Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin [3]

Mad Vlad? I have been studying his Czarship of All The Russias ever since he emerged out of the KGB in East Germany. Obviously has put on weight and his little piggy eyes have almost vanished into his fat cheeks and he is no longer pictured riding bears bare chested but for those with the eyes to see the air of menace is still there beneath the veneer of gangster power. Puts me in mind of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. As ever Brecht got there first.

Putin’s journey is a familiar one, he has eliminated or bought off all internal opposition and is now out on his own, a dangerous and self destructive place to be. Perhaps he has forgotten where he came from and who helped him get here. The KGB’s closest Western parallel is The Mob. Both exist to make money and what or who is bad for business is eliminated. Targeted sanctions will not go down well in those circles.

Mr Putin should know this and cast his mind back over various anti-business operations starting with the ice pick in Trotsky’s skull, the execution of Beria, the withdrawal of life saving drugs from Stalin, irradiated umbrella tips on Waterloo Bridge, irradiated cups of tea, Novichok in perfume bottles and on door handles and last but not least the boosting of individuals head first from fifth floor windows.

The KGB may yet prove to be the saviour of the world. They also do nice funerals.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Seconded by: MMCM

Vladimir Putin and the pathetic West.

Surely Putin is one of the biggest cunts out there? Launching a full scale invasion on a peaceful nation that poses no threat and justifying it by reference to some hocus pocus about the integrity of the historical Russian nation. The only problem is that the Ukrainians do not see themselves as Russians and Kiev was a flourishing and important city whilst Moscow was still a forest.

Putin might be a cunt, with his big desks, big watches and titanic offices and his penchant for humiliating underlings, but he’s a smart one. He has the feeble and decadent West either dancing to his tune or panicking when they realise they are too feeble and gutless to stop him.

Because the reverse side of this cunting is the West, specifically the European Western Liberal order and those who have spinelessly allowed Putin to get away with his antics for years, encouraged him by buying his gas whilst failing to spend on their own military and defense but relying on the Americans instead whilst abusing them and calling them “warmongers”.

Between them, Putin and the feeble West, they have cooked up the mother of international crises.

According to Francis Fukuyama history ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. Well, it looks like it’s back with a vengeance.



With additional commentary from Everyonesacunt:

War in Europe. That’s a Cunt. A dangerous cruel scary ? Cunt.



It seems history is sort of repeating itself. Mad dictator enters another state to protect his people within that state. Sounds very familiar and very scary.

Putin must be feeling his age and would like to be known for something other than a crook.


King of the world perhaps. He has always seen himself has some kind of bear wrestling macho saviour of the Russian empire


Now war is a proper Cunt hundreds thousands millions of innocent people are murdered raped killed. And war today in Europe against a foe with arms capable of destroying the entire planet ? is a big Cunt. Ps so is the little mad man with the big fucking ego.( Putin).

The Cunt seems that he really wants to bow out with a bang.

136 thoughts on “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin [3]

  1. A complete utter Cunt end of. Let’s hope some
    Cunt evaporates him and the whole kremlin as a binds take.

    • Good luck if you’re that someone and hoping there wont be a counterstrike from the thousands of warheads maintained by the Russian forces.

    • Public outcry is acceptable, but our politicians and MSM can suck a dick. They are in absolutely no position to lecture anyone.

      The hysteria is incredible. What a convenient distraction for Bojo and chums though, whom inadvertently revealed covid was a complete charade with their little garden soirée.

      Unbelievably convenient.

      • I’m sure that if there was a meteor strike, or Yellowstone blew some would think it was a convenient distraction, and all part of ‘the plan’
        Russia’s troll factories have worked well….

      • Troll factories ? Keeping your shit eating dietary requirements up I see.

        This isn’t the days of the tsars. Putin is someone else’s bitch.

      • I was wondering when you would pipe up with this shit TBCC. You really have gone off the deep end.

      • Keep watching the BBC like a good little pleb to The City boys and I’m sure you’ll get the truth ?

      • Now we know, Boris asked Vlad to invade Ukraine to take the heat off Partygate and that everyone would start to believe the Covid was a charade…. Makes sense to me ?

