Joe Biden ( Mainly his family of plastic paddies)
I fucking hate Plastic Paddies. Especially American Cunts who think because they have a spec of Irish Blood that they shit shamrocks, piss Guinness must hate the British and love “the cause”.
Basically Biden allegedly said his Mother refused to sleep in a bed at a hotel that was once used by the Queen. I thought alright bit bigoted but she may from Ireland back when it was fighting for its independence and its civil war. Nope she was born in fucking PENNSYLVANIA, good old US Of A!
I bet she never took a walk down the streets of Belfast during the troubles. Look in the eyes of the widows, orphans whose relatives died because of “the cause”.
It was Yanks like this who helped fund and arm the IRA during the Troubles which dried up after 9/11 right when IRA said they lay down their arms for good. Funny that, looks like the Plastic Paddy gravy train stopped.
Biden hates us just like Barry Obama over stupid bullshit that happened years in the past.
It boils me piss.
Nominated by: Twatus Cuntus
A side note worth mentioning from arfurbrain:
Hope he knows (and she knew) that Pennsylvania was named after admiral William Penn who was as English as me.
Bearing a grudge a bad thing?….understandable enough for me….. I personally would never visit Japan after their savagery during the War….some Scots still bang on about Culloden…the French have a long list of reasons why they hate us….Coloureds are still upset about slavery etc.,etc.
Human nature isn’t it ?
Plastic Paddies are some of the worst vermin on this planet. It all a sham and even Irish people are embarrassed by these cunts.
The US was founded by the English. There would be no USA without the English. The Scots were busy with their failed Darien project and the Oirish were to busy boiling potatoes in their failed food security endeavour.
Top of the morning dude!
Irish via Boston
Mnc@ Morning Mnc – Every St Patricks day the US Government would invite Sinn Fein The White House, there would be bastards outside from NORAID – the fundraising wing of the IRA with buckets saying “Give a Dollar to kill a Brit soldier” on them – this used to send me insane with rage as the IRA have murdered some people close to me.
But the Americans got pretty much their first taste of terrorism with 9/11 and their first experience of the innocent being butchered by vile bastards – it quickly put to bed the somewhat naive notion that the IRA were “oppressed freedom fighters”.
On other disappointing news my 4 week paid holiday has been put on hold, but good timing as I picked up a new contract yesterday! ??
Disappointing that your “break” didn’t come off,Vern…..I had high hopes of seeing you on the news in an eighteen-wheeler Big-Rig leading the American Freedom convoy into Washington….President Trump sat at your side as you oust that thieving old Cunt,Biden.
Never mind,perhaps you’ll manage a long weekend in Bridlington,eh.
🙂 .
Yep, saw things differently after a bit of terror on home soil didn’t they?
My best mate did 3 tours of northern Ireland,
He ‘waterboarded’ IRA suspects.
Im proud of him.
Yep, anyone who grew up in 70’s and 80’s will no doubt have their own personal memories of the PIRA’s many evil and callous murderous acts, and lets get it right, they were murders.
For those that served over it was different rules in that regard, but even the way they killed most squaddies was particularly callous.
Warrenpoint is the perfect example of their methods.
Ultimately though, for all their romantic rhetoric of being heroic freedom fighters was horseshit, they were in reality just psychotic gangsters funded by thousands of plastics over the pond, and here.
NORAID raised a lot of money in the pubs and clubs of Kilburn, Willesden and many other strong Irish communities here in Londonistan.
The money ran out in the end and they were by the 90’s riddled with grasses and very high up double agents in their war council.
The slayings of Cpls Howes and Wood in Belfast 1988 is will be forever seared into my memory for sure.
The Loyalists had as many utter psychos in their ranks as well mind, that Michael Stone loon for example.
Absolute lunatic that bloke, another one of Blair’s legacy, releasing all those psychos on both sides back onto the streets.
Biden’s mother is definitely a Plastic Paddy cunt. But surely she’s just as big a cunt for giving birth to Sleepy and not drowning the useless virtue signalling cunt at birth.
funny, I thought that would be the main part of the nom!
Bidet Biden wants throwing into a wood chipper head first
surely legs first so he can enjoy the experience?
Ha ha ha absolutely
Never any mention of his English forebears……..
I never mention my Jamaican forebearer….Rastus *Coalface” Um’Bongo-Fiddler was the black-sheep of the family.
DFF@ – So that’s why there are no pictures of Rastus on the wall of your exclusive club? B&WC won’t like this when he visits!
And yep, it looks like it’s a weekend in Brid for the annual holiday again – my little “working holiday” would have been a very interesting trip!
Couldn’t take them up on the offer (your humorous summation earlier wasn’t far off the mark!) – it would have meant turning work down her and letting people down, but working on something for later in the year! ?
I suspected as much,Vern…I already had it in my the film “Convoy”…you as Rubber Duck leading the way…myself as “Pigpen” in a livestock wagon and Miles as the busload of Jesus-freaks tear-arsing through road-blocks….I did wonder if we could purlion “Ride of the Valkyries” to have blasting out as you announced ” This here’s the Rubber Duck,they may take our freedom but we’ll never take their jib-jabs”
A suitably spectacular scenario,I’m sure you agree.
🙂 .
Yanks indeed have strange views of what ‘England’ is like, as far as I’m concerned the real bogtrotters hate these plastic cunts more than anyone, anyone who has ever seen the film “the field” would know this!!!
