Miranda Kaufmann is one almighty Marxist cunt.
Now before I state what follows, I wish to make it clear I’m not feeling aggrieved about being a parent of a fee-paying school student. I’m not a massively wealthy person, so the £9k a term my ex-wife and I split to send our daughter to a London school that she is lucky to be able to go to and escape the dismal alternatives in her state school catchment, is money I have to graft for every fucking penny and deny myself holidays for. Fine, no problem, my daughter’s education is my luxury.
But when you pay for the privelege of your child’s education (and remove one more child from the state education system that you still also pay for but which resulting space you allow to be enjoyed by another child less lucky than yours), you may, like me, hope you can liberate your child from the manacles of leftist identarian poison and grant them the opportunity of some reasonably objective standards of education; or get some fucking value for money in other words.
Think again. My daughter’s Yr 8 history syllabus this past term? Black Tudors. I repeat. Black Tudors. This is her introduction to Tudor history. A module based entirely on the effluent spouted by this black obsessed bitch, as embodied in a book by the same title as this syllabus. Turns out that in the canon of English Tudor history, the war of the Roses, the reformation and establishment of a new political opposition to Catholic hegemony, the fight against France to expand British colonial influence and shore up our nation’s international primacy, no, the biggest fucking thing that 12 year olds should be learning about is the 3 black people in Tudor times who did things like playing a trumpet and podgering Anne Boleyn when Henry VIII was too shagged out from a stag hunt.
Worse than that, in the true spirit of Marxist revisionism, it would seem that falling into this definition of Black “Tudors” is one Jacques Francis, a black scuba diver who helped salvage the Mary Rose – yep, you heard that right, for £9k a fucking term my daughter is being told that a dark complexioned frog man in the 1980s was – I’m sure unknown to him – a fucking Tudor, and an important one at that!
My daughter has pleaded with me not to go to the next parents evening and talk to the history tutor convening this afront to education (and yep, you got it, the teacher in question is originally from a much hotter part of the world than Chiswick) – but I’m grinding my fucking axe already and looking forward to some contributions from my fellow cunters when I announce my objections to this desecration of the role of educator and my contempt for the Kaufmann bitch pumping this bullshit.
History Reclaimed (as a counterpoint – Day Admin)
Nominated by: Balsamic Dave
Eeuurrgghhh…imagine seeing nothing but your fellow whities all your life hundreds of years ago and then a nıg-nọg appears like a knife-wielding apparition.
You and your companions would immediately pepper it with arrows or crossbow bolts and burn the remains without ever touching it.
It looked fucking ridiculous when Morgan Freeman turned up in Robin Hood, as unlikely as a sausage in a mọsque or a dick of over 3″ on a chınky.
Now these 360 Africans in Renaissance Britain, could some of them just been people who hadn’t had a bath for a while.
This we waz shit is getting tiresome.
I don’t know how long we have until mankind finally dies, but please in what time we have left try and form your own history and stop shoe-horning yourself into ours.
Yours Sincerely white people.
Their own history Baz? It wouldn’t cover a sheet of A4 if it was double spaced. Think about it; for millennia sat on our arses in a loin cloth in the sunshine, chewing kat. Discovered fire but never advanced as far as high-tech stuff like the wheel. Highly skilled with a machete though. As the white devils discovered to their cost it’s in our genes.
I did say they had to the end of time arfur.. I know that’s still not long enough for those lazy fuckers.
They couldn’t have their own history Arfur, because they had no written form of any language, including their own, before the white devil gave it to them.
Somalia got its first Somalia language dictionary in 1976.
No . I didn’t just make that up.
If it was my kid I would pull her out of the fucking school and teach her myself, at home.
Paying a small fortune for that shit?
It’s worse than it appears even at face value. To remove a child from this situation, and as per suggestion above there, .. ‘home school’ with the history as taught for hundreds of years was my girst notion too when I read the nom (plus refund demanded!) … but what about exam time, then? The new narrative will be marked correct, the established (but now abandoned) facts will earn a fail …
Why bother with exams? Qualifications are worth fuck all nowadays.