      • You can’t argue with the bitchute brigade. They talk about brainwashing by MSM while doing the same with any crank with a camera and hatred of the west.
        Useful idiots, as Stalin once called them.

      • TBCC@ – Correct.
        Also a diversion from the John Durham investigation into Hillary Clinton and the fact Joe Biden has some very incriminating evidence hidden in Ukraine which could potentially end his career and see him – and his degenerate Son – in prison.
        Leave the sheeple to their happy little clown world – debating with fools is time wasted.

      • Chunky, you do know there’s a middle ground between being a BBC sheep and a tin foil shitcuter right? This is the problem with you truther types – you see the world entirely in black when the world doesn’t work like that. For the most part it isn’t a case of heroic good vs unfathomable evil – the REAL truth is often somewhere in between.

      • Don’t tell me the Chelyabinsk meteor wasn’t a ‘false flag’ created by the Union of Russian Glaziers and their contacts in the Cosmodrome.

        I’ve read about it on Facebook.

  2. Famously, Winston Churchill defined Russia as “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma” and he was right. Vlad is a right cunt and a liability. After the Salisbury poisoning you’d think we’d have his card marked but no. The only Russian president you could trust in the last 40 years was Gorbachev.

    Now I’m not sure why he’s invading Ukraine. Last month: military exercises on the border then the real story that there are 2 Russian supporting regions in Ukraine that have been that way for at least the last 8 years, now it comes to light in the MSM that he wants to control the whole of Ukraine.

    What would happen if Ukraine had kept a few loose nukes and used them against invading Russian forces? Detonating a 1MT h-bomb on your own door step might be extreme but if it killed 40000 Russian Squadies it would prove to Vlad that they’re not fucking about.

    Note to KGB: Get rid of the fucker now.

  3. In all their wisdom, Boney M got it right –

    “Ra, Ra, Vlad Putin
    Russia’s greatest drama queen.”

    Only Putin is madder than Rasputin and he’s got nukes.

    I really think he’s lost his mind. He’s impatient of counsel and has surrounded himself with fellow kleptomaniacs and crony’s that hang on to his every word and are scared to challenge him.

    A tragedy for Russia and most of all for Ukraine.

      • Parkinson’s is a distinct possibility, though there’s an article in, I think, the BMJ, which ascribes his silly walk to KGB Gunslingers’ training, ie keep right arm relatively immobile, ready to whip your weapon out as needed…

    • Vlad is not mad. He knows we’re at a low ebb in the west with pathetic leaders and debt from Covid. Sanctions never work, only on the already poor of the targeted country, and not one full of oil, gas, metal and wheat.

  4. Well let’s hope NATO don’t end up getting reluctantly dragged into this caper otherwise we might end up glowing in the dark.

  5. Vladimir Putin claims that by invading the Ukraine, that he is indeed rather absurdly – “fighting fascism”

    He’s obviously been keenly observing the West eat itself alive thanks mainly to self loathing woke induced muppetry over the last few years and has displayed a sense of humour if nothing else.

    Not only does this cunt look like some sort of troll – but with statement’s such as that – he’s basically trolling the woke West better than any incel in his basement could ever wish.

    • I blame David Lammy, describing Rees-Mogg and the ERG.

      ‘They are Nazis, no I will go further they are worse than Nazis’

      See David, what you have done, Vlad thinks that the west are Nazis!

      • He was on the Marr show and Marr asked him if would like to retract his statement the the ERG were Nazis, his reply was ‘I will go further they are worse than Nazis’ , nice one David, I guess that is what got him the shadow foreign secretary job ?

  6. What a psychopathic, posing gay numpty Putin looks in that nom photograph.

    The pasty bare chest, the ostentatious cross, the combat trousers, the reflecting sunglasses, Mother Russia in the background.

    Looks like the cover of a gay porn DVD.

  7. He is mad, he is bad, he is Vlad.

    Fuck knows what is going through his head, Ukraine isn’t a real country ?

