The Queen Mother

Ever wondered just where the present Royal Family get their self-entitled attitude?….Look no further than the dumpy,dinner-lady looking,alcoholic, old Cunt herself,the queen mother……

RAF No Fly Zone News Story.

The RAF having to organise flights so as not to disturb the charmless old lush indeed…they should have told her to Fuck Off and scheduled low-level bombing runs over the fucking old trout’s lair..using Stukas fitted with those siren things…might have given the greedy old Bezzler a fucking gripper,with a bit of luck.

Wonder how the auld bitch got to be worth £70 million?….prostitution and benefit-fraud probably….although even a sex-starved Harvey Price would struggle to find the necessary to mount that old crone.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

69 thoughts on “The Queen Mother

    • Phew Mike, when you said “greatest painter of all time” I thought you might be referring to that Austrian bloke.

    • And my, now deceased, father-in-law couldn’t stand the old bag and used to call her gravy-mouth.

  1. At one point HM the Queen had to clear the old bat’s debts to the tune of £6m.
    Such was her spending on parties and frocks.

    Typical entitled Royal. No idea of the cost of anything and probably thought that all the champagne, fois gras, wooden false teeth and caviar was being given away free

  2. That photo will be Anthony Blair as he leaves the Palace after receiving his Knighthood officially – he is practicsing the hand wave in full make up as we speak.

  3. Hard to believe that the Queen came out of this manky mouthed old hags vagina, I bet even david fuller wouldn’t bone her crusty old vagina, I bet it was so dry it would be sticking your dick in sand

    • The Queens mam had lovely wooden teeth, looked like Charlie Drake and was a bit of a piss pot.

      • Morning MNC…I could never understand the fuss over the old witch.
        In the early 80’s, John Craven’s Newsround used to have weekly stories about the old dear having to go to hospital with a fish bone stuck in her throat and I recall thinking “who cares? Hope she dies.”

      • Morning Thomas 👍
        She lived till the age of 124yrs by drinking 2pints of gin a day and proudly boasted she’d never worked a day in her life.
        Like you as a kid I couldn’t understand the fuss about some piss stenched old jerry and coming down from the excitement of Captain Caveman found John Cravens fawning arselicking frustrating.

        As a adult I wish I was there to watch her choke on that fishbone.
        Then watch Captain Caveman

      • Were you ever suspicious of why the Teen Angels kept Captain Caveman around? His cock-shaped nose.
        They’d saying “Zowie Cavey!” as he’d plunge his nose into their fannies.
        Not the black one, obviously. Even a cartoon neaderthal’s got to have some standards…

      • Fucking hell Thomas, only you could’ve come up with that for Captain Caveman lol

      • She was self-embalmed when she arrived at the undertakers, rather like the pantomime princess Margaret.
        Somebody once said that Catherine de Medici had nothing on the QM. I wouldn’t be surprised if the old bat didn’t have a nazi uniform.

  4. I quite liked the Duke of Edinburgh. Called a spade a spade.

    The rest of em should be stripped of all their privileges and made to live in a Birmingham hie rise tower block.

    Especially after the knighting of Charles Lynton, the allegedly, well known cottaging deviant.

    • A good cull once that old lizard Liz is dead.
      Then install a Englishman.
      No more krauts .
      A Englishman, someone who’s in touch with reality,
      Someone who’s not a sexcase, woke, or talks to bushes.
      A northerner.

      Shame Fred Dibnah is dead.
      He would of made a excellent king!
      Maybe Bob Mortimer?

      • Excellent choice. Maybe Bob could do the king’s Christmas speech in the style of Sandi Toksvig.

      • I vote for Julia Hartley-Brewer for queen. I hereby put myself forward for the post of Gentleman of the Bedchamber.

