BLM Shit

Let’s be absolutely clear about this….. this is not a page where you can post race hate about any colour on any other colour, but there are a lot of heavy feelings going around about BLM, what it really stands for and what it means to achieve.

This page is here to allow you to vent your frustration, deflate the anger and debate the issues – be it Uncle Ben’s Rice, statue toppling, offensive warnings on Dumbo or anything thing else that needs calling out. But remember, ALL lives matter.

Be aware that some nominations may be redirected to this page to keep space clear for other issues.

450 thoughts on “BLM Shit

  1. Oh not Mary fucking Seacole again. Give it a fucking rest BBC for fucks sake. As for this spy bitch she was a prozzie in German occupied Paris who had a big mouth. It would be like putting Katie Price on the fucking banknotes.

  2. I’d like to nominate the twat who came up with a report that BAME cunts are twice as likely to be prosecuted for breaking lockdown rules.

    Well fuck me with a rag man’s trumpet!!!. Only twice as likely? i’d estimate 95% of the cunts having fuckin street parties, riots and violence towards the police are from the terribly oppressed, under priveledged BAME community.

    Who wrote this piece of shit? Was it fat Lammy? No doubt DICK the Dyke will make a public grovelling apology, with KHUNTA KHAN following up with his usual verbal bollocks.

    Nominated by: DLP

  3. I just had to nominate this BLM soyboy:

    He’s so sure of his ideas that he has to read them from a scrap of paper.
    No sign of any crowd though, he was probably talking to himself. That’s the potential future of this country….

    Nominated by: Mystic Maven

    (A gentle reminder: we sometimes move pending nominations relating to BLM into this dedicated thread. This frees up schedules for more general noms and prevents huge backlogs. Thank you – admin)

    • Hilarious yet frightening. How many cunts out there are infected with this virus? If he wants to get rid of whites (and Jews in particular) he should set a good example and start with himself.

    • What would this little soy latte cunt for brains do in a society that actually hated gays and minorities? Where everything wasn’t totally provided to him by someone else? …cunt…

  4. BLM march broken up in Sydney today and the organiser nicked by plod, with some other cunts. Got refused by the High Court but they thought they would march anyway.
    Ho hum you live and learn cunts.

  5. A Norwegian American (I think that’s what you’re supposed to call them) couple are the latest victims of cancel culture. They run a B&B in Michigan and for years they have had a Norwegian flag and the Stars and Stripes on their front lawn.
    In recent weeks they have received loads of letters and e mails accusing them of displaying the Confederate flag and, therefore, being racists and bigots. As a result they have taken the Norwegian flag down for fear of being burnt out of house and home. If I were them I would take down the Stars and Stripes aswell.
    Just like, in our country (is it “ours” anymore?) the Union Jack is a racist flag so the Stars and Stripes is rapidly becoming a symbol of “white supremacy”.
    Hard times are coming.

  6. Black Lives Really Do Matter

    Not so much a cunting, but heart-felt happiness that our bros are doing what they do best – dealing drugs and shooting up strangers. In the space of one week, we have these two events in one corner of one part of Essex. It’s good to see that despite all the attempts at inclusion and diversity, our mates still excel in the area of criminality.

    The first lot are a particularly vile collection of human beings and I could n’t even tell you what shit hole part of the world they have crawled from – but they look like Somali-cunts.

    What a fucking country we have become…..

    Nominated by: Lord Cuntingford

    • That Theo bloke looks a lot like the Portuguese sprinter who was pulled over by plod …. mind they all look the same 😂

  7. A para military March through London yesterday. Farage called frightening so naturally he’s being pilloried this morning.

    The uprising is coming. Enoch was right, God help us.

    • Personally, I look forward to seeing London razed to the ground, by the very cunts who want to take it over. Or should that read ‘have already taken it over’.

  8. Black Lives Matter: ‘Backlash has been divisive like Brexit’

    BBC of course.

    If you can be arsed to follow the link. Which I cant post as it has been deemed spam.

    The gist is this:
    BLM is divisive (you dont say?)
    As was Brexit.
    Anyone disagreeing on BLM is racist. As was Brexit.
    Anyone expressing a contrary opinion on BLM is Far Right. Just like Leave voters.
    Apparently some BLM supporters are shocked to find that friends are not necessarily 100% behind BLM and are therefore Neo-Nazis.

