BLM Shit

Let’s be absolutely clear about this….. this is not a page where you can post race hate about any colour on any other colour, but there are a lot of heavy feelings going around about BLM, what it really stands for and what it means to achieve.

This page is here to allow you to vent your frustration, deflate the anger and debate the issues – be it Uncle Ben’s Rice, statue toppling, offensive warnings on Dumbo or anything thing else that needs calling out. But remember, ALL lives matter.

Be aware that some nominations may be redirected to this page to keep space clear for other issues.

450 thoughts on “BLM Shit

  1. Keedron Bryant

    A ring-a-ding-ding poptastic Smashy and Nicey, Wade In The Water cunting please for 12 year old Master Bryant. A sanctimonius looking little bandwaggon jumping dark key who, the day after full time perp and part time martyr George Floyd went off to pick up his wings to meet Fagin and Bill Sykes, recorded a “protest” song. Well, low and behold, Warner Records has gone and signed up the Paul Robeson wannabe:

    Pity us poe white trash – we can’t go signing record contracts six years before we reach the age that you are legally entitled to do so, and we can’t even “demand” a statue be destroyed at our whim.

    Never mind I am sure the lad will be welcome on the David Lammy Black and White Minstrel Show.

    Why Am I Treated So Bad? Mammy……

    Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

  2. Well it says volumes that these cunts now deserve their own nomination box due to acting like zoo animals on crack, the rinky dinks and mudslimes must be breathing a sigh of relief to be out of the spotlight for a little bit, however its not the colour of the skin its the cunt within that counts, it just seems that these groups seem to have a very high number of whinging cunts and whinging supporting cunts, anyway once a cunt always a cunt, you could be black,brown,yellow of purple with green spots it matters very little if your a cunt, and these fuckers are using any excuse to be cunts at the moment, the point here is they are making people racist who wernt racist before….so well done planks you have got your wish…..

  3. An urgent cunting, if you please, for Burnley FC. I guess it stands for fitba club (I kno nuffink abaaaht it), but for me it stands for “fucking cunts”…
    These utter morons, scumbags, so wet you want to pick them up and wring them out (before finishing them off in Unkle Terry’s oven…) have now objected vehemently to a banner “White lives matter” being flown above a stadium where they were playing Man City. As Jake Hepple said “All we’ve heard since George Floyd’s death is ‘Black Lives Matter’, yet three people were murdered in Reading, and it’s racist to say that ‘White Lives Matter’ ” He is refusing to apologise, and rightly so, in my opinion.
    My only regret is that the pilot didn’t empty the Elsan over the pitch. Apparently some RAF planes did that over Berlin in WWII, the Boche complained that it was chemicsl/biological warfare.

  4. Apparently, despite desperately searching and , no doubt, hours of meetings between the top brass, the coppers can find no criminal offence in the Burnley banner. Cue libtards going apeshit.
    I used to like Burnley, a nice little club punching above their weight. But after all this posturing and virtue signalling they are now on my hate list. I hope they get relegated, go bust and get bought by a load of goat shaggers who build a mosque on their poxy fucking ground. Fuck off Burnley you wankers.

    • Right there with you, Freddie.

      Did you see that “emotional” pile of wank by Mike Wedderburn on the Sky Sports website? I was about ready to murder after reading that absolute pile of ignorant, tunnel-visioned, woe-is-me, you-do-not-understand-but-I-do shit encrusted load of bollocks.

      He’s been had and doesn’t even know it. What a cunt!

      • Was that the twat who said that BLM was a cry for help, not an attack on white people? Well, I’m sure that all us whiteys can clearly see the truth in that…

      • It was indeed, Ron. Could not believe my eyes.

        News flash Mikey boy, we whites find the term “white privilege” really offensive. So fuck that in your pipe and smoke it.

  5. Why are all these people in all these countries protesting about British Leyland Motors? Obviously never drove an allaggro. Worlds gone fucking mad..

  6. I wonder what the premier league will do when crowds are allowed back and the bananas and monkey chants start again. BLM cunts think there gaining momentum but we will see when the world’s back to normal. I’ve not met a single person (ok i agree they’ve all been white cunts) that have any sympathy for this ridiculously racist cause. 🤬

    • I am sure that supporters of Chelsea, West Ham , Millwall, Leeds, and yes Burnley are going to love their team’s players taking the knee and giving black fascist salutes.

      There’s going to be a lot of ‘lifetime bans’ at grounds all over the country.

  7. The way to derail this BLM bollocks is simple.

    Make it a law that all supporters of BLM have to give quite a big part of their earnings to the ’cause’ on a monthly basis. That’s everyone from shitty students to office workers, right through to celebrity cunts and the police.

    Granted, some arseholes will do it, but watch that resentment build up….

