Willl Smith [5], Chris Rock [2] and Happy Slapping

I’m a bit conflicted on this sleb drama. On the one hand, Chris Rock made a tasteless and poor joke about Smith’s wife suffering from alopecia. He was a bit of a cunt for doing this.

On the other hand, whilst accepting his Oscar for best actor, Smith retaliates by violently slapping Rock across the mouth to the astonishment of the the sleb audience. He subsequently breaks down in tears and apologises to the assembled slebs for having to watch his outburst. He does not apologise to Rock.

I understand why Smith acted the way he did. But he should have had it out with Rock man to man behind the scenes. It doesn’t set a good example to America’s youth, many of whom inexplicably idolise this third rate thespian, to see him bitch slapping someone at the Oscars.

Fisticuffs at dawn would have been better for this pair of cunts. It just goes to show that whilst you can take the man out of the ghetto you can’t take the ghetto out of the man.

Shame the compare wasn’t Russel Brand.


Nominated by: MMCM

Seconded by Through A Glass, Darkly:

Rock is a massive cunt and so is Smith. Smith is listed on the Epstein flight logs. He and his wife have an open marriage, which means they are “sex people” as Alan Partridge would call them, ie. creepy degenerates. Will is openly bisexual. Imagine being the kids of parents who suck and fuck left and right all over the landscape? Word on the street is that to get his break in the black music industry, Will Smith had to suck Quincy Jones’ cock. This was a right of passage in black music back in the day for certain men. Quincy is the most powerful man in black showbiz, Oprah (closet lesbian) is the most powerful woman.

I’ve also heard that the fracas was staged, wouldn’t surprise me, we are in an age of distractions via “shocking” showbiz incidents. I think we are at the point where a boycott of Hollywood is needed. It’s a cesspool, maybe it always was, but at least we had great movies up until around 2012, now it’s pretty much

Thirded by: Cuntybollocks

The Fresh Prince of No Hair (and Chris Rock)

In case you’ve been on Mars, at this year’s Oscars awards bollocks, Chris ‘i hate n ..ggers’ Rock made an admittedly cruel joke about Will Smith’s wife being a slap head. She has alopecia and she goes on about it a lot, so Rock would almost certainly have known.

Smith then goes full ghetto and slaps Rock in the face. Big eyes and a shout of ‘Take my wife’s name outta your fucking mouth!’ Looked like a punch at first, but he used an open hand (big girl).

First up. If you make a nasty joke like that about some cunt’s wife, you kind of deserve a slap. I’d have probably asked him after the show to step outside and repeat the joke again.

Some say Smith was right to do what he did.

However, Chris Rock is a fucking comedian. Is it now ok to march onto a stage and slap some cunt, just because you find a joke offensive or unfunny? If this was the case, Nish Kumar wouid be beaten to a pulp on a regular basis, the unfunny shithouse.

And I keep seeing comments about Smith’s wife playing the field, Smith being aware of this and he being ok with it. He’s ok with guys fucking his wife (allegedly), but not some twat telling a shite joke about her?

Keep your hair on lad. I’ll sing a song for you.

He got in one little fight
And his mom got scared
She said
You can’t hit Chris Rock cos yo bitch got no hair.

And I will refrain from comments about low impulse control. It was there for all to see.

Fuck off


With additional commentary about the slag wife from Mild-Mannered Reporter, Cunt Kent:

I’d just like to add a brief side-cunting to Will Smith’s cunting.
It’s for his wife, Jada Picket Smith herself, who said in 2018 that she was triggered by the sight of blonde hair on white women.
That’s right, cunters – because blonde hair is something black people can only have by paying for it, having it without paying for it is a privilege, and soon anybody who does not dye or shave off their naturally blonde hair will be ‘cancelled’ for being a ‘racist’
Consider yourself warned.


102 thoughts on “Willl Smith [5], Chris Rock [2] and Happy Slapping

  1. Lucky for Will Smith he is a POC. Had it been a white actor he would have been kicked out, banned for life and crucified on Twatter, but he is a darkie, so thats O.K. isn’t it?

