer.

    Officer Mensah, who is also black, has shot 3 people in the last 5 years and has yet to brought up on charges. It appears that Wauwatosa, a suburb of Milwaukee is every bit as dangerous as Beirut, Baghdad or or any other 3rd world shitopolis.

    As far as we know BLM has not commented on the trigger happy crime fighter although the city is bracing for violence on behalf of the gun wielding victim.

    5. And finally, a St.Louis, Missouri couple today was indicted for defending their home from a mob of peaceful BLM rioters. Mark and Patricia McCloskey had their dinner interrupted one night when the peaceful protesters broke down a security gate at the entrance of their private community. Much of the incident was recorded.

    The mob…some of whom had weapons clearly visable…threatened the McCloskey’s proclaiming that after raping his wife and murdering them both they return to the home and sleep in their bedroom. They even threatened to kill their dog and burn down their home.

    St Louis Prosecuting Attorney, Kim Gardner, a George Soros funded progressive whose office has been embroiled in numerous scandals, is facing re-election and has decided to prosecute the homeowners in an effort to bolster her support with both SJW’s and with voters in the hood.

    Despite the damage and recorded threats made by the peaceful BLM protesters no charges will be filed against any of them.

    More BLM updates as they occur.

    • A necessary update to this week in BLM:

      A hate crime investigation has been closed by police in Madison, Wisconsin for lack of evidence.

      Althea Bernstein showed up at a local hospital with burns claiming that while stopped at a red light in Madison, Wisconsin she was attacked by 4 white “frat boys” who doused her with lighter fluid and lit her on fire while shouting racial slurs. The “frat boys” she claimed were wearing floral shirts which is the trademark of the “far right wing extremest group” Boogaloo Boys.

      Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, the first openly gay Mayor of Madison issued a statement calling the attack:

      “…a horrifying and absolutely unacceptable crime that I will not tolerate in Madison.”

      Fortunately, for the crotch cannibal Mayor she won’t have to tolerate the crime as it never happened. Althea made it up.

      An extensive investigation by the Madison police showed Althea was not even in Madison that night. In fact GPS info from her phone and traffic camera footage showed she was driving…with her windows rolled up…in a town called Middleton some 15 minutes away from where the attack was said to have occurred.

      Furthermore, forensic evidence failed to reveal any burn damage to her car and failed to uncover any traces of any flammable substance or any supporting forensic evidence.

      During the course of the investigation Althea was unable to explain the the lack of corroborating evidence and when faced with the exculpatory evidence, complained that the police were treating her like a suspect.

      In the aftermath of the made up incident, Althea, who is biracial was, of course, treated like a local celebrity and was invited to speak at a BLM rally.

      And speaking of biracial…after hearing of the fake attack…the Markles contacted Althea personally and expressed their support via personal phone call. Offering their support, they applauded her for the way she handled the phony attack. And at the end of the call, Me-gantoinette Markle, who spoke to Althea for over 40 minutes, encouraged her to “allow herself to heal” and asked for her phone number so the 2 mongrels could stay in touch.

      After being revealed as a hoax, the Madison police and the US Department of Justice announced that no charges will be brought against the lying cunt for filing a false police report.

      In the meantime, Althea’s family says that she is continuing to heal, while the Cock Dodging Mayor and the D-List Duchess have yet to comment.

      A la Jussie Smolett…Black Lies Matter.

      • Fantastic updates General Cuntster. Between you and imitation yank, we have a far better understanding of what’s really going on in the US than we would ever learn from our media. Keep up the good work.😀

      • Our way of life is under attack by far left Fascists. (As yours in the UK has been for years.) These Progressives, Neo-Marxists and New Age Utopiasts know that:

        “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” – Ariel Durant

        And this can best be achieved when:

        “Collective madness is called sanity.” – Paulo Coelho

  10. Wireless 4 11th October 2020, Desert Island Discs:

    Yet another woman of colour, the usual sanctimonious self righteous old tart spouting her views on equality and the wimminz, this one (don’t know the name they all sound the same like tins of baked beans off the assembly line) was best mates with NuLabour figures including millionaire author Ken Follett (she was in his “band”, so a dillitante as well as a cunt) clearly still thinks it is 1997 as she talked about “making a difference”. Turgid cunt.

  11. In this update we shall focus on reactions to BLM rather than BLM itself.

    1. Candace Owens is a black conservative who is encouraging black voters to leave the Democrat party. Her “movement” is known as Blexit.

    This week a Blexit rally was held in Washington DC. Of course it was ignored by the mainstream media. The rally attracted between 2000 and 3000 marchers who expressed their support for the police and sang the National Anthem.

    Despite being ignored by the propaganda wing of the Demonrat party, I can report that there were no arrests and no acts of violence. There was no rioting, no burning, looting and no murders. In fact there wasn’t a single instance of threatening, intimidation or property destruction.

    This protest it seems was truly peaceful.

    2. However, it was a different story in Seattle when a couple expressed their support for Blue Lives. According to Fox News, the unnamed couple have been flying a Blue Lives Matter flag outside their home as an expression of support for the police.

    Since raising the flag the couple has been harassed by “peaceful” protesters who bully, threaten and the abuse them and demand that they take down the offensive flag. The couple has steadfastly refused to do so despite having their home spray painted with BLM and Antifa slogans.

    Early this week KIRO television received surveillance footage showing a vehicle pulling up to the house and then someone inside the vehicle opening fire. At least nine shots were fired by the unknown assailants.