    • About time we got a LGQT dictator.
      That’s progression that is.
      Ok, Hitler ate his own shit rumour has it,
      But its not the same as Vlad whos a right flamer!

      Proper little Tutu wearing Mary Anne…

      Зьрдук йуатбзл тсс .
      Цуештаук аажмаар!!!
      *This post has been censored.
      The offended while face justice in due course.

      • Mnc@ – It’s nice that bad Vlad will be able to swap fashion and makeup ideas with General Milley and “super gorgeous Laydee” Levine.
        I can see the headlines now – “world saved by airlift of false eyelashes and hold up stockings to Kremlin”!
        Oh what a lovely war.

      • Foxy,
        Vlad has a western name when traveling with his young male companion.
        He travels under the pseudonym
        Gorgeous Randy flamethrower
        To see musicals in the West End.

  8. This is the sort of thing that happens when the “leader” of the Western world is a senile, piss-leaking, farting, shitstain called Biden. The poor old cunt probably doesn’t even know what year it is.

  9. How the fuck did we go from being the most powerful empire ever to being held hostage by Megamind?

  10. All because of one mans repressed sexuality. Hopefully his Ceausescu moment is in the very near future.

  11. This may not be a popular viewpoint but to understand this cuntish behaviour you must realise that part of the post cold war agreement said that NATO wouldn’t go beyond the borders of Germany, but they haven’t kept their promise, Ukraine is the last European outpost of the former Soviet empire, and if you keep poking a bear with a shitty stick and laughing one day the bear will bite back, Putin is indeed a cunt, but there’s been plenty of provocation leading up to this shit storm!!!

    • Even though you are right, it’s only giving him the excuse he needs to carry out this operation, rather than the reason for it.
      Don’t forget, he’s been poking the West for over a decade, and getting away with it. Assassinations on foreign soil, shooting down civilian aircraft, Crimea. It’s not all one way.

  12. The good news is that “globalism” is over. We will, in short order have to get fracking and rebuild industry wether the Tories like it or not. What is happening is the end of something and the beginning of something else. Putin is a twat. Biden , the Democrat party and the wankers who vote for them have done more damage to the West than any group of people since the German National Socialist Workers Party.

    • Hopefully there’s plenty of gas under Michael Eavis’s farm.
      ‘Sorry hippy cunts, no Ed Sheeran or Lizzo this year, but there are plenty of jobs going at Cuadrilla’.

      ‘Ssoo, liiike, isn’t that the new Stormzy?’

      ‘Why yes. Yes it is. Get fr…cracking..’

  13. I think I must be alone . I recall events of 2014, a coup, and the democratically elected PM ousted in favour of an EU stooge. If there is now a war, then look at the morons we have in power in the west. Where are our armed forces ? Where is our moral integrity. Like all else in the west, they are fucked over by a cabal of cunts equal to anything Putin may be. just sayin of course.

    • I see you pal. People have no short-term memory any more, it’s incredible. Hopelessly dependent on state propaganda to fill in their world view.

  14. Putin is a gangster who admires Stalin. Stalin was possibly the most prolific murderer ever. So he will have no conscience for the deaths he causes.
    The West, and particularly the UK and the City could have hamstrung the cunt, financially and economically, 20 years ago but greed got in the way. Russia is no China and would have collapsed, or at least got rid of Putin and his crew.
    He has murdered in the UK with no consequences.
    We sent him the message. Do what you like. Vested Western interests will oblige.

    • Well no matter your take on Vlad the impaler,
      KGB mob bootboy,
      Puppet of shadowy elites
      Lizard King from Àlpha Centauri,
      Hes shook the world.

      Hes kickstarted something that could escalate quite quickly.
      And things will change the world over.
      Hes a admirer of Peter the Great,
      His expansionism is his lifelong dream of recreating the Russia of old.
      The curse of living in interesting times eh?

    • Very true Cuntstable, and let it be said there are many in the British a labour party that admire old uncle Joe and all…

  15. Putin? Massive throbbing bumlord!
    What you going to do bad Vlad?
    Fk all – just like when I “Totes owned you” in the mince off at the Blue Oyster bar – death by paisley chiffon, you dismal dirtbox dabbling dick tator!
    Chill out everyone – I got this! ???

