White Supremacists

We hear a lot about white supremacists. But it is pandering to the vocabulary of the left to not even ask what the fuck is a “white supremacist” never mind, by logical progression, what is a “black supremacist”? We just seem to have accepted that white is the only shade of supremacy.

Well, good news is at hand, and it turns out there are indeed black supremacists out there. And by any reasonable measure I’d say this kiddy-diddling 135 year stretch Islamic mentalist does black supremacy proud (if being noticed at all costs is the name of the game).

It’s a brief musing, but I suppose it can be summarised as: Black / White – turns out you can be a wrong ‘un whatever your complexion. Who knew!


Nominated by: Balsamic Dave

108 thoughts on “White Supremacists

  1. Sirs:

    In the States we say “white supremiss” because that
    is how the Rev. Al Sharpton pronounces it.

    Here is a clip of the Rev’s soaring rhetoric


    In a sane world the Rev. would be preaching in a storefront church three days a week, living in a cold water walkup and living on cold beans eaten straight out of the can.

    Instead he’s got a TV contract and a tax-exempt grifting outfit and a keen sense of how to get paid.

    So better say “white supremiss” even though it’s retarded. If that’s how Al Sharpton says it, it be da troof, yo.

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