I agree, Moggie.
As long as they can read, write and use the calculator app, modern apprenticeship is the way to go.
I’m going to encourage the Lass to train in a trade.
She can learn law at night school, or Open University.
Apparently, she wants to study law, now, well fuck me, that’s a bit different from the previous one.
Still, she’s only 15, time yet, eh?
All the cunts cheat anyway these days.
The treeswingers especially. They either use Grammarly to do it for them, or teachers make it piss easy for sub-illterare John Johns to get easy diplomas or degrees. Not that this is a new thing though.
When I taught at the Manchester College of Arts and Technology, it was going on even then. Somalians, Nigerians and Eritraeans. Given special treatment and getting passed, when they knew fuck all and couldn’t string two words together. This led to my resignation from the job. Blair does have a lot to answer for.
GCSE’s are worthless but can be sat independently of schools.
I had my children in a so-called Christian private school, ridiculously expensive, and had a stand up row with the Head after my son was punished for complaining about Islam being crowbarred into Mathematics lessons, seriously, and that was 20 odd years ago.*
Schools are great places to teach kids utter shite and how to be rebellious to their parents.
It should not be compulsory and, after a minimum of 14 years of the twaddle the ‘graduates’ should at least be able to read, write and count correctly, which a frightening number currently most certainly cannot.
* I did offer to take a few lessons, free of charge, on the topic of Islam, on the condition I was allowed to quote the koran and contemporary sources verbatim. My generous offer was refused.
My two kids went private – cost a fortune and the teaching wasn’t much better than the state system. However, the discipline was better. But it was still a shit experience. The maths teaching was a disgrace. I argued with the teacher and said they should learn proper maths – however, as you say, if my kids had learnt it, they wouldn’t have passed the exams. School is shit whether state or private, unless you are rich enough to go to one of the elite private schools or equally elite good state schools.
I’m not having a poke, but being coached to pass exams is a bit like learning to drive.
What you’re being taught is how to pass your driving test.
Once you’ve done that, you learn how to drive.
Similarly, once you have your O/A levels, which prove you can retain information, then you learn how cheaply you’ll work.
I thought the Tudors were a bunch of kings and queens, pretty sure none were blick.
Exactly what significance were any of the Blicks who were alive during the Tudor dynasty, answer no significance whatsoever
All the aspiring architects are a more recent addition to the UK.
Elizabeth I decreed that there were far too many ‘Blackamoors’ in the London area and ordered them removed.
Wonder what she’d think of London today?
That would be Elizabeth TUDOR.
What, both of them Termy?
Thinking further, were not Blackamoors the north African/Arab types? Fairly swarthy but I think the main problem was that they were mudslimes.
Mostly Arab/Berber, but included sub-Saharans and usually depicted as such.
I think the main objections were their underhanded dealings in business and the fact they were self-evidently not English.
She’d think “thank fuck for these flamethrower”
The Tudors were not benevolent rulers.
Black Tudors eh?
Well that would have taken up around 40 minutes if that, so what did they learn about for the rest of the term?
If the title had been Blackhearted Tudors, your daughter would have had a blast, they were a right bunch of amoral thugs and that was just the women!
Tudor history is a bit of a passion of mine, has been for over 55 years, and I’m struggling to recollect even one influential person of colour from a lifetime of study.
Try this book, Jeezum …
Is there no end to this cuntitude?
I’ll pass, CuntemAll.
What utter bollox.
I note the cover with a black panther salute emblazoned across it.
almost as bad as this
Yes, AFC was fuck all until spooks came along – mind you, black and whites are pulling together to fuck it good and proper now.
My wife has an interest in the Stuart period Jeezum, the century after the Tudors and says that even then sooties in England were vanishingly rare. Sam Pepys boss William Penn had one called Mungo, supposedly a servant but really more like a domestic pet, though Penn did leave him a good wedge in his will apparently.
