Crispin Blunt

Crispin Blunt is a CINO cunt. Surrey’s PCC stood on a platform of defending women’s spaces, denying access to dress wearing degenerates pretending to be women while sporting a beard and an erection. Her reward? To be subjected to the usual, death and rape threats from the usual suspects; culminating in the disciplinary oversight of her local Police Committee.

She was found blameless, but despite the wholehearted support of Surrey residents she found herself threatened and ear-bent by Blunt, an enthusiastic tonguer of the Stonewall hole. When she wouldn’t cave, he reported her again, assuring her of another round of pointless misery.

Why is Blunt masquerading as a tory? Surely one of the I’m-Fucked-in-the-Head-and-Knit-my-Own-Yoghurt parties would welcome him with spread cheeks? I give you Crispin Blunt, piss-weasel and knob-sock…

Nominated by: International Cunt of Mystery

81 thoughts on “Crispin Blunt

  1. Continued decline of the western world as we know it. According to the conservative woman website, the govt are considering giving illegal immigrants an amnesty and putting them to work in care homes to replace staff who won’t be jabbed. Perhaps Mr. Blunt would care to ask these “enrichers” their views on trannies before being given an amnesty?

    • Lets hope that these illegals are forced to have the vaccine and observed to have had it. Many of them are such bleeding liars there has to be proof, where elderly vulnerable people are in danger.

  2. I knew anyone called ‘Crispin’ would be an upper class cunt.

    A quick bounce around the net showed me I was right.

    Class war!

    • Hearing Russell Moyle shriek in the commons yesterday was laughable.
      What a hate filled ginger twat.

      • Who the fuck is this lisping, ginger, wannabe Churchill cunt?
        I wouldn’t vote for him if he was the only candidate.

      • More than a touch of the Fuhrer in that performance. All you need is the spotlights and the sound of marching jackboots.

      • Fucking hell, never seen this Russell Moyle specimen before, I need to stay in more! Jesus, they are fairly lurching forward these days in the world of politics, like the whips have just given up and people who were normally kept in hermetically-sealed tubes in the bowels of Westminster have slithered out and are intent on being embraced as saviours of humanity! Hallelujah!

      • A specimen that the word ‘cunt’ cannot do justice to GT. He really is a fucking little moron.

  3. By the way, is his name made up of famous bumders from history? Quentin Crisp (uber camp homo) and Anthony Blunt (famous spy queer))?

      • Except down at the Beeb. They love the cunt to the tune of £1.4 mill a year.
        If anyone can explain this to me, I’d be delighted to know the answer.

  4. You call your son Crispin, send him to public school and you are guaranteed a fucking bumder.
    I see this cunt was married (to a woman) at one point and had two kids before “discovering my homosexuality”. ? Shades of Schofield and Frank Maloney there. ?
    There are far too many of these degenerates in Westminster.
    Let’s hope he gets plenty of publicity and the good people of Reigate kick his bent arse down the road at the next election.

    • And of course Daisy Adonis was for many years in a “lavender” marriage. I just hope his poor wife screwed him as hard as his rough trade did.

  5. Crispin Quent can fuck off. Its both sad and pathetic that real women are scared to call bullshit on this nonsense for fear of being cancelled.

      • His name can be rearranged into…

        Nitric Slurp
        Lispin’ Cunt
        Puristic Blur
        Lib Culprits
        Stir Public

        Not bad!

      • I thought he was a manly man. Wasn’t he in the army? Now hes all for men in wigs and tights.

        I wonder what Saint Crispin would think? Or indeed his twin brother-‘Crispinian’

        Not so clear in the Shakespeare speech that the day celebrates two Saints.

    • Actually, Guts, I’m a bit scared that real women have got something going on that will end up with us all wearing frocks and doing dishes, a la Two Ronnies.
      I hope I’m wrong, but I always thought women were about to take over the world, then someone invented the portable mobile phone.

  6. Apart from funnelling taxpayers money into the pockets of tory party donors what is the fucking point of the “conservative ” party.

  7. I reckon this guy could be pimping Owen Jones and James OShithead. They both despise the Tories but secretly desire a bit of blue bumfun.

    • James O’Shithead is a homophobe. He chose to marry a white woman, so not only a homophobe but a racist too. And transphobic by default. He also enabled his woman to bear 2 white kids, therefore he’s a climate change denier and cares not one jot about the planet. His parents had him adopted cos they were ashamed of having a white baby. Fact.

      • The buggery at Ampleforth must really conflict with his homophobia. Explains a lot about his temperament though.

  8. “We will bum them in Parliament
    We will bum them in the courts
    We will bum them in the workplaces
    We will bum them in the streets”

    Moyle was just getting into a feisty mood so he would be up for attending a bug party.

  9. Surrey is full of cunts-possibly more than any other county in the UK.

    Cunts vote in a cunt.

  10. The way western society has declined i bet Putin and that chinese slant eyed cunt are thinking this has to be the best time to attack because all they have to worry about is a bunch of cry babies ?