    Cardiff, which in my experience has never been a hotbed of anti Black racism is now in the hands of the National Front apparently.

    Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

  9. Black Is King is a Disney backed film starring that utter race bating cunt, Beyonce.
    I wonder what the reaction would have been if someone had made a film called White Is King? I think we all know the answer to that one.

    Black Is King is a piece of propaganda that is Disney’s version of The Triumph Of The Will.

  10. The ongoing BLM etc nonsense and UK’s justice system.

    In a foreign country (US), a career criminal dies whilst being arrested for another crime because a police officer doesn’t know proper arrest procedure…. the world riots!
    Everyone changes their social media pictures.
    Everyone wears badges in support.
    Politicians, actors, footballers and celebrities all scream for justice.
    Amazon start selling Blue Lives Murder T shirts.
    It gets so extreme the army is called in to quell the unrest.
    The cop is charged with murder almost instantly.

    In our country (UK), a young, newly-married white police officer is murdered on duty trying to prevent a burglary by ‘ethnic minority’ career criminals who laugh and joke throughout the crime and the trial.
    Nothing happens.
    The world carries on regardless.
    Even his own country doesn’t care!

    Where is your outrage now?
    Where are the badges?
    The public show of support?
    Where are the celebrity voices?

    This poor police officer was flayed alive doing his job, protecting US, OUR families, OUR property.
    Will anyone riot for his life?
    Or protest his right to life?
    No they wont do anything at all!

    In 8 years, the scum responsible will be back out and committing crime, as is the ‘traveller’ lifestyle and no-one will care.

    Very difficult to understand so-called ‘decent’ peoples reaction to events!

    Nominated by: knobrot

  11. Sorry but the “Forever Family” bit makes no sense at all. These cunts are all embittered bell ends who have never experienced a “family”. What they have now is a sense of belonging to a group of mates, no different to a bunch of football hooligans. That’s all it is.
    Belonging, loyalty, the prospect, the excitement and dangers of violence all draw you together. It ain’t a fucking family, you are just kidding yourselves. I suspect the first two Fs mean something else they are not telling us about.
    Their equivalents in the States are far more honest……. the NFAC (not fucking about coalition) But then they are armed to the teeth with (perfectly legal) semi automatic weapons. I suspect that even I could be a right hard cunt under those circumstances!

  12. Insp Charles Ehikioya

    Of the Met, no less.
    Stopped for speeding and possibly jumping a red light. Treated politely (I have heard the recording) but suing the Met cos he is black, innit.
    I think he smells compo, not unusual for over-promoted effnik cops by the way.

    Firstly, he knows that blacks are overwhelmingly the victims and perpetrators of crime. Secondly, as a Met officer he must know the problems his colleagues have with each and every ‘black’ incident. Unfortunately he has decided to put his ‘community’ above the law and support Black Lives Bullshit:-
    Defund the police
    Bring down capitalism
    Promote anti-semitism

    This cunt and his ilk will only be happy when his breddren can loot, maim and kill with impunity.

    Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

  13. This fucking shower have been stirring things up at the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
    Their protestations, racist innit, have led Aunty to consider dropping Rule Brittania and Land of Hope and Glory, from the Last night of the Proms.
    Anyone for some lovely drill rap ? Or I’m The King of The Jungle ?
    Get To Fuck

    Nominated by: Jack The Cunter

  14. American football update……

    Kansas City Chiefs have taken the knee. Their fans are fond of wearing Indian headdresses and “war paint.” (Yanks are like that)
    Not anymore. Anybody dressed as an Indian will be refused entry to the stadium. Fuck me.

    • And the meek shall inherit the Earth. Except they’ll be Marxist black bastards. Being kowtowed to by a left-wing middle class white army of slaves who will eventually wonder why they no longer have any possessions or future. And why don’t they have any likes on social media? That would be because all your white followers are also slaves. You cunts.

      • It would be a laugh if a real Native American (Indian) turned up at Arrowhead Stadium (yeah that’s what they call it, for the time being at least) with the headdress and the face paint and they refused him entry.
        Fuck me, how embarrassing would that be?
        Surely there must be some cunt in the state of Kansas who could make that happen?

