Is there nowhere these white supremacists wont go to persecute the efniks?
”People of colour may face ‘ethnicity penalty’ on car insurance in England”
(From the Guardian. Who’dathunkit?)
Yes, those cunts are Churchill are victimising Rastus and Iqbal. Well, Churchill was in the KKK so the insurers are just carrying on where the Grand Wizard left off.
(other white supremacist insurers are available)
I came across this so-called efnik penalty when I was working in W Yorks. Certain post codes had high insurance rates. At the same time the efnik areas of W Yorks had the highest rates of uninsured drivers, theft and accidents. The same post codes.
Was this down to:
Tight fisted Yorkie cunts not paying up? (eat all, drink all etc)
Poor driving of Yorkie cunts?
In-built dishonesty of Yorkie cunts?
Or Rastus and Iqbal being inherently criminal and their neighbourhood high risk?
Who knows?
”Responding to the latest findings, James Dalton, the director of general insurance policy at the Association of British Insurers, said: “Insurers never use ethnicity as a factor when setting prices, and our members comply with the Equality Act. All other rating factors being the same, two people of different ethnicities who live in the same postcode will pay the same premium for their car insurance.”
A likely story.
These same underwriter cunts discriminate against jockeys, musicians and journalists, apparently. Perhaps a victim industry for these should be formed.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
There’s at least one country* where the driving instructors cars not only have the usual twin sets of pedals but also 2 steering wheels so I’m not surprised.
Stick to your camel,Abdul.
The chinky types should definitely face extremely high insurance on the road.
Terrible drivers.
Squinting in the middle lane of the M56 doing 40mph.
Same for all ethnics,
Your umbongo or your osama bin laden types in a nighty and sandals,
Fuckin hopeless drivers in probably stolen vehicles.
Charge them double!
Not that im racist or anything..
The rinky dinks should be limited to cycle rickshaws but the worst I have encountered were Indian bus drivers. Its alright for them because they all believe in reincarnation so if they die in a fireball plunging off a cliff they get another shot.
A 17 year old who has just passed his test is more likely to have an accident so his insurance premium will be higher.
A young, Pakistani male is more likely to commit insurance fraud.
It’s what they do.
Insurance companies should fix their premiums based on risk assessment.
But they don’t.
They just charge everyone as much as they can get away with.
This means that honest drivers are paying for the constant investigations and payouts to Pakistani fraudsters.
A young Pakistani is also more likely to rape and molest young girls and continue until he is in late middle age too, we should use the convicted nonces as crash test dummies without seat belts
Attach one to each end of the car and use them as bumpers.
It’s a fact that blacks and ethnics are shit drivers, but what I don’t understand about this nom, they don’t actually have insurance so how can they be given higher premiums ?
Going back slightly to the previous nom, what the fuck is wrong with cunts who drive around with the music so loud in cars that the fucking tarmac vibrates when they drive past.
Spot on, Sick.
The moron with the sub-woofer on wheels is a constant menace. Just another example of the disrespectful, inconsiderate and entitled attitude people have these days. If these cunts want to have music blaring in their vehicles, fine. Leave that to the motorways/dual carriage ways. But driving around residential areas making people’s windows and furniture vibrate is beyond obnoxious. It’s such a cunty thing to do. And the source/direction of bass is so much harder to pinpoint, especially if it’s moving. Makes finding and keying the cunt’s car more difficult.
Everyone knows they are criminals and opportunistic thieves.
Just look at crime figures by ethnic grouping or location.
But it must all be kept secret.
Til the country sinks into the mire.
No way can these cunts discriminate against me cos I’ve never taken out insurance for anything whatsoever – EVER! *
* Apart from that crap Lambretta scooter I had for two years in the early ’70s.
You are safe from Lady Creampuff ‘accidently’ serving you death cap mushrooms in the curry and claiming a life insurance pay out and inheriting Creampuff Manor, Ruff.
I’m doubly safe, LL.
Why do you think I insist on doing all the cooking?
The insurance racket is based on discrimination. Where you live, your sex, age, type of car, type of house, occupation, claims record, etc.
Without discrimination insurance would be impossible.
Can young girls in Rotherham take out rape insurance?
I doubt it, Mr Cunt Engine.
It would be considered too high risk. ?
It’s this kind of racist attitude that keeps people of colour and other criminals down in society.
What’s white on top and black on bottom?
Whats black on top and white on bottom?
Great cunting mate cannot make shit like this up. Totally correct in what you say. Cunts
The Guardian is forever trying to inculcate victimhood in BAMEs (and homosexuals, lesbians and trannies). It was always thus, and you get the impression that they use these ridiculous stories to gide the fact that they are too poor to send reporters to places where there really ARE injustices. Of course, just like the Daily Mirror, they are desperate to see Dame Keer in charge and any shit they can throw at the wall, they just hope some of it sticks. I wish financial ruin to both organs.
