Labour [30]

Labour 25
This website makes for grim yet interesting reading.

At a time when calls for public enquiries into Parking Stanley grooming gangs are in the public eye and multiplying by the day, it would appear that more than a few members of the good old Labour Party are every bit as guilty of kiddy diddling as their core voting base.

If you can’t beat em – join em. As the old saying goes.

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

68 thoughts on “Labour [30]

  1. Labour care as much about children get raped by Pàkis as they do about children getting murdered by first generation peaceful pavement apes.

    I hope Rodney suffers a long and painful demise.

  2. What’s just as amazing is that PIE didn’t even try and disguise the word ‘pædophile’ from their acronym!
    You’d have thought they’d have tried to use a softer, fluffier word.
    Harriet Harman’s terminal bone cancer diagnosis can’t come fast enough.
    Good morning to one and all.

    • The filthy deviants even had a magazine called magpie no less. The surviving members are still fixated on 4 as the age of consent. Harperson knew what the dirty bastards stood for no matter what she claims. Rope for the lot of them, there is a list of members from the mid 70’s supposedly, which includes addresses most of the cunts are dead but a few of the fucks are still clinging on hunting the fuckers would be good sport. What’s really ironic is the bbc had the front to have a documentary mainly about child abuse and pie on Monday morning bbc4, about 4 episodes I think. Taking the piss or what.

      • The series In Dark Corners is currently on Wireless 4 between 0930-1000 on Wednesday mornings. This second series is a six parter, part 3 goes out today (as I write) and the previous two episodes are on BBC sounds for thirty days after transmission

  3. I dont understand how this hasn’t totally shut down her “career”, and that ghastly Hewitt woman.

    Imagine if Farage had done this.

  4. Very disturbing. You do begin to wonder about the sort of people who join Labour.

    I’d like to know what proportion of convicted child sex offenders are Labour Party members compared to the population as a whole.

    • Indeed Mr Wallace.

      Murder children?

      Răpe children?

      Abuse or fail to act on knowledge of abuse of children?

      Commit acts of terrorism upon children?

      Burn the perpetrators at the stake then gibbet the filthy cunts.

      That is Justice.

      Good morning.

  5. That picture of Tom Dewey, if someone asked ‘what does a p file look like’ well there it is, could even be a stock photo for a drug, rape and murderer of bum boys.

    All labour are cunts, after 14 years of conservative failure did we think it couldn’t get any worse under labour, the answer is yes and a lot worse 😂

    Onion head couldn’t have been any quicker to get an inquiry into Southport (no Ps involved) says it all.

  6. When you consider all the quares in the Labour party this isn’t surprising. Stfreeting makes himself up to look younger every day – this time next year he will be in short trousers a school cap and hiring himself out round the Westminster public lavatories.

  7. Obviously Labour’s vetting process to weed out the under age enthusiasts is as effective as it is at identifying the financially incompetent.
    My only fear is that it is not just a Labour predilection but rife in all the political parties.

  8. The MSM have conspicuously failed to report on the arrest of Ivor Caplin, former Labour MP for Brighton and Hove and megaphone for leftist propaganda, who aside from his Twitter feed being full of retweets of naked rent boys with their giblets fully on display, was caught in a peedofile sting, in which he was soliciting a 15 year old boy for sex. But nothing in the MSM. NOTHING.

  9. Starmer is a massive cunt, he is more concerned about human rights than citizens.

    They’ve all hidden behind and exploited the refugee laws written just after the war, laws designed for European crises’s that caused Europeans to search for temporary sanctuary during wars or natural disasters in Europe.

    There’s a long open discourse in the media about the failure of multiculturalism and I’m left wondering why those formerly silent are now speaking out, I smell a rat.

    Meanwhile the BBC has infiltrated another ‘far right’ organisation. The same BBC the accompanies people smugglers to highlight the plight of the ‘poor’ migrant victims.

    Smoke and mirrors, if the treaties can’t be modified for todays world withdraw from the treaties.

    • Theres only so many gestures one can make and that looks like a salute to Americanism to me, whatever that is.
      Though being South African, he likely harbours certain thoughts, would be interesting to see the percentage of non whites working for him right enough.

      • Bizarre behaviour. He’s certainly a loose cannon, is EM.

        I honestly think he’ll have a major fall out with Orange Man before too long. In my experience two alpha males with huge egos working together invariably leads to a personality clash.

      • @geordie… you could say that about our alpha males in the government 😩…but err we ain’t got any 😁…tag team don/Elon v 2tk/millipede or 2tk/lambo or 2tk/sweeting 😱…christ we’ve gone fully 👇

      • Indeed, Geordie.
        There can be only one botter in such relationships – and the other is the bottee.

    • Musk winds everyone up with a Hilter salute, the labour government – sponsored and enabled by the MSM – aids and abets murderous Mudslime peedyfile rape gangs. Clearly MUSK has a lot to answer for before a jury of such impeccable morality.

    • Nice to see you back again, Mein Fuħrer! Any chance you could power up the ovens again and finish the job that you and the boys started? There have been great leaps in technology so it shouldn’t take too long! And after all, most of the vermin that need complete eradication are all huddled together in various places, London, Bradford, Israel, Somalia and of course the House of Parliament and Lords!

  10. My phone is refusing to let me post anything about these goons….rope gangs, climate 💩,smash the gangs,hate indigenous people,trans indoctrination into school etc….it’s starting to get hot in my hand 😡 aaarrrgh 🔥📳

  11. Today’s Labour schizophrenia:

    Rachel from Complaints supports a third runway at Heathrow.

