The Queen Mother

Ever wondered just where the present Royal Family get their self-entitled attitude?….Look no further than the dumpy,dinner-lady looking,alcoholic, old Cunt herself,the queen mother……

RAF No Fly Zone News Story.

The RAF having to organise flights so as not to disturb the charmless old lush indeed…they should have told her to Fuck Off and scheduled low-level bombing runs over the fucking old trout’s lair..using Stukas fitted with those siren things…might have given the greedy old Bezzler a fucking gripper,with a bit of luck.

Wonder how the auld bitch got to be worth £70 million?….prostitution and benefit-fraud probably….although even a sex-starved Harvey Price would struggle to find the necessary to mount that old crone.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

69 thoughts on “The Queen Mother

  1. I don’t get cunting the dead. Queen Mother? Just a boozebag spendthrift unlike her frugal daughters. Anyway, you know that alkie journalist, Jeffrey Bernard? Who wrote the Low Life column (when he wasn’t ill from drink) in the Spectator? He was once at Ascot in 1971 and was bleazing from whiskey which was not his normal drink (don’t think you got vodka at Ascot in those days?) and he felt sick, so he was staggering to find the bogs so he head for a door which opened and with that, Jeff vomited on her shoes and feet. It was the Queen Mother.

  2. Now call me old fashioned but HMQ gave me a licence to kill, I took the Queens shilling, they gave me the necessary and I enjoyed a youth of legalised mayhem.
    For that reason alone, I would ignore this nomination.
    I legally did some nasty shit to some nasty people because of them.
    Without them I too would have spent my youth abusing old people, pissing in phone booths and being a twat.

  3. If I remember correctly her favourite servant was Backstairs Billy, so called because he liked to fuck the younger footmen up the back passage. Nasty alcoholic old queen, so they had a lot in common.

  4. The Duke of Windsor had the best name for this old hag “Cookie” apparently she never stopped eating
    No wonder her teeth were rotten 👍👍
    The Windsor’s up against a wall and shoot the lot of them 👍👍

  5. I didn’t mind The Queen Mother, but why not The Queen’s Mother? She didn’t even get the apostrophe s in her title.

    I didn’t mind her telling the RAF to fuck off and not fly near her castle. Probably Charles was in the RAF at that time. I think she was head of the navy as well. Imagine her saying in your best posh Beryl Reid voice, “That cost me a hundred quid in 1952 and I’m not having Big Ears practice low altitude manoeuvres while I’m having a kip”. You won’t find Royals of that calibre today. Price Harry and his missus couldn’t hold a candle to the Queen Mum. Gawd Bless Her.

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