Woke Identity Politics

Over the last few years I have made very good friends whom are now disingenuously labelled as BAMEs and LGBTs+

I’ve had plenty of conversations with them covering all sorts of issues, not least this current woke bollocks called Identity Politics, which covers a multitude of so called populist issues including sexism, racism, homophobia and so on.

It is true to say that some of my friends have been on the receiving end of some nasty racist/sexist abuse, but for the most part most of that happened well over 5 or so years ago – well before Identity Politics entered the social media arena.

But more recently they’ve been receiving abuse due to the Woke’s virtue signalling agenda and taking every “victim” and lumping them under the BAME and LGBT labels in order for the Woke crusaders to come charging in defending their cause.

What this means, for example, is a good friend of mine who is a black female born in England, but with no political axe to grind is now seen as a victim because the Woke seem to think she needs to be represented on the political stage as a BAME rather than just someone minding their own business.

The same also applies to a couple of gay and lesbian friends, who feel rather pissed off at this proxy representation that has now somehow pushed them into the spotlight under the LGBT+ label, and everyone has to somehow give them special attention and respect because they too are victims as far as the Woke are concerned. Whereas in truth they would rather be left alone and enjoy their ordinary lives as ordinary people.

It seems that the Woke and some chippy minority groups just want to stir the shit for their own political aims, and they want to drag in as many disenfranchised groups to make it look like they’re speaking in their name on the global stage. Whereas in fact they’re just doing it for their own selfish grandstanding. A bit like the leaders of the BLM, most of whom appear to have become millionaires, bought a few mansions in posh WASP areas and quietly distanced themselves from the harsh realities they were supposed to supporting.

Basically its another tail wagging the dog scenario, and yet it seems the dog (the governments, and the silent majority) sits back placidly and lets the minority dictate terms on behalf of the majority.

How the fuck is that democracy in action?

Nominated by: Technocunt

57 thoughts on “Woke Identity Politics

  1. My own experience is a little different. The gays and dark keys I know are all for this identity politics shit. It’s made me fucking resent them.

    Just my personal experience though. I’m sure there are some pissed off at being used, as you mention.

    • You know gays and dark-keys? When you say, “know” do you mean you’ve seen some ot you actually KNOW them?

      • I know them. Some are family members, some are people I know and used to be friends with.

        Call me bad, purely for being born a straight white male and you get get fucked, quite frankly.

    • I’m one such gay and I detest this woke shite. Trust me the majority of us are sick of this identity politics. There are a few youngsters who think it’s fashionable. At uni there are actually straight idiots who identify as non binary and call themselves queer. Just a straight person wanting to claim victim status. We wouldn’t allow white people appropriating black people but queer is now a cloak to be worn. Fucking cunts.

  2. No one is an individual anymore. We all get lumped in somewhere. Just a feeling but I think many h0m0z resent all these newcomers jumping on the bandwagon now that it’s fashionable. Like being a fan of a little known band and then they have a hit and suddenly everyone knows them but you’ve been a fan from their beginning.
    My adopted kid is BAME and I told her not to feel ashamed that her parents are white.
    Ain’t that some shit?

      • It must have been lost in the mail. Still waiting for my white privilege to kick in. When the woke break through my door and I tell her “we are in trouble, darling”, she can respond with “what do you mean ‘we’ Daddy?”

  3. Wokeism cannot cancel anything, unless it is allowed to do so. So I simply ask the question. Who allows it?
    If I recall my youthful days, any person with unacceptable behaviour was simply dealt with behind a convenient shed, or a back lane.
    I notice that the Lennon look a like is known by name, and his address and whereabouts known too.
    So why the fuck is not taken for a “discussion” in the local Park.

    I must admit, I am a confirmed believer that Vigilantism ( having seen it in action ) work. And how about the anonymity of the hooded “visitor” in the form of a Klan Member ? Very influential in swaying even the most determined of people.

    Just sayin of course .

  4. Spot on cunting, Techno. My experience precisely. Truth is, too many cunts have financial interest in keeping this divisive shit going.

  5. Frankly that lot don’t look particularly weird to me. They could easily be the teaching staff at your local comprehensive.
    The bloke on the left holding the ‘Transphobia is a social disease ‘ banner looks like he’s playing with himself, so presumably he’s the PE teacher.

  6. The sad reality is that honky may have to embrace identity politics to save himself.

    Think on.

  7. The unrelenting promotion of BAME WOKE LGBT BLM bollocks will eventually undermine and bring down western civilisation. These predominantly white middle-class myopic puerile SJW fuckwits who advocated this destruction. They too will have to live with the consequences of their actions. I love the sweet irony of it.

  8. Are these the cunts that like to shout ‘the people united will never be divided’ and champion equality but then do the ostensibly opposite by trying to subdivide and segregate everyone into boxes?

