That utter luvvie twat and woke licker, Ewan McGregor is all outraged and indignant at some black bird from the new Obi Wan Kenobi series getting alleged racist abuse on social media.
Like the useless penalty missing England players after Euro 2021, it depends how many messages there actually were and where they were actually from (they weren’t from England). But – like the MSM with the Euro 2021 ‘racism’ – McGregcunt has forgotten to mention how many there are or who was actually doing it.
Naturally, he will want to blame white English (or English speaking) people and make a huge fuss about nothing.
Also, did McGregcunt say a word when Gina Carano was hounded out of her job and shat on by Lucasfilm/Disney for daring to speak her mind? No, the luvvie fucker never batted an eyelid.
Thing is, the lovely Gina isn’t black, you see. And nobody gave a toss because -according to woke zealots like McGregcunt – only black lives and black Star Wars actors matter.
Nominated by: Norman
Isn’t being a black female and named Moses cultural appropriation and gender appropriation?
One rule, etc., etc…
It’s the soup of the day!
Right, full time Star Wars fan with a Star Wars YouTube channel here.
The anger at the macaroon is warranted. For being a umbongo of course, but the anger at her character (which should be aimed at the writers, but hey ho, balls to the ***).
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a much beloved character from Star Wars who has been in the universe since 1977…getting on for 50 years. So imagine the glee when Sci-Fi sex pests like me hear there’s going to be a series about him. We all creamed our Darth Vader underpants.
Imagine then our utter disappointment when a brand new Umbongo character is slowly given more and more importance as the series progresses until bang! It completely focuses on her.
Yet another much beloved franchise hijacked by the woke brigade in order to force feed us “the message”.
To be fair, she is only an actor playing a part she’s paid for, she didn’t write it, but she is a ******, so she deserves it.
Enough with the gorilla/ape/monkey references: Admin.
You’re not Doomcock by any chance are you?
No mate. I cant name my channel here either. if some woke purple haired fat lezbo see it and what I talk about here, the cunts would get YouTube to close me down.
The rather good TIK History channel posted several videos proving that Uncle Adolf and the Nazis were socialists.
He recieved lots of abuse and even death threats, which rather proved him correct I think…
I do like my films but not really a fan of Sci-Fi franchises myself although do enjoy the Critical Drinker YT channel. He is passionate about the subject matter, knowledgeable and funny and hits the nail on the head with everything that is infuriating with modern cinema and entertainment in general.
The Drinker is infinitely more entertaining than the films he pulls to pieces…
“Nah. It’ll be fine…”
I too was a Critical Drinker fan, until he did his Best Bond Actors top 10 or whatever it was.
Predictably he had Sean Canary at #1 which is of course bullshit on steroids. I say that because he factored in each actor’s overall acting ability as well as what they brought to the role of Bond. Roger Moore wins hands down by a country mile.
Canary brought the same laughable persona to each role. I present The Hunt For Red October as evidence. A rogue Russian submarine captain with a Scottish accent? Give me a fucking break. Sam Neill’s performance made Canary look like a right tit. And a left tit too.
Moore’s worst Bond movie was the cringe worthy Moonraker, but at least it had the classic one liner delivered by Q. As Bond attempted to get the Space Shuttle back into earth’s atmosphere aided by a Bond lovely, Q says “He’s attempting re-entry”. Hahaha. That movie is still better than Canary’s worst Bond effort, Never Say Never Again. I mean, come on!
Plus Moore was beyond amazingly excellent in the classic TV shows The Persuaders and The Saint. Canary’s contribution to classic TV? Yep, thought so.
I think the Critical Drinker had had a few too many wee drams when he made that video. Cunt.
For what it’s worth the best line ever was in fact from Conree. When Fatima apologized for getting him wet he said “Yes but my martini’s still dry”.
Roger Moore is my favorite overall though.
Imitation Yank, I also disagree with the drinker on that one, but my favourite is Dalton.
License to Kill is one of my three favourite Bond films (the others being From Russia with Love and OHMSS)
The only redeeming things this cunt ever did was Trainspotting and Long Way Round.
Other than that he’s achieved sweet fuck all apart from being associated with one of the worst prequels/sequels in the Phantom Cunters and its follow-ups.
And now all he has left in order to stay relevent is take the usual pot-shots in order to appease the woke, Hollywood and potential acting jobs.
Does this cunt still live in Scotland? I know he used to live in England – a country he detests. I suppose he also has a pad in Hollywood probably for tax purposes – a bit like old Sean Connery- Loved Scotland, Lived in Hollywood, hated England, avoided tax etc.
He should stick his head down the bog again and swallow his own turds
Connery lived for many years in Mallorca in fact the Spanish were still trying to do him for tax evasion. His other long term home where he pegged it was in the Bahamas. He lived a lot of his latter years in a New York apartment.
Hardly Erroll Flynn is he?
The soppy modern cunt.
Obi Wan was Alec Guinness, not this watered-down, karaoke version. This miserable Scotch cunt is like a Hollywood Andy Murray. The only decent thing he’s ever done is when he was a chippy, zitty, profane Scotch junkie in that film about Begbie.
