Return To British Values

‘British values’. A term bandied around by the cunt politicians. ‘we need to go back to british values’. What they mean is this diversity and inclusiveness shite they push. Pray, tell, how does one go BACK to something new?

If we truly go BACK, to ENGLISH values (not british), that may be fun. No more invasion of sponging foreigners, gay goes back to being a crime, christianity fucks off, we control our country, and our law is ABSOLUTE in our country again.

So, yes, lets ‘return’ to british values and show the wokie liberal foreigner-loving cunts just who this country belongs to. If not, stop banging on about ‘british values’ just to get votes, you hypocritical lying worthless scum.

Nominated by: ElDiablo666

70 thoughts on “Return To British Values

  1. British values are –

    2.Fair mindedness.
    3.A love of liberty.
    5.A respect for law (when it doesn’t conflict with 1 and 2 above).
    6.Justice and a fair trial.
    7.Respect and tolerance for foreign settlers in the UK when they accept and live by 8.British values (otherwise fuck off).
    9.Empiricism and pragmatism.
    10.Fish and chips.
    11.Dads Army.

    I suspect that when many commentators speak of “British Values” they mean the opposite of these things. They usually mean some Dago inter-sectionalism and cultural relativism imported from some air-head French philosophers like Focault.


    • Agreed. Except for number 7. The only dârkıes that should be allowed in are clever Indians.
      No tıddly-wınks, no mighty Joe Youngs and, most of all, no filthy fucking pakıs.

      • Agreed Thomas, my local curry house, The Ring of Fire would be forced to close without IT graduates from Bangalore.

      • There’s a “The Ring of Fire” where I live, LL, but it’s a gay bar, not a curry house.

      • Fuck that. Letting “clever” Indians in ruined my profession (engineering). It goes like this: company advertises for engineers in UK. Usually shit money and shit hours. Funny enough, no Brits apply. Then company goes to immigration and says that they can’t find any skilled engineers/ Immigration give them a number of visas. Thick cunts come from India with dubious qulifications, undercut us, and never fuck off back home. I complained to my MP – what do you think the response was?

    • Regarding your last point MMCM; I read somewhere that the EU was dreamed up by French, left-wing, catholic intellectuals. I’ve got time for (genuine) intellectuals.

      • ‘EU founder Robert Schuman on path to sainthood’

        I think he is already ‘Venerable’. The next stage is ‘Blessed’ then ‘Saint’.

        To become a Saint you usually need two miracles attributed to your intercession.

        Maybe in a time of spiritual crisis Nigel Farage might end up praying to Saint Robert Schuman for help.

      • My favourite punk song I think Sir Hugh. Devastated to learn that he didn’t sing it.

        I also like ‘I’m a Barbie girl’.
        ‘Life in plastic, it’s fantastic’.

      • Robert Schumann – a saint?

        Not as crazy as it sounds. Of course, to be beatified the candidate for sainthood must have a number of fully attested miracles attributed to him.

        I suppose getting a disparate bunch of countries with very little in common to degrade themselves by throwing away their sovereignty, monetary independence and border security and then submitting themselves to the rule of a bunch of third rate mediocrities in Brussels is nothing if not a miracle.

        A miracle of stupidity perhaps – but, nonetheless, a miracle.

  2. Politicians from both sides of the political spectrum love to wax lyrical about ‘British values’ such as democracy, liberty and tolerance but then stand by with their thumb up their arse as we import Sharia Law, forced marriage and FGM to name but a few multicultural delights.

  3. I agree with the OP that the Gayness laws need to be looked at. I’d like to see the Gross Indecency laws bought back which would include dark key men doing themselves up in drag with their rubbery lips coated in Izzard pink, and if bumfuckery and cottaging were included there are several MPs who would be less chippy and keeping their heads down, a few might even be in prison where they belong for their abominable practices.

  4. How can we go back to British values when the Capital of England and the most important city in the UK is no longer English.

    British values, subjugate the foreigner, oh we can’t do that anymore, maybe just repatriate all the fucking shit that has washed up here since the end of the Second World War.

    • I epitomise British values.

      Roast beef
      Fish n chips
      Saucy postcards
      Casual bigotry
      Self believe
      And good old jingoism ????

