What’s this about, why should we be concerned about shite like this?
Time to “woke up”, the early “teasers” allude to another “woke” hatchet job on a medieval/fantasy production.
Whether you or i like it or not, the subliminal brainwashing of modern TV production has been so fast & wide spreading (we’re talking 36+ months here as opposed to decades), has been a blitzkrieg that would put the 3rd Reich to shame.
The “message” is everywhere throughout advertising, TV & even making strong headway in the workplace- Women strong (men weak), identity politics & social injustice comes 1st, 2nd & last- everything else is an afterthought for little or no consideration. These fuckers’ don’t care if you have the capability or acting ability to fulfill the role just as long as the position if “filled” with the appropriate numbers.
So emboldened & bolstered by the lack of resistance & refusal to acknowledge the feedback or affect, these cunts are now asking themselves “we can apply this shit to anything”, so now we have sub Saharan African’s riding into battle on the battle fields of Agincourt, residing in residential stately noble homes (with titles to boot) in 15th century England & portrayed as 16th century English Queens, who gives a fact about the heritage & facts as long is it abides by current year identify politics.
This has now extended into decades old heritage and fiction, Black Elves & Dwarves, fuck what we know about the original lore, writing & setting, this now needs to be “inclusive & diverse”- which is fucking ironic really, because if we talking about inclusion we’re only really talking about one ethnicity here, as they’re the only cunts who are forever blaming every other cunts for their shortcomings.
Nominated by: Snow-White-Tears
Gandalf the gay.
Orc lives matter.
Jewish dragon under the mountain sat on a hoard of gold.
They ruin everything the lefties.
Everything has to be a message.
Id complain about it but im not in the hobbit of complaining…
Mnc@ – Yep – I complain a lot about this kind of nonsense but don’t really like to Tolkien about it..
It’s really not good for your elf.
Gimli a break! Off to get Legolas at the pub before last mordors.
I’ll get my coat. Ha! Like Geordies have fucking coats.
I shall reserve judgement until I’ve actually seen this ‘new tales’ of my story, and will then comment.
Any elves called Tarquin or princesses called Meghan & I’m outa here.
Speaking of effnicks did anyone see that bint who won the by-election in Brum last night? Fuck me, if that, and her sponging brats, knocked on my door on Halloween I’d have a fucking heart attack. Real horror show.
Yes, another waste of space entering the house of cunts…
A full 27% of the electorate could be arsed to vote, fuck them and all who live in Erdington.
Call me mystic MNC but I see a expenses scandal on the horizon.
Bet shes theiving from day one.
She is a councillor so will know how to make the most out of the gravy train, being blick (Jamaican heritage) it’s in the genetic make up.
I loved the fact that on the radio this morning it was not led by the fact it was a Labour candidate that won but a black Labour candidate won.
So are we saying now that we put a colour on all results now?
A Tolkien reader since I was 10, I have a bad feeling about this production. There are many faults in Jackson’s LOTR films but at least he remained true to Tolkien’s overall vision and didn’t do Tolkien the discourtesy of foisting a modern, trendy worldview on Middle-earth. I’m sure this is not going to be the case with Amazon’s production which is already trolling long-standing Tolkien enthusiasts by calling them racists and bigots.
The simple fact is that Tolkien doesn’t need woke diversity forced on him. The LOTR in its original form continues to bring enjoyment to people all over the world from a host of different cultures and backgrounds. Only the usual cunts with a political agenda complain about the “lack of diversity”.
Do Western readers demand white Europeans in a production of the Chinese classics like Journey to the West or Outlaws of the Marsh? Do we demand it in a Chinua Achebe novel? No – we take them as they are and enjoy them as products of their particular culture, just as the majority of Tolkien’s international readership do.
Tolkien was constructing a mythology for England rooted in Northern European traditions. It’s not racist to reflect this on screen.
Amazon are cunts and are bound to ruin this.
I think you’ll be shown to be right on the button old son.
Yup, they did it with Robert Jordans Wheel of Time. The books are incredible (if a bit of a slog in the middle) and the characters are very well rounded and described. But the Amazon series is full of vacuous effniks of all the shitty flavours and a whole host of main characters are left out because they have too much white privelege. I fucking despair, I really do.
Anyone with any respect for a pre-existing property being adapted by the corporate entertainment industry is a defacto bigot now.
It’s an obvious and obviously false narrative but is constantly repeated by digital media hacks, mainly for clicks on their cretinous news sites, usually co-owned by the parent co. of the studio making the film, or some faceless holdings company that will probably drop the cunts like a stone when online ad revenue slumps.
On the other hand, I don’t understand why so many ‘fans’ complain about the property being ruined, the media hacks calling them bigots, but still carry on watching because, as Jarvis Cocker once said, ‘there’s nothing else to do’.