    So far the courageous couple has refused to be intimidated. They claim they don’t argue with any of the “peaceful” protesters who they say are entitled to their opinion. They say people are free to disagree with them but not to shoot at them.

    These people are real Americans.

    3. On the other side of fly over country, Aubrey Jones, a BLM organizer has been convicted of 2 misdemeanor counts in connection with a BLM rally in Virginia. Jones was also acquitted of one count of failing to obey a lawful police order when he and his cohorts crowded onto a busy street and obstructed both pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

    Jones, who clearly has the belief that his “right” to interfere with your life is more important than your right to live you life…is already appealing his convictions, presumably on the basis of systemically racist justice system.

    4. Moving back across flyover country to Bakersfield, California, is reporting that the School district there has issued a memo barring any use of the slogan BLM by all faculty, staff, administration or students within the district. The district issued a statement that read in part:

    “While it can be argued that the simple statement ‘Black Lives Matter’ is not political…it has taken on a political context that has stirred vigorous debate and calls from others to express opposing view points.”

    They went on to say:

    “The District must remain neutral in matters of politics and expects employees to focus on the approved curriculum during working hours in instructional settings, and not promote individual political beliefs and opinions…”

    Teachers teaching rather than indoctrinating. What a concept!

    5. Such common sense does not reign in Tuscon, Arizona. KOLD News 13 is reporting that residents of one Tuscon neighborhood are upset that they have received letters form an “anti-Black Lives Matter” group.

    These letter have showed up at the homes of people who are displaying BLM signs in their yards. While the content of the letter is unknown, according to the local Police Chief, the letters are not illegal as they contain no threats and their delivery does not constitute a trespass.

    But at least one city councilman disagrees saying:

    “My point is not as to the legality as to the propriety.” (sic)

    A resident who received a letter went on to blame white supremacists and said:

    “This is intimidation and we’re not going to have it…”

    The letter was signed “Comrade Regina”, a reference to Tuscon Mayor Regina Romero, a brown BLM supporter who hung a Black Lives Matter banner across City Hall and proclaimed anyone that who supports the police is a white supremacist.

    As there was no threat…not vandalism…no spray painted slogans…no arson or property damage of any kind…just one neighbor sending a letter to another; Methiks thou dost protest too loudly, as the pot doth calleth the kettle brown…um black.

    6. And finally, in a sort of kinda related, but not really cause I just wanted to get it in matter…the wife of the Lt. Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was berated by an angry, white supremacist, Aryan devil in a grocery store for not belonging here. Accordingly, the berater is banned form the store and the Pennsylvania State Police are investigating the matter.

    Second Lady Giselle Barreto Fetterman was accosted and berated by an angry redneck, who claimed that she doesn’t belong here. Fetterman is revered by the libtard left as the very model of a political wife. She supports immigration reform, legalized marijuana, LBGTQ rights and a whole hosts of other virtue signalling causes worthy of admiration.

    Like her husband she is a Democrat, who before supporting Joe Biden supported Cherokee Liz Warren and has been named “Best Activist” by the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

    So why would some redneck, racists bitch berate her? I don’t know. Perhaps it has something to do with being an illegal immigrant. You see Giselle was brought to this country illegally when she was 5 and is a huge supporter of the DACA Act (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) implemented by the community con artist, Barry Obummer.

    This Act was never passed into law by the Congress but implemented by Executive Fiat. When Trump tried to overturn this act by the same Executive fiat, an activist Supreme Court said he had the power to do so but that (in their opinion) didn’t express a good reason for doing so.

    Giselle has gone on to get her “green card” and become an American citizen (presumably benefitting from DACA) but honestly, how could anyone object to an illegal immigrant lecturing a native born American about how bad their country is?

    So to sum it all up it appears the slogan Black Lives Matter doesn’t matter to some as much as others. While blue lives matter to some. And Brown lives…especially when they belong to Marxist Mayors and illegal immigrant wives of politicians matter to activists.

  12. You’ve got to laugh.
    An article in today’s ‘El Independiente’ makes the hilarious claim that the government is ‘weaponising racism’ against the country’s BAME population.
    Oh do fuck off. We all know who’s ‘weaponising’ racism. The fucking ‘woke’ and loony left factions.

  13. Black lives not only matter…they’re special!

    Unknown black rapper Richard (Ricky) Lamar Hawk…who goes by the name, “Silento”…was recently stopped by a Georgia police officer and given four…count ’em 4…traffic citations.

    Fox News reports that “Silento” orginally, argued with police who clocked him at 143mph while weaving in and out of traffic before he admitted he was in fact speeding.

    However, Ricky maintained he had the right to speed as he is not “a regular person.” It seems the “rap star” was leaving a concert somewhere and he claimed because of his fame he is often followed and therefore, allowed to not only break the speed limits but also weave through traffic while doing so.

    Since the story broke it has also been revealed that this fine upstanding citizen walked into someone’s last month and threatened them with an ax before swinging said ax at them. One of the people disarmed the punk ass, groid bitch and he was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. (Note: He didn’t even know the people he attacked and whose home he invaded.)

    It has also been revealed that prior to this, the unknown star (who does by the way have one so called “hit”) has also been arrested for “inflicting corporal punishment” on his wife/girlfriend. (Press reports are not clear as to her status.)

    So this fucking savage, in addition to (allegedly) endangering the lives of innocent people on the road, also (allegedly) beats up women and (allegedly) assaults strangers in their own home because…he’s special.