  5. Rumour is the Royals got impatient and buried the old hag alive.

  6. She must have been quite embittered after her old man carked it. One minute she’s the queen alongside the king of Great Britain, and the next, she’s demoted and given the dumb arsed title of the queen mother when her eldest daughter takes over. No wonder her old man was a chain smoking stammerer. I think most blokes would be after having a go on that.

    • When she gave George VI a right royal blow job, the discoloured slime from her disgraceful teeth would cause his limpening regal cock to slip from her mouth as yellow as Homer Simpson’s.

      • George the VI must have been the worlds first and only example of a bloke asking his girlfriend to make sure her mouth is clean before sucking him off.

      • Cuntfinder General has some big reveal about the Queen mum.
        He’ll be on in a bit.
        Wouldn’t say what it was but guessing sexual?

        Probably fingered her at some charity do when shes off her tits on gin?
        Or shes tugged him off?
        The mucky pup ..

      • CG does have a particular thing for putting his knob in between a lady’s clenched teeth, MNC…he can’t discharge his .22 Derringer until it’s been between all her gnashers…

    • I just like a change from immigrants,covid and American politics…not so unreasonable,is it?…console yourself with the thought that at least it isn’t too upsetting, eh?

      PS…just wait til you read my excoriating Cunting of Henry the Eighth for his dissolution of the Monasteries.

      • I’m with you Duck, this is the perfect inconsequential cunting for a Sunday morning. My piss is remaining at a healthy temperature.

      • Dick ffs,

        I haven’t started using a term of endearment for you, fucking phone.

  7. Thank God she croaked before Bet365 et al existed.

    Can you imagine the old bat on that? A bottle of gin and a look at the gee gee races?

    If you think Covid has fucked the UK economy forever, it’d be fuck all compared to her pissed up with a smartphone in her hand.

  8. Sorry to disappoint chaps-several anecdotes about the “National Treasure”-all non sexual.

    -an associate of mine, worked for a large arboricutural contractor, just outside London.
    This firm had the contract, at one point, for Royal parks and residences.

    This lad was one of the best climbers on the firm and ended up with the most prestigious jobs.

    He told me that the Queen Mother, hated “commoners” and workmen in particular. If they were working and she was “in residence”, they would have to remove all signs of their presence, load up the trucks and drive out of her line of sight-a real pain in the arse if they had fully “riggged” a tree. Every time she was driven in or out of the estate👎

    Confirms her attitude, as per Lord Fiddlers nom.

    • National treasure! Hahaha!
      Should of had her stuffed and displayed in the Tate!
      My elder met her once at the peasants (sorry, Buck House Staff) Christmas Ball.
      Elder said despite platform shoes and skyscraper heels, she was barely 4 foot tall and her breath reeked.

  9. All the old hag was good for was waving with her trademark Bisto smile and wearing oversized hats.

    Her awful teeth made it look like she enjoyed chowing down on big brown corgi turds for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

  10. I fear Dicky has a vendetta against our Royal Family. Is it because he got a little frisky with one of the servants at a palace party and was asked to leave?

    Is it because Tony Blair got his gong whilst Mr Fiddler still longs to hear ‘Arise, SIr Dick”?

    Was it too soon to ask her majesty if she’d like a romp during Phils funeral?

    Or are the rumours that Andrews now the official palace fiddler and had Dick banned because he mistook Dicks surname for a job title.

    Digging up the queen mother is in poor taste dicky, smells fucking awful too.

  11. I was introduced to one of her “lackeys” in the late 1900’s, several years before her death.

    This fellow was actually bloody funny-camper than Larry Grayson-and a bit of a joker.
    I imagine watching the “auld trout” get pissed every day, was amusing.

    He told me that she actually believed “supermarkets” were places where poor people queued up for soup 😂

    Nobody had dared to correct her.
    The older royals, really are disconnected from reality.

    When asked for juicy scandal, he would only say that the whole royal family were borderline pissheads.

    I think the death of Margaret finished the poor old cow.

    • “I think the death of Margaret finished the poor old cow.”

      Yes, because she inherited her gin stash.