Speaking of schools, I see the labour party are pressing ahead with eliminating Latin from the state school curriculum. My wife is annoyed. She was brought up and lived in a terraced house in Brum until she married me at the age of twenty-one (as an aside, the best thing that ever happened to me) and only ever attended state schools in the city. She has an ‘O’ level in Latin.
Most of the scrotes in state schools nowadays have barely a tenuous grasp of English CEA, let alone Latin.
Urdu is quite popular though.
No Tudor was ever a sooty.
Some had a crooked back, a underbite,.Gout,.
But I can categorically state no Tudor was a mudflap.
Trust me I’m a historian.
It’s utter bollocks.
They weren’t here.
They were still praying to the volcano gods and eating each other.
You can’t write a black history book.
It’d be a pamphlet.
Lazed about in Africa
Then.for a few years got brought to work in.chains.
Then didn’t go home.
That’s it!
Dickie The Third had one shoulder slightly higher than the other.
The deformed King Quasi bit was Tudor propaganda, made up by a coerced/arselicking Shakespeare.
Richard III also fought his bollocks off at Bosworth Field.
‘My kingdom for a horse’ my arse. He never said it.
Perhaps he said ‘my kingdom for a norse’. He was desperate to see a white face as everybody around him was black?
‘My kingdom for a dolly bird with big tits’
Rumour is old Dickie was a bit of a bird bandit.
They buried him in a car park.
A king of England!!!
Deformed, unfinish’d, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;…”
You got a disability badge pal?
To be fair, Mis, them as buried him didn’t know it was going to be turned into a car park.
I’m just glad I don’t have to pay his overstay charges.
You think he did for the princes in the tower JP?
He was maligned a bit in the history books.
But some historian was saying he was quite a good king by the standards of the day.
His solliquoy “winter of our discontent” is one of my favourite bits of shakespeare.
Here’s actor David Morrissey’s take on it
Oh luv! Nailed it darling!!!
👏 Bravo,.bravo
“You can’t park there mate”.
I’m also not convinced about a black scuba diver.
I’ve never met or saw a sooty that can swim?
But saw plenty of accounts of them sinking below the waves like a fuckin brick!
I call Foul.
Not a chance.
There’s 3 places you’ll never find a sooty.
Swimming pool
Outer space
Fathers day dinner.
They’re sending one to the moon in a year or two, Mis.
Unfortunately they’re bringing the cunt back afterwards…
They struggle to drive a car never mind a fuckin rocketship.
Isn’t Worf black? And La Forge?
Work boot shop
Reply to mis⬆️
That’s only the ones from Accrington, Mis.
probably the best way to make the useless cunts get to work on time. Time-keeping is not one of their strengths….
I always wondered why they steal Rolexes.
The big hand is on the 12, the little hand is…..
… in your pocket, the thieving little bastard.
No surprise.
Educational establishments have been riddled with Marxists and every type of deluded “progressive” windbag lunatics for many decades..
They are delighted to be bolstered by this new and exciting phenomenon,outright fucking lying cunts who jump on the Blek Lies Mither bandwagon hoping to sell a few copies of their latest fantasy creation,in this case blek Tudors.
Total fucking shite,created and shovelled by shysters with a chip on their shoulder the size of a witch doctors
cannibal cooking pot.
Bollocks,as usual.
There were no Black Tudors. It’s an established undisputed fact. From the first (Henry VII) to the last (Elizabeth I). There were no treeswinging rulers from the Tudor dynasty.
And, if there had been any. they would not have escaped Henry VIII’s clutches. He’d have burned the fuckers or had their heads off. Bloody Mary would also have burned a good few to a crisp.
Talking of Queen Mary. doesn’t that portrait of her eerily resmenble Dennis Waterman? Queen of England? Leave it out, Tel.
lolol, yes it does.
Bloody hell! The likeness is uncanny😱😂😂😂
I could be so good for you, I’m gonna help ya
Love ya like you want me to
I’d do anything for you-ou-ou
Id be so goo-ood for you
I could be so good for you
I’ll do it like you want me to
Love you like you want me to
There ain’t nothin’ I can’t go throu-ou-ou-ough
I’d be so goo-ood for you.
