Whoopi Goldberg [5]

Poor old Whoopi Cushion. You’ve got to feel for her plight. Aside from having one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome known to medical science, it looks as though she’s really feeling the pinch financially.

Speaking recently on the box about the US economy and the presidential election, Gobshite Goldberg claimed to relate to the plight of millions of ordinary Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. ‘I appreciate that people are having a hard time. Me too. I work for a living’. Then The Cushion continued ‘if I had all the money in the world, I would not be here. So I’m a working person… I know it’s hard out there’.

Yes, it must be really tough for this self-styled ‘working class American’. She makes it sound as though she’s really struggling, and having to pick herself up every day for another twelve hours at the coal face in an attempt to make ends meet. She’s barely getting by on the few million a year she scrapes from hosting shit show chat show ‘The View’. She’s down to her last four houses apparently.

Now I could understand it if she’d said something along the lines of ‘I’ve been poor, I know what it’s like and I sympathise’, but how’s anyone supposed to take seriously a multi-millionaire who still tries to sound like she’s struggling just to get by? Who is she trying to kid?

The insufferable Goldberg might just be the most tone-deaf individual in America.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: Ron Knee

75 thoughts on “Whoopi Goldberg [5]

  1. Some celebrities rely on talent alone.
    While some rely solely on their looks.

    But, what baffles me, is the success of those who have neither.
    Ugly and talentless. William Eilish, Chappel Roan, Ed Sheercunt, and Whoopi Goldturd.

    Whoopi cannot act, is not funny, and has a face like a Gnu’s jacksie.

    Bloody Nora. At least Taylor Swift is nice to look at, and you can think rude thoughts about her.

    • As long as you have earplugs to hand when it opens its gob and spews out its tedious brand of corporate country crapola.Not on par with Dolly or Tammy,the real deal.

  2. And Sister Act? With that other horrendous black egomaniac, Lauryn Hill.
    When Hill and Goldturd are onscreen together, the Cunt-O-Meter is in danger of exploding.

    That little redhead in Sister Act would have got a going over with the old tickiling stick, mind. Tattyhilarious Missus.

  3. I liked 80s and 90s Whoopi. She was fantastic in the colour purple. Funny as hell in a lot of movies.
    Funny that now her mainstream career is dead she’s turned into an entitled victim stereotype, almost like she’s playing up for it for “likes” and public attention. Uber cunt. Do the decent thing, reinvent yourself as something positive or let your career go.

  4. I get her mixed up with Oorprawful Whitney.
    Sorry but all these jigaboos look the same to me.

  5. I only ever saw the Colour Purple and she appeared all innocent and pure. Then got above her station and became evil like blacks do and blame us for them being trapped in the skin they didn’t no longer want.

  6. Sirs:

    Whoopie’s hair looks like dried cat turds.

    Thank you for your attention.

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