Sir Gavin Williamson MP [4]

Yes I know when every honours list is published everyone says…”FUCKING HELL!!!!! That fucking cunt! Are these cunts taking the piss or what?”…but this one really is a shocker. The wanker was only elected in 2010 yet he has already managed to climb the greasy pole to 2 cabinet positions and, due to his total incompetence, has been sacked by 2 different Prime Ministers. Not “reshuffled” but SACKED…get to the back benches you embarrassing tossbag.

But, for some reason, we can’t upset this crawling little toad so give him a fucking knighthood. Now, either this bastard knows where the bodies are buried or he’s been seriously sucking up in Westminster. Either way I don’t like the cut of his jib.

Here’s another interesting fact about Sir Gavin……he keeps a fucking Tarantula as a pet! Now if that’s not fucking weird I’m going to do a degree in Creepy Weirdo Studies at Bristol University. They’ll probably tell that I only hate big hairy spiders because they’re black and I need to check my “White Privilege” but fuck them…and fuck Sir Gavin wankpot while you’re at it!
(Most brill links provided to you by – Part Time Admin – PTA)

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

62 thoughts on “Sir Gavin Williamson MP [4]

  1. Is this any worse than a knighthood for being a famous pop star?
    Sir Paul McCuntry
    Sir Muck Jagged
    Sir Reg Dwight et al.
    Mind you, I suppose the last one wasn’t knighted for music, but rather for services to the rectal prolapse repair industry.

  2. The honours system is a joke. Fuck politicians bin men teachers joiners etc should be honoured by the Queen not these self serving cheating scum bags.

    Side note I’d wear it as a badge with pride being sacked by Bozza and that woman on stilts May.

  3. I suspect he’s Parliaments supplier of Grade A drugs. Only reason I can think of as to why this non-entity should be knighted.

  4. Not only does he know where the bodies are buried, he has photo’s of the perpetrators ?

    Knighthoods are becoming meaningless.
    They gave one to Hirohito, took it off him in WW2, then gave it back to him, years later ?

    Most knighthoods are NOT earned ?

    • If you repeatedly fail in your job your not usually rewarded,
      Not in the real world.

      Luckily for Gavin he was friends in high place with low standards.

      Hes abided by the code of Westminster omerta to earn his.

      Not the first time Gavin has got on his knees to get ahead.

  5. Gavin Williams is the next Prime Minister. and is probably shagging Boris’s bint.

  6. ….but,but…if we didn’t have the House of Lords and the royal family we could end up with a Head of State and second Chamber comprising elected people selected on merit instead of a collection of hereditary congenital idiots,criminals.failed politicians and assorted weirdos and oddballs…and a lazy,coffin-dodging old Bag,of course.

    • Don’t know who’s got her in the Deadpool but that “coffin dodging old bag” may not be dodging it much longer by the looks of it. It’s not uncommon for women to snuff it not long after hubby.
      Prepare yourselves for an orgy of grief jacking and virtue signalling that you haven’t seen since Georgie Floyd got sent to the bowels of hell.

      • I bet the lizard cunt has been dead for years, fucking big ears will fuck up the shit show in months with any luck.

    • DFF@ – Morning Sir Fiddler – “Head of State?”
      I like it – and would be “open to the possibility” of a accepting a large br, er, “contribution to my worthy chiridee” from a vast Estate owner of impeccable breeding when I am finally elected – just need a few of those “Dominion Software” voting machines and my Blitzkrieg to power” is pretty much guaranteed!

  7. Having a knighthood is the surefire mark of an establishment lackey, hard to think of anyone more deserving.

  8. They should be a little more honest with the reasons :
    Services To Masturbation.
    Being Good At Sport.
    Being Shit As A Privileged Civil Servant.

    Any more?

    • Being a dinner lady at the same school for 80 years and therefore an ideal token pleb.

    • There are some knighthoods that have genuinely surprised me. Like Baldric. For service to cunning plans, I suppose.

