The Conservative Party [4]

The Conservative party. It has come to this.

”Jamie Wallis MP comes out as trans and speaks of rape ordeal”

The poor fucker. It doesnt say whether arse or minge rape. Could be either.
This ‘bravery’ has come out due to allegedly driving while pissed up.

And for this ‘bravery’ we get:

Tory party chairman Oliver Dowden said: “Proud of my colleague Jamie Wallis.
“As a Conservative family we stand together, and we will support you.
“I hope that your brave statement will help others.”

Now I neither knew nor cared that this cunt was a tart dressed up. What pisses me off is the victimhood the cunt deploys, Schofield style, to deflect it’s cuntitude.

The Conservatives should have disowned the cunt, but we now have a party that holds no conservative values and cares more about fucking Twatter than standards.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by: Miles Plastic

He hasn’t ‘transitioned’ yet. He’s going to sometime in the future.

I wonder when he does so if there’ll be a sort of ‘gender reveal’ moment in the Commons?

‘ORDER! ORDER! ”The member for Brigend would like to make a personal statement’

He throws his his head back in a petulant manner ‘Yes Mr Speaker I am ALL WOMAN now!’.

Boris and Sir Keir get to their feet. Ecstatic applause from everyone, many in tears.

Not a dry eye in The House.

With a Third from: Mikdys

I’ll third this. The CONservative Party now have no morals, lie through their teeth and break manifesto commitments with gay abandon (see what I did there?!)

No border in the Irish Sea
No tax or NI increases
Pension Triple Lock Guaranteed
No VAT on energy bills

All broken promises and the tip of the iceberg.

On top of all this they have foisted £trillions of Net Zero commitments onto a public that had never heard of this bollox before never mind putting it to a vote.

That’s all before the nonsense they support about “alphabets”, “deviants”, “teaching children that biological sex doesn’t exist”, etc, etc.

These cunts have to go. Local elections are coming up on 5 May. Send out a protest message (DON’T vote Lib fucking Dem) write “all cunts” across your ballot paper.

And a fourth installment again by Mikdys:

The CONservatives.

I know there’s a nomination already pending for this cabal of cunts and please can this latest pissboiler be added.

Just when you thought they couldn’t actually get any worse they have gone “full Old Labour” and are starting to renationalise major industries. Michael Foot would be proud and l’ll bet Jeremy Corbyn is as jealous as fuck. And – get this cunters – all in the name of …Net Fucking Zero!!!

Here’s another handy link:

72 thoughts on “The Conservative Party [4]

  1. There is no such thing as “transgender” – it is a medical, scientific and biological impossibility.
    We need more people calling out the fucking nutcases, degenerates and Peter Philes who pretend otherwise for what they are – evil, dangerous freaks.
    Not legitimising them by pretending this sick shit is “normal”.
    It ain’t – and it never will be.

  2. Although the Tories are a shower of shit, the alternative is no better.

    It really is the douche or turd question when looking to put your cross on the voting card.

  3. “The Conservative Family?”

    A bunch of useless overpaid entitled wankers who wouldn’t last a week in the real world. A family full of thieving shysters, poofs, trans whatever the fuck this thing being cunted is, overpromoted ethnics, Oxbridge cunts and millennial red wall traitors.

    I’d rather join the Manson family.

    • Morning LL.

      I was over in California during the early ’80s sourcing material for my yet to be published book: “Uh-Huh, It Was The Mansons”. I got to spend some time with, amongst others, Sandra Good, who made me an honorary member of the Family.

  4. “Brave” BRAVE? Bullshit!
    Brave would be to NOT go along with this nonsensical cuntfoolery.
    Coming out as whatever now is not at all “brave”. It’s fashionable and guarantees you instant acceptance by elites and fellow deviants.
    It could be called “brave” if you knew it would result in persecution.
    Jumping on a bandwagon is not brave.

  5. It’s “shower of shit” across the ballot paper for me. Labour are run by a fanny and the Conservatives by Carrie Antoinette’s fanny.
    Fuck the lot of them.

