The House of Lords [8]

”Government defeated over voter ID plans in House of Lords”

Yes this democratic organisation of upright (sometimes) citizens has deemed reasonable voter ID as a threat to democracy. Their thinking:-

“Imagine if the outcome of the next election is a modest majority… where throughout the day the media story has been voters being turned away from polling stations,” he said.
“That seems to me a very significant political and constitutional risk that does need to be taken into account if this measure is introduced.”

God forbid that voters should actually be who they say they are. How would the Imams ensure they got the right labour MP? Or George Galway? They’d have to double the postal vote. Think of the paperwork.

Thank heavens that we have the ultimate democratic institution — the Westminster Care Home for washed up tossers, to scrutinise the commons.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

54 thoughts on “The House of Lords [8]

  1. The House of Lords…like the royal family….is an anachronistic embarrassment. We are “ruled over” by unelected inbreds,morons and chancers…not that the elected bunch are any better.

    “…but,but,but we’d end up with Dictator Corbyn” indeed.

    • True that DF.

      All the Tories needed to do was to stick to conservative principles, but they just couldn’t do it. Big majority but what’s the fucking point? They just crumble at any woke shite thrown at them.

      Now they’re even applauding Tory tranny MPs who leave the scene of accidents, due to ‘tranny PTSD’ or whatever it was. This Rwanda thing won’t happen either. Lawyers and the UN will tie them in knots (and they’ll let them), not to mention the civil service and other MPs (including ‘Tories’). Why now and not when it fucking started anyway? ‘Conservatives’ my hairy arse.

      No, they’ve not done anything near enough to deserve my vote.

      They can all get fucked.

  2. It would be interesting indeed, to see a vote breakdown from this session?

    Blair empties the upper house of lifehood peers, then fills it with cronies.

    Another consequence of Tony-fucking-B.-Liar?

  3. Democracy in its present form is a joke.
    Two cheeks on the same raddled old arse.
    Having valid I.D is institutional racism anyway..and how will wholesale voter fraud take place amongst our Enrichers of this law passes?
    This is another case of those in power knowing certain minorities are exploiting our weakness to corrupt and shape the country using our own rules against us but are too scared to call them out on it.

  4. I’ve always wondered how I can turn up at the polling station, tell them my name and I get a voting slip no questions asked. I could be any cunt. If I wrap a towel round my head I could equally be Mohamed Alibaba who’s been dead for five years. The American Presidential election shows how far the wokies are prepared to go to win and we all know how the carpet kissers cheat like cunts at elections. It’s hardly surprising that these fucking old leftie fossils are against this vital reform. What is really surprising is that Bojo the bozo is smart enough to see it coming.

    • It used to work – when we were a homogeneous race, all with (mostly), the same values and sense of right and wrong. Now we are a fucking basket case of a mongrel nation (although not as bad yet as Sweden and the USA), it doesn’t work. I was always anti-id card, but now think we should have them – as long as those without them don’t get anything. No id? No GP or hospital – fuck off to another country. No id? No benefits. However, it will never happen and, as usual, it will be those complying that get fucked over.

      ps – I think in parts of the USA, illegals are allowed to vote. Well done Biden you senile old cunt.

  5. The air within the HOL must be miasmic with dense pensioner farts from those subsidised, rich, haute cuisine dinners they gobble down with the ferocity of a Somalian on a piece of fried chicken.

    About time a scythe was put to these aged, sleepy, unelected bags of libtard fartgas.

    • I have it on very good authority that the smell is so bad in the HoL that they often hang one of Cliff Richard’s colostomy bags as an air fresher!

  6. Of course the House of Cunts would vote against protections to deter voter fraud. It’s very existence is the biggest fraud of all on voters.

  7. A gathering of workshy rogues the equal of any Liverpool dole office.
    These gravy train old cunts seem to twart any commonsense legislation..

    Get rid.

  8. The Lords assembly is an abomination that is unnecessary. As are 650 mp s. A 100 would do to set a budget and vote on laws once in a while and maybe a debate before voting. Regional government councils already do the rest. The rest is waste unnecessary and full of shit.
    The Queen ? is necessary and hopefully her successor will serve the same. Without meddling. Something an elected President wouldn’t do. They are definitely unnecessary.

    • 650 MPs for a population of around 67 million (as we also have to have scottish, welsh and irish mps voting on english matters for some reason). That’s approx 1 MP for 100,000 people. The USA has 435 Representatives (sort of equivalent of our MPs) for a population of 330 million (allegedly). So, on representative for approx 750,000 people. That seems to work. So, we would only need about 90 MPs. Think of the fucking savings – they would be astronomical.

  9. Disband them all. Send the paperwork to IsAC for acceptance/rejection. I’d love to see the press reports afterwards : ‘Oven again for latest Bill’, Isac rejects latest Bill as ‘the most cuntish thing we’ve ever seen ‘ etc

  10. You can’t complain about a country full of illegal immigrants while refusing to have a national identity card.

  11. Another anachronism is that 26 bishops of the C of E sit in the Lords. Why? They all need to fuck off. So we’ve got that atheist, Peaceful loving, commie bastard Welby sitting in there p*ncing £315 a day on top of what he scrounges from the collection plate in every church in the country. What a fucking cunt!

    • What else would you expect from a wealthy ex oil executive – ex treasurer of Enterprise Oil, no less! Money grubbing cunt also had shares in Wonga.

