Cancer is a White Privilege (4)

Apparently, white people are more likely to die of cancer than any other race, ethnic, whatever you want to call them.

Why am I not surprised. Could it be that, even into my late 60’s, I’m still paying tax to support these liggers, and the stress is literally killing me.
It’s a fact that stress and cancer are linked.

Could it be that we’re spending so much money treating the non contributing population that we have nothing to spare for research.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

77 thoughts on “Cancer is a White Privilege (4)

  1. White people are less likely die from a gunshot so we have that going for us I guess.
    If we do get shot it’s most likely from a descendent of a datk continent dweller.
    So avoid sugar, simple carbs, sedentary lifestyle, and N!66AZ.

  2. Some cancers are more prevalent amongst certain ethnic groups, others not so. Are the conclusions of this ‘research’ of any use at all? I don’t think so.
    If I give money to a charity like Cancer Research UK, I expect it to be spent on clinical research to try and find a cure for cancer. I don’t expect it to be spent on pointless number games.

    • GT@ – A member of my Family works for CRUK – around 1% of the money they scrounge is actually spent on meaningful research, the rest disappears.
      Corporate “charity” is a con.

      • Second that Vernon.

        My ex wife had a friend from her days at Blackistan College (A Levels) who sadly developed Kidney Cancer which eventually took him just before his 40th birthday.

        His story was more tragic because before revealing all the facts he told her that he was being ostracised at work and was clearly being managed out of the business.

        The kicker though was he worked for CRUK.

        Absolutely disgusting, fortunately he took £30k out of court which saw him through but I’ve never given a penny to them since and that must be 14 years ago.

        I’m sure over the years they’ve done a lot of good but it seems to me these BIG charities have become so detached from their original purpose that apart from paying CEO’s and Senior Mgt fortunes they’ve totally lost direction.

      • I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Basically it’s just like setting up a business (which is what it is). It can be absolutely anything. I’ve done a bit of research and the best way is to have it as far away from the donators, make it pull at heart strings and have a decent printer to send your idiots, sorry, donators an occasional letter to see where their cash went. Obviously a picture of a starving lice ridden lemur in the Yukon is better than a screenshot of your bank account.

  3. They say that there’ll be undiscovered plants up the jungle that can cure any disease….perhaps Um’Bongos discovered it years ago when grazing the forest canopy ?….Due to Wicked Whitey being such a Cunt to them,they aren’t letting on but are secretly using it as an ingredient in fried-chiggun batter ?

    • It might protect M’Bongo from cancer. The side effect is that it turns them into homocidal maniacs that kill each other. So it’s evens really.

    • Former (and dead) South African minister for health Manto Tshabalala-Msimang was a major AIDS denialist and organised for South Africa’s stand at an aids conference to contain such medical marvels as African beetroot and plantain tea. These were, apparently African solutions to a Western problem. She seemed fine with this cod science until the cunt killed it’s liver with drink and skipped the queue for a new one. Fucking cunts have no clue

  4. Strange. The amount of family members I have had to say my last goodbye to in the last five years due to cancer really doesn’t make me feel that privileged to be honest.

  5. In the United Kingdom at least, the African and East Asian race are a millstone around the neck of the white race.

    They contribute absolutely nothing worthwhile to our society and at the same time, take everything.

    They are the REAL fucking cancer, in OUR society.

  6. In the United Kingdom at least, the African and Asian race are a millstone around the neck of the white race.

    They contribute absolutely nothing worthwhile to our society and at the same time, take everything.

    They are the REAL fucking cancer, in OUR society.

  7. Yes! Latest figures I have seen is that 1 in 2 of us will get the dreaded “C.” No mention here of any efnic orientation. But surely these “Bottomless Pits,” like “Cancer Research,” & the like, need to get their fucking act together. You can name pretty much name any part of the body, & there will be a cancer for it. But guess what? These cancers from within are non of these charities specialised subjects!

    • I dispute that 1 in 2 figure, it seems extraordinarily high and doesn’t square with what I see around me, so on checking, I find they estimate 7000 cancer cases in my health board area…population: 78,150.

      I in 2 they say, eh?…but, doesn’t that come out as 1 in 11(ish
      )? and this is for a notoriously bloody unhealthy area with lots of legacy industrial ailments..

      It doesn’t square with family experience of cancer either, expanding the definition of family to include in-laws out of 45 of us, we’ve had the following numbers and causes of death over the years..

      5 cancer
      7 heart attacks
      3 murders (no, we’re not schwartzers…)
      2 strokes
      2 dementia

      So, for cancer, we have 1 in 9 within the family/in-laws, with none of the remaining 26 of us currently suffering from it.

      Casting the web a bit wider to extended family, no exact figures at hand, but anecdotally, on both my father and mother’s sides there’s little or no cancer, however, if you want to talk about strokes and heart disease…very few of us die of old age and in our beds, I’m now older than both my father and mother were when they died, and I’m nowhere near pensionable age yet.