I guess the good thing with monarchy (and I think Charles is a cunt) is that there won’t be any sooty kings or queens – unless one of them marries a spook and produces a half-chat – even then it won’t be 100% soot.
Eventually, I think the only hostorical figure who won’t be revised or reimagined as a blackie will be Adolf Hitler.
Any and all cunts will be white beyond belief. All blacks are heroes, innit.
I quite liked Idi Amin.
Nowt wrong with idi.
He would of got my vote to win Opportunity knocks in 74.
But they preferred Lena zavaroni.
Cheaper to feed I suppose.
@norm….tut tut norm surely you know that the elite of the blitzkrieg were the black panthers, oops sorry panzers 🇩🇪 😩
And Lena was rubbish at despotic genocide.
Yeah, she was a big disappointment 😞
The whole thing will implode globally before too long, and the cause is, of course, not the `far right`, but the soft, jelly-brained left & heathen degenerates …
Bier trinken und auf die Zukunft anstoßen !!!
Alice Weidel gives me the horn.
Think you could cure her of dykism Odin? Or are you just turned on by the idea of trying? What a waste eh?
I always fancied shagging Lily Tomlin during her ‘Laugh-In’ days.
I was well miffed when I found out she was a dyke.
Bet you coulda turned her Norm .. 😉
I willing to give it a go Arfur.
I have an 8″ tongue and can breathe through my ears.
I think she would appreciate that.
Don’t be too sure, give it another year and Uncle Adolf’s cabin will be appearing in a bookshop near you. I mean if fucking lammy can be foreign secretary anything is possible.
A few years back I was watching one of the so-called history channels (not THE History Channel) and they aired a program about William the Conqueror. I thought, cool! I’ll watch this.
Within about 1/2 an hour I was already questioning some of the crap they were passing off as history. They arrived at a point in the narrative where William sent his most trusted advisor to England to seal the deal of succession with the soon to die English King.
His most trusted advisor was…yes…you already guessed it…a schvartze.
While I consider myself only an amateur historian, I feel relatively confident that the number of black, sub Saharan Africans serving as Noble advisors in the 11th century Duke of Normandy’s court was fucking ZERO.
I changed the channel and decided to watch something more realistic. Something without stupid, bullshit, revisionist theories…Ancient Aliens.
Needless to say the Neo-Marxist scum who distort our past, corrupt our heritage and pollute the minds of our children deserve this thoroughly righteous Cunting.
As Bluff King Hal might have said; To the tower with you lot! You have a date with the headsman!
General, William was black I was told this by none other than David Lammy so it must be true.
Lammy thinks Henry VII came AFTER Henry VIII.
Hey Guzzi,
I stand corrected.
His Northmen ancestors were no doubt frostbitten black from the bitter cold of icy Norway.
Hey Termujin,
Stop spreading lies about Lammy.
He doesn’t think.
With you on that point, being a person of Norman descent with a fair grasp of their history I concur with you re African Normans being advisors to William, arse is my carefully chosen response.
Mary, Queen of Soots
Sir Francis Darke
Thomaaaas Wolsey
William Shake Spear
Sir Walter Raas Claat
Robert ‘John’ Barnes
Stephen ‘Ganja’ Gardener
Catherine of Arrogant
Anne of theives
Henry the eightball
Lenny Henry VIII.
Education is fucked. Top marks are being dumb down, to allow undesirable aliens to pass their exams.
This started after Blair got in, Sammy.
I saw it with my own eyes.
When I refused to ‘cooperate’ I was called a White Anglo Saxon Protestant. I told them I was born a Roman Catholic and I told them to fuck off as I walked out.
A White Anglo Saxon Protestant?
I’ll have you know I’m a White Anglo Saxon Catholic!
Protestant? Why the very idea!
Bloody right, General.
It was ‘OK’ for this crabby bitch to say that to me.
But God forbid I should have any misgivings about our dark friends and the arselicking that they got.
