The Internet [2]

For your cuntsideration, the internet.

I happen to think that the digital computer is arguably the greatest invention of all time – so far. This is because of its universality. It is a machine that can do just about anything. Do not be fooled by the shitty software offerings of Mr Gates et al into thinking these things are the scourge of the modern world, enslaving us all. Done right, computers are miraculous. Combining them together in networks magnifies their power enormously.

So you might think that the internet would be one of the greatest, most wondrous inventions of humanity. Er, well, it should be, and could be, but…

Cast your minds back to the early days of the worlwide web, which if memory serves me correct, went live around 1992 (note, the world wide web is not the internet, the internet existed long before the www). Through the 90’s the internet was a vast unexplored new territory like the wild west. It was actually a very different place from today’s internet. There were dark and dangerous corners and literal goldmines and fortunes to be made by the enterprising. Probably the best example of this is Jeff Bezos and Amazon. Cunt though he clearly is, JB had the foresight to set up an online bookstore. Not that he had any particular affection for books but because he realized that books were the perfect thing to sell online because, as the saying goes ‘you don’t judge a book by its cover’. When other cunts like were trying to sell shoes etc, which when they turned up and were the wrong size or colour, cunts couldn’t return them, JB realize no one is going to return a book because the dust cover isn’t what they expected. But anyway I digress.

The internet of the 90’s was a wonderful, eclectic, anarchic, edgy, slightly dangerous place. Who can forget the anticipation of jpeg porn downloading slowly over a 56k modem. Those days seem like ancient memories of a lost age.

Today’s internet, faster, slicker that it is with many new technologies collectively known as web 2.0 or whatever version we’re on now is a joyless place. The problem with the original internet was it was too anarchic for the powers that be. It had to be controlled and regulated. This is when the big corporations moved in to dominate it. The likes of Facebook, Google etc effectively balkanized and gentrified the web into a tedious corporate intranet. Yes, there is porn and so on, but even that is corporate controlled porn, not the grass roots porn of the 90’s where the thrill of the hunt was all part of it. Now we’re seeing, creeping, subtle and not so subtle online censorship. We hear politicians openly discussing bans on online anonymity.

So I guess my cunting is not really about the internet but the usual suspect elite cunts who are fucking up a wonderful thing. The world needs a truly decentralized, peer-to-peer system that cannot be censored and controlled.

Nominated by: Berkshire Huntmaster

34 thoughts on “The Internet [2]

  1. In the words of Homer Simpson, “The Internet? Is that thing still around?”

    The internet. AKA Big Brother.

  2. When I first got it, it was 36.4kbs on dial up modern. Massive phone bills……. but you could find anything you wanted.

  3. Dumping Twatbook, Twatter and the other social media shite would be a good start to reforming the internet.

  4. I liked it twenty years ago..I bought broadband when it was very expensive after getting so much ear ache about blocking the phone line with my 56k modem..

    So many excellent sites like Winmx and some porn site that was a treasure trove but got hacked..that was an emotional day.

    Now it’s all mostly corporate cash cows and censorship looming at every turn.

    I still think it’s a marvellous creation but it’s being steadily Starbucked by megalomaniac billionaires and their political lackeys.

    The grubby cunts.

  5. It’s a bit of a curate’s egg, the Internet.

    It’s opened up a world of possibilities and made knowledge and entertainment freely available. But it’s also bred conspiracy theorists, fake news, the Dark Web, kiddie porn, snuff photographs, misinformation and fed the Woke Beast.

    I’m generally against censorship and any control over the internet – but I think it right to take down websites that breach the law or are truly offensive. The problem is we have to rely on law makers to define what’s offensive and that’s problematic. Today they will go for sites that any normal person would find offensive – tomorrow they will come for ISAC.

    It’s a problem but the genie is well and truly out of the bottle.

  6. Stuff is still out there if you can find it, and that’s half the problem. During the great lockdown and censure by the big players, you’d struggle to find links to anything questioning the narrative on Google.
    But you could find it using DuckDuckGo.

    But the elites are always looking at ways to control the information we can access. Just need to keep one step ahead of them.

  7. Its fuckin rubbish.
    Although the porns good.

    I miss those Encyclopedia Britannica salesman getting told to fuck off.

    • Acquiring knowledge was more fun when you had to rummage through dozens of books to find the answer. It was more enlightening, took more effort and you could rely on trusted and proven authorities rather than some anonymous internet pundit.

      Take the Encyclopaedia Britannica – in it’s heyday it was written by dozens of authorities on their subject and the entries properly peer reviewed. It could be relied upon.

      The Great Porn Hunt was better as well. I would much rather have my Cooler Climax stash, hidden under the bed, than all the soulless porn you can get now at the flick of a switch. I remember Rodox 32 was particularly good, with Titanic Toni on the cover. The good old days.

  8. Overall it’s been a fucking great thing.

    However, before your average Africunt or goat botherer wouldn’t have had a scooby how to get into Blighty.

    Now, just a quick Google/Duckduckgo search of ‘How to get into the uk’ will probably be enough.

    It has also made the third world easily see how they live compared to us Now they too want their fucking iPhones and a free house please whitey, too.

    When you see footage of those dinghy riders, they’re always on their phones sorting out how to steal their way in.

    The virtue signalling is the worst though. It’s crept into everything, including film, TV and sport and all our institutions.

    To the point that we are now fucked, I’m afraid.