    • American Baseball update…

      Cleveland Indians’ player Carlos Santana sent the woke crowd into a frenzy when he recently wore a shirt (under his uniform) with a banned image of the team’s former cartoon mascot Chief Wahoo.

      For years Chief Wahoo appeared on all manner of Cleveland Indians’ merchandise and indeed even their uniforms and ball caps. Then they (the Cleveland ball club and Major League Baseball ) got woke. Together they issued a joint statement saying; that after “…thoughtful and productive discussions…” they would remove the Indians’ logo in deference to the woke critics who long considered it “a racist caricature of a Native American.”

      Then along came Dominican Republic born Carlos Santana wearing a shirt (once again) under his uniform with the racist logo. The logo was visible because a couple of buttons on his jersey were undone revealing it.

      Santana then further infuriated the woke mob by wearing the aforementioned shirt with the “offensive” logo to the post game press conference.

      Oh, the outrage!

      But what to do? Carlos Santana (from the Dominican Republic) presents a dilemma for both the team and the league. He is not a particularly a big star. But he is of hispanic heritage…an immigrant…and an obvious person of color. A triple threat as it were.

      Well…MLB quietly (unnamed sources, speaking off the record and without a press statement) let it be known that they “were aware” of the offensive garment and had spoken to the Cleveland organization so that this issue would never happen again. The Cleveland Indians, for their part, did not respond to press inquiries.

      So there you have it:

      Baseball…the (former) national past time is a victim of the woke mob’s manufactured outrage. A legendary ball club has caved in to the woke mob and banned it’s own historic memorabilia. A minority player refuses to acknowledge the woke mob’s dogma and indeed even rubs their noses in it. And when confronted, cowardly league executives and franchise management are silent in the face of their own hypocrisy and completely powerless to enforce their own edict.

      In America this is what we call A Cluster Fuck.

      (And the fans? We don’t give a rat’s fucking ass about some stupid fucking shirt! In that game Santana had 2 hits and drove in 5 runs! Way to go Carlos!)

  15. Fuck me General, the only Carlos Santana I ever heard of was the legendary guitarist but good on this bloke. I can see why Chief Wahoo winds up the woke mob but it’s just another cartoon character for fucks sake
    Do we have to ban Popye for undermining the competence of the US Navy? Or Bilko for making the Army look like a bunch of cunts? Probably not because the woke don’t give a fuck about defending their country in the first place. We have the same problem over here, trust me..

  16. Ashley Banjo.

    Ggrrrr where do I start. I would like to nominate this egotistical fuzzy haired Halfecast, race baiting dickhead Ashley Banjo. What a complete and utter Cunt! How dare you appear on this morning whining about white privilege, you stupid egotistical millennial cunt…You know your a liar…so just stop it.

    There’s no such thing as white privilege so zip it you ate supposed to be dancing that’s your talent….don’t start jumping on the bandwagon you stupid blue pill cunt. take your tongue out of Schofields spunk filled bottom, and stop playing the cunt, and get some self -respect.

    Your just a”Mascot” a token for white woke celebrity luvvies like Suzanna Reid to pull you put of her cunt at posh dinner parties and show everybody how she likes brown people and thinks they should be protected and given little safe spaces inside her stench trench.

    Nominated by: Halfecast 74

    • What the fuck are you doing watching SpunkFilled (Schofield) on daytime TV. I don’t disagree with your observations, I am just concerned about your choice of viewing.

  17. And now from the Land of the Woke and the Home of the Cancelled it’s time for a BLM “Peaceful Riot” update, this week featuring the burned out ruins of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

    As many of you may know, Kenosha, Wisconsin has been the scene of BLM’s own unique brand of peaceful rioting. These “constitutionally protected” acts of civil disobedience include; at least a couple of murders…(although to be fair the young man accused of the murder[s] is thought to be part of a civilian militia trying to protect the city from said peaceful protesters)…an unknown number of beatings, several acts of arson and the usual plethora of wantonly destructive, lawless actions all in the name of social justice and all designed to prove just how much “they” care about the dignity of all human life.