  8. Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any more ridiculous, some cunt says that CHESS is racist because white gets the first move!!!!

    Mrs D quite rightly pointed out that in draughts black gets the first move, so why aren’t they criticising that.

    I pointed out that in some chess sets, the pieces are red and white.

    In any case, it was invented by the Chinese, so now I refuse to play it on principal…

  9. 6% of the population is black, so why all this fuss about there being no black BAFTA nominees?

    6% of any small number is still next to fuck all.

  10. I see these eggs are up in arms now due to a [White lives matter] banner being flown over Burnley, that upset the fuckers, i think their should be looped reruns of Blazing saddles on all channels for a week, im sure its probably been removed from shelves, after all these protests im sure this is what the average joe is thinking ,so thats what im gonna do have a black lives matter evening, some Uncle Bens rice and some fried chicken,Blazing saddles followed by zulu innit.
    Anyway wasnt Colonal Sanders a southern American gentleman who,s family owned slaves so who,s lives matter, all a load of bollocks in my opinion, all they have done with this shit is get poeple reaching for Blazing saddles….

    • Yes, funny thing about southern gentlemen. The virtue signalling, oh so PC, BLM supporting Democrats were founded by slave owners and fought their civil war to keep slavery going

  11. Shirts for Change #playerstogether.
    (AKA more BLM shite)

    I just popped on ebay and was greeted by an advert peddling a fuckin raffle for a ‘match-worn signed shirt’ for the BLM cause. I could write war and peace on this subject, as could 99.9% of cunters, but I simply wont waste my breath. Where will this madness end? You wouldnt mind so much (possibly) if you knew this bollocks had been dreamt up by a person not of the indigenous colour of the UK, but my deep suspicion is that its been orchestrated by someone that will vanish in a light snow flurry because they are so ashamed of being white and have an overwhelming desire to act the cunt.

  12. Saw some photos of some war memorials in Yankland. One of them was covered in graffiti with the hammer and sickle clearly displayed. The other had “fuck you white people” on it. I never would have dreamed that could happen in America. There is something fucking really serious going on over there… the big cities at least.

    • Big Don needs to get the big guns out and the National Guard. Shoot a few of the cunts and they’ll soon shut up. Antifa and its American equivalent need to be crushed and outlawed. BLM is the liberals favourite toy at the moment, but it’s the Antifa mobs that are causing the real trouble and BLM are either too arrogant or too stupid to realise they are being used by Antifa and groups like them. Antifa are pure subhman vermin and like Class War before them they just want trouble for trouble’s sake. This BLM thing is just an excuse. Their name is so laughable, because Antifa are the biggest fascists of the lot.

  13. When Glazer Disney FC played Tottingham the other day, there was no tribute to the late Tony Dunne who died recently. Sixties legend, Busby stalwart, League Championship winner, European Cup winner. Not a fucking murmur for the man or his family from the club, the manager, or the thick as fuck black fascist saluting players.

    A true Manchester United great has died, yet they are more bothered about a dead armed criminal druggie cunt from America. Because apparently his sordid and crime filled life ‘matters’ more than Tony Dunne’s or anybody else’s for that matter. I dare say that Saint Chicken George of the Shroud of the Holy Floyd will no doubt usurp the next significant anniversary of the Munich Air Crash too. The lads who died: Big Duncan, Tommy Taylor, Roger Byrne and the rest who perished will no longer ‘matter’ because they weren’t black and they weren’t criminals.

    Manchester United FC is dead. They can fuck off. And Rashford can stick his black power terrorist salute up his arse. Try reading about that utter cunt Eldridge Cleaver and what he thought and did, you ignorant self satisfied little cunt.

  14. A world famous individual said in a famous speech,
    “I have a dream, that one day a person would not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character”.
    So I will judge the BLM by the violence, criminal damage, and complete bullshit that they subject the rest of us to.

  15. Oxford statue apeasers.

    I want to nominate Oxford university for a cunting. My blood was on fire when i became aware of the Cecil rhodes decision. The spineless pratts are as bad as gullible take the knee sheep. There action will just encourage more anarchists to jump on the band wagon. The anti british racists will now continue until every historic statue is destroyed . Also dont kid yourself this is not just about the slavers, they hate are history in general. I fear they will eventually, with there leftie allies come for are stately homes, palaces and cathedrals

    All of this was obvious to me when i was teenager. So anyone who did not see this coming are gaumless and brain washed.

    God save us .

  16. The bloke who paid for the Burnley banner, and his girlfriend, have been sacked from their jobs. Big Brother is watching you.