HIDE not gide, sorry
Those bloody n*gn*gs can’t get insurance for a car they’ve probably stolen anyway! “Ahem, is this your motor vehicle, Sir?” “Yeah, Mr Polissman! It’s is now though Innit, doh. But me cannot get frew me ‘ed whever you is stoppin’ me ‘cause ov a stolen mota or ‘cause I is bleck, fam”.
It’s a fucking disgrace the way these effnicks are treated in this fascist, racist country, not to mention the gays and the trannies. Prejudice and raaaaay-sism everywhere!
They still keep coming though………?
Apparently, or so a bloke down the pub told me, the insurance companies in Europe are covered by GDPR and can ask questions about convictions, accidents etc., but you are not obliged to tell them – due to GDPR, there is no way they can find out without you allowing them, hence, they don’t do it. Here in the UK, they are also not allowed to ask, but have shadowy deals with insurance companies in Gibraltar, who are not covered by the same laws – hence, they can find out.
However, the plus side of this is that the safe drivers, who live in decent areas, do not pay sky high prices. I think in Europe, the pain is spread around everyone, so even safe drivers get stiffed to pay for Abdul and Mtembe living in Marseille.
Long may it last and shit drivers pay more, regardless of their colour.
I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the Gruniad or the commie cunts on read it. Fuckem fuckem all.
This is a complete fucking non-story:
“For the “customers” the researchers picked names often associated with certain ethnic groups, though Citizens Advice said these ended up not having much impact on the prices being quoted. “This suggests this penalty is paid by everyone who lives in an area, regardless of their ethnicity. However, people of colour are [statistically] far more likely to pay it,” it added.”
These cunts were trying to find racism where there is none. They have admitted that using typically bleck names “ended up not having much impact on the prices being quoted”. Err, sorry, am I missing something?
Insurance companies will insure on the risks in a particular area, not just crime/theft, but the number of prangs occurring within that locality. So if an area predominately occupied by sootees has a higher accident rate then prices will inevitably go up. The Shitizens Advice Bureau ought to stick to handing out consumer advice and other bollocks.
Dot Cotton has snuffed it. Dead Pool anyone?
Wonder if she was insured… ?
More race baiting bollocks based on presumptions and littered with contradictions.
Guess what live in a shithole with high crime and accident rates and you will pay more for your Insurance premiums irrespective of ethnicity, stop playing the victimcard at every turn and move upwards out of said shithole and your premiums will be lower, simples you cunts!
Insurance for driving, whatever will they come up with next?!
Im betting if I had a driving licence theyd make me pay this too!
If ive had to cut out my seatbelt to use as a belt for my pants,
And haven’t got working indicators,
Stands to reason ive not got money to fritter on ‘insurance’.
Besides im not going to hit anyone parked on the curb am I?
Sorry for the deviation – anyone got Dot Cotton on the Deadpool?
Oops ! Damb night shifts!
Advertised a Suzuki Alto a few years back on Auto Trader, every one who called was a Bradistanian, it was the cheapest car you could get for insurance. ” to much cash for crash” with these cunts.
No wonder Mr Churchill doesn’t want to insure them.
Got my asking price…??
I worked in law, my speciality was RTA’s, then I worked in insurance, again my speciality was in RTA’s.
Every time anyone got a claim from a non white person it was assumed to be fraudulent in some way – the vast majority (over 9/10) were.
The favourite tactic of “some folks who have camels and goats as pin ups” was to send a claim for a fabricated accident from a fabricated law firm – they were so badly put together they were almost laughable (the demand to offer a cash settlement to “make this problem go away” was quite common) but all that happened was the claim was refused, but this blatant and obvious fraud was never reported to the police even there was a legal duty to do so.
Fraudulent motor claims tack an extra 100 Pounds onto every drivers annual cost on average, and 80+ per cent of fraudulent claims are by non whites – these figures are kept internally and not published but believe me, they are right – there is an entire criminal industry built around motor fraud in the UK and it ain’t whitey running it.
Motor insurance is not racist – they could not care less what colour and nationality the customers are as long as they pay, but to make a profit and stay in they need to underwrite sensibly to mitigate the risk.
Business, not racism.
Birmingham is a hotspot for the cunts too.
I don’t care. I haven’t owned, nor driven a car for over 8 years.
I was in a horrific accident involving Youngers motor and a Daff lorry, and haven’t been able to drive since.
I like buses, they’re free. I can sit on one all day, saves me a fortune on heating. I get the circular that goes from the Town centre to Crystal Peaks, and bob off when I need the loo, or the pensioners special. Sandwich and soup!
But thanks TtCE, for your generous donation to the IsAC pool car fund.
Your offer touched my heart, I got quite teary.