    No point in covering what started the peaceful protests for now because I want to focus on the Sheriff of Kenosha County…(one David Beth)…who is the highest elected Law Enforcement official in the County of Kenosha. (The county being the larger municipal governing body in which the city is located.)

    When I first saw this guy giving a press conference my thoughts were…ppppffffbbbbttttt! Here’s another elected politician mouthing platitudes and trying to avoid taking any real responsibility. “We are committed…blah…blah…blah and total transparency…blah…blah…blah and nobody wants blah…blah…blah and on and on. Yuck! This kind of drivel makes me puke.

    Needless to say, the media took an interest in this clown with a badge and began (as they always do) to dig for dirt. Of course they found some. In 2018 after the arrest of 5 shoplifters…4 of whom were melanin enhanced (the 5th’s genetics hasn’t been revealed because he’s a minor)…Sheriff Beth said:

    “I’m to the point that I think society has to come to a threshold where there’s some people that aren’t worth saving.”

    He then further explained:

    “We need to build warehouses, to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives.”

    Uh…um…It appears that I misjudged this fine upstanding civil servant and his commitment to bettering our society. His desire to improve our collective well being by utilizing our nations laws and criminal justice system should be commended. His devotion to the good people of Kenosha County should be the very model of elected service and set an example for all who run (we don”t stand) for public office.

    Mazel Tov to you Sheriff David Beth! Keep up the good work!

    • Note to Admin. As this isn’t a proper cunting it really isn’t meant to be a nomination. Just observation and comment.

      (That’s okay, General. That’s what this special BLM thread is for: observations and comments. We sometimes move some, but not all, BLM-related nominations here too, chiefly because we get so many it causes a backlog of more general nominations – Admin)

  18. CNN did a couple of reports from there. The first had the reporter walking in front of a bunch of cars that were completely burnt out. The second one had him reporting from outside a completely demolished building. Yet there was no mention of the violence that had occurred, merely talk of protesters and evil police officers. FFS, it looked like Beirut!

  19. NOTE: This is NOT a defense of Derek Chauvin or an excuse for his actions. Derek Chauvin is a cunt. He has always been a cunt. He will always be a cunt. When he dies he will die a cunt and be relegated to the circle of hell reserved for cunts.

    Anyone who infers, deduces, interprets, construes, or concludes something otherwise from the following rant is a cunt!

    With very little fanfare the medical examiner’s autopsy notes on George Floyd were made public yesterday. And guess what? St George of Minneapolis was loaded with dangerous and illegal drugs. In the words of medical examiner Dr. Andrew Baker the amount of fentanyl was “pretty high” and “…could be fatal under normal circumstances.” Fatal! The memo then went on to further explain:

    “…that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he (Dr. Baker) would conclude that it was an overdose death.”

    Furthermore, Dr. Baker listed other “significant conditions” that contributed to his death as; “…arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease; fentanyl intoxication; recent methamphetamine use.”

    If you remember the press reports, Mr. Floyd was (at the time of his arrest) trying to buy booze with counterfeit money. Put in context…he had a bad heart…a dangerous and fatal combination of drugs in his system and he was going to add alcohol to mix.

    Why did I mention counterfeit money? Remember the press made a big deal about him moving from Texas and turning his life around? Bullshit!

    He was Con Man working the old grifter scam of making a purchase with “queer” and getting back in “right.” Translated, pass bogus money by making a purchase and you get the product and real money back.

    So the narrative that this guy had turned his life around and was an innocent victim of police brutality is absolute bullshit. He was a career criminal, loaded with illegal drugs, trying to get even higher by running a con and then resisting arrest.

    It’s too bad for him that he had the misfortune of running into that cunt Derek Chauvin…the poster child for all that’s wrong with policing in America.

    There’s a couple of Fox news stories detailing much of what I have written. I will not include the links as for some reason the last few Fox News links I have listed haven’t worked. Admin or anyone else is welcome to do so if they choose. Or of course you can Google it for yourself.

    By the way, if you do Google it, check out what the corrupt media is saying about the Medical Examiner’s report. As you say…your piss will boil.