    • Interesting, isn’t it?
      Burnley FC says that it’s ‘shamed and embarrassed’ by the incident, and vows to ‘root out the racists’.
      ‘Black Lives Matter’ on shirt= noble cause
      ‘White Lives Matter’ on banner= racism

      I’m fucking sick of this hypocrisy and cant, as I expect about 90% of the population is.

      • The flying of the banner described as a ‘stunt’ I saw. I thought well that’s all the kneeling is-a fucking stunt.
        I hope fans boycott the whole fucking shitshow.

    • Apparently his firm said they “do not condone or tolerate racism in any form”. What the fuck was racist about his banner? White Lives Matter is racist but Black Lives Matter isn’t? Even plod couldn’t find any offence he committed and I am absolutely sure they tried fucking hard to try and find one. It would be interesting if he took his employers to court for wrongful dismissal, surely he would have a case and hopefully it would set a precedent (if he won of course!).

      • I hope he sues his employer so hard that the receivers are called in. His bird won’t have a case though after saying on social media that there are too many p+kis in Burnley.

  17. Where’s Burnley Police? Oh here they are, busying themselves with football-related Thought Crimes, as usual.

    Not so quick to clamp down on peaceful rape gangs though, were they?

    If these cunts did their jobs there might not be need for White Lives Matter Banners.

    • Hi Norm –
      Your good self and a few others on here like Willie Stroker and Sir Bert are (or were) quite into football. Proud supporters of our respective teams and enjoy it when they play well and win.

      I saw your comment about not going to OT any more and it made me sad. But I completely get it. Obviously it’s easier for me to swear off Spurs as I sit here 4,000 miles away, but my interest and love of the game has quite simply gone. There’s live football on the TV right now and I’m typing this rather than watching it. My lot were on live earlier this week. Didn’t watch it. The DVR grabbed it, but I can’t be bothered.

      I was watching last night’s episode of Hannity on Fox News. Mark Levin was on and described BLM as a marxist and anarchist organisation, intent on destroying America. He’s a lot smarter than me and can back that up with dozens of examples. Point is, that’s who the EPL have aligned with and now openly support. I can’t support that. I just can’t.

      There was a way for football to acknowledge what’s going on in the world. Kick It Out could have made a statement and virtue signalled and we could have got on with the games. But no, football instead has made a very grave mistake by siding with BLM and seems content to double down on that decision every day. The Burnley incident and the fall out from it was beyond the pale.

      It’s over.

  18. I first read this quote 30+ years ago as an undergraduate and I still think it’s the best description of how the ruling class use racism I’ve ever seen…

    “Now the People’s Party says to these two men, ‘You are kept apart that you may be separately fleeced of your earnings. You are made to hate each other because upon that hatred is rested the keystone of the arch of financial despotism which enslaves you both. You are deceived and blinded that you may not see how this race antagonism perpetuates a monetary system which beggars both.’“

    Tom Watson, Georgia Congressman, 1892

    • It’s quite funny but I read somewhere a while ago that the white poor in the US hated the blacks for stealing their jobs, 20 years or so on, the poor blacks hate the Hispanics for stealing their jobs 😂

      • I don’t know why because I’ve never asked and quite frankly don’t care, but I can tell you for some reason the Hispanics and blacks absolutely hate each other. Good.

  19. Just read this -(arguing against the banner)

    ‘captain Ben Mee was a picture of seething disappointment after his side’s 5-0 defeat against Manchester City, but it had nothing to do with the result.

    The game itself felt irrelevant as he directed his ire at the people who decided it was a good idea to fly a banner with the words ‘White Lives Matter Burnley’ over the Etihad Stadium’

    ‘The game itself felt irrelevant’ says it all.

    It’s not ‘just about the game’ anymore it’s just about politics.

    Football is dead.

    • Right there with you, Miles. Football, as far as being relevant, accessible and inclusive, has been on life support for some considerable time. The BLM thing hammered the last several nails in its coffin. As you said – football is dead.


    Just in case you don’t realise it Bruv, Back Lives Matter and what they say goes innit though?

    Last night the police were forced to TRY to break up an “illegal music festival” at Brixton (and you can be sure it wasn’t a non-stop performance of Beethoven’s Late String Quartets Op 131), and the musical motherfuckers got a bit uppity. In fact some of them jumped on police vehicles and policemen themselves – 22 got injured 2 needed hospital treatment, and but 4 of the musical moguls got arrested. No doubt they will be given a short suspended sentence doing unpaid work waiting on tables at KFC (Free meals thrown in of course).

    I wonder what Hammy Lammy thinks about that – because so far he has said nothing.

    Perhaps like Basil’s Manuel ” I know…nothing. Nothing”

  21. A cunting for the force that seems to tearing this country to fucking bits, Identity politics.

    Like Brendan O’Niell pointed out, it’s not difficult to find white Brits rejecting the BLMadness and adopting a counterstrategy embracing their whiteness.
    There was nothing wrong with the banner. I dont think it’s distasteful to point out white lives matter. It was a good bit of trolling.
    I dont understand people who are proud to be something so ordinary.