  6. I can’t bring myself to vote for any party that put the country under house arrest for a virus they weren’t even scared of.
    So, as per the above link, write NONE across the ballot paper with a line through where the X’s normally go.

    • Whether local or general elections, I add a little box at the bottom with “all cunts party” next to it, and put my cross there. Gives me a little thrill to think of some blue rinsed old biddy unfolding the ballot paper and being confronted by my filth.

      • It’ll be “ALL CUNTS” from me too. In thick black marker pen accompanied the the traditional “cock n balls” drawing.

        With 4 or 5 gobbets of jizz coming out of the Japs eye.

  7. As regards Net Zero, voters might have been wise to read the 2019 Tory Party election manifesto before putting their X in the box:

    “We will lead the global fight against climate change by delivering on our world-leading target of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as advised by the independent Committee on Climate Change.”

    Which is one reason I spoiled my ballot paper. The other reason was Boris Johnson.

    • Plus “Boris Johnson’s Guarantee”

      “Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.”

      I suppose you might have assumed he was lying, but I wouldn’t have banked on it. Can’t say we weren’t warned though.

      • it’s also usually accompanied by things like “100,000 extra green jobs”. Horseshit.

      • Morning Arfur. ?

        I’m fine, thanks. Just haven’t had much to say recently.

      • The one thing in that manifesto that he seems determined to follow through on is the one thing no fucker wants…..

    • Be interesting to see if they actually achieve the net zero (it’s a long way off)
      I would be in favour of sensible stuff like

      Large town and city buses and taxis being electric, makes sense
      The penny has finally dropped on nuclear, but the number of 8 should be more unless these Rolls Royce mini jobs kick off.
      Leave gas for domestic heating and improve insulation in homes.
      Electric cars are ok as city runabouts but leave the long distance stuff with proper engines.
      Plant more trees

      And the controversial one reduce the world populations!

      Fuck, I think I have converted, must grow a beard ?

      • Why grow a beard SoI? I can’t see a fault in any point you make.
        And having a beard is not necessarily the badge of an idiot. There are folks on here with beards, MNC for instance.

      • Soi@ – My plan of using shifty foreign types for fuel was rejected out of hand – and I got a stern letter from the Police!

      • I think many people forget that uranium is still a fuel. Nuclear reactors use it up and the waste has to be disposed off. I wonder if any green loonies want that it their back-yard. Also, by far the greatest supplier is Kazakhstan, ruled like a fiefdom by an autocratic muslim. Yep, they can be relied on for our energy security!

        Don’t forget, we have enough cola under out feet to be energy secure for over 300 years. Fuck the eco loonies.

      • Good old climate change.
        The one-fits-all excuse for authoritarian control of absolutely everything.
        And I mean… EVERYTHING

      • Hehe, yes you are right, I look a right cunt without a beard ?

        Would hate to outshine MNC ?

      • Vern, nowt wrong with your energy strategy but what happens when we run out of foreign types, we would have to start importing them ?

  8. He is a fat cunt (Jamie) probably has a tiny little winky so useless for shagging, may as well call himself a girl so he can piss sitting down ?

    Let’s see how the shipping the channel cunts to Rwanda pans out, if they actually get it sorted then I may just forgive all the other shit.

    • I have a horrible feeling the inevitable confected outrage from the cunts of Twatter/Labour/LibDem/SNP will make them chicken out.
      We shall see.

      • It’s already started with labour, onion head came with unworkable, unethical and something else, maybe labour should be saying how can we help to make it work (that’s fantasy labour of course).

      • as we are in a democracy (allegedly), it will have to go to a vote in the house. So, yes, let’s see if it really gets through. Funny how it has been announced just before the local elections…….

  9. All of this woke bollox is now de rigeur with all the major political parties. Unfortunately there is no escaping it until sanity is resumed. I wouldn’t hold your breath.

  10. For all those who say ‘vote tory/labour or tory/labour will get in through the back door’; THIS is why i’ve never voted for either.