    It seems not only do Black Lives Matter…but Black Lives are Special too!

    As of this posting we’re still waiting for comment by the leaders of BLM on innocent Black people who are victims of systemic racial violence.

    But as far as “Silento” is concerned…It’s black privilege y’all.

  14. I see the mostly peaceful riots are going well in philadelphia, following the fully justified ventilating of a pavement ape who came at the police with a knife.

    Question for GC (D).

    How do you see this ANTIFAG / BLM bullshit playing out when Trump wins?

    • Hey O’sBs,

      I’ve actually been getting my information together for Philadelphia riot posting. Perhaps later today I will have it ready.

      Speaking of voting…as I will be out of town on Election Day, I voted by absentee ballot this morning.

      With regard to your question…and a very astute one it is…this is what I see if Trump wins.

      1. All all out legal challenge to overturn the results by the Biden campaign.

      “Team Biden” has already hired thermonuclear cunt Eric Holder to head up his legal team. For months now they have been preparing to challenge the results in any state they don’t win. They will use any grounds they can think of.

      Voter suppression is a Demonrat favorite but they will challenge the vote itself or the counting. They will claim fraudulent ballots and Russian interference. They will manufacture Covid issues and use anything they can to overturn the results.

      2. The Mainstream Media will blitz the airwaves declaring Trump an illegitimate President. They too will use anything they can and it’s likely to change daily.

      3. The House Demonrats…lead by Turbo-Cunt Nancy Pelosi push the notion that the election should be decided in the House of Representatives and in the interim Pelosi should be President. T

      This actually, is a realistic scenario. If there is a tie in the Electoral College, then the election is decided by a vote in the House. If it isn’t (for whatever reason) decided by a certain date then the Speaker is interim President until it is decided.

      4. There will be enormous pressure on the Electors from the Electoral College to change their votes.

      When we vote for President we are actually voting for electors pledged to vote for a candidate. Those electors who vote for a candidate other than the one they are pledged to are called “faithless electors.”

      Most states have some sort of rule or law requiring the electors to vote for their pledged candidate…but some do not. There have been cases of electors voting for another candidate but usually, the electoral college margin is large enough that the issue doesn’t get pushed.

      However, in the last election there was enormous pressure put upon Trump electors including threats of physical harm to them and their families. It will be worse this time.

      5. The sub-human scum that is BLM…Antifa…BAMN…and all the other radical Neo-Commie, one world utopiasts will storm the streets with violence.

      They will burn cities and then move into the suburbs. They will out or dox any Trump supporter, donor and voter they can find and pursue them with violence.

      It truly will be Burn…Loot and Murder if Trump wins. And to paraphrase Gil Scott Heron:

      The revolution WILL be televised and it WILL be live.

      Of course with the mainstream media cheering on the struggle between the brave and valiant freedom fighters against the white racist, misogynists, homo-phobic, trans-phobic, islamo-phobic, climate change denying, evil christian oppressors.

      Hold onto your balls boys* because (I think) this is going to be bad.

      (*I’d tell the ladies to hold on to their tits but I’m happy to do that for them 😉)

    • The very heart of the Old Confederacy. Alabama. Southeast Alabama. Near both the Florida and Georgia borders.

      I’m originally from the Midwest, Northwest Indiana, near Chicago, Illinois, but I retired here.

  15. Sky commentary this afternoon:

    14:02 LEICESTER 0-0 WOLVES

    1: After serving a two-minutes silence and the taking of the knee, we’re underway in the East Midlands.

    I’d like to meet the vacuous, woke cunt who thinks that kneeling down for some, now thankfully dead, criminal black bastard is on a par with honouring our war dead and teach him some lessons about what honour means. I’d start with removing some of his limbs, with a blunt machete. Some useful ideas on Documenting Reality.

  16. With the fraudulent election monopolizing my time and attention, I have been remiss in posting BLM updates. Tonight with the gracious indulgence of the Admin Team, I offer instead an Antifa update. As they are kindred spirits with an incestuous relationship I think it’s a natural fit.

    Fox News is reporting tonight, that after Joe Biden was proclaimed the “winner” of the 2020 election, his Portland, Oregon headquarters was vandalized by violent and deranged…Antifa supporters.

    After the announcement was made a crowd of peaceful rioters descended upon Biden’s local headquarters, breaking out windows and spray painting slogans and anarchy symbols in red. Pictures of “No Presidents” and the anarchist’s “A” were taken and posted by various media outlets.

    In the University of Chicago cunting, I pointed out that mouthing platitudes and implementing PC policies would not save the virtue signalling left. These people…Antifa and BLM…are revolutionaries. Their goal is to overturn the system…no matter who is in charge…so they can violently usher in their utopian Brave New World.

    The Demonrats are about to learn that when it comes to violent Revolution, Madame Guillotine favors no political party.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

    • Isn’t Biden a KKK supporter? It’s all on tape. Trump doesn’t seem to have anything on tape supporting the KKK or ” white supremacy” . Harris (Indian,not black) seems to have spent most of her career incarcerating black men for minor crimes. Is all going to get worse.

      • Hey Smug,

        With regard to Biden being a KKK supporter. I don’t believe he ever expressed open support for them. (But I could be wrong about that.)

        However, he was closely associated with a least one prominent Klansman…former US Senator, Democrat turbo cunt, Robert Byrd of West Virginia.