    I dont like Identity politics and think it’s the
    Hang-out of the dull cunt.
    If your identity is all you have, then you are a cunt.
    If you are PROUD of immutable characteristics passed down from a tribe of humans from 200,000 years ago, you are a cunt.
    If you promote your status as a feminist wahmen, a ducky boy, a transbender, an Afro-west Indian, a subcontinental, a white aryan, a heterosexual midfle-aged woman,, an autist, a dwarf, a Frenchman, a Slav or an Arab, you are a dull cunt.

    I’m a white anglo saxon protestant with a very common surname and Anglo-saxon, Nordic and Celtic genes. If i defined my existence by this i’d a sorry excuse for an adult human. I also have a vertebra and bilateral symmetry, and by therefore am a Eukaryote.

    None of this comes up in conversations because it doesnt matter to my sense of self.

    Only dull cunts define themselves and their dull lives by ‘speaking as a…’


  22. Brixton street ravers are a bunch of selfish,irresponsible cunts. Nine hundred of these cunts in one street, who think they are above the law. Just saw some dreadlocked specimen on the news talking about ‘how it was a good vibe, you know man, and people were just having a good time, when the police decided to show up and spoil it and enforce their laws, people weren’t happy about it…’ or some such shit. He presumably meant the laws of this country where he lives, cunt. All of them cunts, a bunch of primitive wild animals, just let out of their cages.
    Off topic, just saw the tail end of the news, showing part of a Liverpool/Chelsea game. Not one of them had Black Lives Matter on their shirts, that bit of virtue signalling didn’t last long.

  23. Talking to my window cleaner today, a friend of his (who helps out occasionally) works the bins and has done for 27 years. He was sacked last week for posting on his facebook page that “It was only a matter of time for George”
    Coventry Council and whoever grassed him up are cunts.

    • I hope whoever grassed him has their life ruined and is totally destroyed.
      Most councils are now demented and dictatorial banana republics with their own loony agendas that favour our black and peaceful friends. People will be sacked for farting next Welcome to Nazi Britain.

      • One of these days some poor cunt who has been sacked for simply having an opinion on social media in their own time could snap. Their life and career ruined by fascist liberals and social media wolves and their grassing culture. I see a possible ‘Falling Down’ scenario somewhere down the line. These virtue signaling grassing bastards could be sitting on a time bomb.

      • My thoughts exactly Norman. After hearing about that poor chap I was furious, so I can only imagine how angry and aggrieved he must feel. Dark days indeed, and the clouds are coming in faster and faster it seems.

  24. It must be a very confusing time to be a copper.
    One minute you’re taking a knee for the BLM movement and the next you’re taking a kicking from them.
    Who’d be a copper at the mo…?

    • Not Owen Jones. Getting down on his knees in front of a blackman would be great (especially if it resulted with spunk all over his face) but he doesn’t strike me as the sort of bloke who could handle a kicking.

  25. George Monbiot

    This fucking turd, Guardian go to, BBC speed dial piece of shit is no stranger here, but what I saw yesterday was a new low, even for that cunt. With Britain on the brink of a potential race war, calm voices are needed if we are to avert the risk to life and property, along with even more freedoms that we seem to hand over daily, without a sound.

    What does George do? Sticks out a little video of well known and some lesser known evils committed by Britain during and since its colonial days. That’s going to help isn’t it? Devoid of historical context, it’s aim is to enrage, and ultimately attack the state.

    This of course is the ultimate goal of those who are using this non British problem to bring about the fall of the government. I despised this cunt before this, as he’s a whiny rich little far left twat whose hatred for the west, and Britain in particular makes me think he would be far happier in Iran or North Korea, and if he wishes to relocate, I’ll gladly chip in. At least Lord Haw Haw had the decency fuck off to spout his poison.

    Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

      • I think it was but clearly Admin though it more appropriate to move it here. “our blog, our rules” I suppose. Looking at the wording, it looks like it was scheduled then moved.

        I’d probably have done the same. All the BLM racist related shit in the same toilet…

      • At the top of this page the admins did mention that related noms might be moved here instead, probably due to the sheer volume covering the same topic.

      • Yes, I remembered that almost immediately after commenting. Would have deleted my comment if I could…

  26. Let’s put our hands together for;
    1. Today’s Google logo.
    2. Justin ‘The Hat’ Welby, who reckons that statues in Canterbury Cathedral ‘need to be looked at carefully’, some of which ‘may have to come down’.

    What a fucking great country this has turned into.

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