  9. Sirs:

    The trip to a crummy part of town to buy skin mags and watch grainy flicks in a “private viewing booth” with a suspiciously sticky floor was a rite of passage for American adolescent boys.

    Now they can dial up whatever on their hand computer on the way to their sex change treatment (with their stupid cunt parents driving).

  10. What we are allowed to see through Google (other propaganda machines are available) is not a real representation of facts. “Governments” and “leaders” hate the free speech internet and the WWW and spent a long time trying to regulate it, control it and trace everyone who used it, they failed so now they control content by having every major search engine and MSM site as their shit spreaders and banning every individual and organisation with a view or opinion that does not fit with the approved narrative.
    And the next time some ecoloon starts with their shit just quietly remind them the internet/WWW is the worlds biggest Manmade CO2 polluter, and ask them when they are going to “do their bit” by not going on twatterbook and instatock etc -then watch their little faces! 😀

    • Its for nerds.
      I get all my facts and news off a bloke in the pub .

      Fuck the internet.
      Ive not learnt a single thing from it.

      Its probably made in China

      • Bloke in the pub was a veritable goldmine, MNC.

        “David Bowie? Used to be our local pop man. Once heard him singing as he carried in our Dandelion and Burdock. Told him to try out at the local working men’s club. He thanked me on Wogan, you know.”

        “The reason monkeys wank so much is because bananas are an aphrodisiac to monkeys. Feed ’em chips and they stop bashing away.”

        “Anything with the Queen’s face on it is legal tender. Stamps, everything. If I brought in my cup with the Queen’s picture on it, the barman would have to take the price it’s worth as cash. If he says no, it’s treason ‘an all. Can get hanged and everything. ”

        “There’s some people on the pitch, they think it’s all over… remember that? That fat cunt you saw running in the goalmouth got 5 years for trespass.”

        “Mike Tyson hit Frank Bruno so hard that his chin is on the wrong way round to this day.”

        The internet ruined it. Now, when he pipes up, some millennial speccy twat Googles it and says ‘Muh, actually, that’s not true muh”

      • Bloke in the pub was a veritable goldmine, MNC.

        “David Bowie? Used to be our local pop man. Once heard him singing as he carried in our Dandelion and Burdock. Told him to try out at the local working men’s club. He thanked me on Wo gan, you know.”

        “The reason monkeys wank so much is because bananas are an aphrodisiac to monkeys. Feed ’em chips and they stop bashing away.”

        “Anything with the Queen’s face on it is legal tender. Stamps, everything. If I brought in my cup with the Queen’s picture on it, the barman would have to take the price it’s worth as cash. If he says no, it’s treason ‘an all. Can get hanged and everything. ”

        “There’s some people on the pitch, they think it’s all over… remember that? That fat cunt you saw running in the goalmouth got 5 years for trespass.”

        “Mike Tyson hit Frank Bruno so hard that his chin is on the wrong way round to this day.”

        The internet ruined it. Now, when he pipes up, some millennial speccy twat Googles it and says ‘Muh, actually, that’s not true muh”

      • Heehee 😀👍
        Yeah every pub had one!
        Bruce Lee?
        His body was that pure a single aspirin killed him.
        Exploded in shock!

  11. If it wasn’t for the internet I would be having to disguise myself before going into porn shops.

    Now, I can spank the bishop 3 times a days over free big titty vids, all thanks to the internet and not have to worry who may see me!

  12. The internet has enabled the age of fascist liberalism. Tiny minority groups howl down mainstream common sense.
    Politicians, education, business, the arts, all give in to woke bullshit.

  13. I haven’t used Facecunt, twatter or any of that bollocks for years. Like everything else in the world it’s all ruined by people and the prevailing culture, which is just fucking vile and getting worse.
    IsAC is just about the only thing I use the Internet for now. And ultra HD minge of course, goes without saying.

  14. Ughh! I’m still having bother attempting to send a Telex to the Soviet legation in Rhodesia.

  15. I can remember when ‘P.C.’ stood for ‘Personal Computer.’ Now it stands for ‘Politically Corect.’

  16. I tend to rely on the bloke in the pub.
    His claims are no less outrageous than a lot of stuff on t’interweb.
    And I can always Google it.

  17. I like aspects of the internet. I can do my accounts, banking, order food, gamble, invest, look at property, plan travel, buy goods, play fps games, research anything, from history to science etc, talk to family for free. Gees, I can now work from home because of it, yaay. It’s amazing what you can do now vs 1992, which I remember very well.

    I don’t like Twitter, Facilebook or Instacunt. Amazon should be renamed and I bloody hate that cookies shite the EU brought in. I saw a comment in the Daily Mail today ‘Elon, please buy Twitter and shut it down.’

    Mark Zuckerberg is a twat. Meta wanker.

  18. The internet should only be used for what it was intended, that being the high speed global distribution of porn! That, and continuing to spread the rumour that Cliff Richard wears a colostomy bag!

  19. I don’t quite understand what you’re cunting.

    It seems like you are pissed off because porn downloads quicker on todays multi-megabit bandwidth connections as opposed to the clockwork-like 56Kbps modem 😉

    Why complain ? you can get down to the nitty-grirtty (wanking) far, far sooner…

    I would say though, what I object to is the huge tech conglomerates like google, facefuck etc controlling huge swathes of the internet…

    It’s time it was decentralised

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