    • utter wank of society jungle instincts and codoned by whinging lefty masses.

      loads of injuries coming up at schools and not a flicker of criticism of the cunts at the oscars.

      All writings here are by proxy

  2. Smith and his missus are scientologists that’s enough to cunt them.

    If this was real, Smith must be one of weakest cunts out there as his slap didn’t even faze rock at all, and he carried on.

    • Apparently it was a stage-slap, a technique actors learn in order to appear to slap other actors on set whilst not actually slapping them. So, it was symbolic I guess. But still inappropriate. But still endearing to see a guy stick up for his wife. But still if she’s shouting racist for having blonde hair (I’m white but pay to have blonde hair) then fuck off. But still, who gives a fuck about Hollywood anyway, the bunch of shallow shouty dreary cunts.

      • If it wasn’t for that “slap” the Oscars would have passed completely unnoticed.

  3. Those PG Tips adverts have sure got a big budget nowawdays!
    Poor Nicole Kidman, the lone Oreo creme in a sea of chocolate biscuits.
    Christ, poor woman. I mean the smell permeating the room must’ve been ‘musk’ overload.
    Chris Rock should’ve come back with a Will Smith being a closet crafty butcher joke and said that his admittedly once-fit missus looked like Tiny Tommy Lister Jr.

  4. ROCK should have dropped the cunt.
    As the meme doing the rounds says, “in London they use machetes”.

    • Agree. They’re both cunts, but it would’ve been funny watching Rock pulverise Smith.

  5. I usually slap myself in disbelief with how bad Will Smith’s acting is. He’s on a par with Ali in Eastenders and Dev in Coronation Street. I hope Chris Rick and Will Smith will one day host an Oscars ceremony together and take the piss of the in attendance Mike Tyson’s wife.

  6. This year’s, yawn Oscars was supposed to be more inclusive. Dark key slaps other dark key.
    Oh the fucking irony!
    Mrs infidel will watch any old shite but even she draws the line at this shitfest. What is the attraction for all this bollocks? How shallow cunts are.

    • That’s what happens when you make things more inclusive.
      Every time a person of colour is given a job on racial preference then two things happen. A) You don’t get the best person for the job. B) A white person has been discriminated against.
      That is not a recipe for a healthy society.

  7. What a feeble slap, Rock should have lived up to his name and chinned Smith with a left Hook.! Get her name out of your fuckin mouth, I bet Rock’s cock has been in her gob more than once, this was a staged chimp out to take everyone’s mind of the shite N!g Nog film he is involved in and his bird has shaved off her own hair because she is fed up of trying to maintain the frizzy fur they have growing out of their skulls.!

  8. From now on you lot can keep my name out of your fucking mouth.

    Or you’ll get a bitch slap!

    • I wonder if any cheeky schoolkid has said that to their teacher in the last couple of days whilst the register is being taken?!

  9. Will Smith and his films are appallingly bad. He’s a talentless, chippy, Scientologist cunt with a brood of moonbat racists to support and therefore takes any shite going whether it’s an Aladdin remake, pitiful sitcoms, Men In Black 3, or the sort of sentimental vomit that makes you want to go postal.

    • Blacks are allowed to be Scientologists?
      Well, I’ll be damned.
      That would’ve seemed as likely as a giraffe driving a Fiat Uno.

      • Well they’re mainly Scientists that arrive by dinghy each day so maybe a progression to Scientology isn’t too far fetched.

  10. I don’t know if it has been said, but Pfizer sponsored the Oscars, and have an alopecia drug coming out soon…

  11. I feel compelled to defend Will Smiths honour, on this thread.
    You lot have accused him of being a terrible actor.
    I disagree.

    For years, he has managed to convince some people that he is:

    -a musician
    -reasonably intelligent
    -not “like other blacks”


  12. “He got in one little fight
    And his mom got scared
    She said
    You can’t hit Chris Rock cos yo bitch got no hair.”

