White Supremacists

We hear a lot about white supremacists. But it is pandering to the vocabulary of the left to not even ask what the fuck is a “white supremacist” never mind, by logical progression, what is a “black supremacist”? We just seem to have accepted that white is the only shade of supremacy.

Well, good news is at hand, and it turns out there are indeed black supremacists out there. And by any reasonable measure I’d say this kiddy-diddling 135 year stretch Islamic mentalist does black supremacy proud (if being noticed at all costs is the name of the game).

It’s a brief musing, but I suppose it can be summarised as: Black / White – turns out you can be a wrong ‘un whatever your complexion. Who knew!


Nominated by: Balsamic Dave

108 thoughts on “White Supremacists

  1. Dawn Butler recently did some weird speech that was basically Black supremacist.

    Going on about being the chosen one?!!!?

    I don’t have a problem with white supremacists.
    They aren’t trying to destroy my country.

    • Dawn is a chosen one, a black that is doomed to remain so.

      The rift valley was the birthplace of modern humans so where did the white man come from, obviously the white man is a progression along the evolutionary tree.

      Not so much white supremacy but white human progression, the evidence is there for all to see, white man went to the moon, the black man (and Sam Beau) are still digging a hole to find muddy water.

  2. Most white supremacists are idiots. Absolute knobheads.
    The low IQ knuckle dragging dregs that made up the ranks of the NF. BNP and C18.Millwall and West Aiiiim hooligans, who couldn’t string two words together.

    And the black supremacists are just as stupid. Only difference is, these fuckers have the backing of the BBC and the Grauniad. Those cunts doing that BLM shite during the lockdown. Marching around, like the Black Panthers meets Public Enemy. Cracking on that they were hard and a military organisation. My arse.

    But – as I say – these twats have their arses licked by the MSM. That shamful Black Lives Matter themed Rolling Stone cover being a gruesome example.

      • We, in the UK, understand that the term “oreo” means Black on the outside but white inside.

        We also understand that is the exact interpretation of the phrase ” oreo” in the US.

        There’s no ambiguity about calling someone “oreo”, your back pedalling is embarrassing to behold for us, and diminishing for you.

        Either hold true to your belief, or hold your tongue.

      • Admin,

        My remarks to Mme Beau disappeared. Could you please find and restore so there is no misunderstanding.

        Thank you.

      • To Mme Beau,

        I wrote an explanation to you that disappeared. I’ve asked Admin to restore.

        Septic slang and Limey slang do not often have the same meaning.

        Please be assured that my remarks were not meant to be offensive or as an insult.

        If I offended or insulted you I apologize.

        You are one of my favorite posters and I remain faithfully yours,

        General Cuntster.

  3. Criminal, peter file, black supremacist and convicted child molester, Dwight has had his hands full. Absent father too, is it any wonder Harvey is a mental?

  4. Diana Ross and the black supremacists.

    Every race believes it’s superior. You ever want to hear some Uber racism? Listen to one of the many black supremacists, white people are either demons or aliens.

    Europe was black until the whites took it.

    Blah fucking blah.

    Chinese are super racists.
    Japanese the same.

    It’s only us that feel guilty by an evolved sense that sticking to your own kind is right.

    It’s our nature to stick with your own kind.

    • Diana was great in her prime.

      That early 70s singles run. I’m Still Waiting, Touch Me In The Morning, Theme From Mahogany, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Top line stuff.

      But now she is like a lot of stars from that era. Her apperance at Glastonbury the other year was both sad and comedic. Like Macca, Fat Ref, Jagger and Rod the Conk, she should have gave it up a long time ago.

      And, if you want a race who believes it is superior. Look no further than Israel. Yes, I do admire how they take no shit and how they are giving it to those Hamas/Hezbollah vermin. But they do believe that they are ‘special’ and that they are ‘Gpd’s chosen’ people.

      • But they do believe that they are ‘special’ and that they are ‘God’s chosen’ people.

        They really do beileve that, the four by twos.

      • Don’t be silly, Norman.

        Of course we Jews don’t ‘ believe’ we are the Chosen people.

        We know we are.

      • Same as a lot of Manchsester United fans, Jeezum.

        A lot of them (the knobhead post-1993 ones) believe we have a divine right to win the league title.

        I am one of the ones who doesn’t believe that.

  5. I don’t understand why some people get exercised about white supremacists. Plain as daylight that white peole are superior.

  6. The other Dwight, our Yorkie ,was superb in that first season, the Treble one.
    But, he would – and did- shag any slapper. He was not fussy. Nice lad though.