        Byrd was one of the most truly awful cunts to ever to disgrace the US Senate. Yet he was revered by the Democrats and was even called the “Conscience of the Senate.”

        Due to his proclivity for sending other people’s tax dollars to his home state, he was loved there and was elected many times, going on to be the longest serving Senator in US history.

        Biden was a close ally of Byrd. When the devil called Byrd home, Biden delivered the eulogy at his funeral where he heaped praise on the degenerate old cunt.

        As for “Flatback” Harris…she’s half Asian Indian and half Jamaican Black and all cunt. She was born in Oakland, Commiefornia but grew up in Montreal, Canada.

        As the Attorney General of Commiefornia she did indeed prosecute and incarcerate a disproportionate number of black men. She used that to foster a “tough on crime” image when she ran for the US Senate.

        Of course now that the BLM movement is all the rage she is trying to distance herself from her record. And with the help of the MSM, she has largely succeeded.

        “Old Flatback” is a hypocrite of world class proportions. She was the Mistress of a powerful black politician* before she married a white man. But you didn’t hear about that during the campaign.

        *I put forth a nomination detailing her sordid past. I hope we see it soon. But of course, that depends on when and if the Admin Acolytes finish their divinations and when and if they receive divine instruction from the Gods of Cunting to publish or discard.

      • @O’sBs

        No need for him to apologize for the “cheek” of being an “upstart limey”* as he is dead bang spot on!

        The most interesting thing he said is the possibility of violent civil war. I’m sure the rest of you “upstart limeys” are not getting this from your MSM…but the undercurrent of anger among Trump voters is very real.

        This anger, hostility and resentment is not showing up on the internet or the MSM…but make no mistake about it…it is smoldering in the grassroots of “real” America.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

        *I do quite like the phrase “upstart limey.”
        😁 😉 😋

      • In light of the open and unprecedented voter fraud perpetrated by the Demonrats, the counting in some states still continues.

        In Georgia the Republicans won both US Senate seats. However, neither canditate won over 50% of the vote and under Georgia law that requires a Special election to determine a winner. That election will take place on Jan. 5, 2021.

        Control of the US Senate could hinge upon who wins (at least 1) of those seats. As a consequence, the Demonrats are pulling out all the stops.

        Under Georgia law one does not have to have voted in the previous election to vote in the runoff. And the deadline for new voter registration is Dec. 5, 2020.

        Lets some of you non “upstart limeys” think the calls of election fraud are just the noise made sore losers…Demonrats are openly calling for liberals nationwide to move en mass to Georgia…establish a temporary residence…register to vote…and then vote for both Demonrat candidates.

        In the truest tradition of Al Capone…vote early and vote often!

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

  17. In a proper BLM update:

    Fox News is reporting that Marxist revolutionary and BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors has sent a message to fraudulent President elect Joe Biden demanding a meeting to discuss “their” agenda.

    According to the sources, the self identified “queer” revolutionary is insisting that Black people won the election and is demanding a forum to discuss their agenda and policy goals.

    Cullor’s claims cannot be verified. Preliminary surveys show Black people…black men in particular…voted in record numbers for Trump. In some cases more than double their support for Hillary Rodham Pantsuit.

    These same preliminary surveys also show that Black women remained loyal to the Demonrats and voted in similar numbers as they have in previous elections.

    It is unclear if the old hair sniffer will meet with the cunt. The pressure on him from the radical left progressives like AOC is intense and is being met with resistance from old school Demonrats like former Clinton advisor James “the Ragin Cajun” Carville. (Known in Cuntster parlance as the “Redneck Retard”…the “Cajun Creep” or “the Bayou Bonehead.”)

    As Chicken George’s chickens come home to roost, it will be interesting to see if the old hair sniffer (and more likely his handlers) is/are willing to give the BLM cunts some concessions or if we will see more peaceful riots in the streets.

    But in truth the cunt Cullors is wrong about who won the election. No matter how many groids voted for Biden, they didn’t tip this election in his favor. Voter fraud did.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

  18. In another BLM update:

    Fox News and the Associated Press are reporting that Peaceful BLM protesters and their mythical comrades-in-arms, Antifa showed up at the Washington DC “Stop the Steal” or “Million Maga” march yesterday. Predictably, they were their usual violent selves with plenty of homemade video there to document their crimes and violence.

    But who wasn’t there to document their crimes and violence? The MSM. Aside from Fox News and the AP, no MSM outlet in America covered the revolutionary scum or their violence. In fact what little coverage there was focused on what (the formally much vaunted and now much maligned) Fox News called the “far right, neo-facist Proud Boys.”

    There have been calls for fraudulent President-elect Biden and his fraudulent VP-elect Flatback Harris to denounce the Progressive scum. Don’t hold your breath. Despite the old hair sniffer’s speech writers inserting calls for unity into his teleprompter “acceptance” speech, you can rest assured, the career swamp rat has no intention of promoting unity.

    As an aside, no fewer than 4 members of the extended “Cuntster Clan” were among the roughly 300,000 Trump supporters at the rally in our nation’s cesspool yeaterday. So don’t for one moment think I’m prone to hyperbole when I tell you:

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

    (Sources for this update include [the formerly Fox now] Rat News and the Assassinated Press.)

    • Isn’t it about time you accepted that Biden won?
      First, he got 5.6 million more votes than the orange man.
      Second, only 300,000 could be bothered to turn up for the million MAGA march.

