The Boeing Company

Good news that the capitalist system exonerated Boeing executives from criminal charges in exchange for a relatively small fine:

Bad news for families of the victims of the 737 Max crashes and, indeed, all the little people across the world. And for the Boeing test pilot who looks like being put up as a patsy:
Just watched “Downfall the case against Boeing” on Netflix. Jesus H Christ on a bike how the hell did Boeing get away with it? [A: because it’s all about the money honey!]

What a sick, immoral, money and elitist orientated world we live in where honesty, integrity and justice are completely dismissed by a few $$$s handed over in plain sight to the elitist cabal who ostensibly are supposed to ensure fair play.

Nominated by: Mikdys

And seconded by none other than Mikdys:

If you don’t have Netflix this is how I’d summarise the alleged events:

* McDonnell Douglas merge with Boeing in 1997

*Although the smaller company their culture overides Boeing’s which becomes driven by share price and production costs with engineering and safety taking second place

*Airbus launching the A320 Neo catches Boeing on the hop as airlines want more fuel efficient single aisle aircraft like the Airbus

* Rather than design a new aircraft from scratch, which would take too long, Boeing fix new, larger, fuel efficient engines onto their existing 737 airframe to become the 737 Max

*This is not ideal as they have to be fitted higher on the wing to get ground clearance and this can cause the nose to rise too high under full power promoting a dangerous stall condition

*Boeing counter this by installing a computerised control system (MCAS) that overrides the pilots to lower the nose, a system that operates using a single AOA sensor to save costs (despite two sensors being fitted to the aircraft).

*Because Boeing want to sell the 737 Max as not needing additional pilot training (it’s main selling USP) this control system is kept totally secret to avoid the regulator insisting on more pilot training

*Issues with the MCAS system are found in testing but hushed up

*An AOA sensor malfunction warning is made an optional extra for airlines but, as they are not told of the importance of this sensor, hardly any buy it (in the first 10 seconds of deployment the system could be overriden, if pilots knew anything about it)

*Operational pilots complain about the plane nosing down unexpectedly but are ignored

*In 2018 & 2019 two planes crash, due to the MCAS systems malfunctioning with failed AOA sensors, there are no survivors and Boeing seek to blame the pilots

*The investigation in the USA causes the Boeing CEO to resign (with a $62 million golden goodbye)

*Boeing are given a relatively small fine ($17 million) and no criminal charges are brought (criminal charges would cause Boeing to have to cease being a military contractor to the USA Government)

*Boeing’s former chief test pilot is charged, as an individual, with covering up the existence of the MCAS system

[AOA: Angle of Attack / MCAS: Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System

Lastly, another link provided by Cunty Gordon:

Here’s Downfall: The Case Against Boeing (2022, 90 mins, 1080p)…

28 thoughts on “The Boeing Company

    • check out the fore runner to teflon by dupont.

      we’re all fucked mate.

      Dark Waters (indeed) 2019

  1. Excellent nom and a terrifying indictment of corporate negligence and corporate greed. Next time I travel I think I’ll take a boat.

  2. I bet the engineers pointed all this out and the middle management, keen to save costs and get up the career ladder, ignored their advice.
    Then a shed load of corporate wankers probably spunked a huge amount of money to get the company off the hook.

    • Having worked on umpteen large projects, it’s the same culture every time. If you are worried about safety, you are made to feel a pariah, and will probably not work again. The American “justice” system is a joke, and like most things in yankland, can be bought.

  3. The cardinal sin with the Max was the decision to make the second AOA sensor optional. Critical systems on aircraft absolutely MUST be duplicated, it’s a basic design requirement & I have to wonder exactly how far the decision maker’s head was up their own arse on that. Criminal.

  4. We ( the UK ) gave away our lead in Aviation to the Yanks a long time ago. Our politicians being too thick to see a winner when we have one. Our manufacturing base has been bought out, companies acquired and now we buy shite from the world.
    We’re fucked.

    • TSR2 cancelled in favour of the F111. Fucking epic decision that! Arsehole politicians.