    Still have fond memories of the Smiling Executioner.
    A much more approachable and friendly fella than that miserable chippy cunt ‘Call me Andrew’ Cole.

  7. White supremacy is well deserved.

    Europeans built the world and brought civilisation to myriad cesspits.

    That legacy is undeniable.

    If we’d left the cunts to it the rest of the world would look like London.


    • Anyone who gave the world ‘You Really Got Me’ and ‘My Generation’ deserves to be remembered.

  8. To be honest with you I’ve no idea what the fuck I was rambling about when I did this nom, I was pissed at the time.

    Double standards I think

    • Winston Churchill and George VI were constantly pissed, Dolfy was teetotal. No fault there mate.?

      • Seconded. Indeed, the great French philosopher René Descartes`s most famous quote was: “I drink, therefore I am.

      • Renee Dustcarte ,
        The great Lancashire philosophical mind.

        “Eeee, he’s pissed as a newt”

      • My favourite Dean Martin quote:

        “I feel sorry for people who don’t drink; because when they wake up in the morning, that’s the best they’re gonna feel all day”

      • My elder met the late Queen mum at a staff Christmas ball.

        She says she was 4ft 6in, in 4in heels, her teeth were brown and her breath stank.

        Ah! Happy memories.

  9. I work with many different ethnicities, most females are good workers. As for the males, one is supremely confident that people of north western European descent shall still be running this planet for quite some time to come, apart from a few tokens, all senior and most middle management are male British, Dominions, white Africans or assimilated colonial Chinese and Indians. We get shit done.

      • There’s a story doing the rounds that at HBOS she was caught falsely taking time off for doctors’ and dentists’ appointments when she was actually working for the Labour Party. She resigned before being sacked.

        No idea if it’s true, but hopefully some real journalists (ie not the BBC) will be doing some digging.

      • Of course it’s true.

        Economist, my fucking arse!

        Hopefully, TTK will sack her before the full extent of her deception is revealed, he’s right handy at shuffling out of the line of fire, the oily, sleaze.

      • Interesting, Twattsy.
        One wonders how much more deception there is. Can you imagine an intimate situation with her when, admittedly, after a few beers, gently peeling off her nether-garmenty only to find she has gentleman’s tackle in her X-fronts? Obviously, the pubes will be fashioned into a page-boy.

      • Needless the BBC haven’t even mentioned Reeves lie, neither on radio or on their “news” website.

        The next lies to be confessed to are that David Lammy is NOT a prima donna ballerina, and that Chris Bryant is as straight as the next man.

  10. Truth is, there are no white supremacists any more.

    Those who are seen as white supremacists – Tommy Robinson and the like – are just seen as panto villains by the MSM. They fit the ‘Far Right’ bill of the BBC, Metro, Sky and the Grauniad. Anybody who sticks their head over the parapet and dares to speak against BLM, Chicken Floyd George, Paki rape gangs and so on just get shouted down and called ‘Far Right’ yobs. Even the lightest criticism gets the ‘Far Right’ treatment. And almost everyone else will nit say anything, as they are afraif of being called ‘racist’ and ‘islamaphobic’. So, those who do stand up to the migrant muck and what they do are very small in number. And they are certainly no threat to the human flith that have infested Great Britain.

    • Like the U.S and the rest of the anglosphere, we have a supply and demand issue regarding racism Norman. A lot of demand for it but not enough supply. If anything its the leftists wanting to return to the 1950’s style racial segregation and have black only dorms at colleges, black only graduation ceremonies etc.

  11. It would be a bit wierd being one colour and believing that a race of another colour were superior to you.

    Waking up every morning, looking in the mirror and thinking that you are inferior.

    It’s fine to think that your particular race or colour is superior, but unfortunately there needs to be some sort of evidence to back up that idea.

    I would say that looking at the contributions made to the human race that whites have the lead over blacks.

    They just about edge it.

  12. You have to be proud of the achievements of your own race.

    For white people that would be inventing just about everything, discovering and exploring just about everywhere, producing just about every bit of noteworthy art and making almost every advancement in science and technology.

    On the other hand black people are better at running and dancing.

    I am convinced that if all of the people working in the cotton fields and tobacco plantations in the past were white then they would have done a much better job and they wouldn’t still be whinging about it hundreds of years later.

    Black people weren’t even very good slaves.

    Perhaps some people might call me a white supremacist.
    Personally I don’t care if they do.