      In fact everything that foreigners and frenchies arent.
      Because they aren’t as good as us.
      We, this band of brothers
      The bulldog breed
      God’s chosen people.

      • Every new citizen should receive a flashers mac and an A-Z of dogging sites to integrate with our British sense of eccentricity and tolerance of low level public nuisance issues.

      • Formal bigotry means getting all dressed up sicky.
        I like to be comfy in old jeans whilst discriminating against foreigners.?

      • A well dressed bigot, a true British tradition, let’s the underclasses and Jonny foreigner know their place

  5. You need a new colony to deport your undesirables to, Commonwealth countries claim most of Antarctica. Tell them to pack a coat, it’s rather brisk down there as well as get used to the taste of roast penguin, bit like fishy duck so I’m told.

      • Hello mr Cuntengine?
        Some will be egg fondlers thats a given.
        Luckily eskimo kids wear 9 layers!
        Itd be like pass the parcel.

    • A friend went to Antarctica as a scientist, he got the whole nine yards about how fragile the environment is and absolutely everything is protected.

      Then to the survival manual: “if caught away from base without food, penguins…are delicious!“

  6. If I want to be reminded of British values then I’ll watch the VE Day celebrations,a British populace celebrating a final victory after years of true hardship and danger.

    The lowest chimney sweep in that crowd is worth a thousand politicians.

    • Oh and there’s no sign of any third world trash or African savages either.
      So,an object lesson in how to drive a country ever closer to the abyss.
      All in one lifetime.

  7. British values? They’ve always been what we’re told they are. Fairness? Kids down pits for the profit of the rich? Doff your cap and grovel when encountering a person from a higher class? Slums? Victorian London swimming in gin?

    To me it seems that most of us probably have a very brief period of history in mind that we base our view of what it means to be British. Somewhere between the 1930s and the early sixties.

    At the point McMillan told us we had never had it so good he was probably right. At that point we had great potential, economically and socially.

    What did they do? The sold us down the river with policy after policy that eroded everything that had been achieved up to that point.

    I believe there are British characteristics that are sadly being flushed away in a sea of imported sewage but British values will only ever be what we are told they are to fit the current agenda of the ruling class.

    • Always puzzles me why, British politicians seem to hate Britishness. Relentless in their pursuit to destroy the very thing that made this country a world power. Granted fighting the Hun in two wars buggered up our economy, but since 1945 it seems to be a case of mass immigration, lowering of standards and a general dumbing down of the great unwashed. Perhaps the powers at be realised educating us was a mistake…That’s probably why the troops were demobbed/ de armed so quickly, no fucking revolution for you laddy ….⚒

    • I love watching old films of Britain before 1960. We had a homogeneous population of white people, and that’s why our country worked. Shared values and beliefs.

    • I aim further back in history. I wasnt taught anything about pre-christian english history at school. Though, that may be because I went to a catholic school. But, then, history is meant to teach ALL history, not just the bits the teacher/school likes. I wasnt even taught about the crusades!

  8. Traditional British values are now deemed to be totally racist and based on slavery. The new ‘values’ are those that the scum from every shithole in the world brings here. And we’re supposed to not just follow them but applaud them.

  9. The cunts in politics etc that rattle on about that shit are so out of touch with the rank & file that they have not a fucking clue what ‘British Values’ really are.
    A bunch of self-serving cunts pandering to the filth of the world at the expense of their own people. Utter cunts!

  10. Diversity,equity, multi culturalism, printing money, women in the infantry, TQ and P, sharia law and halal, trans, mutilating kids genitals, slavery and human trafficking , illegal migrants, men beating women in womens sport, corruption in the Tory party are not British values. In fact they are the enemy of a free people.

    • And footballists,

      The only way is Essex,

      Jeordie Shores,

      Social Media influencers (whatever the fuck they are)

      Ryland, Norton and that fat Fry thing…

      The country is fucked I’m afraid.

  11. Enoch Powell warned us.
    We are an inch away from the abyss.
    And not one politician is doing a fucking thing about it.
    “Cause of death? Apathy”.

  12. I recall that quacking cunt John Major going about getting back to basics, with an emphasis on the old values like decency, the family and that.
    We should all go out and get a bit on the side then; if it was decent enough for him, it’s good enough for the rest of us.

