Or more specifically, the acceptance and encouragement of it.
I don’t mind the occasional ale, but I’m very well aware just how much damage it does. To your mind, your body, society, productivity, crime, the list of negatives of drinking more than a small amount massively outweighs the positives, of which there are only two: seeing your mates and being sociable.
The way that the effects of this poison are glossed over is almost unbelievable. If booze were invented now, it’d be instantly classed as a toxin and banned, yet because of the tax it brings in, the goverment being beholden to the drinks industry and its historical acceptance, alcohol continues to cut a destructive swathe through society with violence, sexual assaults, crippling expense and bodily destruction.
I know there’s no answer, I just wanted to vent a little as I’ve had beloved family members and acquaintances utterly destroyed through alcoholism and now my elder son (22) drinks like a fish, which terrifies me.
Thank you for reading.
Nominated by: Thomas the Cunt Engine
It may be trite but alcohol “makes a good servant but a poor master.” But really the problem is that after it has become a pleasant “habit”, like always doing the.. or after every … you get the idea, Alcohol, like some other stuff becomes a physical necessity.
The knee jerk reaction “ban it” it simply stupid and solves nothing. (ibid see Dunblane, ban on guns and no cessation of gun crime. Wait for Southport and the ban on carrying ANY type of knife)
Education and an open condemnation by Society, not the use, but of the MISSUSE of the demon drink is what is required Oh and increasing the tax to discourage drinking is pure bollox and has nothing to do with discouragement and everything to do with getting in money.
Thinks…. So the tax taken from drinkers goes to ….. supporting overseas visitors whose religion forbids the drinking (and therefore raising of tax) of alcohol.
All that is not to say I don’t have sympathy for family and friends of those with a problem, I do, but a ban is not the answer.
Evenin’.all (as spoke by Dixon. I said Dixon not Nixon, he was a magician and did tricks with US Gov. documents and tapes)
A mate of mine was an alcoholic, knocked around with him for thirty five years, matched him drink for drink until last orders when I’d had enough. He went home and carried on drinking while watching tv until four or five in the morning.
He knew it was going to get him in the end, he was just happy he’d lasted longer than his favourite film star, also an alcoholic. That was his life’s achievement.
It never took hold of me the same way. I still like a Guinness and a pint of shandy at the weekend, and two or three half glasses of port during the week, and that adds up to around the recommended fourteen units limit per week.
Good for you.
Y’know that the guy tasked with coming up with the weekly limit has since admitted that he thought it was the wrong question to ask due to there being so many variables in every individual, and he felt pressured to come up with something, so he basically plucked the figures out of his ass?
Was it Johnny Ball?
The eye opener for me, other than my uncle. Was a blood test, I felt fine but my liver results suggested otherwise. If I had carried on, I think I’d had had liver failure. Shocking thing is how you mostly feel fine. The fucker dose creep up on you though. It’s a shocking statistic how many young people are dieing from.liver disease. I’m not the fun police, I’d never begrudge a man a drink. But it’s a nasty cunt and you can’t always tell till it’s too late. Iv had a bloods done recently and they are fine, no longer in the dodgy bracket. I do think anyone who mocks or belittles someone for not drinking, is not a real friend. Iv encountered that before. All in moderation, unless you can’t stop Then it’s time to pack it in.
O/T, this will cheer up your Monday…
50 relatives of asylum seekers are joining them in the UK every day https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14329405/asylum-seekers-Britain.html?ito=native_share_article-top
Want more cheering up?
Check out this piece of shit Jamaican drug dealer we can’t deport because his daughter thinks she might be transgender… WTF!
If ever there was a rock solid case for the UK ditching the EHCR then this is it.
I hate Johnny Ball. Simply for spawning that creature and cunt Zoe Ball.
For a definitive celebrity cunt couple of the 90s, Zoe and Fatcunt Slim were hard to beat. Although the Beckhams and Liam and Starfucker Patsy gave them a good run for their money.
Two hands.
Two glasses.
Only one mouth….🍺
In the US they’ve always had a tradition of making ‘ Moonshine ‘.
Prohibition made it escalate.
They’d make a whisky still in the woods and it’d be carefully guarded. Some would make rotgut that could turn you blind,
But a few took real pride in the quality of the liquor they made!
Nowadays it’s back in vogue and a thriving business.
I’d love to sample it!
The icon of backwoods bootlegging was a bloke called popcorn Sutton.
A right fuckin character and all round good egg.
Evening Mis, evening all.
He a close relative?
He DOES have a certain debonair distinguished look about him doesn’t he Cuntalugs?
I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere in the twisted thicket of my family tree a branch stretched into the backwoods of Appalachia?!!😉
He! He!
I can hear those banjos already.
Fancy sampling some moonshine myself sounds intriguing.
Tried some Ghana ‘shine when I was working out there, Akpateshi it was called, made from palm nut oil I believe. Strong stuff!!
Also tried some Portuguese ‘shine called Madronia, sold in little roadside cafes. I’m not sure what that was made from but it saw off a day and evening. Best/worst of all was some Belgian stuff, Crystal clear and extremely potent.
Newcastle brown ale ❤️
Black sheep ale❤️
We have the finest beers in the world in this country 🇬🇧
Some say ” oooo the Belgians do some good beer”
That’s something a communist would say.
And it’s fake news.
I wouldn’t wash my dirty arse with Belgian beer👎
Then some say
” Oooo what about German beer?”
And I’d tell them it’s lager made by men in leather hotpants!