“Are you siding with that foreign bastard, Finnegan?”
Have they found Hunter’s laptop yet?
The cunts.
So …. we all came outta Africa did we. Ya don’t see too many spouting their shit about the ‘lation’s they have back in the old country.
‘Mericia’ … proper meltin’ pot of the world … all love to trace their short history back to some overseas ‘camp’.
These are the cunts who funded the IRA from the front lines of Boston. They know fuck all and have learned fuck all.
Dressing in green on Paddy’s day is as close as they get. Stupid cunts.
I wonder if they felt a bit remorseful after the Boston marathon bombing? So easy to support something if you never have to live with the consequences.
Dressed in green, riverdancing,
Touch of the blarney?
Be a yank.
Theyre always claiming barely tenuous heritage.
Irish, scots, native American.
Like that Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren Trump used to wind up.
Trump’s half Scotch, best mate of sex pest Salmond.
Morning Miserable. ?
They go round grabbing em by the pussy!
Morning mate?
Founder members of the Pussy Grabbers Alliance.
Mnc@ – Heap big trouble for paleface fibber Warren!
Our kid had 3 tours of NI, saw and did some pretty unpleasant things, one of my other Brother was an NCO and did everything he could to avoid going – went down a lot in my eyes after I found that out – it ain’t fun but everyone knows the risks involved with taking the Queens shilling.
Plastic paddies are fucking cunts, I’ll give you that. We have them here, especially on ‘Paddies Day’ when it’s traditional to sing songs ‘aboit der troibles’ and get the shits after 10 pints of the devil’s diarrhea (Guinness). I avoid pubs on this day.
But the Yanks are worse. If their great uncle twice removed was a quarter paddy, they think they’re fucking Bobby Sands on Paddy’s Day, the fucking pricks (don’t ask him to decorate your front room, that’s all I’m saying).
Diddly aye aye aye etc.
Although I loved it when the senile stair wobbler barked, “BBC? I’m Irish!” at some BBC cunt.
He’s about as Irish as Charlie Chan eating bush meat in an igloo.
Morning cunters.
Fuck Ireland, and America for that matter.
What about the Great Nation of East Anglia?
Justice for the murder of King Edward.
Edmund ffs.
Fuck off spellchecker, you Angliaist bastard.
My grandfather was a quarter ford Anglia.
Probably programmed by Jade Goody. East Angular she called it if I recall correctly.
6 finger cunts
An end to the discrimination of people with webbed fingers. 6 of them.
? Will ye have a chicken supper Bobby Sands..
Will ye have a chicken supper Bobby Sands..
Will ye have a chicken supper, yer dirty Fenian fucker, will ye have a chicken supper Bobby Sands ?
Every white American I’ve ever met thinks they’re either Oirish or had an ancestor on the Mayflower.
Stupid cunts.
That Mayflower must of been massive,
Like the fuckin Love boat or something.
Full of religious nuts wasn’t it?
Fleeing the (lack of) religious persecution in the old country…
Here it is
Mnc@ – Historically very interesting the makeup of the Mayflower – out and out there frightening zealots.
Joe Biden is about 80, so his mother must be more or less 100 years old. Is she still alive, or is this another nomination which belongs on I can’t be bothered looking it up.
A bit lame, if so.
I did, the old bag died 12 years ago. Hopefully, her useless, demented fucking cunt of a son will follow shortly.
Funny how the Yanks didn’t see terrorism in the same light after 9/11 (or 11/9 if you’re not from the US)
Yes one noticed a subtle change in attitude.
Many years ago we were having the craic in a pub in Wicklow, Healey’s if memory serves. In walks this Yank sporting an”I’ve got Irish roots” T-shirt the place just fell apart with laughter,
The chap was as blik as yer hat!
“A…A… Ahh got hairy legs… Tha Tha Tha…Turn blond in the sun and ah love kids bouncing on ma lap!”
Joe Biden on the campaign trail.
I hope he sits there occasionally and mulls over the fact that he only got the job because so many people hated Trump. Probably any other candidate opposing him would have walked it.
I hate plastic paddies too.
He didn’t even win it was a fix.
I proudly trace my roots all the way back to Aston and Halesowen.
Sleepy Joe’s about as Irish as I’m Egyptian, the cunt.
His mother can fucking rot, if she hasn’t done already.
Morning all.
The way Slow Joe is doling out free money to every workshy scrounger and batshit crazy ‘levelling up’ scam he obviously believes in Leprechauns and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Morning Ron/all.
Fark Moi Ron. I was born in Aston ( Victoria Road ) and bought me first house in Halesowen ( Lodgefield Park ) I hear that they are shiteholes now. Thank fark I got out for good old Aus !
His daddy should have rolled over and shot Joe out of the window. Why the fuck he couldn’t just had a wank I shall never know.
Agreed.His dad wasted sperm
Joe’s Mum was a threepenny whore down the Falls Road, historical fact. There’s a big mural of her with her legs open on a wall down there. Slag.
Sounds like she was on good money though, three pennies, wow!
Plastic Paddies are worse than actual paddies. Clinging onto a false dream coz their great-great-great grandparents once flew over an Irish bog.
Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.
Biden’s mother should’ve had a bloody good scratch with a wire coat hanger.