Protestantism. I tell you what needs a good cunting not Kafolicim not Fourbytwoism not Mudslimism fucking PROTESTANTISM.
When old Martin Luther nailed his penis to the door of Cologne Cathedral I mean his theses he ushered in, nay, unleashed the terrible thing we know today as CAPITALISM. Medieval christendom was sailing along quite nicely when this cunt comes in and shipwrecks it. Now it becomes every man for himself -acquire as much wealth as you can and fuck everybody else.
That terrible aggressive acquisitive spirit comes from Protestantism. It is the spirit of Individualism. I don’t need anyone to interpret the Bible for me. I am my own Pope. That focus on the self is the problem. The Snowflakes of today are really the end result of all this with their obsession with identity.
In the great scheme of things The ‘Reformers’ thought the were renewing Christianity but really they were creating a new religion for the modern world; Capitalism.
Nominated by Miles Plastic
**** UPDATE ****
Too good to miss from our old mate Dio?
Utter bollocks.
All the Abrahamic delusions are just variations of the same bullshit. Slagging off Protestantism whilst defending Catholicism is like saying syphilis is better than gonorrhoea.
“Medieval Christendom was sailing along quite nicely” – again, utter bollocks. The Catholic Church was largely responsible for the Dark Ages in Europe and, arguably, for the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Read some of Edward Gibbons’ thoughts on early Christianity.
“…unleashed the terrible thing we know today as CAPITALISM” – total, unhistorical wank.
I rarely comment on nominations I disagree with but I couldn’t let this slide. The internet is awash with religious bigotry but I thought ISAC was one place I could get away from this crap. Godbotherers knock on my fucking front door and now they are turning up on my favourite website? Fuck me ragged.
“Religious wars are basically people fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.” attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Your comment is as idiotic and false as the Cunting in question.
I am irreligious, but I have eyes to see and ears to hear. Ethically and socially speaking, Protestantism is much superior than Catholicism, Judaism, or Islam.
There is no such thing as “Abrahamic” religions. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are entirely different religious systems with disparate doctrines.
“Entirely different religious systems” – what the actual fuck? Tell that to the twats fighting over the ‘burial place’ of Abraham. Both Jews and Muslims claim descent from Abraham but through different sons. Christians claim the mantle of God’s chosen people that the Jews forfeited when they rejected the magic carpenter.
Protestantism is only superior to the other three delusions in hypocrisy. They still believe in the same death cult. Consubstantiation is as much bollocks as transubstantiation.
Go troll someone else.
Spot on CMC. Deluded fools the lot of them
Can not believe what brainwashed planks these religious types are.
Thanks MPG. I was going to ask if you and Bent Dennis would be in the wedding party at the joint nuptials of myself and Fanny Fiddler and Dick and Kravdarth. I’m still working on the assumption that Dick and Krav are different people and not, as RuffTuff Creampuff asserts, one and the same.
The Reverend Dioclese is attached as celebrant. All the distinguished members of this parish are invited to the reception for drinking and fighting.
Dennis and I would be honoured to attend the wedding of the year.
Let us no what colours Fanny will be wearing on the big day so she does not clash with my Dennis.
As far as the four by twos are concerned, Jesus wasn’t the Jewish messiah as he didn’t fit the profile and didn’t fulfil the messianic prophecies……. Or so they say.
With you 100% there CMC. Religion can fuck right off.
Utter Nonsense !
Western Civilisation owes its greatness to 1) Renaissance 2) Scientific Revolution and revival of Mathematics in Europe 3) Protestant Reformation.
Martin Luther did a great service to Europe by freeing our ancestors from the clutch of Catholic Church. Excesses of Capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with him.
You are simply regurgitating Max Weber’s foolish ideas. Weber, a MARXIST “academic”, wrote a stupid book entitled “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. Knowingly or unknowingly, you are spreading Marxist Propaganda.
Succinctly put ES – fully in agreement with your clearly articulated points.
In historical terms, it’s not long since Catholic priests were burning cunts at the stake if they did not believe that wine turns to blood when a priest prays over it, or that the earth sits immovably at the centre of the universe… Crusades, Inquisitions, religious wars, drowned witches, oppressive morals and hostility to sex… cunts were whipped and their throats slit for having sex outside marriage. Preaching that masturbation is worse than rape (because at least rape can result in pregnancy) was all par for the course.
The Catholic Church’s major contribution to European Civilisation was to fuck us up, hold us back, and give birth to its idiot bastard sons Communism and Socialism.
Without the Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) and its thinkers in Britain and throughout Europe, questioning traditional authority and embracing the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change, we’d still be stuck in the Middle Ages along with our Peaceful brethren…
Oops – third paragraph should have started with: “Christianity’s major contribution…”
Cracking Nom., Miles. We’ve needed a good contentious subject for a while. Things had,in my opinion,become a bit too “echoey-chamber”.