If I want to be indoctrinated then I can find some old Chairman Mau footage and put it on a loop. Pity the fools who say they actually enjoy and pay for watching the same Message over and over again. Bit like paying to be water boarded.
Watch the news for brainwashing. Putin is undoubtedly being a cunt but it’s not like he woke up on a Thursday morning and decided to invade Ukraine, it’s also untrue that this hasn’t been coming for decades. Now it’s happening the media are trying to tell us that there’s been no provocation from the west. Hey ho, now the arm chair generals want to send troops and planes to fight for Ukraine without any understanding of what that actually means. Gordon Brown wants to take Vlad to the international court for an act of aggression, Iraq war being something that happened when Gordy was having his afternoon nap.
Pretty much everything in the media comes with a payload of propaganda. Historical dramas with black peoples in central roles to persuade us this has always been a multiracial country. Drag Queens on prime time TV like it’s normal for entertainment almost totally absent from life apart from gay clubs.
The list is endless but so is the propaganda.
I watch very little TV, because it’s shit and the piss boiled in my bladder is painful.
The leadership of the west has spent 5 decades weakening us as individuals and as nations but now it seems we got to take our butt plugs out of our bum holes and get ready to fight WW3.
None of the above is accidental.
“We came, we saw, he died!”
– Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi’s murder and the chaos in Libya that brought about
Yeah, different when Putin steams in and smashes the West’s money-laundering sexually depraved playground is it? Party’s over, assholes.
Call me a cynic, but the Twitter/Facebook thralls of Daria Kaleniuk and her globalist chums are probably posing as armchair generals just to be seen agreeing with a ‘strong woman’ standing up to Boris Johnson.
They probably don’t really care that they know nothing about history or geopolitics or military capabilities of Russia, they’re just seen to be saying the right thing in the eyes of the right people.
Refugees from mordor
Far right bigots of Gondor
Shire pride parade
Bent Ents
Mines of Moria shut due to Net zero.
No borders in Middle earth!
Itll be great…?
There was a 70’s parody of LOTR called Bored of the Rings. It featured Dildo Bugger, Goodgulf Greyteeth, Tim Benzedrine and Galadriel as a nymphomanic Elvish queen (which used to give me the horn).
I think they chuck Golum off as ballast with the ring…the ZX Spectrum game or Bored was (and is) great.
I always thought that Frodo-Sam thing had a touch of gayness about it…
So is Idris Elba going to play Frodo? Is Samwise Frodo’s docking partner?
If they’re going to fuck it up they may as well go to the extreme.
It may end up being indistinguishable fron Planet of the Apes though.
Make St. George Floyd proud!
ISAC favourite Sir Henny Lendry is playing a hobbit !!
A dwarf Queen is played by a dark-key because, living in caves, the dwarves were exposed to lots of melanin producing sunlight ! She bears a strong resemblance to Flabbot.
Pile of cunt.
Isn’t he Australian now? Ran off too Western Australia for lockdown the cunt!
I’d love to make an intelligent comment but, since I don’t even begin to understand the nom, I can’t. Hey ho, back to the vodka.
Not Russian vodka, I hope…!
Actually Asda’s own, made in a shed somewhere near Bridlington, perhaps.
They should stay true to the original stories, minority pandering is just Tolkienism.
Fuck me, Shane Warne’s just croaked. I bet nobody thought to put him in the DP.
Sorry, nowt to do with Lord of the Rings.
Crikey, Rod Marsh as well.
Same day, same cause – heart attack.
“Suspected heart attack.” Too much sniffing the white powder more likely.
Yawn.Boring shitfest.
Went into Waterstones last night and there’s a 300 page book ‘Black Lives Matter’ by none other than Lenny Henry and some other cunt. Jesus fucking wept. Is there no end to this fuckwittery? Can you imagine the uproar to a ‘White Lives Matter’ book? Fuck off Lenny you race baiting white hating, about as funny as bollock cancer cunt. Because of idiots like him and other woke lefties is why we will sleepwalk into a war with Russia. The Russkies have sensed weakness in the soft as shit left and are exploiting it. You can’t say the West wasn’t warned about woke and it’s consequences.
Very apt as Lenny Henry is playing a Hobbit in Amazon’s Rings of Power !!
The “some other cunt” was no doubt some Professor of “Black Studies” in some two bob university, ripping off the taxpayer. Lenny can barely write his own name let alone a fucking 300 page book. Doubtless the cunt persuaded him to stick his name on the cover to boost sales. Good thinking Prof.
Ironically the only people who are going to buy it are white, middle class wokie wankpots who would shit their pants if a Blackman came within 50 yards of them.
Lenny Henry hit his apex when doing those Travelodge adverts. He needs to fuck off, untalented, unfunny whining cunt. Britain is the least racist country on Earth. Go to Japan and try to rent a flat, Lenny…
“Oh no, your kind have crazy parties and do all kind of drugs and stink place up! No welcome!”