    Bravo Cuntybollocks.

    • Evening CG…well, what next for the Oscars then? They’ve already half ruined it by allowing the sooties to sit down and not carry trays of canapes around, so they’ll have to go one bettèr next year and allow some pakıs in and they’ll really “raise the roof”…by blowing themselves to smithereens.
      Now that would be an awards ceremony worth watching, seeing a bloodied, maimed Robert DeNiro crawling out of the wreckage, the lacerated remains of Meryl Streep’s face plopped across his shoulder.

      • Evening Thomas?

        I read that the global viewing figures for the Oscars has now dipped below 10m?

        Perhaps turning it into an all black affair, they can attract Mtebe, Sanjiv, Rastas-Rastas, Mohammed & co?

  13. I refuse to watch the game-England vs Ivory Coast-however, a quick perusal of the “line up” shows almost as many dark-keys in the Englanistan team, as the Ivory coast?

    • The obvious lack of diversity within the Ivory Coast team is not an issue at this time.

      • Ivory Coast? That’s where the Atlantic slave trade started isn’t it? When those Umbongos traded their POWs for broken mirrors, strings of beads and rusty old knives. Ok, we ripped them off but caveat emptor as they say.
        I hope they took the knee the cheeky bastards.

  14. If it was staged, why is Smith now doing crawling apologies because people are calling to have his award revoked?
    Why don’t they just both say it was a joke, and move on?

  15. The baldy,salty bitch can’t take a joke and cuckolded Will does what she says.

    Never thought I’d feel sorry for Chris Rock but I do.

  16. One black guy slapping another as if proving what everyone has been saying for years was required….

  17. I thought Alopecia meant you were completely bald like Duncan Goodhew and Jonjo Shelvey? This bitch has got a skinhead haircut so how does that work?
    If she is so sensitive why doesn’t she wear a syrup? Plenty of other black women do. Couldn’t be that she is looking for wokie sympathy could it? Oh look at me, cry for me, I’m just a poor fucking victim. Bitch isn’t fooling anyone, except the massed ranks of the brainwashed.

  18. Chris Rock needs a new writer.
    If h was writing his material, he would have said:

    “You all look so wonderful tonight, particularly Will Smith. Look everybody, he has gone to the trouble of shaving his cunt for the occasion!”

    • Chris Rock should’ve stated that, during a filming break on “The Fresh Prince”, he saw Will Smith being spit-roasted by Uncle Phil and Carlton, whilst DJ Jazzy Jeff did some sort of um bongo rain dance to accompany the savagery and all 4 of them were wearing grass skirts with bones through their noses. Actually, that probably really happened.

      • You forgot “Dr William Cosby MD”, standing in the doorway watching and wanking, whilst saying:
        “Now thas’ What ammm taaaalkin’ bout!”

  19. What did the police find when they dusted Chris Rock’s face?

    Fresh prints.

  20. It was a harrowing, unpleasant ordeal watching this badly-acted, poorly-executed, contrived piece of dogshit.

    Said most of the people who watched Smith’s latest film.

  21. Will Smith be nominated in the dead pool when baldy got home?
    One look is all that it takes, it appears
    Thinking Rock, knows a lot more and the fact he’s not going lawsuit, is telling

    • just to add, Rock has now a hand of spades
      When Will comes down, he Will realise that what a fucking ape he made of himself , got confused and fucked it
      Smug is the last thing he Will want to Wear from here on in

  22. He should have asked if the wife also had a bald flange, and if it resembled a schoolgirls nether regions!

  23. I dunno if it was staged or not might of been probably was but the better joke from Chris Rock would of been that Jada is a way better actor then Will

    Seriously aside from Fresh prince of Bel air and I am Legend what has he done that is half decent?

  24. Chris Rock a comedian?????????????
    Answers on a postcard
    It looks like they both got a chimp on their shoulders

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