Plenty ‘agreed;’ with me behind the scenes. But only one other teacher backed me up openly. A stunning deaf girl. God bless her.
I’ve found over years of experience from a secondary modern education, I’m more intelligent than many of today’s former college students.
My father was working class but went to a Grammar school.
He could do long division in his head.
as did mine. Lived in a back-to-back in Wallsend. His getting to grammar school made the local paper it was such an event. Brilliant brain he had.
It makes me crease when I see yet another ‘Black History’ month promoted in Britain.
British black historical figures? Can anyone seriously name any?
And no, some hitherto unknown half black 60s fourth division footballer dug out by the BBC does not count. Neither does some sooty looking gun wallah from World War II (again, a Beeb ‘find’).
I can think of three….
Trevor McDonald. First black newsreader on British television.
Viv Anderson. First black footballer to play for England.
Shirley Bassey. Iconic singer and superstar of her day.
And I don’t recall any of those 3 axe-grinding.
Shirley used to play every club in the UK, Big or small. She sometines used to get changed in the bogs. Not one word of moaning from the lady.
My dad met her at a gig in Harpurhey in the 60s. He got something out of Miss Bassey’s eye with his hankie. He never shut up about that. She was a class act as well as a tasty piece in her prime.
Viv ended up at Manchester United, but he was past his prime by then. Admired his guts and determination though.
The ‘Three Degrees’ at Big Ron’s West Brom were great players. Big Cyril Regis, Brendan Batson and Laurie Cunningham.
Cyril and Laurie were great lads as well as fine players. Laurie sholuld have played fror us in the 1983 FA Cup Final.
First black player at Old Trafford was one Dennis Walker. There wasn’t another one until Remi Moses years later.
there is a “find your ancestor” advert on tv – a sooty fire fighter in WW2. FFS.
Funny, how all these hitherto unknown black ‘war heroes’ are turning up, isn’t it?
I believe there is a new film about ‘heroic’ black wimmins from World War II. Of course, the dialogue is extremely woke and focuses on the race card. A genuine example…
World Warr II US Army General: ‘I must say, I did not expect to be in contact with a unit like yours.’
Coloured woman (dripping in chippy uppity feisty misandrist ‘sass’) ‘You mean, you didn’t expect us to be black?’
Pass the sick bucket.
To be fair, he was white before all the fires
It is a well known and accepted fact that the first melanin enhanced member of the Royal Family was none other than that accomplished actress of the little screen and noted Yacht Girl, Meghan Markle.
She was celebrated, heralded and proclaimed as the savior of the Royal family. They even did a dance for her in her ancestral homeland of…wherever the fuck that was in Africa.
Don’t these Neo-Marxists read Twitter?
A divorced American woman with a ‘colorful’ sexual history joining the Royal Family?
Who could have possibly predicted what has happened, it was unpreceden…
Oh. Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.
What makes me laugh was how the press said Henery Hawk of Hewitt was marrying a ‘top actress’.
A very minor part in some fifth rate American shit called ‘Suits’. A piss poor Mad Men, and she was shit anyway.
How this piece of cock gobbling gutter trash and textbook narcissist got into the monarchy just shows up Hewitt’s stupidity and gullibility.
Well, he’s not very bright is he?
What was it? Two barely scrapped it O levels, then straight into the armed forces?
At least Wills can actually fly a helicopter.
My daughter also reported having been given a pamphlet in RE (at this same school) which outlined how women are treated equally and with respect in Islam.
Fortunately, being her father’s daughter, she told me about this with the same tone of disgust and contempt as I went on to express.
I can see I’m probably going to be escorted away from the parents evening in a police van.
Hey Dave,
We will start a GoFundMe page for your legal defense.
Try to avoid the temptation to kick the van Dave. You get seven years for that nowadays.
Fear not lads, I’ll play my trump card; I’ve had an “I ❤️ grooming gangs and crimes against children” t-shirt printed up. When I’m in the cells I’ll just take my jumper off to reveal said garment, and they’ll soon realise it’s time to release me with an apology for not realising I was one of them.