    Both are out-of-touch, authoritarian, posh graduate cunts managers lawyers and other miserable human beings.

    Two cheeks of the same arse, and i’ve always voted against them.

    I’ll probably vote for Reform at the next election. Keep voting for Tory or labour and you’ll get the same shit.

  11. The fat cunt hit a lamp post, pissed up, & caused an internet blackout. Then he “ran away.” That must constitute a custodial sentance, unless he is somehow related to Katie Price.

    • Hey, Caitlyn Jenner when she/he was still Bruce Jenner, caused the death of a fellow driver due to texting while driving and escaped Scot-free, then was named, “Woman of the Year”. Bring the flood again, Lord…

      • Yes, T.A.G.D. I remember reading all this. It’s net worth is $100 M in today’s coin. Another one, who escaped imminent justice! But in some cases I guess it’s not ‘who you know, but who you blow.’

      • Yes, worth a $100 mil, but that makes her the poorest of the Kardashians. The others in the brood are amassing Rockefeller levels of cash, all from their self-exploitation genius. Those girls are genius. Wish I had a huge ass that made me a billion…

  12. Without question, the Conservative Party has been in decline since the golden days of Mrs. Thatcher. John Major embarrassed me in a way no other leader before or since has, BUT I still maintain Boris at his worst is better than Kweer Charmer and his bunch of pansies, feminists, wimminz and arsehole crawlers, even when Kweer is is “allegedly” at his best. He is like a frustrated, jealous, bitter, gossipping old woman, and his assorted bunch of resentful envious bastards are no better. I’d let Lisa Nandy be leader because she is the only one with a decent pair of tits, but not as P.M.

  13. “Not a dry eye in The House”??
    More likely, not a dry pair of frillies.

  14. I see BlowJob is likely to get more fines (I understand the fine he just paid was for the lesser of the partying misdemeanours this cunt has committed).

    While this prick, his horsey slapper of wife and others were partying I was not able to see my mum who lives on her own having lost my dad a couple of years before COVID. Like some mug I stuck to the rules.

    This is a fucking disgrace and wish he would fuck off to the US where he was born, or back to Turkey to join his ancestors in their Kebab shops.

  15. Wicked Tories to send Dinghy Rats to Rwanda! Bullshit!

    Firstly a big pay day for the yewman rites lawyers and the soft judges. Secondly where do they keep these cunts before they get them on the plane? It won’t be in Stalag 14 with barbed wire and searchlights. The bastards will just walk out and there will be no cunt to stop them. Thirdly if they do manage to get them to a plane there’ll be wokies crawling all over it while the coppers stand there and watch. Fourthly the Navy will take over “operational control” in the Channel…….bigger boats to bring them nice and safe to Dover.
    It’s all fucking bollocks!
    If a single goatshagger ends up in Rwanda I’ll put on a dress and you can call me Nancy.
    If you’re soft as shit you get walked over….,,,that’s the way it is.

    • Aye Freddie it will turn out to be a vastly expensive pantomime.

      So just the usual bollocks.

    • I’d have more respect for these so-called betters if they simplysaid “we don’t don’t give a flying fuck what sort of shit comes into this country as they certainly won’t be living near, or mixing with, any of us because we’re rich”. I wouldn’t piss on any one of them if they were on fire.

  16. The CUNTservatives:

    Prime minister born in America-only revoked his passport to become PM. Pathological liar and serial cheat.

    Chancellor of the exchequer, Bud Bud-ding ding, who, along with his billionaire, tax avoiding wife, holds a green card for his escape to his £6M Malibu mansion.

    Foreign Secretary: Peaceful, another tax avoiding cunt, who has been sacked from every position he has held, through his ineptitude.

    Home Secretary: Another incompetent, serial lying bud bud-ding ding. Useless fat cunt.

    Etc, etc, etc…..

    Diversity is our strength?

