Gary Neville [3] – Confirmed Champers Socialist

Gary Neville has joined the Labour Party.

Worth between 25 and 70 million depending on the source Gary is a typical Labour supporter. Owns shares in a football club and various other businesses Gary obviously believes that his personal fortune is safe with the socialists. He’s probably right, because Labour don’t actually want to touch the rich, they want to punish the white English working class for being White, English and working class.

Gary may even try his hands at politics it’s said.

What a cunt!

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

54 thoughts on “Gary Neville [3] – Confirmed Champers Socialist

  1. The report says he was welcomed into the Democratic Socialist Front for the Liberation of North Islington by none other than Analease Dodds. What did she do, I wonder, give him a big hug and a lovely wet kiss?
    Poor Gary will be regretting it already.

    • I remember years ago a fairish player called Graeme Le Soux eventually left the game, because so many players, – team-mates and opponents – used the “q” word against him, just because he collected antiques, didn’t go out on the piss and bed every girl he met. He also read the paper that we all hate (“The Guardian”). I would love to know if born again Neville was one of them – I think they were more or less the same era.

      • How dare Graeme Le Saux try to educate himself, have a useful and interesting hobby and not spit roast local slags in a dodgy hotel.

      • I do believe that le Saux was also the only player in the Premier League to have gone to a private school., although I didn’t see this on wikipedia.

  2. BLM is not about politics he said.

    Then, he went in a rant saying the PM had called burka bags ‘letterboxes’ and how disgraceful and rsvustythe Tories are.

    Whether or not you agree, he fucking well did make it political. Like they all do and think we’re thick enough to take it.

    I had it out with a bellend a few months back after he said it (BLM/Rainbow laces/ knee taking was not political.

    I’ll paraphrase (I’d had a few)

    Me: Why do it?

    Him: To change people’s views and educate them to be more accepting of those different to them.

    Me: So how would you do this?

    Him: Well by doing things like taking the knee and wearing rainbow laces of course (he scoffed, I recall at this point).

    Me: Hmm. Would you educate kids at school in all this stuff?

    Him.Of course!

    Me: You’d need to submit potential curriculum changes to parliament to change the education act then.

    What would you do if all in these initiatives didn’t work? If many ignored all these initiatives and booed knee taking. Then started singing songs or waving banners criticising BLM instead, for example?

    Him: I’d charge them.

    Me: With what? Singing songs merely critical of BLM?

    Him: Yes.

    Me: There is no law against that. You’ll need a new one.

    Him: I’d bring one in.

    Me: You mean you’d suggest a new law for Parliament to vote on?

    Him: Whatever

    Me: lol

  3. I wonder do Champagne Socialists exist?
    I mean in the Champagne region of France.
    I bet the poor peasants are paid a pittance for picking/plucking the grapes.
    In the future they might become ‘politicised’ and found the ‘Champagne Socialist Party’ to help them remedy the situation.

  4. From that curled lip and sneer it looks like a member of the lower orders has just had the temerity to come within a hundred yards of him.

  5. Fuck Neville, ex Man U cunt, he is well qualified for the Labour Party, I am sure if someone were to do some archeological excavations of his Twitter feed there would be some anti Semitism. The P*ki cricketer who cried about abuse seems to have been given forgiven for his anti Semitism but he is a POC so gets a free pass, oh I would just love it if Neville got caught out, white so no redemption ?

    I wonder if Neville would stand for election in Liverpool.

  6. Knowing how infiltrated by alleged sex maniacs and rapists the world of football is, I bet there are a few lady politicians ripping of their knickers in the hope the maiden’s prayer is answered – form an orderly queue, girls, Jess, Emily, Angie, Yvette, Rebecca, AnalEase, er… oh Annie I think you should go and change them first.

    Starmer will be appalled – he wants a clean decent world for little Yvette to grow up in – a world of whskers on kittens and silver white winters that melt into spring. He believes she is so innocent she thinks Moby Dick is an STD.

  7. Mason Greenwood’s Twitter page is interesting today.

    They said he’d be the new Ryan Giggs.

