This Uber cunt has proved yet again, to be unfit for office. Is there nothing this senile old wanker can’t fuck up?
The hair sniffing cunt has said “ How did we get to the place where, you know, Putin just decides he’s gonna invade *RUSSIA*? Something like this hasn’t happened since World War 2.”
There is no hope.
Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe
He’s fucking dangerous.
“Don’t threaten us, Mr Putin. I send you a message. All it takes, is for me to turn these keys like this, open this little case and press the little button, like this…”
“Nnnnnnooooo Mr President!!”
I don’t think you need worry about that at the moment. Between dozes this weekend he spent a lot of time sending messages about his Transgender bill – mind you he does put his money where his mouth is, even when dribbling, because as another cunter pointed out a few days ago, he has appointed one of his ladyboys to one of his top jobs. Little things like the 3rd world war are lower on the menu than trannies.
I thought his name was Brandon
Let’s go, Brandon!
I think the only button within reach of Bideawee is the assistantce one, for arse-wiping, and getting him off his potty
I reckon part of the reason Putin has invaded is because he knows sleep Joe is at the wheel.
The geezer is 79 years old for fuck sake, he should be having his ass wiped in a care home not the leader of the free people.
Trump is a cock is another magnitude but I am sure there are a lot of Americans who are wishing for an erect cock rather than a limp one…
Wait until the mis-term election results-I suspect he will “tank”.
Still, at least Russia is closer to Ukraine than Croatia-which is what he called Ukraine, last week?
Still,with his band of LBTQP+ weirdo’s and diversity hires behind him, Americans wii be sleeping soundly in their beds?
He must be on whatever Diane Abbott is on.
Maybe he think’s there’s a play called The Merchant of Vienna…
The greatest danger to the West isnt Putin or the CCP. Its the utter cunts in the Democrat party and the thick American cunts who vote for them. Wankers. Biden has a 35% approval rating which begs the question,how thick are 35% of the American voters. My guess, they wouldnt be able to join the US Army which requires a 85 IQ test and are more like the average 68 IQ of Somalia.
The kindest thing would be to gve the demented old cabbage a bowl of soup laced with arsenic. He is the least competent person to be in charge. A bowl of soup would do a better job.
Perhaps even a cabbage.
smugcunt@ – I am currently trying to contact Derek Acorah to ask the Biden voters..
I do not think China Joe won a State, let alone an Election.
There are a substantial number of Americans for whom it is enough that Biden has a (D) after his name.
They think is senility is cute — if they think about it at all.
ACYIKAC@ – Agreed – slavish devotion to Labour in the UK has f*cked us, slavish devotion to a party which is not “liberal” or “democratic” in any way (and a shit load of cheating) has f*cked America.
How’s everyone enjoying that 8 Dollar a gallon gas as China Joe buys oil from mad Vlad? ?♂️?
It sucks Sir!
Meanwhile we sit on the biggest oil reserves in the World!
What a grand shit show.
The wit and wisdom of Joe Biden –
“ You ever been to a caucus?…No you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.”
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
“ We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created, by the, you know the, you know the thing.”
“You know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war – the War Production Board.”
“ I may be Irish but I’m not stupid.”
“ Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
“ His mom lived in Long Island for 10 years or so, god rest her soul, and, er, although she’s, wait – your mom’s still alive. It was your dad [who] passed. God bless her soul. I gotta get this straight.”
“ Uh, uh, Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about.” – said to a senator in a wheelchair.
“ Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”
“ A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States – Barack America!”
“I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect,”
“If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.”
Please excuse the intrusion, but a bit of good news for a change:
Reported by MSM, so probably Fake. Or part of some bonkers conspiracy.
Excellent news. Describes him as a serial bully and liar. Obnoxious cunt. I understand he wants to run as mayor of Londonistan.
I still can’t believe no one gave him a hook to the jaw the way he treated people.
there’s still time
Never forget the little cunt’s bias over Brexit. Allowing or not allowing votes on things that suited remain.
By all accounts, this obvious bias along with his bullying, made him quite a few enemies and cost him his ‘place’ in the lord’s.
His wife is quite popular though, so I hear. At least with trains of pie keys and dark keys with their cocks in their hands (allegedly).
Bercow-a nasty little, beta-cuck, ugly D-W-A-R-F?
He’s a horrible looking gobshite. That news has made my day, cheers RTC!!
I’ve seen this cunt twice in my life:
1) sitting in Portcullis House with a male assistant the day the Evening Standard published some photos of his kipper cunt wife posing in a hotel? window diagonally opposite Parliament. He could hardly bring himself to open the newspaper and looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp.
2) in the morning the day the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were married. He was with kipper cunt again and they were walking from the House of Commons through the completely STERILE Parliament Square into Westminster Abbey. The cunt had forced a PC from the Palace of Westminster to accompany them, the self-important twat.
RTC@ – Afternoon Ruffers – apologies for going off topic but that is the best news I have heard all day!