      I am well into my sixth decade now, and, although I admit that I am an outsider looking in, it is quite clear to me that Trump is the worst president America has had in all those years.

      I have my doubts as to whether Biden will be any better, but he can’t possibly be any worse.

      • @RB

        No it isn’t about time to accept that Biden won because the election was rigged.

        I suspect the coverage we get here in the states is more thorough that your coverage in the UK. And I also suspect I follow it more closely (and carefully) than you do.

        Some recent developments as of today:

        1. The Hill on line magazine is reporting that a cache of over 2600 “uncounted” ballots were found today in Floyd County, Georgia. This was a pro Trump area and the the resulting count yielded a net gain for Trump. County officials were at a loss to explain how this happened other than to say “human error.”

        2. The New York Post is reporting that an entire election cannot be certified in Clarke County, Nevada because of “large scale voter discrepancies.” Trump was on the same ballot as a local Commissioner’s race between 2 Democrats. The “discrepancies were so great that more than 150,000 cannot be certified as valid.

        The City of Los Vegas is in Clarke County and Biden allegedly won Nevada by 30,000 plus votes.

        3. In Michigan 2 Republican state Senators are requesting an audit in Antrim County due to a county multiple errors and illegal votes that gave votes to Biden. This is the same county where the Dominion software “human error” occurred.

        These Senators allege that a number of fraudulent practices occurred including:

        1. Multiple Biden ballots counted multiple times.
        2. Illegal ballots counted.
        3. Poll workers altered ballots and counted them illegally.
        4. “Late” arriving ballots were counted.

        There were other charges as well.

        Organized fraud was committed on a massive scale Nation wide. I could write a dissertation detailing the extent in pre and post as well as the election itself. We watched it happen in real time and now we’re watching the cover up in real time.

        Biden did not win. The same people who told you the Russians interfered with the 2016 election on Trump’s behalf are now telling you this election was pure as the driven snow.

        Who are you going to believe? Them or your “lying eyes.”

        I’m happy to have a detailed discussion on the matter with you at any time.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • The trouble is, all you have there is reports in the media (ever heard the phrase “fake news”? No? Just me?) and “allegations”. I could allege that you are my mother, but that wouldn’t mean that it is true.

        Trump’s team keep launching various lawsuits and, for some strange reason (I wonder what that could be đŸ€”) they keep getting thrown out.

        I could accept that there have possibly been some dodgy votes, but 5.6 million? Surely you can’t be so naive as to believe that?

        Much like god, if you show me some actual proof of irregularities, Maybe then I might start to believe.

        The simple truth is that this was not so much a vote for Biden, as a vote against Trump, as America, like the rest of the world, has had enough of the fat orange man.

      • Hey RB,

        When Clarke County government officials actually refuse to certify an election, it ain’t “fake news.” It is fact.

        When Floyd County Georgia finds a cache of uncounted ballots for Trump it ain’t “fake news” it’s fact.

        When 6000 Trump votes in Michigan are counted for Biden and then discovered and reversed it ain’t “fake news it’s fact.”

        In six decades I would have thought you have learned the difference between facts and “fake news.” But it’s clear, you wouldn’t know a fact if it walked up and but you on the arse.

        Fake news is what the media tells you to believe despite the existence of facts to the contrary.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Let’s look at some facts and ask some questions.

        1. You allege that Trump keeps filing lawsuits and they keep getting “thrown out.” Please provide citation for you allegations. How many suits filed? How many thrown out?

        2. The popular vote in the Presidential election is irrelevant. It is the Electoral College vote in America that determines the President. In 2016 Trump won the electoral College Vote but lost the popular vote. This is known as a “Minority President.” Bush Jr. was a minority President as well and there have been others.

        It is estimated that Trump won the Presidency in 2016 by roughly 44,000 votes in 2 states that gave him an Electoral College victory.

        As the Demonrats have just proved, it isn’t hard to steal a few thousand votes in a couple of states and therefore, steal the election.

        3. It is fact that Biden has nor won the US Presidency. In fact at the time of this writing no one has won. Not one single state has certified the results of the election and not one single Electoral College elector has voted.

        No one is elected President until those 2 things happened.

        If you want to hate Trump that’s fine. And you can talk about facts all you like. I’ve listed several. You’ve listed none.

        And your opinion is nothing but the regurgitated fake news you so decry.

        We have a saying in America. Money talks and bullshit walks. So put you money where your mouth is and show some facts of start walking.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

        PS Give my regards to that fact based icon and Beacon of truth…Lovable Auntie Beeb.

      • General,

        I would list the court cases but there are so many It would take too long. It would appear that the only ones that have not been finally thrown out are the ones that Trump’s team did actually lose but are appealing against.

        I read a good report on the electoral college. The last time one of them changed their vote was in the 1700s. So if you think that will help the Donald, dream on.

        Yes, it may be possible to steal a few thousand votes, but 5.6 million? Try covering that up in this day and age.

        Every single “fact” you have listed has been debunked and disproved.

        Don’t forget, it was your beloved orange man who kept claiming that Obama wasn’t born in the United States. Trump is the king of fake news.

        Obama was a legitimate president. Biden will be a legitimate president. With fewer votes than Clinton, Trump never was.

        Have a good day


  19. Oh my god this is brilliant!

    You are just looking at headlines and not checking the actual facts behind them!!!

    1. Clarke county officials have declined to certify a minor commission election. This has no bearing on the Presidential election.