  13. I don’t mind white privilege either.

    It is a privilege to be white.

    The alternative just doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Oh the horror!

  14. I’m technically white.
    Really a sort of grubby off white, like a old gym sock.

    I think I’m superior to just about everybody.

    Not because of skin colour but because I’ve got a big dick, a cheeky smile and I’m good at swearing.

  15. The thing is, everybody – everybody normal, that is – is sick of these cunts and how they drag everything down. But they don’t say or do anything. This because of it’s been drummed into them that they can’t or mustn’t offend our Pakistani and African friends. Even when somebody does say something, it’s in hushed tones and in a half hearted way. They will almost whisper it and say ‘Asians’, One member of staff in the kidney unit once said to me,

    ‘I’m not being funny, but my husband thinks these Asians are awful’.

    She said this almost in a whisper. And she also said it like she’d be shot if she said it louder. People don’t want the ‘racist’ tag. They have also been brainwashed, as the media and woke society has made these ethnics untouchable.

    The weakness and complacency in UK society at large is very sad. And I can’t see any way out of it. When Enoch said they would have the whip hand, he was not wrong.

    • I was talking to a customer just after the Southport murders, we got onto the whole issue of immigration and how these dregs of the third world are treated like rock stars while our own people are basically told to fuck off. It was about eight in the morning and we were stood in his own garden with no other fucker in earshot yet he still started in hushed tones, “I’m not racist..but..” I think he may have even had a quick look over his shoulder too.

    • Hey Norman
      Watching a cracking film.

      Nearest and dearest.
      Late 60s/early 70s.

      Hylda Baker, Jimmy Jewel, yootha Joyce, and the iconic Joe Gladwin!

      Not a single ethnic in it.

      • That was also a great TV series, Miserable. Hylda was well funny.

        Just seen a trailer for the new Martin Scorsese ‘Beatles 1964’ film on Disney Plus (where else?)

        Every – and I mean every – interviewee and talking head on it is black. A group who were four white lads from Liverpool. But, let me guess, they owe their career, success and music to blacks….

        Tiresome and sickeningly predictable.

      • To be fair, some of the black people on this Beatles trailer were aurhentic peers of the Beatles and true musical greats. Berry Gordy, Ronnie Spector and Smokey Robinson for a start.

        It’s the Whoopi Goldturds and Terence Trent D’Arbys (what the fuck?) who bend my head. What the fuck have they got to do with the Beatles or the 1860s?

  16. You can’t argue with the science (unless you’re a conspiracy theorist, obviously.)

    We all started off shaded in the rift valley.
    Some of us evolved to white.
    Others didn’t evolve quite so much…

    ‘Nuff said.

    Mind you, them blue cunts in a previous counting have obviously evolved further, though banging on the bongos like a chimpanzee seems a retrograde step.

    • I can argue about it.

      We didn’t all start out in the Rift Valley.
      People don’t evolve to change colour.

      Take any number of Africans and put them in any other country on Earth and their children will still turn out black.

      If those children only reproduce with other blacks then all future generations will still be black.

      They won’t turn white.
      They won’t start looking Japanese just because they might end up reproducing in Japan.
      They won’t even start turning yellow if they relocate to China.

      They will remain black.
      And as black Africans were and still are lazy fucking cunts it is highly unlikely that they made the effort to populate the world.

      Black people can be made to feel good because Anne Boleyn was apparently black but don’t overestimate them by thinking that the entire human race is of black African origin.

    • Sorry Squire. No we did not.

      There are two separate species that evolved independent of each other.

      One that evolved (well, kind of) in Africa and one that seems to have its origins somewhere around Czechoslovakia.
      The more northerly species being responsible for developing useful tools like the wheel, a reliable means of starting fire, cooking and preserving food, boats that could traverse more than a shallow river and clothing to suit the weather.

      The other has no history of note and relies almost totally on handouts, scams and trying to guilt trip anyone stupid enough into giving them free stuff.

      No prizes for guessing which is which.

    • Treeswingers and woke loonies will argue with science and hiatory till Kingdom Come.

      According to them, everything and everybody came out of Africa. All scientific discoveries and inventions are down to Chear Spuckers, and Treeswinger was here in the UK before Cavemen, Celts, Romans, Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Jutes, Normans. Oh, and at least two of Henry VIII’s wives drank it in de Congo.

      Concrete and conclusive cast iron evidence will not deter them. They beleive what thay want to beiieve.

  17. Look, it’s incredibly simple.

    Some people evolved from apes.