Too fucking right mate. I’ve seen and heard things in other countries that just wouldn’t happen over here. …..40 odd years ago, maybe, but not now, no fucking way. But that doesn’t stop the wokies with their far right fantasies.
Classic example……last season at Arsenal or Chelski, can’t remember, some cunt found a banana skin on the pitch perimeter. Suddenly we’re back in the early eighties with racists throwing bananas at black players. Oh, woe is me, the far right are everywhere, terrible racism, Nazis blah blah woof woof.
Bollocks! Some bloke took his own packed lunch, sensibly not wanting to pay the rip off stadium prices, and dropped his banana skin over the barrier. As he was sitting in the front row it would have been easy to pick him up on CCTV but nobody bothered. As he was probably 7 or 8 years old it would have been difficult to link him with the Klan.
But the idea had already been planted in the dim wokie mind and that’s all that matters. That’s how propaganda works. Repetition repetition repetition.
It was weird when Souness signed Mark Walters for Rangers as the Rangers fans THEMSELVES were racist to Walters! He was a great player, but they awarded him by being racist and I think they threw bananas at him. Racism seemed to die down years ago at football matches but it came back a few years ago. Why was that? Thick cunts being thick cunts acting tough but actually ruining the chances of Britain holding a World Cup. Morocco will probably oust us in 2034 or ’38 as FIFA hate England.
The buzzword is “constructing a narrative”. And that’s all these commentators do – take a trivial, innocent incident like the banana skin at Chelsea, and construct a tale of institutional racism from it.
We see it time and time again. Of course, no one bothers to think about the real meaning of “constructing a narrative”. The real meaning is making things up in order to stir shit. It’s a phrase Goebbels would have loved.
Fucking right. I remember the banana throwing days, I was there! As I recall no cunt ate the banana and then threw the skin!!!! That would have completely missed the fucking point. But, as you say, why let the truth interfere with the narrative?
I remember the first time I saw a black steward at football. It must have been about 87 or 88. I remember thinking “fuck me you must have some fucking massive balls mate, much bigger than mine that’s guaranteed.” These days nobody would look twice at the cunt. But the race baiters are always living in the past. The whole concept of “white privilege” tells you everything you need to know. None of these cunts give a fuck about black people…… it’s all about them and their own self promotion.
Dr Adam Towler probably bought 100 copies out of guilt.
I have no issue with a big fuck off war with Russia, providing the the leftards, mincers, wokes, illegals and every MP and their kids are in the vanguard of the first attack.
Eddie Izzard up to his pink high-heels in the mud.
Chasing after some cheeky Russian who just pinched his pink beret.
They can test Vladmir’s nukes for us.
‘That one works’.
‘That one as well’
‘The neutron bomb.. yep that works’.
It’ll be a short film then.
The P.akis will all die of TB as they are inbred filthy cunts and all the Dark Keys will stab each other to death within the first five minutes over Respec innit!
I’ve booked half a dozen tickets.
I always thought the Orcs were bleck?
Inexplicably violent without provocation.
Questionable personal hygiene.
Not particularly bright.
Won’t attack whitey without at least a dozen mates behind them.
No culture apart from destroying what whitey has built.
You never see the males with their kids.
Prone to stealing shiny things that they have no idea what the purpose of it is.
Happy to stab their mates over nothing.
Sound familiar?
Evening gents, here’s a highly amusing pisstake of Lord pf the Rings from “Clerks 2″…funny as fuck!
Fucking hell.
Shane Warne croaked. Suspected heart attack by all accounts.
I’m a massive cricket fan (test cricket).
Personally, I find that anyone over 30 who hates test cricket is either:
A) A gay
B) thick as fuck
What a fucking bowler he.was. Incredible, it has to be said. Seemed a top bloke too. No airs and graces.
I forgot this link.
I do not like using words like ‘legend’ for roo sh Aggers, but what a player he was.
Legend. I’ll miss him he was a good commentator.
Was he the bloke who was slipping Liz Hurley a length? If so respect.
Warney’s dismissal of Gatting in 1993 is legendary.
RIP to an absolute cricketing legend
I enjoy football but i’m not so blinkered to list people over 40 who don’t like it as gay or stupid. That would be quite gay and stupid in itself.
Anansi the spider man shall henceforth be played by a gay,woke stick insect white millennial, ha!
With a beard,short back and sides,skinny jeans and a bottle of soy milk.
The only Black people around back in those days would have been in some side show in a travelling Circus as a Half man half monkey, no way would they have been allowed within a mile of a house of Gentry and if caught they would have been Flogged on the village common of a Sunday Afternoon for the amusement of the locals.! Ah the good old days.!