    • There’s only one candidate for Home Secretary……….Kyle Rittenhouse (fully tooled up of course). The boy done good. I like him.
      Tony Martin for PM. He’s got my vote!

      • With net zero he’ll have to change his nickname to “No Jags”
        Oops I forgot, that’s just for the little people…

      • Prezzers probably has a super yacht now, powered by his own farts and arse-sweat.

  17. It is part of the Tory Party initiation to be sodomised by a superior not wearing French Letter. This Jamie Wallis guy/gal needs to consult chapter 6 of the Tory Manual, “What to Expect from Your Ass-fucking Ritual”. Honestly, some people don’t know the political protocols these days. He probably skipped chapter 14, too: “The Etiquette of Drinking Baby Blood”.

    • French letter? I haven’t heard that expression for a very long time. A French letter these days is an e mail from Macron…….”give us more money or we’ll send you even more camel fuckers”.

  18. This Jamie Wallace disgrace, doesn’t look all woman to me, he just looks like a big fat pôöfter.

    I wish Maggie was still in charge. She would have given him a firm whack around the head with her handbag, and told him to grow up.

    “Order, order”

    “The honourable gentleman from Bridgend is excused from the chamber, as he currently has semen dribbling from his anus”

    “I do apologise the honourable member has just confirmed that it is dripping from his fanny, and Sir Kier is the perpetrator”

    What the fuck has this country come to?

    • A fucking world wide laughing stock that’s what it’s become. Us and the Yanks……a fucking soft as shit joke.
      Who would believe that, between us, we once took those beaches at Normandy?
      A lot of good men buried in the ground over there……and for what?
      Fuck it, I need a drink. I’ll have to go down the Joe Dakis and give the cunt my money.

      • There’s a video doing the rounds since last night purportedly of Joe Biden, fully naked with his cock flopping around while he whips an Asian woman outdoors, tied to a tree. I don’t want to post the link. I saw it on YouTube and that has been taken down. It’s on Bitchute, just search for…

        Don’t watch at work, obviously. Maybe don’t watch it at all Is it Joe Biden? Look a helluva lot like the tall, slim, OLD fucker, he’s wearing an expensive-looking watch, guess he was on a tight schedule that day.

      • Yes, Freddie. My eldest brother is buried down near Munich.

        I’ve got his photograph and a small ‘shrine’ with his medals, wristwatch, and a section of Lancaster spur next to my armchair.

        Every time I look at his photograph, I say “Bert, if you could see this country now”

        It makes me angry to be fair.

        And God only knows what my dad would have made of all this shite.

      • Yes, there’s nothing more moving than a British cemetery in some foreign field, row after row of identical white headstones. Or the Thiepval Memorial with thousands of names of poor cunts who’s bodies were never found.
        All those lives sacrificed so some dirty bastard politicians can give our country away. Fuck those cunts I say! Fuck them to hell and back.

    • Britain is on the precipice of becoming a backwater of the world. This year will be crucial in where we are heading. We must get tough on politicians.

  19. The Tories have lost my vote forever.

    They’re trying to salvage something with the Rwanda thing, but I can see them shitting out, when the yooman rights lawyers/UN get involved.

    All too little and far too late.

    For me to even consider them, they’d need to round up and deport every fucking dinghy rider that made it across since it started.

    Then, make a free speech law like in the US. When some cunt tells me how great it is having trannies in schools, teaching kids about tranny shit, I don’t want to bite my lip for fear of arrest or loss of career. I want to be able to fucking go off on the fucking cunt. If I genuinely think dark keys create too much trouble and blame honkies for it, I want to be able to say it in public if necessary, without fear of arrest or job loss.

    I’d also make it illegal for foreigners to buy property here. And I’d also take the vote off anyone who cannot trace their British ancestry back for at least 4 generations. If you or your parents/grandparents fought in a war for us, then you will get special privileges, such as the right to buy property and live here, but no vote, sorry.

    No benefits or pensions for those who can’t trace British ancestry back 4 gens too. Or NHS and free education.

    No fucking chance of any of that though.

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