    Its been labelled neomarxism in some places. They are trying to tear society down but they have hidden it behind social agendas. The people pushing it are usually weed smoking mongs who dont know what day of the week is or ‘degree educated’ nobheads who think they are above everyone but earn as much as your tesco shelfstacker yet spend their whole life pretending the world is a land of unicorns and rainbows. There was one on a phonein the other week ‘why is the country run by businessmen and not normal people?’. Thats a point i hear cried a lot from labour followers.

    I dont know. Why would you want your country run by successful people who know the ins and outs of finance and not a bloke called andy who has worked at a chipshop in morecambe for 30 years?

  9. Just keeping these people that, “we are all human,” and throw in a, “we are all children of God,” like Mike Tyson does. Maybe not a good time to quote Mike on that as he recently battered fuck out of some obnoxious cunt-stick on a plane, but I think Mike understands more than anyone what life is all about at age 54.

    Your “identity” your “person” is just a mask, an avatar, behind which is… God? Anyone who thinks that, “it is I, the great magnificent Colin Jones/Linda Smith, here before you! I am a proud black/white/gay/trans, etc, star of show called LIFE!” is a bellend who needs to do some meditation and or mushrooms. Maybe that is the cure to all the current egomania insanity trips – legalise and distribute magic mushrooms this summer and that will be a genuine Great Reset.

      • I’ve never met a gay or black person who was like the cunts you see in the media. I guess it depends on where in Britain you live. 99.9% of the cunts I have had the misfortune to meet in Britain over the years have been white guys who think they are simply the best things since frozen pizza, but in reality they are just jumped-up shit-spastics acting the tough guy. All and I mean ALL of the non-white people I have ever lived beside, worked with, done business with have all been of good character and caused me no problems. Of course, I have seen the cunts via media who are, well… cunts… who are black, Muslim, gay, etc but they don’t actually affect my life, they just go on the list of cunts who the media present to me.

        This is how I see life these days in light of the past twenty-odd years of psychological warfare from the government, media and other non-friendly tribes. Unless you or your tribe is actually in my face, actually physically on me, then you aren’t a threat to me. It’s because people engage in media so much that they are angry, depressed, get into bother. Once you detach and disengage from these fake enemies, these pawns in the game, then you’ve won the battle Chinese style. Let these cunts exhaust themselves and hoist themselves by their own petards in the coming years – and they will, because they brainless spastics who don’t know the Art of War. Their art of war involves finger-painting using their own poop.

  10. I saw the new Virgin Atlantic advert and it made me sick. So, it’s ok to be who you want? Think they’d let me on the plane dressed as an SS Obersturmfuehrer?

    • It’s put me off ever flying with the cunts. Imagine some Isis nutter seeing that advert? They’ll assume that split arses pilot their planes and that the planes are full of trannies, tuppence lickers and gays.

      Might as well paint targets on their fucking planes, the daft cunts.

  11. The erosion of free speech is happening drip, drip, drip, more and more stuff is being labelled as ‘hate speech’, any criticism of any ‘group’ is being labelled as hate speech.

    I agree with the sentiments of the nom but there are too many of these cunts who push their ‘entitlement’ and in the process pissing people off who would otherwise have no issues with the so called minority groups.

    Just wait for the Muslim hate speech definitions to be concocted by, well, Muslims and will immediately adopted by the woke, liberals and labour, it will be a criminal offence to suggest Muslim men (aka P*ki types) have a problem with grooming young white girls.

    The header pic is a classic group photo, could be used for any of the cunts supporting Trans, Climate change or Suppoting the fuck channel invaders 😂

    Sick of hearing Gay rights, Trans rights, Slavery, BLM, Islamophobia and not forgetting the never ending desire to turn off gas and oil.

    I identify as WASP, the not very religious branch #wasplivesmatter.

    • Soi@ – Anything hateful, dangerous extremists disagree with is immediately labelled “hate speech”.

      • Thank fuck Harry Miller won his case, which should never have been an issue in the first place.

        Oh what a fucked up world 😂

    • You can’t get rid of free speech. If what you want to say is of burning vital importance to you, then you just say and deal with the consequences. Up until now, most people didn’t want to accept their fate for voicing their displeasure at the creeping… creepiness. But now that these utter, utter clowns are trying to mess with the kids, well, the gloves are coming off, aren’t they? You can only push a calm or fearful PARENT so far. That’s a whole other ballgame.

      • You very much can get rid of free speech, as the Russian and Chinese governments (to name but two) have most ably demonstrated.

      • Free speech only works if the rules of the game don’t change, my point is that the rules keep changing…. In the wrong direction.
        I have no time for the followers of Islam, don’t care if they nice people or not, it makes no difference because once the cancer gets a hold everyone is fucked.

      • People still speak out in Russia and China, they know the consequences but bravely do so anyway and end up in prison or dead. That’s what I’m saying, if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to speak out, rage against your enemies, then you do just that and accept the consequences, be a martyr.

        But in all practicality, just live your life like these cunts don’t exist and they mostly don’t, they mostly exist online, but once they overstep that into the outside world, like messing with your kids in school, then the gloves come off. Joe Biden said today that, “your children don’t belong to you when they are in the classroom.” That kind of talk will get a 100 million mob forming outside schools all over Yankland.