It’s not real, in any shape or form, you know that right?
Fairy stories are for kids and religious loons.
Don’t be a philistine.
In answer to Admins question at the top of the page…..”what does this remind you of?”……..err…..Angela Rayner’s fanny hole?
Not that I’ve seen it. I’m not a Labour Party member. And neither is my member.
Ha! Quite right Freddie. It does resemble a hairy axe wound for sure. Rather apt for our illustrious site don’t you think? – NA.
Strangely enough, I thought exactly the same thing.
I’ve been thinking about Angela Rayner’s fanny a lot, lately.
I’m not well.
I’ve also been taking an unhealthy interest in Anal Ease Dodd’s too.
Call a doctor !
In fact, call Gene Hunt.
He’ll put me right ?
I know what you mean. I went to the GP and said “Doctor, is it true that wanking over Angie’s minge damages your eyesight or is it just a myth?”
He said “you’re in Halfords mate.”
I think that’s enough about Angie’s minge now.
I’m getting the horn.
Bollocks! I can’t get enough of Angie’s minge.
And I’m not even Jeremy Corbyn!
JTC@ – Evening Jack – DCI Gene is too busy working over a fatty who called 999 8 times because they thought they had a cold! ?
This unease you feel is possibly due to “beeritis” – a condition young MMC had recently – I suspect a shifty Frenchie poisoned one drop of his stout English ale with a single drop of red wine!
Vernon@. You’re not far off there, which is a bit fucking spooky.
Recently, beer has been having a devestating effect on my system, one beer and I’m shitting for England.
I think there’s a conflict with my tablets.
But red wine is fine.
I’m quaffing it now.
But you obviously know this.
I insist that you remove your spycams immediately.
Don’t tell me that Ethel is the target of your foul peeping ? ???
If that’s so, you need help.
And you need it now ?
Good evening.
We interrupt this program to bring you a brief musical interlude
Evening chaps!
Evening MNC I like a bit of Jethro Tull.
Evening MMCM?
Me too, first proper band I saw .
I was surprised they were massive in the US!
I assumed (wrongly) they were a very ‘english’ appealing band with the folk influence.
But they sold out massive stadiums in 70s America.
And still going strong. Aqua Lung is a great album.
Tis. I like ‘songs from the wood’
And ‘stand up’.
Bouree is based on something by Johan Sebastian Bach
I knew really I was always sophisticated!?
You cunts. I’m the world’s biggest Tull fan. I’ve seen them all over Europe…….Belfast, even South fucking Shields! Followed them since Benefit.
My favourite albums are Aqualung and Thick as a Brick.
I watched some cunt on YouTube listing his top ten Tull albums. Number one was Passion Play. Fuck off cunt. Mind you he was a Yank so what the fuck does he know. Oh, big shout out for Minstrel in The Gallery…..often overlooked for some reason.
Living In The Past is sublimely excellent on every level imaginable. Everyone knows the best music originates in the UK. – NA.
Passion Play?
What is this ‘Passion Play’ you speak of?
(checks Tull collection on phone, and vinyl in boxes…)
No, sorry, I find no such album.
‘hare that lost his fucking spectacles…’
(The Zealot Gene is playing as I’m typing this)
Lord of the Rings stands out as the best book I have ever read.
The films?
I agree with you 200% Vern. I read LOTR and The Silmarillion every year, usually at Christmas. All of Tolkien’s books, as well as the material edited and put together by his son Christopher in the History of Middle Earth, are like old friends to me. The films are a very pale imitation.
I remember this hippy dippy bullshit as a youngster in the 60s.
I couldnt give a fuck if the put Lammy and Abbot in it.
Picture reminds me of what I imagine Sir Ian McKellen’s hot fiery ringpiece would look like after an evening cruising down Old Compton Street.
That really is a lovely image. Know Old Compton Street well, do you? – NA.
Surely Old Campton Street, Duckie?
Are we talking about Graham Norton or Alan Carr here ?
Or Peter Mandleson?
The problem with most modern entertainment is that, with OR without the woke messages, most of the ‘content’ is objectively crap.
I get anti-woke friends recommending me shite like The Mandalorian because ‘it’s not woke or anything’. I don’t care: it looks like a big toy advert for ‘baby Yoda’. Star Wars ended with ‘Yub nub’ on Endor. Same with all Yank crap like Transformers and Fast and Furious. The Hobbit wasn’t particularly woke, and neither was Jurassic World but they are terrible fucking cartoons.
Stick the ‘Marvel Cinematic Universe’ up your arse as well (this coming from someone who had a couple of boxes of Marvel comics and watched the old Spider-Man and X men cartoons).
‘But Endgame was good!’
Not seen it after Infinity Shrek. Waste of time.
Let me watch Minder and documentaries about nuclear weapons.