I will await the outcome of your parents evening visit with much interest😉
In short….. “We Wuz Kangz n’ Shee-it!”
Those Marxist shit bags want throwing to the hungry lions.
Low i.q…black
Best grifters…black
Best one parent families…black
Best rioters…black
….best 🐂💩 have a guess 😩
I think the Frogs are the best rioters.
Sooties win at the rape-and-plunder post-riot.
Even worse, Henry VIII was a ginger. But also a cunt.
The wannabe Henry IX is a ginger and cunt as well.
Black yanks seem to think that the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were black?!
Dunno where they got that idea?
But it’s bollocks.
Nefertiti didn’t chase mice with a broom and her stockings falling down.
Cleopatra comin atcha!
I’ve seen mummified Egyptians in Manchester museum.
Can still clearly see them and the facial features.
None have lips like pneumatic tyres?
Maybe they were there?
Probably worked in the kitchens.
Dunno Mis, not sure the Egyptians were keen on curried goat and yams.
They’re in de Nile Termy.
Like Baba, the black one from the pirate ship crow’s nest in the Asterix books.
His similarity to Marcus Rashford is uncanny.
Id like to take the opportunity to wish both parties well on the sad news of the breakup of the marriage of Peter Murrell and former first minister Nicola sturgeon.
Peter gets the campervan and Wee Nicky gets what’s hidden in the safe.
Hopefully Nicky falls into the tattooed arms of a long tongued fish supper with a 5 inch clit.
And they can chew Axminster together.
Krankies split!
Read all about it!
I’ve changed my mind.
Here are some proper Tudor gentlemen of “colour”..
A zebra! A zebra! My Kangdum fo a zebra!
This Miranda Kauffmann seems a little pre-occupied by the Mandingo. Perhaps she loves a bit of big black cock and the feel of two large black snooker balls rattling savagely against her cute pink arsehole.
History is written by the winners.
Hence Africans don’t write history books.
40 years as a archaeologist, museum curator and freelance heritage worker. I’m more than qualified to know my onions. The only black tudors of note are those charred black by burning at the stake.
Odds Bodkins!!😮
Don’t they make you walk funny?
Your thinking of ye gads!
I though Tudor was:
A bag of crisps
A car battery
Half decent watch.
None of the above are an attraction in a zoo.
I thought it was that mad fucker who sang ‘Swords of a Thousand Men’.
Didn’t he have ten poles?
Or was it tent poles?
Eddie Tenpole Tudor is a real Tudor!!
No shit.
I liked him loads.👍
Funny as fuck.
Top man
The left are tripping over themselves inventing history and historical figures to fit the narrative.
At some point in the very near future, leftards will have to wake up to the fact that sub Saharan Africans are a different species that haven’t evolved in over 300,000 years.
Usually this happens just after they’ve had some shiny thing ripped out of their hand in broad daylight by a pavement ape, or been been perforated like a PG tips tea bags by a boot lipped baboon platoon for setting foot in the wrong postcode.
Jesus fucking wept! Leftards really are a different level of fuckwit.
They are Odin they are 🤷
The Tudors
Is it on Netflix.
Black comedy by all accounts, in the reviews.
I must remember to subscribe again.
It’s ace, Mecuntry.
Loads of sex and violence.
Not as good as Versailles, though.
Talk about violent porn!
What I want to know is what does Miranda get out of all this shite?
Shortlisted for this, that and the other, none of which I’ve ever heard off, but didn’t actually win any.
Almost isn’t good enough, Miranda dear. Try holding up your “shortlisted” as a shield against that machete-wielding car thief, see how far that gets you.
If I had schoolage kids now, they’d be taught at home.
I certainly wouldn’t be pulling my bollocks out to pay for an expensive brainwashing programme via the private education sector.
I’d be even less inclined to expose them to State Education, which is nothing more than Establishment Neo Marxism and LGBT grooming propaganda.
The biggest impact that Blecks have had on this country is in the crime statistics, end of.
Good morning 🌄 👍