    2. Re the 2600 found ballots in Floyd County – only 800 were for Trump. Meaning Biden still got 1800 more than Trump!

    3. 6,000 votes in Michigan uncounted, discovered and reversed. A claim made by Ted Cruz. A Republican (surprise surprise). Also another claim that has been proven to be untrue.

    If you just look at the headlines you will find a story that supports your views. If you dig a little deeper though, you just might uncover the truth.

    Have a nice day


    (Morning/Evening all. Am enjoying the debate here. But as always with these things, don’t let it stray towards the Dark Side – DA)

    • Oh my god this is so stupid.

      1. A fraudulent ballot cannot be counted. Period. In this case an all Democrat Board decided to not certify one candidate on the whole ballot…a Republican…who would be the only commissioner elected in a local Clarke County race. Despite evidence of fraud they let all other votes stand.

      2. Of the 2600 votes found…approx 1800 went to Trump. The entire state total is said to be changed by a margin of 800.

      3. Michigan officials and Dominion software execs have admitted that 6000 Trump votes went to Biden and they had to change them to Trump. It is not an allegation. It is fact.

      Perhaps you shouldn’t believe the fake news you read.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

      • Shall we revisit this in December when Biden has been confirmed as the president and Trump has finally acted like an adult and admitted defeat?

        I look forward to the big slice of humble pie you will be eating!

        Oh, and “armed resistance”. To what, exactly?

  20. As the discourse became heated I felt obliged to step away and remind myself of Mark Twain’s brilliant admonition:

    “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

    With that said:

    For 4 years we were bombarded by the Demonrats and their allies in the Fake News Media with tales of election rigging by the Russians. Trump was decried as an illegitimate President. They tried to impeach him on bogus charges and were exposed for the liars they were. They fomented violent revolution in our streets with BLM and Antifa. And they tried to ruin our lives with lock downs and business closures.

    During this same period of time a comprehensive coordinated effort to win the 2020 election, by hook or by crook was mounted. The fake mews media bombarded us with tales of Trump’s unpopularity and tarnished us all, calling us racists and Nazis.

    Phony opinion polls designed to suppress our participation and promote the inevitability of a Biden and indeed a Democratic landslide gave us a false and misleading picture of the political landscape. Facebook and Twitter blocked us and censored our remarks.

    A systematic effort was made nationwide to change voting rules and regulations in a blatant disregard for the Constitution. Methods of voting were illegally changed. Security measures were dropped. Signature and ID requirements ignored. Faulty and easily manipulated voting systems were installed. And in cities with a long history of voter fraud…where people have gone to jail…ballots and counts were manipulated and manufactured.

    And now…those very same people who for 4 years told us the system wasn’t safe….now proclaim it inviolate.

    The very same people who perpetrated the fraud…the Democrats are taken at their word when they deny any wrong doing. Their allies in the media dismiss sworn affidavits and video evidence as mere “allegations.”

    All up and down the ballot Republicans made record gains. They gained in the US House…they’re still holding on to the US Senate…they gained in state legislators across the nation. The much vaunted Blue Wave…was no more than a ripple.

    We watched in real time as the vote tallies were changed in ways that defied mathematical probability and logic. And yet we are to believe, a senile old man who never left his basement and couldn’t draw a crown of 20 defeated a man whose crowds exceeded 10…20…even 30,000 people.

    And if that isn;t enough we are now no longer arguing the existence of fraud. The fraud, they say exists. Despite previous denials they claim it has always existed. Dead people always vote. Duplications and mistakes in counting happen all the time.

    Their position now is…it isn’t the existence of fraud we deny…it is the degree of fraud we dispute.

    Tyranny is the face of lies. And through the looking glass it’s, don’t believe what you saw. Believe what we tell you.

    BLM = good
    Orange Man = Bad
    White = racist
    Black = oppressed
    Capitalism = exploitation
    Socialism – equality

    And yet you have to ask…Armed Resistance?

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

  21. I am also reminded of a famous old quote:

    “There are none so blind as those who will not see”.

    Whoever said that could clearly see the future and could foresee the sort of people who support Trump and deliberately choose to ignore the actual, true facts.

    Trump was never going to be successfully impeached as the majority of the Senate was Republican, so they were always going to back their man. Just because all the Republican senators outnumbered the Democrat senators does not mean the charges against him are untrue. He’s not the first person to have got away with something and he won’t be the last.

    Biden didn’t need to hold huge rallies. He allowed Trump to do that, as every time Trump opened his mouth he did Biden’s job for him.

    Re “Dead people always vote”. If you are sent a voter form, but you happen to share the same name and address as your deceased father, I suppose someone is going to use it to claim “Fraud!!!”

    Oh, and “Armed Resistance”? Against what? The truth?

    The truth will set you free my friend.

    Can’t wait to see Joe’s inauguration in January. I imagine you will be cracking open the champagne!!!

    Have a nice day.


    (Dig deep and you’ll find Biden isn’t exactly squeaky clean either. Be nice! – DA)

    • Oh indeed. I am no fan of Biden’s either. His nomination shows how shallow the pool of candidates within the Democrat party was.

      I suspect he will be no better as a president than Trump.

      I will try to be nice. Unfortunately our American friend called me a fool and I responded in kind. Apologies for taking the bait.

      (That’s okay. We don’t mind heated debates, but just don’t go personal. Carry on – DA)

    • “Just because all the Republican senators outnumbered the Democrat senators does not mean the charges against him are untrue.”