And my grandad didn’t fight in WW2 for me to drink Nazis beer.
Nope. The UK is the home of beer.
Cuntengine should be publicly whipped for this wicked nomination.
Although he’d probably enjoy it!
My relatives in the North East got me into Newcie Brown.
Bass Light Ale is also pretty good, if I can get hold of it.
I remember our house warming in 1977. My dad and my Uncle Jimmy had one side of the hallway filled to the celiing with those Watneys Party Seven cans. Can’t actually remember what it tasted like. My old grandad used to drink Stones bitter. He used to give me a bit when my mum wasn’t looking.
Stones, uurrggh used to give me a stinking headache after only a couple of pints.
What chemical shite did they put in that…🤮
I did like the beer and the schnapps when I lived in Germany. I liked the German ladies even more.
Interesting timing for this nomination as I have just started my annual month off booze. I used to do January when I lived in the UK but now I do the month after Australia Day. Drank a bottle of Bordeaux with my lamb on Sunday.
This is something I do for myself. It’s not some ‘Dry January’ bollocks for social media wankers. I do it for myself and my own mental and physical health. My wife reckons I undo all the good work by giving completely cunted at the end of the month.
Don’t listen to your wife, Emp. Getting cunted once in a while is good for the soul.
Be in good health!
Kentish Ale is the best beer.
Not tried it Maggie.
There’s a Ale called Old Tom made in Stockport by Robinson’s brewery.
I say ale but it’s really a barley wine I think? Got a cats head on the bottle,
It’s fuckin lethal.
I had a lad labouring for me and I mentioned it.
“What’s that?”
I told him to try it
Told him it’s his heritage and he should drink something made in Stockport.
He said he had two and liked it!
But when he got up for the toilet his body went one way and his legs went a different direction 😂
Shepard Neame Bishops Finger is a good one.
Morning all.
I have also seen how booze can hook someone and eventually kill them. My Uncle Geoff was a great bloke. But, when he got on the sauce, he transformed. He would do anything for a drink, and it cost him his marriage to my auntie Mary. He became a lost cause and nothing could be done, he just would not accept any help. I heard he died on his own. But it was his own fault, and people did try to look out for him. But he wasn’t interested.
The problem is it changes your thought pattern.
Drinking makes folk want to fight or fuck others they shouldn’t be involved with.
It would makes you drive like a cunt, talk like a cunt , act like a cunt , get in debt like a cunt .
I don’t drink nearly got beat up by the hardest skinhead at a party for trying to fiddle about with his dirty looking girlfriend, I was 14 , had a lucky escape and fell off my ten speed falcon blac diamond racer trying to ride home.
So at seventeen and looking about twelve I bought soft drinks in the pub and drove my mk3 with no worry.
Having seen many folk fuck up with drink involved I made the right decision , I get a bit loud after a couple of coffees , so not for me .
The amount of mates I have seen talk an immense load of shit when they’ve been bladdered, Acac. I’ve seen them fight each other, usually over nothing. And they don’t even remember doing it.
Some of the famous name beers are shit.
Stella is a load of shit.
Fosters is like piss.
And Budweiser is diabolical. The worst of the lot.
All beloved by britscum and chav riff raff at Summer home barbecues. You can usually smell the fumes off the shit during the warmer weather.
It’s said that american beer is like screwing in a canoe….
Fucking close to water.
I’m stunned that Dylan Mulvaney didn’t manage to make Bud Light acceptable.
Liberal Liquidator
Minge juice Bottler
Presumed pressganged or gone underground due to government oppression.
And has Ruff Tuff Creampuff vanished for good now?
He popped up abaaaaht 3 months ago then went quiet again.
Unless he is secretly SCB (haven’t entirely ruled that one out yet.)
Perhaps the Blair Creature got this one right..!
He’s managed to close loads of pub’s
I started an erudite comment for this thread but it was lost because apple decided to refresh the page.
Bear with me…. Wait until tomorrow xx
Well, as the great Vivian Stanshall once said “If I had all the money I spent on drink, I would spend it on drink.” So we will both leave it at that. From Sir Henry Rawlingson at Rawlingsons End.
I spent most of my money onf booze, fast cars and women. The rest I just squandered.’
– George Best.
‘They took away our opiuim. So they gave us beer and football.’
– Anthony Burgess
But now they’ve taken away the football (the modern game is dreadful shit), and the beer will be taken away eventually, just like smoking was.
The white working classes will have no pleasures left soon enough. Treeswinger will be alright, For he has his chiggen shops and his terrorism. But anything the white working man enjoys gets ruined.
The police dealing with drunks, should also be allowed to go on duty intoxicated. That would be fun to watch. More like the old time policing with truncheons and a clips round the earhole and marched them off to jail, if they can find it.
On one of the rare occasions I agree with Mr Cunt Engine.
I like the odd tipple every now and then. Sometimes it makes things a bit more tolerable.
I don’t really drink that often these days. I might do if in the company of a woman who I am hoping to seduce.
I’ve seen two people ruin their lives through alcoholism and it isn’t pretty or glamourous or rock ‘n’ roll.
It’s tragic and heart breaking and ruins the lives of those they leave behind. Especially if they’ve got kids.
Last year an old friend drank himself to death. He wouldn’t listen to anyone and spent the last of his days in a hospital ward and he’d turned a shade of yellow due to his liver being fucked. He was about 6 months older than me, To see his dear old mum completely devastated, when I’ve known her since I was 13 was hard to watch.