    The truth is, if Mr. Floyd had been able to buy the booze, he would have gone home and in all likelihood drank himself to death and none of this shit would be happening.

    • Totally disagree General. If Mr Floyd had got his booze and fucked off home to die that would simply have delayed the process until the next excuse presented itself. These are broad political movements which are not dependent on the actions of one man.
      If the Japs had decided bombing Pearl Harbor was a fucking mental idea does that mean you Yanks wouldn’t have entered WW2? I don’t think so. FDR would have waited for the next excuse. You couldn’t allow Europe to be overrun by the Ruskies. Geo politics General.

      • Freddie,

        Fair enough. On that lone point I concede. If it wasn’t Mr. Floyd it would have been some other Groid.* (Bad rhyme intentional.) But I stand by the rest of my post until someone convinces me otherwise.

        (*Do you foreigners know Groid as American slang? It is short for Negroid.)

  20. Never heard of the word “groid” General. I have travelled all over the USA ( rarely in the big cities) and I have had a great interest in American history since I was a child. I haven’t been there for ten years but the America I see today is not the America I know. But you could say the same about this country to be fair.
    Keep up your correspondence General……I certainly appreciate it. Maybe we might disagree from time to time but we are both cunts anyway so nobody cares.

    • Right again Freddie. Nobody cares about a couple of cunts.

      A bit more on Groid(s). I’m from the American Midwest, specifically Northwest Indiana which is part of the Chicago Metropolitan area. We were taught in school that the 5 races of man were; Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Australoid and Amerind. So perhaps the origin of the shortened “Groid” as a derisive term for Africunt/Americunts is Midwestern.

      It has however, become a bit more recognized and even nationalized. There is even a phenomenon known today as Groid Rage. (An obvious play on Roid Rage.) It is defined by the “urban dictionary” as:

      1. A disparaging term representing the unbridled anger of an out-of-control African American male of the lowest socioeconomic classing.

      2. More broadly, the range of any member of the human species exhibiting said anger.

      Used in a sentence:

      Cunt 1 “Dude, BLM has invaded Kenosha!”

      Cunt 2 “No shit man. We need to get the hell out of town before their groid rage boils over into a full blown riot.”

  21. From across the ocean let’s get right to the American BLM weekly update.

    Hollywoke: According to Deadline; “The world continues to remember Chadwick Boseman”. The ABC Television Network scored a ratings success with their weekend memorial to the actor no one ever heard of. Featured in the gut wrenching tribute were Black Panther co-stars; Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, Daniel Kaluuya and a few other “actors” no one has ever heard of. Also included in the bowel busting tribute was has been “actress” Angela Basset and never was “actor” Forrest Whitaker

    Chicago, Illinois: Liberal rag, The Chicago Sun Times is reporting 55 people were shot in the peaceful city this weekend. Ten are dead and among the 45 wounded were 2 police officers. Five of those were shot in a drive by shooting while enjoying dinner at a local restaurant.

    Fort Wayne, Indiana: Communist Network News is reporting that in another drive by shooting, a 7 year old girl was shot and killed while celebrating with friends at a birthday party. CNN reporting indicated that this event was linked to pandemic lock downs, mass protests against anti-Black violence and “the summer when shootings annualy increase.”

    Union Springs, Alabama: WSFA News 12 reported that a black man shot another black because he took too long crossing the street. No news on the groceries the dead man was bringing home.

    South Carolina: GAB radio is reporting that a white father and daughter were shot and killed by a black man in the driveway of the daughter’s new home. A third victim was severely injured when the black man opened fire after a minor traffic accident. He then fled on foot but was captured by police blood hounds. No word yet when the black man will file suit against all of those involved.

    That’s all for now but just remember…Black Lives Matter…and some Black Lives matter more than others.

  22. The Tangoman visiting Kenosha tomorrow General. The Libtards are going to go fucking mental!
    Perhaps some cunt is going to take a shot at him, in the style of Lee Harvey Oswald, although I doubt if he’ll be driving around in an open top car waving at the adoring crowds.
    I wish i’d had him in the dead pool now. Fuck it!

  23. A late breaking addition to this week’s BLM update:

    Phonywood: Caryn Johnson AKA Whoopi Goldberg joined the massive list of celebretards mourning the death of the world’s most famous actor that nobody’s ever heard off; Chadwick Boseman.