      If of interest regarding the 5 cancer deaths,

      2 directly attributed to smoking,
      2 attributed to excessive exposure to the sun/tanning beds,
      and the last case being age related.

      No matter what the true figures are, they don’t need to ‘big’ the fuckers up, cancer’s a nasty cunt at any ratio,

      • Are we confusing deaths with cases?

        And some cancers are less deadly and easier treated than others.

        The accepted figure is that 1 in 4 die of cancer, that figure has remained much the same for many years. Probably worse now due to undiagnosed cases during lockdown and the NHS becoming the National Covid Service.

      • Here’s a quick money spinner for you, ignore the British heart Foundation, go specific. The myocarditis charity.

        Cue sad piano music…..
        ‘Are you between the age of 10 and 50?’
        Cue video of young people playing football
        ‘Before the pandemic were you fit and healthy like these people?’
        Cue video of 20 year old collapsing on the football field clutching their chest. Everyone gathers round in shock, close shot on individuals faces..
        Fade to monochrome video..
        Raise music to Adele- hello..
        Cue video of ambulance then 2 second shot of gravestone in monochrome..focus on born 2000-2022 asleep now, sadly missed.
        ‘ Myocarditis, the silent killer.’
        ‘Please donate 12 pounds a month to help research this terrible disease and help us find a way to end the heartbreak.’
        Cue slow motion video of some black bloke with a white wife in a park with their one Chinese child and the other one a bit Arabic with dreadlocks.

      • As far as my family/in-laws are concerned, cases leading to deaths. None of us left in the lands of the living has cancer in any form, well, I’ll qualify that with a ‘diagnosed’, as with the covid fuckwittery screwing everything up for a couple of years, who knows?

        As for the local health board figures, these were from Cancer Research UK themselves, 7000 cases with 3500 deaths. I took that as meaning 7000 cases with 50% mortality (unhealthy area), but even if you assume that they meant 10,500 combined cases and deaths, that’s still a figure of 1 in 7ish locally.

        After digging into this there’s another minor problem, for the year they’re claiming these 3500 cancer deaths, the ‘officially official’ government stats state that a total of 1225 people died locally of all causes…

        Now, they don’t group cancers as cancer as a singular cause of death, but they do list the other top 5 causes, there’s 448 deaths attributable to them, and assuming the worst case position that all remaing deaths are due to cancer, and that’s 777 at most.

        So, not 3500 then.

        Something isnt adding up, time to rustle up the source excel sheets from the good old government and have a good look…

      • Yes Comrade Tnuc. I did recently see the figure 1 in 2. That seems to have gone up, but no lie, I am only stating was I have seen.

      • No worries,
        The response wasn’t doubting you, but
        doubting the 1 in 2 figure that they’re touting which you mentioned.

        Apologies for any confusion.

  8. The simple reality is, most black Folk (as they like to call themselves here in the states) don’t live long enough to die of cancer…despite their predilection for menthol cigarettes and tobacco wrapped blunts.

    If they survive the fetus stage and don’t get aborted, a lot of them get “capped” by other blacks in the urban jungles that are America’s inner cities. Those that don’t get “capped” end up in prison where they’re not allowed to smoke and the risk of cancer is therefore, significantly less.

    Those that don’t get capped or go to prison grow up to play in the NBA, (the National Basketball Association), where the racist white owners have huge and expensive medical staffs to protect their subhuman investments.

    Occasionally, a racist white cop kneels of some groid’s neck and he leaves this world for the Great Beyond. There he attains immorality as he lives on in the the pantheon of martyred victims.

    • Ha ha, “groid”!
      I’mma gunna use me dat wun an’ ting.
      Kind of like calling Harvey Price a “tard”!

      • I didn’t know cigarettes were not allowed in U.S prisons, General. I had the image of some hulking brother in a doo-rag ordering the beat down of an unfortunate inmate for some perceived “disrepekt” for a pack of Golden Beach.

      • Hey LL,

        Cigarettes were banned in federal prisons (and by extension state prisons and jails due to federal funding) sometime in the early 2000s by the American Smoke Nazis.

        While I have little sympathy for incarcerated felons, as cigarettes are addictive, I think this policy is hateful and wrong.

        No Golden Beach here in the states. The cigarette of choice among both free roaming and incarcerated savages is (the menthol) brand Newport.

        In the old days Kool was the brand of choice. This spawned the old joke;

        A pimp walks into a store to buy some smokes.
        He says to the cashier; “Gimme a pack of what I am.”

        The cashier replies; “Sorry, but we don’t have any black cigarettes.”

  9. Wasn’t it the case that Covid 19 was racist because it affected and killed more ‘people of colour’.

    That’s not a question it was a statement made by many a Dawn Butler et al.