Kelly Macdonald’s tits were a highlight too.
All day long my friend. She was one naughty little strumpet.
I had hoped Kenneth Branagh would’ve played the younger Kenobi, but looking at how the prequel films and scripts turned out, it was never going to happen.
“Star Wars Fan” = Wanker in my world so who gives a fuck what they’ve got to say about anything?
Grow up, move on.
Are you a football fan?
All the talent of Emma Thompson.
All the attitude of Emma Thompson.
But wee Ewan (AKA the one trick pony from Trainspotting) knows he can have a lifetime of lucrative film roles and fawning sycophants by just occasionally appearing from under his rock to whine about “hurty words and waaycism” ?
Reminds me of the witch hunt after the Euro football final where linecunt, Oprah Wright and Helmet head were whining about the “howwid hurty racisty words directed online at the black players” but what they failed to disclose was that the massive majority of the unlawful, racist and threatening comment came from outside the UK and was done by non whites – how can it be “whitey waaycism” when the racism is from black people to black players? (I wonder if they got arrested and battered like I did?).
And I am yet to hear Ewan McGregor condemning the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing (I use these strong words advisedly because that is exactly what is going on and the MSM act as though it isn’t happening) being perpetrated against white people on the African Continent by black savages.
Shut the fuck McGrubby, and let’s see how you feel when YOUR lucrative film roles are stolen by BAME “actors”.
Having given due consideration to all the relevant facts in this matter I hereby declare that Ewan McGregor is indeed a cunt!
People need to ignore Twitter, it’s a bag of shite, toilet wall graffiti written by spastics.
Well said, Sir. Written by self promoting window lickers and read by blackwashed kale munching fucktards. Propagation of socialist cuntery.
Star Wars is gay as fuck. These new TV shows are boring as fuck. Just characters rambling on about the political machinations of the Empire, blah, blah, blah. Star Wars of the 1977-83 were at least FUN and fast-paced, but these spin-offs? Yaaaaaaaaaawn, Zzzzzzzzzz…
Star Wars?
Good (1st one), bad, (two sequels), woke (all the other pre Disney sequels), unwatchable (Disney dogshit).
Like the Transit van, the Land Rover and the Chinook – if it was right in the first place leave it alone.
George Lucas always comes across as monotone, depressed doofus in his interviews. I bet, sometimes, he wishes he never created Star Wars as it hamstrung him for 40 years when he wanted to make many other films. Indiana Jones is his best creation, I hope the 5th Indy films is fun, but I reckon it will suck. We need a New Cinema movement that gets back to basics, ie. captivating stories that uplift you and don’t try to grovel at the feet of every hysterical sub-sub-sub-groups of woke wankery.
The upcoming Indiana Jones is shaping up to be utter woke shite if rumours are correct.
Harrison Ford must enjoy playing humiliated characters…
Personally I think he got bored of filmmaking in the nineties and was more interested in his real estate empire. He’d been secretly hoping Spielberg would direct his prequels, just as he did with Indiana Jones, but Spielberg decided to busy himself with Dreamworks, so after having talked up these new stories for years and waiting for the ‘technology to be good enough’, it became a chore. I mean he did let his children design a character.
No surprise he sold Lucasfilm to Disney for $4 billion, although he shouldn’t have complained when they threw out his ideas and the cunt Kennedy made her own woke version.
Just shut the fuck up you Jock cunt. Your bother was a Tornado pilot, you just pilot CGI spaceships. Get a life.
I’ll never forgive the cunt for making motorcycles acceptable to the middle classes and every lawyer and banker twat buying an “adventure “ bike. The motorcycle equivalent of a range rover. Yes Tarquin, buy a 300 kg motorcycle with cylinders sticking out the side and try and use it off road – what could possibly go wrong?
Get one of those BMW adventure bikes wet or muddy and the paint drops off a few weeks later.
Overrated shite, like their cars…
Honda XR400 XR250
Yamaha DT175mx
Those are the off road bikes I had?
The XR400 was ludicrously good fun?
I find it hard to convey the immensity of my couldntgiveafuckitude towards luvvies and Star Wars.
This untalented twat puts me off watching anything with him in it.
He’s been in some decent films, but they could have been much better had they cast an actor who could actually act, instead of having me reaching for the remote.
If you want a box office success, leave this D list bore out of your film.
The cunt ruined the 3rd season of Fargo
, well along with the writers who didn’t bother erm writing.
Ewan McGregor has to one of the luckiest cunts alive. A work a day actor of little originality, he landed the gig of his life with the Star Wars prequels, a franchise where you will be guaranteed cult status no matter how shit the final product. Off the back of that, he’s been able to travel the world as a UNICEF ambassador, whilst combining that with making a few bob in travel documentary’s. I’ve no problem with him being jammy, but I have a problem when he get’s preachy. Wind your neck in and be grateful you cunt.
You missed the fact that he regularly gets to sample the delights of Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Jammy bastard.