      Following the logic of that statement means if the Demoncrat senators had outnumbered the Republicans, then the charges would have been true. Haha. I think you’ll find the numbers of senators has nothing to do with the validity of the charges per se. Just sayin’.

      But staying with your ‘logic’, if the Republicans had had a majority in the House, then there would have been no impeachment hearing because the charges would not have had any substance.

      Again, the numbers of people involved has nothing to do with whether or not there were charges to answer. If you cast your mind back to the ‘trial’, there was no case to answer in any event because whatever Trump may or may not have done did not constitute an impeachable offence. Period.

      As it happens, the alleged collusion with Ukraine to get dirt on Biden didn’t happen. The transcript of the call proves it and the Ukrainian head of state on the other end of the call also said there was no quid pro quo. Contrast that to Biden being caught on tape saying if a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden wasn’t fired, then the Obama administration would not release $1B in aid. A few hours later, said prosecutor was fired. Hmmmm….

      Hi I’m Pot, how you doing Kettle? LOL.

      • If you cast your mind back a bit, you will remember that OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder. I think we all know that was the wrong verdict, don’t we?

        See? Just because someone is found not guilty doesn’t actually mean they are. It just proves that sometimes, the people who make these decisions are either biased or too thick to recognise the truth.

        I would not argue that Biden is squeaky clean. He was a very poor choice for a candidate, but apparently the American people thought the orange man was even worse.

    • Of course he will. The next four years will be a shit-show, and will be as bad as the past four. The only difference will be that Biden won’t make himself look like a complete cunt in the same way that Trump does every time he logs onto Twitter.

      I suspect looking at the state of him Biden will be expiring quite soon, whereupon we will see the first black female president.

      I am grateful every single day that I do not live in America.

  22. @RB

    I must point out that much of what you state is factually incorrect. A case in point is this statement about the Electoral College:

    “I read a good report on the electoral College. The last time one of them changed their vote was in the 1700’s.”

    I don’t know what you read but let’s look at the facts.

    1. The electoral College came into being with the ratification of the US Constitution in 1788.

    2. It was modified into the institution we know today by the 12th amendment ratified in 1804.

    3. In 2016 a record number of faithless electors…7…changed their ballots and voted against Trump.

    4. Prior to 2016 there has been a total of 155 faithless electors. (At least 1 in every election since 1948.)

    As the electoral college wasn’t formed until the late 1700’s. And it wasn’t modified into it’s current form until the early 1800’s. And there were a record number of faithless electors in 2016. And there have been faithless electors every post WWII election…it is clear to me that you do not know what you are talking about.

    It is impossible to have a good faith discourse with someone who is (to use your own example) so blinded by hate they simply ignore the truth.

    I’m sorry if this is perceived as rude or confrontational. But it is the truth.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

    PS We’re grateful that you don’t live here as well.

    • Yes, it would appear that the report I read on the Reuters site was a bit confusing. In 1796 a member of the electoral college voted for the opponent of their party’s candidate. Apparently that is the only time in history that has happened.

      I am impressed that you have done so much research. Proves that you are capable of seeking out the truth if you care to do so.

      I am not the one blinded by hate. You might want to take look in the mirror. I am only interested in the truth, I care not who wins the US election. Not sure if a man who has spent the last four year belittling people, sacking people left, right and centre, and making outrageous claims of fraud (even before the election took place) is the right man for the job.

      I suspect the majority of Americans would welcome me there. The majority of them for Biden (the winner), after all đŸ€Ș.

      Enjoy your next four years under a righfully elected Democrat government👍

      Have a great day


      • “Apparently that is the only time in history that has happened.”

        Even when presented with the truth you still refuse to see.

        As I said in my previous post:

        1. In 2016 a record number of electoral college electors (7) changed their vote(s)

        2. At least one elector in every election since 1948 has changed their vote.

        3. History records 155 electoral college electors have changed their votes.

        It clearly is not the only time in history that “…that has happened.” You can deny. You can ignore it. You can pretend. But you still cling blindly to incorrect information.

        Despite what you read in the press we Americans are a pretty accepting people. And the Progressive Left would indeed welcome you. Facts and truth don’t matter to them. As Lenin said; they need useful idiots.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Ha!! Brilliant!!

        Despite all the claims of fraud that have been debunked, despite all the court actions brought by the Trump camp being thrown out due to the fact that they are baseless, you still support the orange man and believe him the rightful winner!

        The actual truth could jump up and down in front of you and you still wouldn’t see it.

        Come January Trump will certainly have acheived one of his biggest pledges: he will have finally drained the swamp, with the biggest rat in it being kicked out.

        If you continue to believe that Trump is the winner and the election was stolen from him, then it is obviously not I who is the idiot.

      • @RB

        My previous post said nothing about election fraud. It focused strictly on your repeated misstatements of fact.

        As you are unable to refute them, you resorted to same old meaningless talking points as put forth by the Demonrats and the Progressive Left.

        It is clear that when confronted with truth about your own continued misstatements, you ignore it and result to same unfounded accusations and personal attacks that have defined your “argument” from the very beginning.

        Did you ever stop to consider, that your sources of information are in fact sources of misinformation? Clearly, your electoral College source was wrong. How many of your other sources are wrong?

        As I stated before there is an orchestrated attempt by the Demonrats and their allies in the MSM. And you’re buying it “hook, line and sinker” (as we say in the states).