Unfortunately I know Fuck All about religion,but in C.M.C., E.S and Miles we seem to have three knowledgeable people with strong opinions. Hopefully Miles’ll be along soon to back up his assertions,plus a few other concerned parties.
I have high hopes for this Nom.,and only wish that I’d wrote it.
Fanny tells me you and Krav are still bickering over which of you gets to wear the wedding dress at our joint nuptials, Mr F.
The service will be a mix of Orthodox Judaism and Palmarian Catholicism. I trust this meets with your approval.
Bring plenty of cash, I dread to think how many times the collection-box is liable to go around.
Grabs popcorn.
I’m getting some beer in as well.
OOOOh! A bitch fight ????
In the red corner
English ‘Gammony the Ham’ Scientist
And in the blue corner
Cunts Mate ‘The Gammoniser’ Cunt
And your adjudicator for this superheavyweight bout
Miiiiles Plaaasticc
My understanding of the situation is that if I was a catholic I would have a number of get out of jail clauses in front of me (purgatory, confession and absolution, ect)
But as a prod I am pretty much fucked, however as a prod having a wank is frowned upon but not a mortal sin, ditto the fact I have not repopulated most of the world due to the intervention of some very inventive products.
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. Capitalism happened after the Protestant reformation therefore the protestant reformation caused capitalism.
Utter drivel, no causation demonstrated.
I’m no expert on capitalism but I believe it was some Scottish fella who is credited with the genesis of capitalism. John Smith or something like that.
Adam Smith rather. My memory may not be my friend but Google is.
Man dies and goes to heaven. St Peter welcomes him.
“There’s no rules here but one” he says. “YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK OVER THE WALL”.
Well, the bloke looks at the bloody great wall running down the middle of heaven and is curious. He suppresses the curiosity for a couple of millenia and then can stand it no more, grabs a ladder and looks over the wall.
St Peter taps him on the shoulder. “I thought I told you not to look over the wall!”
“But it’s the same the other side” says the bloke. “What’s the big fucking deal!?!”
“That’s the Catholic side” he says. “They think they’re the only cunts here…”
Funny though isn’t it? The only time in recent months that there’s been any kind of disagreement on ISAC and it’s about bloody religion.
The late, great Christopher Hitchens subtitled his brilliant 2007 polemic God Is NOT Great “How religion poisons everything.” It seems even the award-winning website ISAC is not safe from these twats.
Agreed CMC. The cunt that is religion has no place to be taken seriously inside these hallowed walls. The magic pixie in the sky can get fucked. God is for weak, brainless retards with absolutely no concept of reality.
Ho ho, “award-winning”…I’d have liked to’ve gone to that awards ceremony!
There was disagreement in my Jewspiracy Theorists post as well last month. Nominated dogs recently too so the comments on that should be fun to read.
I know and care fuck all about the subject of the nom but I wholeheartedly agree with Dick that it’s fantastic to see such a divisive post on these hallowed pages.
Personally I couldn’t give two fucks about the R word – all a load of hypocritical unproven & speculative bollocks!
But it is good to see a heated debate on here, even if there will be no satisfactory resolution one way or the other.
I disagree with anything that attacks individualism.
Be who you wish; I’m an Atheist, but a Church of England Atheist.
Same here Captain.
I am vehemently opposed to the UK being overwhelmed with the Religion of Pieces, so CofE it must be. I am an Atheist believing that when you die, you will experience nothing for eternity. Many find that concept hard to accept, but that’s my view. No different to before you entered this planet.
Much of what I really know about Religion can be written on a postage stamp, but I love to see more learned cunting colleagues battle it out on here.
Sorry to disabuse you Paul, but far from the peace of eternal nothingness I think you’ll find you’re going to burn in Hell and have red hot pokers shoved up your arse (stop drooling MincePieGuy) on a regular basis.
I’ve seen the proof in pictures – Hieronymus Bosch was the Robert Capa of his time… though don’t think he stood on any land mines.
Slight paradox there Paul. If you’re experiencing nothing then you are still something having that experience, hence you have survived death. The question then becomes, who/what am I?
Bg Chunky, if you can’t feel your underpants anymore, you don’t exist.
Or you’re starkers.
Totally agree with you Paul. You are here once, you die . The end.
But in my last life I did believe in reincarnation.
On the subject of Luther. He was the one who told the Pope to fuck off ? If thats the case, , he can’t be all that bad can he ?
Maybe he didn’t fancy the 8 year old altar boy that the Pope had procured for him?
Christianity is one women’s lie that got way out of hand.
‘Catholics vehemently appose the surrogate mother programme.’
“Go ahead, tell me the story about Mary again”….
Nothing says ‘I have faith in god’ more than a Pontiff in a bullet proof car….
Religion, all religions, strictly for half-heads….
Sounds like you need a dose of the ‘Ratshitter Rap’
Or maybe ‘Ratshitter 2’?…
All you cunts arguing about stupidity (religion) should contact the Pope to get his take on things. His phone number is VAT 69.