  13. I assume these British values are patronisingly aimed at the indigenous population and not to our non integrating ‘guests’. Generations of politicians have caused all our problems and continue to add to them with their lily livered wokery. Yet they seem to think a few hackneyed phrases will cure all. If they listened to the majority rather than the few, they’d understand that the only words that really count are ‘Fuck off back to your country of origin’

  14. Having spent the last two weeks investigating certain businesses around the UK, I can tell you we are fucked. No-one paying tax, asylum seekers working places. never get sent home (even if that don’t get asylum), exploitation on a grand scale. The situation is so far beyond repair – the politicians are petrified of the truth getting out and are doing their best to divert our attention elsewhere. War in Ukraine anyone? Why are we worried about another country’s borders when we can’t control our own?

  15. As Eddie Booth always said “Once all those bloody n*g n*gs have gone ‘ome again, you can back to good old British basics. A pint, an afternoon at the football and a fight on the way ‘ome”.

  16. We could get back to British Values if all politicians fucked off and ISAC was in charge for a year.

  17. Many English values are enlightenment values of English liberalism, with a greater focus on individualism and humanism and a lesser focus on collectivist Christian values so in a way, kind of progressive (Sad to say).

    It seems cognitively-dissonant to tell Christianity to fuck off but then long for the return of anti-gay laws which were on the statute books as a direct result of Christianity. I’d much rather let the gays have their bum fun but get rid of Sunday trading laws which are a pointless, Christian anachronism and also legalise cannabis.

    English cultural tradition is about fair play, politeness and the “mustn’t grumble” mentality and there’s nothing fairer than staying out of other people’s business so I say let the daily bummers bum, let the Sunday drinkers drink and as for the stoners……..let them eat hash cake.

    • I wasnt suggesting we make bumming a crime, I was just making a point. True, the anti-gay shit was a result of christianity. Not many people know that, so well done there.

  18. For years now the mythical “British stiff upper lip” has been gradually replaced with the English quivering lower lip. This is evidenced by the amount of mawkish virtue signalling when some “national treasure” dies, “men” wearing their hearts on their sleeves regarding emotions and people losing their collective shit because there is a cm of snow on the road. Fucking fannies

  19. I think we should return to being Beaker People. This decade and century is going to be mental, it’s too late to dial back the clock to any kind of “Golden Age”, we have to march on into a better world or Yahweh will bring another flood from Heaven…

  20. British Values are summed up by the mighty bacon butty.
    We should have a law insisting on imbibing on one per month. Those who refuse should leave these shores.
    Non UK nationals should not be able to buy land or property here.
    One passport only – either or, not both
    Ban imports of Soy
    Get rid of Islington Calling and bring back a proper BBC
    No ex-MP can become a Lord
    Process all Channel Migrants on a ferry back over to Calais
    Legalise all drugs – make them free at your leisure centre – but no takeaways.
    Anyone caught with a knife as a first offence should be taken to Canal St and witness what happens to Second offenders. Handcuffed wrist to ankles over the railings – drop their strides and shout happy hour in the neighbouring gay bars
    That should get things back on their way to a decent and better society

  21. The British Values politicians now speak of are not Britsh values. They are woke, snowflake, cancel everything values. If I were PM for the day, I would impose the following:

    – make being poor very unattractive
    – fine or close universities who dont allow the rights to freedom of speech
    – cancel student grant’s and make degrees an achievement for gifted people, not continually devalue them
    – pass laws to support the rights of victims and remove laws which champion the perpetrators
    – ban Muslim dead terrorists from having an Islamic funeral
    – give Scotland independence, remove, all financial support and close The Scottisn Engliah border
    – make use of gender pronouns illegal
    – cancel Prince Harry Hewitts British citizenship
    – make Meghan Sparkle an enemy of the state
    – recognise that the blm movement is in fact racist and ban it
    – stop giving foreign aid to countries with nuclear arsenals and space programmes
    – build new homes on shit tip council estates instead of digging up the green belt
    – make all foreign nationals pay top dollar for nhs treatment and give no benefits until they’ve paid income tax for 10 years

    The country has gone soft.

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