    Some people evolved from haddock.

  18. Okay, I’ll admit it; I am a racist. I’m not prejudiced (I don’t pre judge), I am postjudiced (I judge on the basis of ALL my past experiences.) I was spat on, bitten and kicked and punched senseless by ηιggєяѕ during my 31 operational years in the London Met. Police and not once by whitey.
    Is it any wonder I think/feel the way I now do?
    I don’t need sympathy, nor anything else,I am just sayin’…
    The dirty black bastards.

    • I hear you, Hugh.

      All the trouble and antics in my three years as a dialysis patient has been done by Pakis. Not Indians, not Chinese, but Pakistanis. I was wary of them before this. But now I loathe them with a passion. The most thoughtless, inconsiderate, bad mannered, devious, dirty and liberty taking cunts known to man. As is their wont, these dirty sods treat the hospital like it’s a hotel. And what’s worse is the staff let them.

    • I don’t think it’s unfair to say that if Saint Stephen of the Blessed Lwawrence had lived, that he would have more than a couple of brushes with the law.

      And no. I don’t think he would have been an architect, doctor, high court judge or anything like that.

  19. I’m with the Artful Cunter on this.

    I don’t believe my distant ancestors came from the Rift valley.

    That’s like saying comparing Michelangelo s David to a spoon with a fuckin smiley face on it..

    I imagine my ancestors came from Northern Europe or Scandinavia and skipped the monkey phase.

    There’s a scientific test you can perform on yourself to see for yourself.

    Take a piece of fruit,
    Preferably a banana
    But if you’re still on rationing a apple will suffice.

    Now drop it in the bin.

    Wait 5 minutes.

    Now, did you just shrug?
    Not arsed?
    Probably Scandinavian or European.

    Or did you screech and do repeated backflips pulling at your ears then climb up the curtains?

    Probably Rift. Valley..

    • Fruit? Banana, apple?

      I’m a human, I eat broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cabbage, sprouts etc.

      Fucking fruit!
      Are you calling me a po0f?

      • You would, LL, simply because, not only am I incredibly resourceful, but I’d be the only one small enough to slip through the tiny escape gap and go for help.

        Just in time to save you all from
        * suffocating
        *plunging to a fiery death
        * being crushed when the unstable lift gear finally tears loose.

        Happy days.

      • Not at all Ducky darling ?

        I eat fruit. Occasionally.
        I had a persimmon the other day.

        Had to, either that or scurvy.

        Suppose most of you on here don’t know what a persimmon is?
        I do.
        I’m worldly.

      • Persimmon is a fruit that, strangely enough, is renown for it’s breath and body deoderising effect.

        I’m currently using persimmon soap and body wash, and my unbelievably stinky feet are like fragrant angels kisses.

        Don’t knock the persimmon, I’m a fan.

      • That, Mis, is incredibly helpful.

        Learn summat new every day. Who knew Sharon fruit was a persimmon?

        I didn’t, an I thought I was worldly!

      • Any fruit trees on the allotment Mis? I’ve got loads of jam to get through from my granny garden customers. I’ll have to start sending winter survival parcels up to JP in Sheffield.

      • Loads of apple LL, mature trees
        But most are young trees I’ve planted and yet to fruit.

        But got fig, cherry, plum,
        Gooseberry bush ,
        Blueberries, honey berries,
        Artichokes , raspberries,
        Golden (!) raspberries.

        Be next year before it starts to really pay off.

  20. To be honest what Black person wouldn’t want to be White.? Other than someone with mental health issues (a white Person) would be happy to be Black rather than White, it’s got to be below 3 %

    • Does that include Gary ( I don’t share crisps) Lineker?

      Apparently happy to be black, the stupid cunt, I hope he’s found guilty of cheating the taxman, and ends up in a cardboard box behind some industrial dumpster.

      • Him and all the other ‘wiggers’ like Tim ‘Nonce’ Westwood! I bet that fucking colostomy bag wearing God botherer Cliff Richard wishes he was black, also!

    • Maybe, but then they wouldn’t get all the benefits and have that ‘Get out of jail free’ card!

    • Exactly! That’s why racism is a white mans thing, because we are so good at it! The black wouldn’t put in the effort!

  21. I used to be a pub…!

    Now it’s like fucking Karachi…

    Shame on us all for allowing this to happen….?

  22. Didn’t see the term monochrome mentioned. Which isn’t a colour. I prefer watching films in black and white, similar to the true photographer who as a preference to black and white photography.

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