Willl Smith [5], Chris Rock [2] and Happy Slapping

I’m a bit conflicted on this sleb drama. On the one hand, Chris Rock made a tasteless and poor joke about Smith’s wife suffering from alopecia. He was a bit of a cunt for doing this.

On the other hand, whilst accepting his Oscar for best actor, Smith retaliates by violently slapping Rock across the mouth to the astonishment of the the sleb audience. He subsequently breaks down in tears and apologises to the assembled slebs for having to watch his outburst. He does not apologise to Rock.

I understand why Smith acted the way he did. But he should have had it out with Rock man to man behind the scenes. It doesn’t set a good example to America’s youth, many of whom inexplicably idolise this third rate thespian, to see him bitch slapping someone at the Oscars.

Fisticuffs at dawn would have been better for this pair of cunts. It just goes to show that whilst you can take the man out of the ghetto you can’t take the ghetto out of the man.

Shame the compare wasn’t Russel Brand.


Nominated by: MMCM

Seconded by Through A Glass, Darkly:

Rock is a massive cunt and so is Smith. Smith is listed on the Epstein flight logs. He and his wife have an open marriage, which means they are “sex people” as Alan Partridge would call them, ie. creepy degenerates. Will is openly bisexual. Imagine being the kids of parents who suck and fuck left and right all over the landscape? Word on the street is that to get his break in the black music industry, Will Smith had to suck Quincy Jones’ cock. This was a right of passage in black music back in the day for certain men. Quincy is the most powerful man in black showbiz, Oprah (closet lesbian) is the most powerful woman.

I’ve also heard that the fracas was staged, wouldn’t surprise me, we are in an age of distractions via “shocking” showbiz incidents. I think we are at the point where a boycott of Hollywood is needed. It’s a cesspool, maybe it always was, but at least we had great movies up until around 2012, now it’s pretty much

Thirded by: Cuntybollocks

The Fresh Prince of No Hair (and Chris Rock)

In case you’ve been on Mars, at this year’s Oscars awards bollocks, Chris ‘i hate n ..ggers’ Rock made an admittedly cruel joke about Will Smith’s wife being a slap head. She has alopecia and she goes on about it a lot, so Rock would almost certainly have known.

Smith then goes full ghetto and slaps Rock in the face. Big eyes and a shout of ‘Take my wife’s name outta your fucking mouth!’ Looked like a punch at first, but he used an open hand (big girl).

First up. If you make a nasty joke like that about some cunt’s wife, you kind of deserve a slap. I’d have probably asked him after the show to step outside and repeat the joke again.

Some say Smith was right to do what he did.

However, Chris Rock is a fucking comedian. Is it now ok to march onto a stage and slap some cunt, just because you find a joke offensive or unfunny? If this was the case, Nish Kumar wouid be beaten to a pulp on a regular basis, the unfunny shithouse.

And I keep seeing comments about Smith’s wife playing the field, Smith being aware of this and he being ok with it. He’s ok with guys fucking his wife (allegedly), but not some twat telling a shite joke about her?

Keep your hair on lad. I’ll sing a song for you.

He got in one little fight
And his mom got scared
She said
You can’t hit Chris Rock cos yo bitch got no hair.

And I will refrain from comments about low impulse control. It was there for all to see.

Fuck off


With additional commentary about the slag wife from Mild-Mannered Reporter, Cunt Kent:

I’d just like to add a brief side-cunting to Will Smith’s cunting.
It’s for his wife, Jada Picket Smith herself, who said in 2018 that she was triggered by the sight of blonde hair on white women.
That’s right, cunters – because blonde hair is something black people can only have by paying for it, having it without paying for it is a privilege, and soon anybody who does not dye or shave off their naturally blonde hair will be ‘cancelled’ for being a ‘racist’
Consider yourself warned.


102 thoughts on “Willl Smith [5], Chris Rock [2] and Happy Slapping

  1. Will Smith is a cunt.

    Now you’d be right in thinking that it’s something to do with him smacking Chris Rock at the Oscars, and you’d be right but not for the reason you think.

    If an unfunny cunt like Rock insulted my wife I’d deck the cunt, so no problem with that. Smith is a cunt for what he did afterwards – the groveling apologies.

    What he should have said is “the cunt insulted my wife and had it coming”. But no. They threatened to take his Oscar away so now he’s groveling.