      • A lifelong socialist accepting a knighthood? Surely not?
        See Sir Patrick Stewart for details…

  9. Got used to it, gove, Patel, raab, utter fuck wits, but they will all end up in the house of Lords, grovelling all the way

  10. While we are on the topic of unmerited attention, the BBC News website seems to think the return of a raghead to her milksop husband deserves more copy space and our concern than the possibility of a Third World War , the displacement of millions and the wholesale murder of a European nation’s population

    • British-Iranian….

      No, a fucking Iranian who happens to have been given a British passport, all the news channels were spunking themselves yesterday.

      • Makes me sick. That husband needs to act like a fucking man too. I live in London and when he was camping outside Westminster I was seriously contemplating going down there to slap the cunt. Common sense prevailed in the end though. Probably not wise to assault someone outside the Houses of Parliament and you could bet your left bollock I’d end up in the news as far right terrorist and get ten years.

        A possibility of WW3 takes a back seat to the rights of an A-rab according to the BBC.

        And agreed, I fucking hate when they describe cunts called Mohammad fucking Ackbar as British.

        Oven, fucking oven.

    • Fully expected Horace.
      It’s hard to get a different angle on the news, BBC is everywhere, TV, internet, radio.
      I’m fast running out of porn.

      • All hail our Muslim overlords. I’d have the bbc up for treason if I had any say in it.

    • I feel sorry for Richard Whathisname – you get the impression he has been playing at the “grief-stricken husband”, he sounds like a right old pansy. Probably been consoled by Rev. Underpants, C. Bryant, offering spiritual replenishment and a crafty handjob.

      What’s the betting his wife will feature in the New Year honours list, and will sit as a self-righteous (arent they all?) Labour peer specializing in wimminz issues.

      • That wet husband will be changing the kids arses and washing up while she writes her memoirs and rubbing her hairy paws together.

    • They should have kept that spy in prison.
      We have enough carpet cunts already and then some.

      • Come on chaps. It can’t be much fun having your wife locked up by a tyrannical regime for years. Can’t blame him for being desperate.

        I, on the other hand, would be quite happy. No nagging or unreasonable demands, a chance to watch Clint Eastwood films without complaints about watching violent rubbish with lots of shooting and porn galore.

      • @ MMCM haha indeed. One wonders however how she’d of performed if it were he in a paki nick.

  11. I’d like to know what the hell “Sir” Ed Davey, the leader of the Lib-Cunts has ever done to deserve an honour?. Born Xmas Day 1965, what the fuck has he done except to try numerous times to derail Brexit (STILL trying as recently as last weekend). Surely you can’t get an honour for blowing the cobwebs away from the cunt of Leyla Moran, ugly as she is. Anybody who mounts the flyblown cunt of AnalEase * will become a Lord – unlikely in that event to be a Labour MP_as most of them are brown hatters. Perhaps THATS why Gav………….

    * any Labour crawler hoping for the same from Angie Rayner will have to make do with a Blue Peter badge. She is too easy. She has been breached more often than a Katie Price probation order.

  12. Always reminds me of my time at big CORP , useless fuckers promoted way beyond ability & talent / skill.

    But fuck could they blow smoke up gaffers arses and suck as much cock as required….

    I hate these cunts with a passion…☠️

  13. If they can knight king cunt blair they can honour a maggot ridden turd, the baftas have more weight. So many greased weasels, so few bicycle clips.

  14. As I believe I have observed before on the award-winning website ISAC, a knighthood is the mark of a complete and utter cunt.

    Knighthoods will have to be earned in the Empire of East Anglia. Awarded more killing dragons than sucking cock (like ‘Sir’ Fat Reg).

    Freedom for East Anglia.

  15. Royalty, the Honours list, calling some arsehole ‘Sir’ belongs in 1729 not in a modern democracy. We got rid of fucking Royalty and then they come back! Could only happen here. Leeching bastards. I’m all for acknowledging outstanding achievement and bravery I.e Armed Forces but not some fucking career politician whose only motive is self gain.

  16. This bellend has a long way to go to beat Sir Tony “I’m the world’s biggest cunt” (proven in a recent petition) Blair

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