Ewan, stand under a tree say a prayer and ask god to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP. CUNT
The ‘feisty’ lordy mama type has hogged this Obi Wan series. The most ludicrous bit? When she holds her own against Darth Vader in a fight. Every cunt knows he would take about two seconds to kill her.?
Also, why would Vader kill every fucker in the Jedi Temple and then spare a dark hued type? Oh, yeah. Because even the Dark Lord of the Sith now acknowledges that the favoured children of woke are young, gifted and black. For fuck’s sake. Pass the sick bucket…?
Black people cannot swim or act. Star wars is for cunts. Bit like golf.
Star Wars has degenerated in a similar way the James Bond franchise has. Sanitised, humourless, PC and woke.
Avoid and watch the old 70s/80s originals. Live and Let Die was on ITV last night – a hoot of a film with Rog at the helm wisecracking and chasing skirt. ?
And when dark personages were the baddies?. Also, a good theme tune from Macca (most of his post-Beatles stuff was shite) and Jane Seymour as a totty bonus. Lovely stuff.
Plus the sooties are the baddies and Madeline Smith’s tits are incredible.
He lives on a different planet
Is it called Monaco?
Yep ?
Star Wars is a very happy memory from my childhood. Disney like a swarm of locusts destroys everything it touches now days. The Star Wars story is being squeezed like a wet sponge to get every last drop of cash from it. I am now done with it. The last season of The Mandolorian was it for me. Disney officially and publicly going full woke triggered my complete cancelling of Disney plus and Hulu. I now enjoy delving into past pre-woke shows and movies and there are more than enough to last the rest of my life.
Didn’t this prick shit on his missus a few years back and his daughter actually called him out as a cunt , or am I thinking of someone else ?.
I’d love to shit on his missus! Who is she?
His current missus is Mary Elizabeth Winstead.His ex is Yvonne someone.
Yes, you’re correct Hugh. His daughter called him out as an “arsehole” for shagging some actress and wrecking the marriage.
I am not sure the header pic is of Ewan McGregor.
Are you Spivey?
MP@ – Evening Miles – It’s definitely wee McGregor – he is wearing his hair long at the front to cover the circumcision scar on his forehead.
More manufactured outrage and gaslighting of fans.
First it was the animators, now it’s the fans.
Mousewitz has no shame.
He is a cunt and has been for some time, the Moses bird looks chippy so probably deserved a bit of stick.
Fuck them, no one gives a shit ?
To be fair he was good in Trainspotting.
Since then Ewan’s turned into a proper little pearl clutcher.
He’s the type to wear scarfs indoors or them Arab shemagh rags round his neck.
A tofu fondling, dinner party,
Yoga practicing, spiritual but not religious? Virtue signalling little prick.
He’s done fuck all since playing a Edinburgh smackrat but ride motorbikes with his boyfriend and fuck up Alec Guinness’s part in star wars.
He’s a board treeding Bono.
Suck my arse?
Mnc@ – Trainspotting 2 was dire.
On other news, I am having a little chat with David Clews on Unity News Network rather soon! ??
Time to publicly put the boot in.
Alright Foxy?
Who’s David Clews?
Dunno who he is.
Is he your probation officer?
Know the name, don’t recognise the face, don’t believe I have seen anything he’s been in. Judging by the comments on here I consider myself fortunate. I’ll endeavour to keep it that way by ignoring him.
I’ve got nowt against black Star Wars characters, Moff Gideon, Greef Karga, and Lando Calrissian were ace. But when Disney put in a black female character, simply to propagate a woke agenda… Regardless of her acting ability, this Reva character is in it because she is black and female, and the world and his wookie knows it. Vader never left any young apprentices alive in the original story. But Disney have changed it, just so they can tick a few boxes and push a woke ‘message’ in our faces. They haven’t explained why Vader let her off either, and they probably won’t. As long as they have shoehorned some wokery into it, they will be happy. Also, why is it called Obi Wan Kenobi, if it’s more about this Reva character than it is about Kenobi?? Using the old characters to push new woke ones onto us, that’s why.
Gina Carano was hounded out of her job on Star Wars, when she said nothing abusive, offensive, racist, sexist or libelous. Nobody – colleagues, crew, and (most) fans – batted an eyelid. She was hounded out simply for having a well thought out opinion and stating that social media grassing and online witch hunts aren’t too far removed from the snitches who assisted the SS and the Gestapo. She was persecuted and no cunt gave a toss. Certainly not anyone at Lucasfilm or Disney.
But a person of colour from Star Wars gets some alleged trolling, and it’s all hands to the pumps, solidarity, and going on about how horrible and hateful it is.These bastards got a young woman the sack, were involved in a hate campaign, and tried to blacken her name and career. Yet they have the nerve to play the moral crusaders when it suits their twisted woke ‘values’? Such nauseating hypocrisy.?
This multimillionaire ruins my tv viewing experience by constantly popping up and telling a hard-up old pensioner to give their money to Unic3f.
Put your hand in your fucking pocket and fuck right off you gobby Scottish cunt!”
As if he was really in the back of the lorry passing those boxes. Seems to have the look of ‘will this do?’ towards the publicist.