    Grow a pair Smith and tell them all to fuck off. And if the Hollywood Mafia threaten to take your award away, tell them to shove it their arse…

    • And the MSM haven’t stopped talking about it. Why?
      Ukraine are melting the pot in more ways than one. Rigged elections have consequences. The Department of Justice could’ve prevented this President being installed by investigating his degenerate son’s laptop, but they didn’t because they’re completely corrupt. The Department of Justice could’ve investigated how Slow Joe magically got a few more million votes once the process was halted when the Donald was ahead, but they didn’t because they’re completely corrupt.
      Everything else has just been a chain reaction: the plandemic leading to worldwide lockdowns, carbon trading and climate hysteria.
      The Cat’s away and the mice are playing in Ukraine because the Department of Justice are completely corrupt.
      And the worst is yet to come: the collapse of the world’s money system as we know it.
      Doesn’t it puzzle anyone on here how so many people are so easily led by the media and just blindly accept what they’re shown?!…..

  2. Surprised no knives involved.
    Dont really know who either of these, no doubt, hugely talented fuckers are. Could it be that they were only there cos they is black, innit. Surely not.

    • Aren’t knives involved mainly when the participating contestants reside in England only?

  3. Ricky Gervais was way worse. He called all these slebs out for the degenerate, greedy, perverted, pee doh files that they are.
    Chris crossed no lines the way I see it.
    Will and his household are fucked up cunts that showed it publicly and now Chris Rock is selling tickets for his shows like never before!
    If I were Chris I’d thank Will and laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. Pathetic…what kind of a Man slaps someone?….should have nutted the Cunt and then stuck the boot in while he was on the bottom….looked more like a couple of Fruity Gentlemen falling out about whose turn it is get the top bunk.

    • I was actually a bit surprised that Smith didn’t climb into the lighting-gantry and fling da poo-poo at Rock.

      • I’m sure if David Attenborough analysed the footage he would conclude some dominant alpha male chimp behaviour.

    • Chris Rock was far too convincing.

      Have you seen any if his films. The fucker can’t act. He makes Keanu Reeves look like the king of method acting

      It was real for that reason alone.

      • I beg to differ, CB.

        Both of these cunts are actors. Although admittedly not very good ones.

        The slapee was leaning into it like he knew it was coming.

        This is just publicity for the slapper’s latest film.

        There is no such thing as bad publicity.

    • Quite so.
      Though it would have been better staged if the attacking Dark Key had donned a World War 1 Trench Knife afore beginning.
      Unprofessional blek cunts.

  5. What triggered moderation?

    Don’t know. I just released your comment from mod jail. – NA.

  6. To be honest I’m impressed by Rock’s reaction. He remained calm and professional and carried on. He exercised self control and restraint. In short, he acted as a man rather than that hysterical, of-the-rails pansy-cunt Smith who believed like a little girl in a school playground.

    Smith has now apologised to Rock as Tinsel Town turns against him.

  7. Did not actually see the shite show but read about Wills shenanigans later. I find myself in total agreement with Lord Foxchaser-Fiddler, pathetic slap ooh ducky.
    Would have thought in view of the piss taking re bald wife the heinous insult would have justified a full Norf Landan stabathon a real Dollis Hill,, thank Clarat and sirens all over. Hard case bollocks. Is it true that he bats for both sides?

  8. “The fresh mince of no hair slaps some other chancer in prearranged and staged attempt to double Oscars audience to four”..
    If some daft cunt slapped me they would be in the back of DCI’s bus wondering where the fuck their teeth had landed.
    Don’t these softies know how to fight? – get to Leeds on a Saturday night lads – you’ll soon learn!
    Need some lessons from Miss busty – she is scared of fuck all and has been known to floor then remove 18 stone coked up gorillas when they have been “sullying her fine alehouse” – luckily she is ever so keen on me and never beats me or nothing – top bird! ??

    • Certainly looked sort of staged. I know Rock has dark skin, but a slap of that magnitude (the sound of sounded iffy as well) would surely have left a reed welt and put a tear in his eye?

  9. Some knobs are calling for Smith to have his Oscar revoked and chased out of Hollywoke. They must be dreaming.
    What they need is some faded old tart to claim he touched her up thirty odd years ago and he will be finished.
    Of course he’d have to turn white overnight which might be a little more difficult.

    • Cosby convicted of drug raping dozens of women.

      Out after a couple of years.

      Weinstein convicted of similar crimes.

      Will never see the light of day (rightly so).

      Black privilege.

