
Increased use of the word ‘Exponentially’ – The use of this word in the ongoing Covid shitfest is now really getting on my fucking tits.

Used by politicians and ‘scientists’ to make themselves feel important and better than the great unwashed that they lecture and talk down too on a regular basis. When in reality they make themselves look even bigger cunts than they actually are already which is no mean feat.

My piss is boiling more ‘exponentially’ every time I see Boris the fartsucker, Whitty the Whitless, Starmer the non charmer and many other cunts of their ilk lately. Is there any end to this fucking nightmare?

Nominated by: Bob Frapples

56 thoughts on “Exponentially

  1. The term that boils my piss, mainly used by thick as pig shit politicians like Grieve, and Mary Ann Benn is “in my judgeent” – they have fuck all judgment.

  2. Not that I wish to start any arguments, especially so early in the day, but if the WEF’s plans are indeed a real thing and it’s designed to take down western society by making all the honkies poorer than church mice, then it stands to reason that Boris, SAGE, Bill Gates, WHO, most politicians and assorted scumbag billionaires are in it up to their necks.
    If they are indeed actioning this plan, one wonders if it’s purposeful economic devastation (to what end?) or whether they truly believe that they’re saving the planet through eugenics/wiping out billions?

    • If they truly wanted to wipe out billions they need to start with China, India and a very large chunk of Africa. The chinese, in particular, will be responsible for the extinction of 1000’s of species of animals since the cunts will eat fucking anything, often raw or even alive.

      Morning all.

    • If it was purposeful then I think Boris would’ve already pulled the trigger on another lockdown by now. Never ascribe to malice what can more easily be ascribed to panic, herd mentality and incompetence.

  3. Exponentially speaking Doris’s cuntishness increases by the power of 10 every day.
    Or maybe ? every hour.

  4. Blimey, that’s a big word for early morning!
    Why don’t they just say ‘lots’, after all they are talking down to us plebs?

  5. You’ll be looking back fondly on the word ‘exponentially” when Van Tam and Johnson pull off their masks and reveal themselves as ” The Socialist Axis of Evil Lizard People”….Whitty doesn’t have a mask,he has quite shamelessly appeared as ” The Tortoise Dark- Master” from the very beginning…I expect their first words will be ” Welcome, Brother Piers and his followers….only you have shown the sense to avoid our Cocktail of Doom….it won’t be ” the Meek who Inherit the Earth”…it’ll be the swivel-eyed,bacofoil bulk-buyers…..Hiiss,hiiisss”

    In other rather upsetting news…my crinkly Top Hat is ruined…lightening strike the first time the Hounds and I went out wearing it….suspect it was actually some satellite-mounted death-ray activated by The Gay-Sooty Alliance….my sworn enemies.

    • Aha! Your true identity revealed at last.
      You are “Slash”- lead guitarist with Guns n’ Roses and I claim my £5 entrance fee to “Fiddlerfest22”

    • DF@ – What’s with all the loose talk? – The world lizard overlord council are most disappointed with your indiscretion, and there was something else they were saying about an unpaid bill for tinfoil?..
      And the G-SA have informed me you were “less than courteous” when they came asking for donations for their satellite death ray fund! ?

  6. It’s strange how some words become fashionable amongst politicians and media types. It’s almost as though they have limited imaginations and just follow the leader, like sheep. Another annoying word that’s been fashionable for a long while and gets on my tits is ‘Tsunami’. ‘We’re going to experience a tsunami of covid cases’, ‘A tsunami of racism’, ‘A tsunami of child obesity’ etc etc. And that’s before we even mention the word ‘Crisis’. They’re no better than a playground full of primary school kids who’ve just learned their first swear words.

    • ” Weather-bomb” is the one that fucks me off…unless it’s said by Lucy Verasami…in which cases it gets me turgid.

      Morning,Fiekd Marshall

      • Is she the stumpy one on the BBC? What a disgrace you are if so.

        I’ve never known what the whether is going to be when watching her. That stump is far too distracting.

        Not in a ‘giving me the horn’ way, of course. Although I’m sure some on here would crawl over broken glass for a session with ‘Stumpy’, you foul beasts.

      • ‘weather’ FFS

        Must be those nanobots fucking with my mind, or maybe I’m just a thick cunt?

    • Spot on Field Marshall, it reminds me of the words of some affable old cove about repeating a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
      Or something.
      PS: are folks still listening to these reptiles? Turn the haunted fish tank off FFS.

      • Indeed, what we’re experiencing with ‘tsunamis’, ‘exponential’, ‘weather bomb’ (what used to be known as a ‘storm’) is linguistic programming all designed to increase and maintain fear. It’s a form of mind control that is arguably a principle purpose of the BBC and other propaganda outlets.
        Happy to see the cunters here are immune to it. If only everyone else was.

        Another one that Bliar started was ‘tsar’. Cunt.

  7. The type of people that use big words instead of plain English are all morosophic zounderkites, in my opinion.

  8. Sky Rocket is a much better term.

    “Boris says his shares in Wuhan Biomedical plc have sky rocketed 500%”.

    The fucking screwing cunts.

  9. Push one of these morons to define an exponential series of numbers and I bet most would have not a fucking clue.


  10. Morning all. Spike and Sporadic spring to mind. If this whole thing is about reducing the population then it’s not been perfected yet. It needs to get at the races that breed like rats. Maybe it is just a slanty-eyed masterplan for world domination. You can’t blame them when you look at the joke the Western world has become.