A Lydon cunting of Religion
Stained glass windows keep the cold outside
While the hypocrites hide inside
With the lies of statues in their minds
Where the Christian religion made them blind
Where they hide
And prey to the God of a bitch spelled backwards is dog
Not for one race, one creed, one world
But for money
This is religion
There’s a liar on the altar
The sermon never falter
This is religion
Do you pray to the Holy Ghost when you suck your host
Do you read who’s dead in the Irish Post
Do you give away the cash you can’t afford
On bended knees and pray to lord
Fat pig priest
Sanctimonious smiles
He takes the money
You take the lies
Cunt’s Mate Cunt puts a picture of the planes flying into the twin towers with an arrow pointing to it-RELIGION. Couldn’t I just put a picture up of the devastation of Hiroshima with an arrow pointing to it-SCIENCE. The easiest thing in the world to do. English Scientist. This ‘primitive’ religion Catholicism. Well it inspired the building of Gothic cathedrals, the Sistine Chapel, the music of Mozart’s Requiem. How do you explain that?
Easy to explain the architecture, art and music: The church had all the loot, and artists and craftsmen had to eat and to feed their families, so guess who they worked for?
Exactly… patronage… follow the lolly.
Should have put; English Scientists insists on calling Catholicism ‘primitive’. Now one of the religious beliefs of the tribal Figi islanders is that the world popped out of the mouth of a giant frog. He ‘croaked’ it up as it were. A delightful idea but most people would say that such a belief was ‘primitive’. The question for English Scientist is would Dante or Mozart or Michaelangelo have created their masterpieces from contemplating a giant croaking frog?
Definitely a shitstirring nom, Miles, appreciated. Dating the foundation of capitalism is beyond my historical knowledge, but a very early reference is the instructive story of Cain and Abel. I can’t easily associate our modern capitalists with one religion or another, either. Mostly I don’t think any of them do a lot of praying.
You might be interested to take a look at Luther as anticapitalist….
Never thought I’d see the day when cunters argue on ISAC about which religion is the biggest load of shit. It’s all a load of shit without exception. Ancient tribes used to tremble when there was a thunderstorm, they thought they’d angered the gods. Now it’s the twenty first century and people know better. You’d think so anyway.
“That terrible aggressive acquisitive spirit comes from Protestantism. It is the spirit of Individualism. I don’t need anyone to interpret the Bible for me. I am my own Pope. That focus on the self is the problem.”
Disagree with the thrust of that section, and also the cunters knocking religion outright.
The right to doubt everything, including authority, is the only way to Truth. The right to question the Bible was sorely needed and Jesus would have approved too. The Pope and clergy lost sight, if they ever had it, of what Jesus was about. He was a doubter, not a follower, and would have disappoved of Catholicism.. and approved of a more Buddhist approach where Self enquiry is paramount rather than worshiping or devotion.
Religion itself is not the problem, IF it sticks to its original principles of trying to answer the big questions. As soon as it loses its dynamic approach to Truth and becomes static then it deserves a cunting. Going to church is good if you go there to contemplate in pursuit of answers.. going to sing and compare clothing is pointless.
Private religion, as opposed to organised /state religion?
No problem, I can go along with that.
Btw, the existence of 26 seats guaranteed in the House of Lords for CofE bishops is inexcusable in this day and age.
‘approve of a more Bhuddist approach’. So Jesus was a Buddhist?
He would have shared similarities with Buddhist meditators or anyone practicing self-enquiry. The whole point is it doesn’t require a middleman, robes, rank, or a church system. The Truth is available right where you are now, closer to you than anything you can perceive.
My substitute for religion is a bottle of Jack D…….always thought myself as a Darwinian anyway.
Think I will stop at that.
May the Lord save me from religious zealots of all faiths.
This is like arguing over who is best, Batman or Spider-Man. Mildly entertaining, but ultimately pointless, as neither exists. Except, nobody usually dies in an argument over comic book characters.
I used to be an atheist, as I think I stopped believing in god before Santa. Now, after careful consideration, I would call myself an anti theist, as I think planet earth would be a far better place without all this bollocks.
This morning I was rather proud that I got my Nom up so showed it to Mrs Plastic. ‘And see high praise from Mr Fiddler’. ‘Yes’. She came to the door see me off. ‘See you later Darling’ ‘Fuck off you Catholic cunt’.
Nice one Miles – I admire the cut of Mrs Plastic’s jib! ?
Never thought I would be debating religion on this foul-mouthed site but as a Catholic from Glasgow, I have to say that we Papists actually believe in our religion. That´s why Catholic churches are packed on Sundays for mass while the Church of Scotland kirks are empty apart from a few middle class equivalents of the CoE Tories at prayer.
Came to this late. Interesting and thoughtful cunting.
I am a devout atheist but I do recognise the Protestant work ethic and moral values. Capitalism is and was inevitable, even for the Commies although the corrupt take on it in China and Russia is worrying.
It is no accident that he world’s most civilised countries were founded on the Protestant work ethic.