  10. Savour that moment, acts of black on black violence are like rocking horse shit on MSM, surprised it hasn’t been airbrushed out of history like most acts of black aggression

  11. It got more coverage than the destruction of Mariupol ffs.

    The Hollywood cunt fest should be placed where it belongs, down the shitter.

    What a load of bollocks it was, if Smith was so annoyed why didn’t he use his fist rather than a bitch slap, the GI Jane reference was fuck all and the bitch has been banging on about her (lack of) hair on social media so the joke wasn’t out of line, if she had been hiding it then fair enough it would be.

    How the fuck did Smith get an Oscar, he is at best an average actor but is the right colour so the thing should be renamed ‘award for the best actor of colour’

    The headline should have been, The Oscars, who cares anyway.


  12. See, the problem with increasing diversity at the Oscars is that you get increased acts of random violence at the Oscars. They just can’t help themselves.
    If it carries on increasing we will see more and more black on black crime involving knives, shootings etc.

    • Host was a dark key and when the camera panned to the audience, it looked like a scene from Zulu.

      I think I saw Nicole Kidman, but that was about it for honkies.

      I’m just thankful she wasn’t raped.

  13. I can honestly say that I have heard of none of the people involved in this incident except Will Smith nor the film mentioned. Yet it has unleashed thousands of so-called news stories in which “celebrities”, whom I have also never heard of, post and sometimes subsequently delete tweets and Instagram posts giving their unwanted opinions. What a state the western world has reached that so much attention is paid to such trivia.

    BTW It looked so staged to me to have been rehearsed.

  14. My money is on staged distraction for the train wreck on the other coast and to drum up some notoriety and publicity for a failing institution.

    Will Smith’s job after all is pretending.

    Stop commenting on it, that’s what they want you to do. Meanwhile while you’re looking the other way…only dog knows what they’re up to.

    The best strategy would be to totally ignore all of them. Maybe they will disappear up their assholes. We can live in hope.

  15. The Smiths.

    The black Addams family.
    Afro American Munsters.
    Right weird cunts.

    His skeletal son dressed like a Mickey Jackson impersonator.
    His missus and daughter bald and wearing capes like two fuckin Nosferatu.

    Wtf? Bite his fuckin nose off
    Rip his throat out,
    But slapping?

    Then the daft cunt starts crying!

    “I wanna be a vessel of love..”

    Spooky unhinged fuckers moods all over the place.

    I was Chris Rock id of said

    “See uncle Festers in tonight”
    When the fresh prince slapped me id take his fuckin arm off at the elbow.
    Cant take a joke?
    Get fucked?

    • An his malteser headed missus is a slag.
      He should be twatting her if anyone.
      Thatd liven up the oscars if he kicked her all over the stage.

  16. Well that’s one Hollywoke cunt who won’t be preaching to us about peace and love and respec’ innit? Fucking arsehole.

  17. Who cares? relics of a dying industry.

    Who even knows or gives a rat’s ass for films and cinemas these days?

    He should have given the cunt a right mullering back for some of the films that fuckwit Smith has inflicted on us, like that one he made with his son about being trapped on a future Earth or Wild Wild West?

  18. He showed his true character there though.

    You can take the dark key out of the ghetto…

    • And the cunt laughed at the joke at first.

      Personally, I thought it was a bit too cruel, but this is what happens when you let the dark keys join in. No self control.

      Don’t diss a man’s hoe, know whadamsayin blud?

      How long until we see guns being being drawn because some cunt disses some other cunts clothes?

      Can’t fucking wait 🙂

  19. Silver spoons being silver spoons. Multi millionaires getting slappy while the world struggles with food and fuel costs.

  20. His bald dumb wife put out a hilarious vid a few years ago about sootys not be represented at the Oscars. Apparantley 14%of the American population warrants100% of Oscar’s rather than the 10% they have been winning for years.She is supposed to be boycotting the event. What a black privileged cunt. I

  21. Jada the supposedly empowered strong black woman just sat there and let her cash cow of a husband do her dirty work.
    Get up there yourself you cunt and risk your non existent career. Oh wait she didn’t want to mess her hair up ( The fifth one from the left ) what a prize cunt.

  22. If Smith had been white he’d be in jail right now, probably looking at 10-20 years.

  23. Maybe this was a cynical PR move by Will Smith to revive his wife’s non-existent acting career? He looks like he has been taking boxing lessons off her anyway.

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