      • @ TAGD – I think our ideas as to what constitutes free speech are so far apart they are irreconcilable. There is more to free speech than being able shout something in the street before being dragged off to the gulag. For instance, a site like this would never be tolerated for five minutes in Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc,

  12. 1% of the insane, uninformed, stupid, gullible, brainwashed and evil dictate to the sane 99% as politicians do nothing and the MSM push this sick, twisted shit.
    We need to be calling this out at every opportunity, but nobody is.
    Politicians and voting are both now utterly irrelevant.

    • I decided next week on my voting form I will write “None” and draw a line through my “representatives” as they are all shite.Piggies at the trough oink oink oink.

  13. Techno @

    Unfortunately something has come up and I cant make it for your birthday party.

    Have a great day!

      • Cuntybollocks@ – This is a wicked ruse by Mnc so he can pretend he is not going – probably on the way now with a trifle snaffling device! 😀

      • Foxy
        Cuntybollocks @

        I went last time, never again!
        No bouncy castle
        No magician although something dissapeared from my pocket (wallet)
        No sausages on sticks.

        And Techno sat me next to someone wearing a lip plate.

        Im the first one to sing the virtues of diversity as you know but things went too far.
        Kalahari pygmies arent house trained.

  14. I hear Chewbacca is a Wokey – get it LOL.

    Anyway, all this shite is pissing me right off. What’s got me going this week is the political trends that seem to occur at the most fortunate of opportunities.

    I will explain,

    This week the news has been awash with evil monster male MP’s, watching porn in the commons, Rayner doing a Sharon Stone in front of BloJo (sends a shiver down my spine at the thought of the reek of smoked mackerel).

    Now this on SKYCunt:


    Anne-Marie Trevelyan tells male MPs to ‘keep hands in your pockets’, amid claims of sexual misconduct in parliament is the headline.

    Please, please, please for got sakes someone tell me who the fuck would pin this munter up against a wall, look closely at the pic – I am sure she’s a geezer, both my hands could slap her forehead at once and wouldn’t get near her hair (and I am not Jeremy Beadle).

    We’re currently living in a world where one cunt opens their mouth and it leads to a tsunami of stories – why now, why not bring it up when it happens?

    Cunts, have them and are them.

    • Well said there aren’t many women in the commons I would go near even with MNCs winky 😉

      You can bet there will be some who lap it up.

      • She should put on a bit of lippy and smarten herself up.
        Never get sexually assaulted at this rate.

    • Haha

      Fucking hell.

      Keep your hands to yourselves? I doubt even our degenerate MPs are walking about with hard winkies once she walks in.

      She’s about as sexually appealling as watching your nan having a big shit.

      Even that cunt who shagged dead bodies, or that peaceful twat who shagged chickens wouldn’t go near that.

      I think she’s safe.

    • Strewth.I am guessing she has fallen out of the ugly tree and fell into the ugly pond.What a witch.

  15. I would dearly like to machine gun that bunch of qu**rs in the photo.
    Just saying…….

  16. To be woke you have to:
    Hate your country and heritage.
    Distort history to suit the agenda.
    Reject science that disagrees with the agenda.
    See racism, and all the phobias at every turn.
    Reject any idea that blacks may be a bit stabby or criminal, racism innit.
    Stand up for muslims. This is quite a paradox given the above.
    Insist that children are only taught the agenda.
    Invent a world that doesnt use coal or oil. But allow polymer glue, motorway grade. (made from organic lentils, at least you would suppose so)
    Ignore any suggestion that the materials for sustainable bullshit are themselves destructive and exploitative.

    And wallow in you self righteous, patronising hypocracy.

  17. Sadly all too true. The majority of people just want to get on with their lives, with ZERO interference of any sort.
    There is a parallel with the fairly recent Jewish situation in Austria, especially Vienna. The locals have had so much guilt heaped upon them, thatthey now feel obliged to go out and “stroke a Jew…”
    Not at all what the local Jewry want. This was written about in an excellent book (title escapes me for the moment, but publ. Picador) about Vienna, Prague and Budapest, written by an American Jewish journalist who was tracing his Bohemian-Austro-Hungarian roots

  18. I am a one off. I hate every cunt, but some cunts more than others.fuck em, fuck em all.

  19. Imagine being an employer trying to hire 4 or 5 people, and the hoops you have to jump through not only to please the prospective employee, but also the paperwork and legislation to make sure you’re not biased in your final selection.

    I can imagine a new law stating that any business – big or small – must hire a diversity and inclusion cunt to oversee the interview process and make sure there is sufficient quotas of BAMEs and Alphabets.

    Then of course when you do employ these cunts they will demand all sorts of things, and if you don’t comply, BANG! you’re sued.

    The Woke and their warped politics will kill this country stone dead from a social cohesion level, no thanks to social media, ironically enough!

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