    Looks like they were right!

    (Allegedly of course!)

    • Who’s next?

      Maybe Ronaldo will headbutt his Mrs? Or Alex Ferguson will throw his wife down the stairs?

      Utd’s new sponsors should be Stella Artois.

  8. Just the job, the more cunts like him join kweers party and pontificate their wokery messages , the less likely the “Socialist ” Islington party will ever get elected….as an EX Labour Party member/ EX union shop steward I am totally dumbfounded as to what the FUCK has happened in the last 20-30 years in the UK. Time for one almighty RESET…

    • Unless you are an illegal asylum seeker, a poofter, a lesbian, a soy-boy feminist or a dark-skinned race baiter, the Labour party has nothing to offer anyone else, except the politicians – I am sure many of them would join the flat earth society if they thought they would get in – and Blair, Starmer and some of his “men” like Chris Bryant and Wes Streeting are about as “socialist” as I am.

  9. He’s a footballer so therefore a total cunt.

    I really couldn’t give a rat’s ass what he does as long as he does it far far away from me.

    All soccer facilities should be replaced by giant shithouses.

  10. Meaningless, irrelevant cunt who kicked a ball about a bit. Wanker … what do ya expect from Man Utd.

    • As vile as he is, his only comfort is not being the ugliest member of his family.

      • I wasn’t aware there was yet another mouth-breather in the family, C-G. Are they inbreeds?

        Nasty-faced and ferociously ugly Jess Phillips could be the long lost twin.

  11. I hate man utd, but neville is a decent man, owns a hotel. Next to old Trafford, has given refuge to the homeless and NHS workers to save them going home after a long shift if they live far from the hospital, he has more decency in his little finger then Johnson and bunch of tossers have in there whole body, I can’t believe normal people can’t see that Johnson fucking despises you

    • Normal people can. But it’s Ok, we despise the fat cunt too, him and his fucking ‘green’ bitch of a wife.

    • It’s far easier to do all those things you mention when you are a multi-millionaire virtue signaller and also own a hotel. As for the “decent man” bollocks, you obviously never saw him on the football field such as when he kicked the ball into Everton supporters at point blank range, raced the full length of the field to goad Liverpool fans after United had scored a goal, pushed a TV camera man to the ground after a game, etc. He’s a weapons grade cunt alright and he’s a perfect fit for the Labour party.

      • He shat himself ,and according to some who were there, was trying not to cry, when Patrick Vieira picked on him in the tunnel.


        He told Roy Keane (“Boo boo the bad man said hurty words at me”) and he had a go back on his behalf (and Vieira and Keane then proceeded to kick lumps out of each other for 90 minutes).

    • andyboy@ – It was not charity – Nevilles company got VERY well paid for those hotel places.
      Hotel rooms which would have otherwise been empty and making greedy Gary no profit.

      • There was no charge to nhs workers, I know one of them that spent a week in the hotel as her husband had covid and she was isolating as she didn’t want him infecting her

      • Keane was overrated. A 6/10 player, a 10/10 chippy, thuggish, Irish cunt. Rumours of being a cock-muncher too.

    • Andyboy@ – NHS workers etc may not have been charged at his hotel but Neville the chiseller sure as hell put the bill in for me, the taxpayer to fund.
      And a very big bill it was.

  12. Put it this way, I don’t dislike Gary Neville but I despise Gary Lineker. Neville ought to do himself a favour, keep your political views to yourself, you don’t want to go down the road of Messiah Lineker.

  13. Looks like the Cunt Man of Alcatraz has won Deadpool 237 with the passing of Leonard Fenton at 95, Dr Legg from ‘Stenders.

    Well done that man!

  14. Pontificates about football on the telly but when he tried running a team himself he fucked it all up. I can imagine him attending some Labour Party meetings and every cunt will be trying to get their hands in his rather large pockets. Like all rich cunts he knows as much about real people as flying in the air. He won’t go into real politics……too much like hard work for a cunt like him. Just another virtue signalling Linekunt.