    According to Communist Network News and WMPT Fox 43, the vile talk show hostess, washed up actress, overrated commediane, certified mental midget and professional cunt, described Boseman as “…one of her all time favorite people…a wonderful actor…a truly nice man.”

    The dumb cunt then took it a step further and issued a public plea via Twatter to Disney (who owns The Black Panther franchise):

    “Dear People in charge of building NEW experiences Disney Land and World we don’t really need another Frozen land BUT what we could use is Wakonda, please Disneyworld Disneyland PLEASE build in Chadwick Boseman’s name WAKONDA”

    (Quote copied exactly including caps and lack of punction.)

    You cannot make this shit up.

    I sincerely hope more cunts like Whoopi jump on the cuntwagon. And when it’s full someone should run it off a cliff in the Phonywood Hills and be done with this idiocy.

    • I hope she gets her wish because I would absolutely love to go to a fantasy land where sub-saharan africans have developed more than spears or mud-brick pyramids (in the case of the Nubians).

      We wuz Kangs n shiet!!!!

    • In a follow up to the death world’s most famous actor that no one ever heard of, a petition has been started to immortalize the great Chadwick Boseman.

      Fox News is reporting that the petition is addressed to the Governor of South Carolina and calls for the removal of a Confederate monument which stands on front of a courthouse in Boseman’s hometown, and replacing it with a statue of THE Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman. The petition reads (in part):

      “With Chadwick Boseman’s early passage, it is important that we honor a true local legend (by) immortalizing him in stone in front of the courthouse.”

      The goal is to collect 25,000 signatures.To date more than 16,000 people have signed.

      In other BLM bullshit news, Fox News is also reporting that a home once belonging to some old dead white singer named Elvis Presley was defaced with BLM graffiti. Such meaningful and relevant slogans like “defund the police” and “abolish ICE” in addition to the letters “BLM”, were spray painted outside the walls of his Graceland Mansion.

      The Levitt Shell stage, where Presley performed his first concert was also defaced with the slogan; “I can’t breathe.”

      Presley, who has been dead since 1977, was unavailable for comment.

    • Is this the same Whoopi Cuntberg who openly defended Roman Polanski by saying he ‘didn’t rape’ that teenage girl he drugged? Was she there at the time? How else would she know? Or could it be she was just licking another luvvie cunt’s arse? Another Hollyweird shitehawk who acts all right on but has less morals than a rat on heroin. Pig ignorant tree swinging cunt.

  24. Another one bites the dust –

    An armed black man who had assaulted the police, but it would be racist to mention that.

    In other news which didn’t quite make it to Outrage Central (non-black policeman shot, ho, hum)

  25. In other BLM updates:

    A shout out cunting is in order for the leftist use of “newspeak.” To further their control of our language and thought they have created the word; caucacity.

    Caucacity is a hybrid of the words caucasian and audacity. It is defined as:

    The blatant or ignorant act(s) of a white person that demonstrate racism and white privilege. Such acts may include microaggressions, culture appropriation, or the simple refusal to recognize one’s own white privilege.

    Used in a sentence:

    Can you believe some Karen on TV had the caucacity to criticize BLM?

    As for myself, I can’t believe the negrocity of these BLM cunts.

    • Caucasity? It can only be a matter of time before we get that word over here to describe us Waffen SS white devils lurking around every corner.
      I suspect, in good old fashioned British tradition, it will be reduced to the noun “Corky.”
      I look forward to it.
      I believe there was a comic character, back in the day, called “Corky the Cat.” Forgive my fading memory but I believe old Corky was black. I’m sure he had a white face though, so that’s ok then.

      • Thank you Dio. I’m thrilled to be back and more than a bit humbled by the warm welcome I’ve received.

  26. A dissertational cunting is in order for race baiting, half breed, sword swallower, Jussie Smolett (pronounced jew-SAY smo-LAY in Cuntster parlance).