    • Greeting Foxy.

      Although it now seems that our Defence Secretary has said that British troops will not fight the Russians.

      I’m sure the families of both of them were relieved when they heard this.

      • Cuntybollocks@ – Afternoon Cuntybollocks – not our fight – a prearranged smoke and mirrors distraction to divert attention from a number of other things.

      • Quite correct Vernon , the Propaganda Blitz takes over from Project Fear ( covid ) and hey presto, we all look the other way. Bang on mate !

      • It’s a ruse to distract us from the importance of things like manspreading on buses and the impact felt by black people by eating fried chicken ‘ironically’.

  16. I think I welcome it. To a point.

    Of course if he’s as mad as they say, he may have a poke at Poland and then Article 5 would be initiated. That would lead to big buckets of sunshine being deployed I suspect.

    This action if it can be kept regional however has showed the snowflakes and twat book ‘me me me’ generation what 30 years of being all lefty wefty and being ‘nice to all’ brings in the form of bodies on the street, destroyed apartment blocks and sheltering in subways as the alarm sounds…

    A commie dictator is not to be appeased or threatened with words. He only understands force sadly and when our leaders, the calibre of Micron, Trudeau, Biden, Johnson, Markle etc have their strings pulled by Sorearse and the WEF collective, there is little hope.

    • Our ever truthful and honest media will no doubt spin everything so that it was all his fault in the first place…

  17. Putin is acting just like the old Soviet leaders.
    I remember the Prague Spring, when the Soviet tanks rolled in, the West did fuck all.
    The sense of shock then was very similar to that of today.
    The world is a different place now, trade is more extensive. The West doesn’t have the guts to impose sanctions that would have a real effect..
    We are weak willed.
    If Putin succeeds in Ukraine, he’ll be back for more.
    Probably in the Baltic States.
    Hopefully, Putin will get a bullet in the head, delivered by someone far more rational than him.
    The psychotic, shit stabbing, little fairy.
    In WW2, General Patton was of the opinion that the Western Allies should not stop at Germany, but should take on Russia.
    If they’d had their arses nuked then, they wouldn’t be a problem now.
    It worked wonders for Japan.
    Good afternoon.

    • We should have let the cunts starve in 1942, when the biggest contribution in aid to Russia wasn’t armaments but food. The local population turned to cannibalism.

  18. Let’s hope Vlad doesn’t make the mistake of criticising the BLM statue topplers or perhaps say something like there are only 2 genders.

    That would undoubtedly bring the wrath of the entire western establishment down on this war mongering despot.

    I’m sort of on the fence with this one because I think both sides of this argument are guilty of monumenal cuntishness.

    The true victims of all this are the innocent Ukrainian people caught in the middle of it.

  19. Western Europe has gone mad on the climate bollocks and buying gas from Russia.
    Putin has used the dosh to re-arm.
    The west is now fucked. I hope they pull their dirty brown fingers out and start using their own resources. Fracking anyone?

    Meanwhile we send aid to Pakistan and they sign a new gas deal with Russia.
    And India is trying to do a deal in Rupees.

    The World has gone mad.

    • “We send aid to Pakistan”

      That, in a nutshell is why we are fucked.

      I wouldn’t give the ungrateful superstitious bastards the skin off my last turd.

  20. Peter Hitchens himself said recently that Vlad would have to be insane to start anything.
    Guess he’s a fucking nutter then…

  21. Watched ” look at life” on the Talking pictures ch 82 the other day, item on the EU 1962. Interesting was a map of Europe showing the member states plus Russia and the eastern bloc countries. No sign of Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania etc. Just a big fucking Russia. Just a thought….!

  22. Fuck, in that header pic Vlads pale as the human body gets without being translucent .

    He’s obviously riddled with Aids.

    The slaphead discodancing little bandit.

  23. If Ukrainians are responsible for the ‘Chicken Kiev’,
    they throughly deserve to have the shit bombed out of their country.

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