  11. Adding ‘phobia’ to a degeneracy is the one that gets on my tits.

    So, you like sucking your own shite off another man’s cock, or perhaps think you were ‘born in the wrong body’ and it’s me who is the fucking mental is it? Or the fact I don’t like your backwards carpet kissing desert religion, that wants to dominate all, is on the take all the time and makes it ok to rape non conformists, means that I have the fucking problem?

    I’m not scared of gays and trannies. I just think they’re a bit mental. How many of them seem to be serial killers or diddlers FFS?

    Actually, I am a bit scared of them thinking about it now. I would never accept a drink when left alone with a gay at a party, which would be highly unlikely, as I would climb out of the window and run for my life, screaming, in such an instance. Ask those cunts who accepted a drink from Jeffrey Dahmer and Stephen Port what they think about my scientific thesis.

    Oh you can’t. They’re all brown bread.

    • Don’t forget Dennis Nielson. Funny how you never hear of Jewophobia even though the labour party is riddled with anti-semites. Or rapperphobia, any sensible person should have a fear of being shot/stabbed if they live near an infestation of singing violent gang members. Good post mr bollocks

      • “Awight, it’s just a gin and tonic, Mr Lubbock. Yes, lovely pool isn’t it? Oh this? It’s my solid steel gauntlet. It’s fashion me old China! How’s the gin”

    • ‘Phobia’ is a good one Cunty.
      If you’re a bit concerned about illegal immigration, you must be ‘Islamophobic’ or ‘xenophobic’ etc.
      Woke and loony left types are fond of this technique as a means of trying to close a debate down.

      Morning all.

      • Indeed.

        Transphobia being the latest one.

        These freaks used to be locked up as mentals. Their behaviour seen as it should be, absolutely nuts (see Life if Brian, for example).

        I even heard one nutter on the telly saying that if you don’t want to date a tranny, that you have issues and are ‘transphobic’.

        Get to fuck. Use whatever words you want.

        You’re still fucking mental.

      • I don’t have any ‘issues’ whatsoever with trans people, only with cunts like that one.
        I just happen to like women with a real, honest-to-goodness fanny in their pants, as opposed to a cock.

  12. I only recently discovered the word ‘exponentially’ and while im not sure what it means,
    I use it in nearly every sentence.
    Proving without doubt that im a intellectual..

    Off for my 3rd dose of poison from the New World Order in a minute.

    ‘Nanoworm in yours sir?”

    “Most certainly!! Hail Bill Gates!
    Hail the Overlords of Big Pharma!”

    Then I plan to drop into a incoherent fever,
    Expotentially safer than I was yesterday.

    • You’ll get your ‘Lizard People Membership Card’ after the third jab like I did MNC.

      Off to me cave later to drink some babies’ blood and eat some humans with my new pal, Queen Elizabeth II. Pass the salt Lizzie love, this anti vaxxers leg is a bit tasteless.

      • Morning Cuntybollocks ?
        It was ace!
        Felt like I was in Trainspotting!
        Shooting up with strangers.

        Don’t know why the army was there though?
        Carrying big sacks out the back of the clinic?
        They had a big bonfire over the road?
        Bit late for Guy Fawkes?

  13. Fear not cunters, by end of next week new cases will be falling in a reverse exponential manner, and then we might get some public debate on all the science, not just the bits that suit the politicians and their lackeys. I made some posts on “mainstream” message boards including yahoo finance and youtube which mentioned the incredible coincidence of the batflu coming from a wet market in the only city in the world with a lab experimenting on bat coronaviruses, posts deleted almost immediately. That’s another watchlist I’m on.

  14. The Guardian just fell foul of exponential numbers. They thought it would be a jolly jape to mimic Times person of the year with a poll of guardian readers.

    Shock horror JK Rowling took the vast number of votes so the guardian withdrew the poll as JK is now persona non grata in woke circles. She was even omitted from the recent Harry Potter reunion.


    JK Rowling isn’t someone I’m particularly fond of with her EU lobbying and various other wile causes she’s got behind before she fell foul of other more woke cunts but FairPlay to her for standing up for what she believes regarding trans insanity.

      • I hope J K gets to read the above, it will be a huge boost to her self confidence knowing that the cunters have her back covered. I too would be available if the opportunity arose.

  15. “If you tolerate this, then the chances of your children being next, increases exponentially.”

  16. Agree with most comments here but, the thing that really riles me, is the appearance of Chris Shitty. He should never be let loose in front of a camera. He stands there motionless and expressionless and drawls on in a monotone that’s like an instant “boredom ray”. He looks like a dead alien that’s been preserved in formaldehyde and has the charisma of a dead slug.

    Why the hell would you let somebody like this talk to the public? Maybe he really is one of the ruling Lizard Aliens and insisted on it…

    • He looks a right balloon-head geek.
      Christ alone knows why he was knighted, he should just get knotted.
      Oh, and he can fuck off as well.

  17. The fuckers!

    Exponential is a word I was using 20 plus years ago, when coaching shooters, used in relation to trajectory, gravity and ballistic coefficient.

    The cunter who described the MSM & Politicians using “Buzzwords” as like “children in a playground with a new naughty word”, summarised this cuntishness, perfectly?

    The lack of truly independent thought, is growing exponentially.

  18. “My pharma profits have increased almost as exponentially as the number of bastards I have abandoned! Well, must be lunchtime then a nap – Carrie will look after things and wake me up for eastenders”..

  19. It seems to have displaced “tectonic shift” and “quantum leap”, though, so God be thanked for that. Arts cunts using scientific terms out of context should be shot.

    That would be gneiss.

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