    • He keeps his management failure so very quiet. When he eventually runs for Mayor of Manchester. He’ll run the city onto the ground the same way.

  15. An overpaid virtue signalling ex football cunt joins the Labour Party. How is this even news?

    If Mr Neville had joined the (not so) Conservative Party and not Labour then I wonder if it would have made the news.

    Broadcasting your leftist political allegiances in the modern age of Twatter et al, especially when you’re a multi millionaire from the sporting realm, isn’t a particular bright idea.
    It just makes a lot more of the general public hate you and think you’re a cunt who maybe didn’t hate you before.

    Neville to me is just a gobshite pundit who likes the sound of his own voice.
    Banging the drum for the common football fan one weekend over the breakaway super league proposals then the following weekend is calling some of those same fans uneducated racists because they don’t agree with the divisive political gesturing that takes place before matches.

    He’s got some way to go to rival Lineker but it sounds like he’s on the right path.

  16. I suspect Gary can’t wait for dame Kweer to have his summer chesse and wine party (sorry work gathering) so the dame can bend him over the desk and educate him on the offside rule.

  17. Did not go much for Gary or Phil. I could never understand why they got picked anyway, as there were players around that were much better. I got the impression that they may have been interfeared with in the wash room back in their earlier careers. So would threaten to grass, if they didn’t get put in the team.

  18. The entire Neville clan are a bunch of cunts.

    Gary Neville was so fucking useless as the manager of Valencia CF that if he was allowed to continue the team would have been demoted.
    His decisions during games were comical.
    His run of results were the worst in La Liga by far.

    Once he was replaced I thought that his days of football punditry would be over, but no,….. Sky took him back for his insight and experience!

    For some inexplicable reason his brother Philip was given the job as manager of the England women’s football team.
    When accepting the job he admitted that he didn’t know who the individual players were and that he had only ever watched one women’s football game.

    Sister Tracy was given the job as manager of the England netball team.
    Something that Mrs Cunter knows all about.
    Her initial disastrous results were because she dropped the long term, experienced players, preferring to use ‘new blood’.

    Most of the experienced players fucked off to play in the Australian league, gaining more valuable knowledge of the game.
    Cuntess Neville had to recall the players for the Commonwealth Games to put together a team that could compete.

    The team won the Commonwealth gold medal despite the managerial skills of Neville, and she won an MBE (?) because of it.

    I have no idea why this bunch of cunts are picked for important manager jobs.

    Perhaps Gary will quickly work his way up to be a Labour leader.

  19. I wonder if “Gary the carried” as his team mates were heard to call him and favourite boot licking yes Man of Alex Ferguson will be as successful in politics as this “football genius” was at managing Valencia..

  20. Gary Neville was an average defender but a consummate professional at getting his tongue up Fergies arse – the only time Ferguson has let personal preference influence his team selection, and United suffered for it.
    I think back to the awesome defenders United have had – McGrath, Stam, Irwin, Heinze, Evra, Shaw, Ferdinand, Pallister and Bruce (the last two were not the most skilful or mobile but good at putting the boot in!) and Neville was bailed out all his career by much, much better players – it is no surprise that some of the senior players began to call him “carried Neville”.
    One of the few Men in the world who would be more handsome after having his face punched in.
    I wonder if Mason Greenwood will be, ahem, “transferred” shortly?..

  21. This muppet is just your typical red manc.
    full of piss and wind
    Not to dissimilar to the blue manc Gallagher Bros, who both reside in that there Londonistan

    Fook off

  22. Use your privileged position to comment on football not politics. The politicians don’t use their privileged position to comment on how unfair, biased and banal your football commentaries are.

    Now fuck off.

    Errol, put the kettle on.

  23. Prepare for headlines in a week’s time; ‘Neville cancels Labour Party Membership’.

    He’s in for a shock when he gets told to ‘stay in his lane’ by the black jew-hating transsexuals running the party.

    Still, the devil making work for twats who couldn’t succeed in management, and all that.

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