    • Anyone called Fuckin Crispin is bound to be a right dildo.
      Same for Tarquin.
      Its a twats name,
      And your parents have to apply for a twat license before being allowed to call you this.

      That alone puts him in my bumper book of HATE.
      But the fact he bullies wimmin in the name of trans freaks?

      Youll have to identify him by his dental records when I open Miserables Re-education camp for non desirables.

      • I’d like to apply for an operational posting there Mis, my riding whip is sore underused these days…

    • Ain’t no doubt about that FF. Things are way more grave than most cunts know. Those two powers are getting bold and why the fuck not? Western powers have hollowed out their militaries and are filling them with degenerates looking for free sex change surgery and maternity care!
      We fucked fo sho!

      • Crispin and his mates are going to be in big fucking trouble if Ivan or Charlie Chan turn up. They don’t approve of that sort of thing ducky.

    • Pretty much, Fenton. All of the enemies of America must be looking at Biden and, going, “now is the time,” and locking and loaded. It will be very lucky if we make it to Christmas without a massive brutal event going down.

  11. Getting really tired of Stonewall and their hysterics now.
    Fuck off you cunts.

    Afternoon all.

      • Thanks awfully Kneezers, my spleen was overdue for venting when that titwank floated across my gunsights…

      • I think there may be an opening for this gentleman very soon in this country Freddie. I think he would make an excellent PM, and ISAC member.

    • Are you guys serious? A politician calling for gay men to be beaten in public? Just for being gay? And he wants paratroopers to do it for him? He sounds like the ph@g, if you ask me. He also wants stray dogs to be put down. He sounds like a fucking psycho. And I think this is old news from 2013…

      Not sure why Russia Today is repeating this crap in 2022. Piece of shit media outlet, like they all are.

      • Agreed, CG. Not only a fucking psycho, but an ignorant fucking psycho to boot. Sometimes I despair at our fellow cunters.

      • The dogs im not in agreement.
        And im not keen on the gays getting whipped unless theyve been cheeky.
        But hes saying about killing pee dos!
        Which means all carpet kissers.

        I think we should hear him out.

        Seems a ‘can do’ type.?

      • What a piece of shit. I find those commie gay bashers particularly pathetic, as the usually end up in a jacuzzi together, whipping each other with branches, or having a good old top less wrestle.
        A bunch of those cunts were getting gay guys to meet them though adverts and when they turned up for a bit, a load of them are there to batter them, and rape them! That’s not gay at all….

      • Yeah, there’s been some very dodgy comments lately. January boredom brings out the worst in people, folk are fucking miserable right now. We need some sort of boost in Britain. Queen dying might actually do it, put things in perspective at this crossroads in the human saga.

      • Nah, kill everyone and let God sort it out otherwise keep it behind closed doors and STFU.
        Pie doughs deserve nothing less than public torture, change my mind. Muh feelz and shit.

      • Ждшшыф!!
        Олжэ бьтыый?
        Ждшшыф ю ю ю?

        See? 15 minutes and nearly fluent in russian.
        Languages are easy!

        Hey leave my dog alone!
        Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?

      • Those Russian oligarchs are fucking psychos. Putin is a harder man to figure out as he says and does things that paint him in different lights with each turn of the prism. He seems decent morally, but he knows that society can fall to bits very easily, he saw it first hand in the 1970s, 80s, then the fall of the Soviet Union. I don’t think he wants to build it back, he just looks at Ukraine and sees it’s a corrupt government. I don’t know enough about it, it’s a headache looking into Russian intrigues as most sites in English are biased bullshit and auto-translations of Russian sites are wonky as fuck. But we need to keep an eye on that unfolding clusterfuck, but then there are so many other clusterfucks right now that it’s overwhelming and I’d rather just mostly chill until March.

      • Ukraine’s government is a paragon of rectitude compared to that of Russia. Putin is a murderous, kleptocratic, dictatorial mega-CUNT who has been grinding the Russian economy (smaller than that of Italy or South Korea, ffs!) ever further into the dirt.

        That said, he is not, in any way, a member of the Guild of Uphill Gardeners. No sir, he’s all man! And those many photos of him with his shirt off that he likes to release? They’re just to show how manly and how not remotely gay he is. ?

  12. In the sick twisted minds of those with the love of the brown painted gate there is a libidinous lust to denounce those who can not/ will not rejoice in the disgusting and bestial behaviours of the A-Z wankalotz.

    No position of any authority should be open to this bunch of stool nudgers, and their salted stick !

    To the Oven with them please Unkle Terry.

  13. Two genders – male and Female.
    Any disagreeing are either simple or mental, and a Gatling gun would be the best solution.

  14. One bit of news that made me chuckle, trannies have now been put altogether in one prison on the Isle of Wright, they hate it…LMFAO there are no real women or straight guys for them to rape now so they wasted their time pretending to be trans…apparently there are 35 of them all in together for “serious sexual abuse crimes”…always them…dress code says they can’ wear stilettoes, bras with wires, mini skirts or see through tops….thank fuck for that

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