    So surely if you follow that batshit crazy logic Cancer is racist.

    • It’s surprising that blacks haven’t claimed that cancer is caused by racist white blood cells…

      • If I were to believe it, if yams are eaten daily, they don’t cure sickle cell, but do prevent attacks.
        A jungle tribe who were “relocated”, because their village was in the way of a new road, universally had sickle cell, but had no attacks until they were moved where they couldn’t grow, or eat, yams daily.
        There you go, blud, eat yams.

  10. The NHS is racist (against white), spending millions on drugs for sickle cell, I wonder which effnick group benefit and developed by whitey not dark skies.
    White lives matter less than black lives.

  11. The trouble with this story is that there are black and pakistain vermin living in Great Britain.

    If they were all “removed” then treatment rates/better outcomes for normal persons would surely increase.


  12. Its linked to work related stress,
    Probably why whitey suffers with it the most.

    My dad has bone marrow cancer, hes in remission,
    They gave him 5yrs to live 8yrs ago.

    Cancer is a orrible little fucker,
    Id wish it on my worst enemy.

    But modern medicine is making massive inroads with a cure for certain types of cancer,
    Amazing really.

    I wouldn’t recommend it as a weight loss option
    You look like Posh Spice,
    And its not good if youve nice hair,
    Alpecin shampoo wont fix it.

    • “Linked to worked related stress” – that’s probably why the House of Lords are the healthiest bunch of 103 year olds you will ever see.

      Good to hear Miserable senior is still fighting.

    • My lovely Mum died of breast cancer.
      She’d had surgery, but too late as it spread to her liver.
      She was admitted to hospital and died 17 days after being diagnosed.
      It still haunts me, but I don’t donate to cancer charities.
      I do donate to the “Make a wish” foundation, for Mum.

  13. Why do white people never suffer with sickle cell disease? Answers on a post card to James o Brian lbc radio Leicester Square, or David Attenborough bbc w1

  14. Meat eaters are more prone to cancers according to the veggies and vegan supporters ,well that’s what they’d have you believe ?
    My usual response to that theory is no that’s not true ,but possibly is true from when big science got involved with angel dust (growth hormone) and large scale intensification of animal feed by multinationals and Christ only knows what there feeding chickens these days
    BSE remember that
    You are what you eat is the saying but what has that living thing ate that you are eating right now and everyday ?

    • I’ve heard tell that down the dark years of grinding poverty that await us, we’ll be eating food, the main constituant of which is flour made from dried and powdered crickets, which will be produced by the hundreds of billion.

      • I hurried back to the swimming pool
        Sinkin’ piña colada
        I heard a dark voice beside me say
        Would you like something harder?
        She said I’ve got it, you want it
        My harvest is the best
        And if you try it, you’ll like it
        And wallow in a dreadlock holiday

        I love that song. 10cc’s best.

    • Never sure on ere where shit can go or to what level
      But I did like “The Crickets” not that I was even born or around.
      Radio in my early youth made sure I was aware of them Crickets ?

  15. Hungarian boffins came up with a cheap universal cure for all cancers 20 years ago. They done it on modest budget of around £100K. You would think world wide jubilations and Nobel prizes to all. Fuck no, it quickly got swept under the carpet.

  16. A sobering thought TtCE,
    Either Sanity or Satin will win the battle for the last carve up of the worlds resources
    It possibly is a 100 year war but hoping that box is not opened just yet

  17. Enjoy a working dis Paddies morning, it is my intention to avoid the parade as per usual but I truly know that some on here would love to attend the celebrations ? ??
    To celebrate this year since coughfuckedeverything we have both today and tomorrow off and with the weekend combined, it’s not a bad little break at all ,at all ,to be sure so Sir ?
    I might even go to Mass on Sunday to beg forgiveness,
    as I do not know what I do

  18. Evening all, despite being only 4 hours apart from the main cohort on ISAC right now, I’m still to busy with the fallout shelter, turnip patch and fashioning my own ammunition from saltpetre and urine ready for Brandon’s twin fronts offensive with Xi and Putin to post any witticisms of late, but I just had to remark of this nom pic that you seldom see choppers like that outside of a farm yard or zoo.

  19. Cheeky bloody n*gn*gs! They don’t say anything about keeping the bloody sickle cell all to themselves do they! No sir! And not only that Cliff Richard is still a colostomy bag wearing, Yew Tree dodging Marmite Badger! Haven’t mentioned it in a while and didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten!

  20. Kind of related but I saw this on Aunty Beeb:

    Headline: Long-term plan to tackle racial disparity in UK

    Now ladies and gents, we do not need a think tank, or some quasi government cummings like advisor to give us the answer, I know this…

    Use the seized Russian superyachts and other continental traversable vehicles to send them back. The message should be COVID is over, your country need you to return!

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