  12. Doesn’t it make you aware of how much capital these cunts take off you to keep their entitled arses in the lap of luxury, whilst many elderly people ponder on whether to stay warm today, eat or save some money, total FUCKERS the lot of them.

    • Shane McGowan used the same dentist.

      £70million and she looked like ET as a bag lady.

      Why the fuck do we keep these parasites in a life of luxury?!!!
      Idle, thick, inbred,
      Like something off Jeremy Kyle!

      And soon we’ll have that bush interviewer Charles as king☹️

      Hes not fit to swab a shitehouse floor, the wingnut

      • I think that between Charles, Andrew and Halfwit, there has been a massive shift in public opinion, on our Royal family.

        The queen has been pretty much invisible, since the 1980’s.

        Jug ears and William, leering into camera, telling us we will own nothing but be happy, is not going to boost popularity, either😉

        “We have a small window of opportunity, to reset society.”


      • And demanding everyone else run their vintage Aston Martin in wine and cheese.

        Pitchforks will be sharpening.

    • I actually don’t care how high my heating bill is, they can’t cut me off because I’m classified as ” vulnerable”.
      I’ve plenty of money, anyway, so don’t worry about things like that, especially as I’ll be dead soon.
      But I’m lucky because I worked like stink for years and have a decent private pension as well as the state one.
      Mind you, the cunts tax my private pension, which really boils my piss!
      I’m voting for any party that says pensioners income will never be taxed, provided its not more than 100% of their personal tax allowance.
      I want to see every cunt who has a massive pension taxed until the scream.

  13. The “good ol” Quenn Mum (bless her) had her blood replaced every three weeks by neat Gin and virgins blood.

    Another dead parasite on society gone to Hades.

  14. Ah fink th’ hattitude twards ‘Er Graciousness fram sum av you cants awn ‘ere’s dahnright shockin’. She stayed wiv us in Lahnden durin’ the wawwah an everyfrin’.
    She laved us, Gawd bless ‘er, she wuz a hexarmple to us all etc etc…

    Morning all!

  15. Well at least the drunken sot had the good grace not to attempt to lecture the peasants about the latest fad,unlike some of her cuntish offspring.

  16. Bloody hell Admin- are you drudging the bottom of the nomination barrel ?

    The old dear’s been dead and burried 10 years !

    If you’re gonna whinge about me 10 years after I’m brown bread, you can just get fucked….

  17. Two miles and 2000 feet exclusion zone? A Tornado on reheat could rattle the windows from further than that! I have a mental picture of the cunts circling the forbidden area at top speed, as part of their training.

    I’d have thought that 2 parts “fortified wine” (aka Buckfast?) to one of gin would have anaesthetised the old trout somewhat, too. Nothing against her, though. I was presented to her in my capacity as Other Rank in the 70s and she looked as if she was falling apart then.

  18. Nothing wrong with the queen mam, typical Jock. You either love em or hate em.

  19. Purple airspace an area reserved for royal flights, notices to airman or something would inform us of the impending royal transit. Cannot remember if a royal induced no fly exclusion zone was also purple air space and as the only thing I fly now is a kite for the grandkids I don’t give a fuck flying or otherwise a pox on their houses and and summer estates

  20. You’ve lost your home to the Blitz, then this rancid shit breath wearing furs and jewels comes round to gawp. Then back home to Buck Palace for an eight course meal while the common folk survived on powdered eggs for six years.

  21. Only 2 non Royals have ever appeared on the balcony at Buck House. The first was Neville Chamberlain after he came back from Munich with his “piece of paper.” That was all Old Liz’s idea and she got a right slagging when Adolf marched in to Poland, as did Poshboy Nev obviously. You can’t expect Royalty to be anything but dumb pisshead, out of touch, sexually promiscuous cunts. They ain’t got much else to do after all.
    Oh ……. the 2nd cunt on the balcony was Churchill on VE Day in case you were wondering.

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