    You may remember this Markleoid cunt, (allegedly) perpetrated a hoax when he claimed that 2 MAGA hat wearing, white racist devils, attacked his fairy ass at 3 o’clock in the morning…in the dead of winter…in 30 degree below zero wind chill temperatures (F)…as he was walking home from a sandwich shop…on a public street…in downtown Chicago…putting a hangman’s noose around his neck…pouring bleach on him (presumably to whiten his skin) all the while screaming “This is Trump country Faggot!”

    According to the homo he bravely “fought the fuck back” and his assialants retreated.
    But not before they managed to put the noose around his neck…which he was still wearing when the police interviewed him hours later.

    (Uh yeah…I could see that.)

    The motivation for the attack, or so the fruity “star” claimed, was his virulent criticism of the Trump administration. But as the investigation unfolded 2 things became clear. (1) That Smolett was lying. (2) That he was a cunt.

    As it turned out the alleged attackers were 2 black, Nigerian immigrant, brothers (who are body builders and just happend to be Smolett’s private personal trainers). They were engaged/employed by Smolett (as cell phone text records later showered) to stage this hoax. Security camera footage from a local hardware store showed them buying both the bleach and the rope. (Subsequently, they have admitted to the hoax and turned “state’s evidence”).

    The elected Cook County Illinois States Attorney (Chicago is in Cook County) one Kimberly Foxx…a George Soros funded “progressive reform” candidate and a devotee of Kamala “Flatback” Harris…at first said she would recuse herself in the matter because she was acquainted with members of the Smolett family.

    This of course was all bullshit. In reality she was contacted by former Michele Obama aid Tina Tchen, (herself a person of color…albeit yellow), who (allegedly) expressed Moochie’s interest and concern in the matter and (allegedly) urged Foxx to drop the charges. Which, from behind the scenes, she promptly did.

    Once again, you cannot make this shit up.

    The racist Chicago Police Department, led by African/American Police, Chief Eddie Johnson did take the charges seriously, until it became clear that the turd burglaring “actor” was full of shit, Then they charged him with falsifying a police report and billed him back for the money spent on the bogus investigation.

    So why is (literal) cocksucker back in the news. BECAUSE…it’s all a racist plot to destroy him! In a recent interview, he claims that there are witnesses’ (presumably intimated into silence) and a “tape” (that was mysteriously cut off before the incident occurred) that would have exonerated him.

    It systemic racism y’all! PO-lice misconduct! He ain’t do nuffin’! It’s a mo-fokin’ con’spear’cy.

    Of course in the midst of the BLM movement…a (1/2) black, gay, liberal, celebrity, victim, is being taken seriously…despite the plethora of evidence against him.

    Do you believe the negrocity of this cunt and the other melanin enhanced cunts involved in this cluster fuck?

    Black LIes Matter y’all!

  27. A quick Black Lies Markle update from the States:

    The recently wealthy and formally royal Duchess of Suckit is promoting a Netflix documentary on BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors. According to the Mirror, the D list Duchess is:

    “…blown away by the work Patrisse has done.: And “She thinks her story needs to be told – and she would love to be the one to make it.”

    Cullors, a former Jehovah’s Witness and self identified “queer” is a trained Marxist who incorporates Nigerian principles of Ifa’ into her political protests. A devotee of convicted Weather Underground terrorist Eric Mann, Cullors has said that:

    “The first thing, I think, is that we do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia (another BLM co-founder) in particular are trained organizers.” She went further elaborated, “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed, on sort of, ideological theories.”

    Cullors’ spouse is Canadian Janaya Khan. Kahn is a self identified. queer and gender non-conformist who rather than refer to himself/herself as he,she or it uses “they” as their “personal pronoun.”

    How much of this factual biographical information will make it into the pompous Duchesses’ “documentary” is unknown at this point but stay tuned for further updates.

    In more BLM news 53 people were shot in Chicago this weekend and 10 were killed. Neither Patrisse Cullors or Alica Garza has commented on the “peaceful” shootings and it is unclear if Meghan Markle even knows where Chicago is.

    But clearly, even though people in Chicago are dying, the Black Lies Markle movement is alive and well.

  28. Late breaking BLM update:

    Fox News is now reporting the death toll from this weekend’s peaceful shootings in Chicago has risen from 10 to 12.

    It is believed that neither the leadership of BLM or Me-gantoinette are at all interested.

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