Like all short-arse cunts, this mouthy particular specimen, an alleged cuck with little personal and actual courage, used his priveleged position to bully those who put up with it because of their job position. Needs to be booted up the khyber repeatedly and put in stocks outside the Houses of P.
A tiny bit of good need is always welcome?
News – bloody spell checker!
You have to think that the statement ‘Cometh the hour, cometh the man’ wasn’t written for Sleepy Joe. When the West needs a strongman at the helm, we just have a POTUS who’s being spoon-fed mashed potato, before spoon-feeding us tawdry rhetoric, the cunt.
TSG@ – Biden being installed was no accident. Some people still believe this is incompetence as opposed to deliberate premeditated intent.
Stolen elections have consequences. I am constantly online trying to wake Americans up to the fact that not a single politician is doing a damned thing to decertify, which at this time is kind of their only job – but these millionaires always pop up online giving it “we’ll fix this at the next election – vote for me and give me your money” – and the fucking mugs are falling for it.
So, soon, another round of rigged elections and grifters fucking America over. As the “freedom convoy” drives quietly around DC twice then goes home for tea. ?♂️? – my permanent experience of Americans is that they are utterly naive to how utterly evil the machinations of their “politicians” are.
America survives on transport – when a Country is the size of a continent the truckers are the blood in the arteries of the economy – if the truckers took a two month holiday, locked their rigs, parked them on private land and just stopped delivering the thief in chief would be gone. But getting anything done is like wading chest deep through fucking porridge.
But, as always, apathy from those who are used to paying £3.00 a gallon for fuel and having an easy comfortable lifestyle is the problem here.
The American people will only move when their lifestyle is affected.
And by then it will be way, way too late.
A nation does not always get the politicians it wants, but always gets the politicians it deserves.
I despair at the weakness and indolence of humankind. There are no longer any political parties in America – just a cabal of organised crime with everyone and everything in their pockets.
Stolen elections have consequences.
You are Jimmy Hoffa and I claim my $7 union due’s discount?
PS: excellent post, Vern?
CG@ – Aagh! I don’t want to end up cased in cement and buried on an abandoned building site like Jimmy Hoffa “allegedly” was!
And, er, a $7 discount you say? I er, will get back to you on that one..
I prefer my yank presidents orange of skin and yellow of hair.
The type to grab em by the pussy,
Rather than sniff their kids hair.
Bidens done fuck all in office apart from a withdrawal that caused chaos!
Biden us obviously a figurehead, elected by the anyone but Trump and a lot of dead people who saw Biden as the candidate closest to their position.
Cameltoe Harris is a laughing ass, no matter what’s asked she giggles and cackles. Then add the heads of Canada, Australia, France and Germany? None of them inspire confidence do they?
At least we have Boris, hewed from the same piece of granite as Churchill we are meant to believe.
Biden is just the prime puppet on the political muppet show. Someone has to be pulling these cunts strings, they certainly can’t be autonomous.
Stop picking on him ffs.
He can’t help the fact that he’s a useless cunt; leave him to enjoy his biscuits and warm milk in peace. It must be about time for his nap.
Afternoon all.
RK@ – Afternoon Sir Ron – Biden comes back with “Who dis Sir Ronald of Knee den – is he Ronald McDonald like dat President actor guy?, is he da King of Europistan or is he da Black Knight of Great Englandville like dat film ah done seen? Who pooped ma pants? Where ma creamed corn at? Hey little darlin’, why you runnin’ off – I bet you smell great – come sit on grandpappy Joe’s knee”.. ?
“Joe! Leave her alone!”
“Who now?”
Let’s hope the Gay Tsarina doesn’t start firing nukes into Ukraine. In retaliation Dopey Joe might nuke us by mistake.
Can’t someone stuff him full of explosives and send him off for a meeting with Putin?
Remote Detonation.
I tell you what gets on the libtards’ nerves.
“The American economy and world peace was in much better shape under Trump. That’s a fucking fact.”
“the world was a much safer place,
And people of colour prospered under President Trump”….
Watch the foam fleck around their mouths ?
Uncle Joe’s “State of the Fucking Union” address was a classic. Sitting right behind him were the painted cackling witches, Harris and Pelosi. Vlad must have had a good fucking laugh watching that.
About 1/2 of the U.S. citizens are cunts. Enough are fooled into voting for a cunt and a large number never even vote. When we do get a Rebunlican it’s still a liberal. Here we are. Cunt overload.
MC@ – Given the amount of RINOS and degenerates in Congress I am surprised they haven’t started a petting zoo..
The most dangerous time in 60 years and we have a senile crooked weirdo in charge of the US. I can’t understand that out of 300 million people, the best America could come up with was him and fucking Trump.
Talking of that cunt, from saying how smart Putin was for invading Ukrainian, and how he admired him, to this week boasting that it would never had happened under him because he would have nuked Russia if he was president. Fucking deranged fantasist.