    Psycho Ed wants to ban air travel for the plebs.

    Beyond satire.

    • Make up man streaking was saying there is no funding for new hospitals..
      Well course not, while we are paying billions to keep illegals housed and fed.

      Maybe you can bludgeon beaker the punched Toby jug to death you massive bender. That might free up some money..

  12. Can’t wait for Starmer, Lammy, Reeves, Milliband and Rayner to be utterly humiliated by Trump.

    Shouldn’t take long. I give it till the end of the month.

    They’ve dug their own graves, the useless commie gobshite cunts.

      • They usually get their woeful incompetence brushed under the carpet by that other bunch of pee doughs at the BBC.

        They obviously recognise their own and willingly cover each others arses.

        What I want to see is ritual humiliation and international condemnation of the Labour party, their members and any cunt thick enough to vote for them.

        Only once they are completely destroyed on every level and every policy they have or had reversed, will this country begin to recover.


  13. Looking at the list of guilt with their fingers in the PIE, was the longest scroll of evidence I’ve ever witnessed. I stopped reading after awhile and just whizzed through it, having to stop on occasions to rest. I’m having to go and clear my head for the rest of the day.

  14. I have always said it won’t be long before “P” is added to LGBT. The whole fucking country has lost its moral compass. If any political party hasn’t got enough to hang Labour at every by-election, council election and then general election, there will truly be no hope for this country. Anyone voting for Labour is as guilty as the peedoighs, r@pists, terrorists and assorted deviants that they support.

    • I agree, Cuntingford.

      The hated BBC have already made veiled endorsements about Pee Dough Files. Soon, they will be full of the ‘But… But they are human beings’ shite and ‘It’s a life choice’ bollocks.

      These cunts have already gloririfed terrorism, a ten part series on Shamima Bigbum proves that. And they have done a couple of sneaky snidey things hinting at kiddie fiddlers being ‘maligned’.
      Sir Jim’ll was but one that infests their dirty Broacasting House. The day will come when they will openly celebrate his kind.

    • Wouldn’t surprise me to hear that the sour faced bitch enjoyed rimming the unwiped anuses of young children at one of her PIE mate’s parties.

      Despicable hypocritical filthy fucking nonce!
      Hope she has a protracted painful death.

    • Oh yes, the Labour party, yes let’s have a go at them, just for a change. What a novel idea. Now what can we call them? Something nasty. How about paedophiles? That’s really nasty so it’ll do for now. I bet when we leave primary school, we’re going to learn a lot more names to call them. Can’t wait.

      • It isn’t childish name calling when you accurately describe their behavior.

        And it wasn’t just one creep. Every one of the creeps listed in the link was a member of the Labour party.

        And if it applies to a specific group then it is clearly characteristic of that group’s behavior.

      • Allan really now, if you cast your mind back a while and remember some of the more “vibrant” posts concerning the Blonde brains box that was the Tory leader and the Cameron Bulingdon club member and the Liberal liabilities you have to acknowledge that no body is above getting a bit of stick from our body of cultural inclusion that is ISaC .
        Gather yea rose buds where you may.

    • I doubt Musk could help himself… cos by his own admission he is autistic. They tend to do stuff like that when they get overstimulated.

      Meanwhile, all aboard for Funtime!

    • Musk is now like Tommy Robinson, General.
      Tommy only has to scratch his arse or pick his nose, and the leftist woke psychos see evil in it.

      Musk should have dressed in a full Hitler uniform with a stick on moustache. Just to see the loony lefties and social media mongs explode en masse.

  15. Going back decades to evidence of sexual abuse of children by adults in certain jobs, would be monitored to make sure it wouldn’t happen again. But Ps have definitely found ways round it tenfold and getting worse. Vigilantism as always been my answer to things getting out of control, but is frowned upon. Why ? Because there’s more guilt in laws of government than anywhere else.

    • I am a great admirer of ‘Community Policing’ – no courts required. Saves a fortune and the guilty are guilty of something worth a good kicking.
      Question is; who will ‘police’ The Establishment’? They seem to be impervious.

  16. Good evening my fellow cunters.
    I am posting this as my alter ego ,Donald POTUS
    There’s a lot of media attention devoted to my having a trade deal with the good ol’ United Kingdom.
    Not going to happen whilst you’ve got that filthy pinko commie bastard in power.
    I don’t want that filthy asslicking gay cocksucking faggot Manglebum anywhere near my Oval Orifice. No way that I’m going to engage in any dialogue when I and my loyal staff have got their backs to the wall.
    Next, that disrespectful rubber-lipped stinking fucking ape David Clammy can go and fuck himself with a banana.
    I’m sure as hell not going to let that utter gorillaboo in my country.
    Christ knows he many diseases he could potentially spread in my country.
    The most embarrassing carbuncle on the earth’s ass has surely got to be your pathetic lily-livered commie Prime Minister Quare Stoma.
    This chubby-cheeked closet fag claimed that 0.1% o women can
    have a penis. What fucking planet is this guy on?!
    The dirty fucker has been a keen supporter of the Pack-Key rapist gangs who have been systematically violating young (white) gangs in quite a number of our towns and cities.
    Do y’all really think that I want to rub shoulders with this lying sack of shit?!

  17. In the good old days, anti-British traitors like Starmer would have been for the hangman’s noose.
    The lying bastard makes Oswald Mosely look like Winston Churchill.

    My God this country is at it’s lowest ebb

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