      • The post war Labour government gave the Rooskies a Rolls Royce Derwent engine which the cunts used to power the MiG 15. The MiG reined supreme in Korea until the Yanks were able to get the Sabre into action.
        I’ve not seen any figures on how many Allied lives this piece of treachery cost but I’m sure it was plenty.

      • To be fair Guzzi, we didn’t need to ‘give’ the Russkis too much really, considering the amount of upper-class commie sympathisers who were spying for them. Twats.

  5. The way of the World, a private companies reason for existence is to enable the owners to make money. That is basically that. Morals, World changing benefits appear in the equation as long as money is made. Minimum in maximum out as great uncle James used to say.

  6. I watched a program on these planes. Boeing faffed around with computer software to alleviate the inherent instability in the actual aircraft. Then the fuckers who license these things said that’ll do. Shoddy.

  7. The synopsis in your link to is written in Standard Albanian, Cunty Gordon. How very refreshingly diverse! Are you Marco from Tropoja, masquerading as a chippy conspiracy theorist from East Kilbride?

    If so, could you possibly supply three brace (white Caucasian only) for the weekend after St Patrick’s Day? No cut-price Ukrainians, please – and definitely no Russians, for obvious reasons.

    Good luck!

  8. Having contracted for a certain plane manufacturer in Filton, Bristol for 10 years (working on A380, A400M and A350), I can say that they’re no better.
    And they employ a lot of bloody Welsh people too. And not as cleaners. As engineers, if you can believe it!
    The software for the Boeing was coded by cut-price Indians, by the way.
    Also not mentioned in the excellent nom is that not only are the engines higher, they’re also longer and sit fuether forward in the wing, causing the nose to want to droop further and the shittily-coded software overcompensated.
    Lastly, they’ve had a spate of hushed-up lithium battery fires, although that in the original Dreamliner, maybe not the Max.
    Airbus also use the same lithium batteries in the A350. In case anyone’s interested, I worked on the swept up winglet on the end of the wing, specifically the triform/cruciform joint.
    This concludes my most straighlaced contribution to ISAC and I can now thankfully return to thinking about putting a hedge trimmer up Harriet Harman’s raggedy clopper.

    • Thomas: which activity carries the greater risk?

      -flying on one of these “Friday-afternoon aircraft
      -using reciprocating blade based horticultural implements on a politicians minge?

      • Afternoon CG, how goes it?
        Regarding the wings of the A380, there was a giant hydraulic ram test bed that was designed to purposefully the shatter the root joints into the fuselage…they bent that fucker up 30 feet or so before it shattered, meaning that no amount of turbulence could ever cause the wings to fail.
        You could be in with Harriet Harman, by the way. Now that her “clown without makeup” borderline pædo cunt of a husband, Jack Dromey (PIE enthusiast and I don’t mean a clown’s custard pie either!) has popped his worthless clogs, her man-hating fanny will need some lovin’…

  9. I seem to recall one of the NASA Space Shuttles blew up over an O Ring that was exposed to cold.
    Maybe it was Challenger?
    Fuck knows but the engineering company responsible warned NASA but off they went anyway.

    If NASA are cunts (and they are for nicking Nazi rocket scientists from the gallows) then so are fucking money grubbing Boeing.

    After all what’s a pile of smouldering bodies next to a full bank account?

    Rotten to the core.

    • UT@ – Yep, the Challenger, I watched that blow live on TV – one of a couple of O rings which were not properly tested due to cost cutting and complacency failed, but some of the engineers KNEW there were issues but were effectively told to STFU or lose their jobs.
      One of the Shuttle crew was asked about this and said something along the lines of “nothing fills you with more confidence than sitting on the launch pad surrounded by a million parts sourced from the cheapest supplier”.

      • I think that the company was called Morton Thoikol and the Shuttle was launched in very cold conditions for Florida, something like 5 degrees centigrade. Engineers knew that the rubber compound used for the O ring was out of its operating window but were overruled – the show must go on.

  10. Corporate giants paying out a couple of quid to “get away with murder”?
    Cheaper to pay out the Families of the deceased than fix the problem, and always a helpful politician to “make it all go away” for just the cost of a new mansion and a share portfolio.
    The more I see of the world the more I want to wipe it out and start again.
    Most do not realise it, but we are in end of days.

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