Deranged fantasists. There’s a lot of them about.
Half of them are on the Ukraine thread.
The sooner his likeness is carved into mount Rushmore the better in my opinion…
Grab em by the pussy!!?
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – I think a carving of The Don on the Moon would also be a good idea – as soon as we shift all the space shit from the Moon landings that never happened of course! ??
“Trump reported to be grabbing pussy, turns out he was strangling Biden”..
I think it’s very safe to say politicians and their enablers are Ultra Cunts.
Biden isn’t fit to run a bath.
What frightens me is the thought of old Joe popping his clogs and Kamala the cunt having her finger on the nuclear button. I wonder if the dopy tart will giggle as she presses that button?
What a ridiculous bind the US has got itself into. And all because of the desperation of Libtards get rid of Orange Man.
Biden is obviously unfit to be president and should be impeached on the grounds of mental ill health. But impeach him you end up with Kamletoe, who would possibly be more of a disaster. And if you somehow remove her from the line of succession, the job goes to Pelosi and her colostomy bag. There are no good choices.
MMCM@ – Yet another situation where judicious use of a Gatling Gun would be most useful! ?
(Who’s paying for these bullets then? – I’m not made of money you know!)
I would literally vote for a candidate who promised to to do absolutely nothing as President.
Has sleepy Joe set some sort of a record 17 cuntings in two years? Asking for a friend.
Joe Biden is the perfect puppet President for these times. The days of Teddy Roosevelt are long over, it’s all about who is the most corrupt, blackmailable, stupid now. They don’t even try anymore with their puppets. Clinton was at least a high IQ guy, new the game, had a sleazy charm, but with Biden, it’s an in-your-face puppet, the guy doesn’t know what day it is, or who he is meeting, so obviously he is not pulling the levers, making the plays. He’s probably asleep most of the time until the cameras roll. Shit, Reagan’s own son said that his father just watched TV most of the time in his second term (1985-1989) and didn’t even sign the official orders, his aides had to actually fake Reagan’s signature many times. It’s just theatre, the President is an actor who sells the mad ideas to the people then they flip over to Man Versus Food, fart twice and fall asleep.
My least favourite president was Shoeshine Barry.
And then that registered saxophonist Clinton.
Theyve had a bad run really,
Presidents shot in open cars,
Ones caught lying like fuck,
That Ronnie Raygun was funny!
“Pleasure to meet you princess David”
Hehehe ?
Good quiff though!
Bebop aloo la.
Who can forget President Raygun and his “Start Wars” initiative.
Ironically, Putin thinks he is invading Russia or part of it
Mc Donald’s have just announced they are closing temporarily all 850 outlets in Russia but will continue to pay its 6250 staff.
Will the mighty Mac topple the head of state?
Or Will a burger send us into oblivion
I’m not luvin it
Others have not been seen to take this line,
Starbucks have stated that their brand in Russia are run by a Kuwait conglomerate and KFC said their 1000 outlets are nearly all independently operated, ya it’s called Franchise by ye chiggun sellers
The sanctions of convenience food could play a significant roll in the struggle for Ukraine
Bellies from all the big cities in Russia will be furious with this latest trend a cabbage dinner just won’t do it for them anymore
More from Russia, nah no one around anymore
I’m gettin below with my cans. ( of food fuckers ) and powdered milk and my underwear 200 pairs cause I still haven’t figured out how to get the washing machine to drain out from my underground cellar lockdown
I know that ,the left has become the most extreme fucking war , fucking grabbing cunt nazis cuntdom in my lifetime but I never paid attention to these school teachers ,I instead just ignored there petty concerns
It’s like it came from nowhere as I was enjoying the freedoms of the 1980s and by the early 2000s they had it , grabbed by the fanny
It’s just bollocks now one day after the other
The industrial giants really and truly have no heart for humanity
I was looking at a video ,media art piece from Ursula Bienmann about the fracking for the tarry deposits that has already happened in the area the size of England up in Canada and the boiling of the waters that feed life
I really get upset with this shit because of the scale of destruction and yet Truedo kisses Greta and his whatever even
She has a great line in the narration she whispers throughout,referring to the run off into lakes created by these industries , it’s the Alberto river bye-the way that feeds the Arctic Ocean and the vast boreal forests
“Rhythmic explosions that keep the birds from bathing in toxic acid”
The lights are on but nobody’s home
We are at home to Mr.Cockup
Thanks Lord of the Light
The bombs mustn’t have gone yet
I will rearrange from the cellar if I can manage it and I didn’t even get a chance to change my jocks
Ring I meant, yah happens to us all ,the nuance so to speak
People should be worried about Biden – the one thing we know for certain is that he WILL follow through …………..
Biden is a corrupt criminal who has been on the take for decades. Ukraine have paid him and his junkie degenerate son millions over the years. He is a fucking disgrace to the United States .