        You obviously hate Trump so much that it gives you comfort to believe the lies. Fact and reason are alien and foreign concepts to hate filled righteousness.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

  23. I would love to be there in January to see the look on your face as Biden is inaugurated. I suspect that it would be one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

    This is a bit like the last few years in Britain have been, listening to the remoaners who lost the Brexit vote, even after the last general election ( which was effectively referendum 2.0j. They just can’t accept that they lost and keep on and on about how everybody else was wrong.

    Unfortunately it is usually the minority who have the loudest voices. Look at all the lies and allegations coming from the Trump camp (Rudy Giuliani, for example), then look at the dignified behaviour of the Biden camp.

    I imagine that long after the dust has settled, and all the allegations have been proven to be false, you still won’t believe your man lost.

    Oh well.

    Have a very good day sir.

    All Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance to what, exactly?
    Surrender to whom?

    • As this pointless discourse concludes I’d like to leave you with this thought. As you go forth in the world may you:

      Be fruitful and multiply.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never surrender

  24. Indeed.

    Very eloquently put. Surprisingly bright for one of our colonial cousins.

    See you at Joe’s inauguration.

    Good luck with your armed resistance. Ha ha ha ha ha ha………………

    • What are you going to do? Shoot peas through a straw while the open violence of the peaceful Mohammedans and other multicultural types destroys what’s left of your once great country?

      No…I think you’ll be among the first to turn and embrace the Progressive Left’s Brave New World Order. After all…if humans aren’t worth saving then certainly neither is their way of life.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

      • I’d rather live in our “once great country” than a country full of people with shed loads of guns, who allow their kids access to those guns, and who then go on to shoot loads of other kids in school.

        That is one seriously fucked up country. You can’t even sort an election out!!!

        Drain that swamp!

      • Drain the swamp?

        Trump tried and for his efforts he faced a coup d’etat, violent revolution and a fraudulent election.

        I have read about peaceful knife attacks in the UK and other parts of Europe. Do you feel better knowing that the innocent victims were stabbed or decapitated rather than being shot? Do you think it matters to the dead?

        As food for thought, do you think if they had a gun they could have defended themselves?

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Trump WAS the swamp. Look at the amount of people he fired – disagree with him? You’re fired. Sounds like a dictator to me. Still, you apparently want a government run by a dictator and surrounded by “yes” men.

        How often does possession of a firearm actually end one of the (almost daily) mass shootings in America? They are usually ended by the police or by the shooter taking their own life.

        And your election system – good grief. What is the point in voting if your vote can then be over-ruled by the “electoral college”, whatever the hell that is? What a joke.

      • Evening chaps.

        A little perspective.

        Since 1968, according to data from the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1.6 million Americunts have died in domestic gun-related incidents. In fact more Americunts have died from domestic gunshots in the last 50 years than in all the wars in American history combined!

        By contrast, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 1.2 million service personnel have been killed in all the wars in U.S. history.

        Stabbings in the UK suck by comparison.

        Dog knows what would happen if Americans were given cricket bats!

        To quote first generation immigrant Prince Philip:

        “A gun is no more dangerous than a cricket bat in the hands of a madman. If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?”

      • Fucking hell!!!

        1.6 million!! In 52 years!! All because of their obsession with the 2nd Amendment which, if you read it, does not actually give all Americans the right to bear arms. They choose to deliberately misread it for their own benefit.

        Things are never going to get better, and lots and lots of people are going to die, because of their obsession with guns.

        I think I’ll happily stay in Blighty with our crappy weather!

  25. As I wrote in a previous post, the Demonrats are not content with stealing the Presidential Election and have now turned their fraudulent designs on the Georgia Senate races.

    In my previous post I said that both Georgia Senate races are heading to a runoff in January. The deadline to register to vote in Georgia in in early December…the 5th if I remember correctly…and one does not have to have voted in the previous election to vote in the runoff.

    To that end Demonrats are encouraging people with means to “move” to Georgia…register to vote and then vote for the Demonrat candidates.

    This is of course illegal but no matter to the Demonrats. They stole the Presidential in plain sight and now they’re bound and determined to steal the the US Senate.

    Having successfully stolen the Presidential election from Trump, they and their media allies along with their useful idiots, are emboldened as never before in their quest for unchecked power.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

    • Yeah. Offering to do something which is clearly illegal, and actually doing it are two different things.

      I suspect that “Armed Resistance” might also be considered illegal by some people.

      Good night General. Sleep tight. Hope the DemoCrats don’t bite.

      • It’s called conspiracy and it is illegal.

        Stealing an election by fraudulent means is in fact a crime.

        Don’t worry about the Demonrats biting me. “The Villa” has a sign posted that says:

        Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Nah, I’ll leave the vote counting to the people finding votes in ditches.

        Roll on another court case (which he’ll lose).

        Nighty night Mr Exotic.

      • I suppose that I should be insulted or offended by the Mr. Exotic remark. But as you are unable to dispute my facts and must resort to personal insults, I know I’ve won the argument.

        Besides, I have to respect someone before I can be insulted by them.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Really? Does that mean I can be really, really rude to you and you won’t be offended?

        Good for you Joe. Hey, you’ve got the same first name as your next president. Woo hoo!!

      • Oh yeah, and you presented loads of “facts” earlier on in this highly entertaining debate, all of which were proven to be false.

        Fake news anybody? Fake news?

        Nighty night Joe.

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