      • Morning Ruff, ?
        Welby strikes me as a nasty, petty, mean spirited little twat.
        Hes got one of those sneering little voices.

        A hypocrite , traitor, and all round bad egg in my opinion.

      • The weakness of the church has led us to where we are.

        I’m going to start up my own type of Christianity.

        The Church of Hard Cunts

        None of this namby-pamby shite. Fire and Brimstone. Those Westboro Baptist Church cunts?

        We’d shit ’em.

        I’d have forced church goings at gunpoint. Any mither and you’ll be thrown in the fire pit.

        All non Christian religions would be banned and sermons would involve gays and trannies rounded up and whipped half to death, while the Priest screams, ‘Repent!’

      • Morning lads. At the time Welby claimed he was unaware of the CofE’s investments in Wonga…. ?

      • Sure he was.
        Needs to pay attention to the finances a bit more then,
        Too busy worrying about asylum seekers and posturing to the Left.

        Under that frock he wears?
        Fishnets, crotchless edible knickers and a tattoo of the Devil.

  12. Does that cunt Alan Sugar still have a seat in the House of Lords? I didn’t realise that producing shit, unreliable set top boxes for Sky television and pretending you’re hard on telly could elevate you to such heights. Still, I guess he blends in well with all the other crooks in there.

    • Yeah, that cunt is still there. I saw him on the telly once sitting next to Prescott and Kinnock. What a trio of absolute bastards.

    • I don’t think he has voted since 2011. Shows how pointless the Lords is.

    • They’re the only heights that stunted heeb would ever achieve. Bet he sits on a cushion too.

  13. And as for self awareness, that picture at the top. They obviously do not realise how comically stupid they look.

      • I assume this is a dig at old people? At least they bother to turn out, unlike the younger generation who moan like buggery about everything, but can’t be arsed to go and vote as they can’t do it on their phones.

      • I read it as those lesbian type wokies who dye their hair blue
        Lord C,
        Rather than the elderly.

    • I see – thanks Mis – and apologies to Through a glass, if that was the case.

  14. It’s law in Northern Ireland, what is the issue, you need photo ID to pick up an Amazon parcel at the post office.

    The Labour lot are all pro Europe but not when it comes to ID cards, voter suppression is bullshit, what they mean is Labour voter suppression.

    The house of old cunts don’t want anything that protects this country, the place needs to be dismantled, damned expensive old folks home.

  15. Same as the Royal Family, an institution that is 200 years out of date. Lords, Dukes, Princes’s, Sir’s. All belongs in fucking Harry Potter or Cinderella. Not in a modern society.

    • Agreed.
      Limepit for the lot.
      Mass grave to save on expense.

      Everyone gets a tax rebate.

    • but but but the old leather who currently sits at the helm of the Royal Family surely is a good thing for this modern society…..

  16. The only benefit that I see is that thousands of cats must die to make those cloaks. Apologies to Mrs Miggins.

  17. The way that identity cards work in my country, and in others I suspect……

    Without one you have no access to anything.
    You can’t even buy certain things in the shops.
    You can’t buy a mobile phone sim card.
    You can’t buy insurance.
    You certainly can’t buy property.
    You have no access to any benefits.
    You can’t get any sort of medical treatment.
    You cannot vote.

    If you don’t have a sip card (health service) and you have an accident, the ambulance will not take you to hospital until you, or someone else pays.
    Regardless of if you are a citizen or not.

    I have never been asked for my NIE number by the police.
    It’s printed on my driving licence if they want it but they have never asked to see it otherwise.

    Having a national identity card and having it with you at all times is not an inconvenience, it gives you a feeling of satisfaction that nobody is scrounging or cheating the system.

    But I have a feeling that if they were introduced in the UK then the need for one will be ignored by the health service and polling stations because they would not want to be seen as ‘racist’.

  18. They ought to ban postal votes too.

    Parking Stanleys love fiddling those.

    If I can haul myself and 91 year old missus to the polling station, then so can the majority of folks.

    Perhaps just have a special exemption for disabled registered people.

    And the young folks with no car, can get off their fat, lazy arses, and walk to the polling station, instead of playing Fortnight or Minecraft, or whatever it’s called.

  19. Full of chippy tokens too.

    Like that chippy ‘Dame’ who said the fire brigade were racist during the Grenfell fire.

    The fucking shithouse.

    Not one MP or ‘Lord’ called the cunt out too.

    Fucking untouchable she is. Like she’s the only mum whose son died due to a race attack.

    Kriss Donald anyone?

  20. Had a run in with a hereditary peer – found out (after the fact) he insisted everyone call him lord all the time. Queueing wasn’t his thing, more a snap of the fingers and a “you there, chop chop” kind of cunt. Can’t say the lord made him more or less of a cunt, but anyone whose’s being a cunt and gets called out for it then walks over to me and says “Now then little man what’s your problem” will get a proper good fucking. The only reason he didn’t was I was so gobsmacked – a short-arsed, overweight pensioner, knocking on death’s door feeling he had supreme authority/superiority due to some wankery his french ancestors did to fuck over a lot of people the best part of a thousand years ago.

    Anyhoo, he fucked my support for the lot of them, rightly or wrongly.

  21. I’m all for an Upper House, surely an elected one would be better. More democratic in theory but look what we get when we vote!

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