Keira Knightley
As part of the marketing of the dire film ”Colette”, Keira Knightley has been giving “”interviews”. Rather than attempt to describe or explain her ludicrous, right-on, politically correct and know-all “opinions”, I will let you read these extracts from “The Guardian” (of course) to see how this untalented example of modern wimminhood is condemned by her own big mouth:
“I’ve never wanted a penis,” she clarifies. “Apart from to piss up a tree. Being able to do that standing up: so convenient. You can just whip it out and whatever. But the idea of something so vulnerable swinging between my legs, I think I’m all right without.”
“Knightley appears on Ellen DeGeneres’s chat show and mentions she has banned her young daughter, Edie from watching the Disney classics “Cinderella” and “A Little Mermaid” because of their dodgy feminist messages.”
The article also refers to “vagina splitting, blood, poo, cracked nipples and incontinence pads” but I gave up in disgust. It was almost as horrible as her insolent, spoiled brat face and non-existent acting ability.
Nominated by FedUpWithWiimminWhiningAboutNothing
Unconvincing over rated shit actress.
She’s bloody ugly, That gob
If I was stood in front of her and she pulled a face like that, my erection would disappear in a matter of seconds.
Caribbean or otherwise…..every pirates dream, a sunken chest….
Looks like she’s just taken one up the shitter
She’s a bit young to be “doing the Deacon”.
I was thinking John Merrick….
She’s obviously anorexic, but other slebs flunkies and wimminz haven’t got the guts to say it.
It does raise the question, FUW, what are you doing reading the Guardian?
I read the Graun. Not entirely sure why. Possibly for trolling ‘comment is free’ (irony – the Graun censors furiously anyone that goes off reservation). I also read the Sun, Daily Mail, RT Breitbart, BBC etc.
Best way to get your news is to look at it from all outlets and then make your own mind up.
A xylophonist would knock out a hell of a tune on her ribcage and there’s no tits to get in the way either!
When she opens her pie hole, the teeth are reminiscent of those from the penis-like alien that burst out of John Hurt’s guts.
A highly overrated individual who attended the Hugh Grant, faux stuttering, contrived clumsy, faux posh school of acting. AKA the Cunti Stage School.
Besides, you could grate a few kilo of cheddar on her ribcage without breaking into a sweat.
I was thinking the photo was like some kind of Xeno-human hybrid from the inevitable Alien “reboot”. Could be worth Sir Ridley casting her to save a few quid on the effects budget (not for acting ability obviously)
To all those living in Africa
We had workmen in today who have disconnected our water supply to the kitchen.
This means that each and every time I need water I have walk all the way upstairs to fill a jug.
For as little as £2 a month………..
Yes but how much is the imported buffalo piss costing you, ‘ ey ‘ ey ?
Good evening Willie.
Good evening Jack.
Top-tip: you can have bottled water delivered free from Sainsbury’s on orders of £100 or more. Should tide you over till the plumber gets his finger out.
Thanks for the top tip.
Mr Creampuff.
As my friend said to her in person, in a restaurant, “the camera really does put on ten pounds.”
I read the Graun infrequently to keep up with current victim trends, identitarian victim lingo,and keep up to date with breathtaking remoaner lies. Currently flabbot is scweaming waycism at the BBC because people asked her questions she wouldn’t answer, and it’s not fair just cos i’s black. And they sniggered at steptoe giving her one. I then restore my sanity watching Douglas Murray politely, eloquently, bury his opponents.
Another celeb who thinks fame gives their opinions more weight.
So bored of them all.
Don’t know how copy links but if you google a ‘young Dianne Abbot’ she really was a looker. One particular photo. And Mrs Plastic tells me that many women on Mumsnet reveal they have thing about Jeremy Corbyn. If they get together again and somehow get into office we could have our own British version of Camelot.
The old smoothies pillow talk of Soviet Union collectivized farming and anecdotes of his meetings with the IRA and Hammas must do something for the Home Counties womenfolk.
No, they can both do this. She stops with the chicken, goes to the gym, eats a healthy diet. Jeremy gets his haircut, shaves off the beard, wears a designer suit. They could bring back to British politics what has been sorely lacking for years. Glamour.
He makes me come over all faint and weak at the knees as well…out of cold fucking fear
At the moment she looks like she ATE her past self, lard arse heifer.
As for Catweazle, that just validates to me what ludicrous twats I always thought loitered on Mumsnet. Probably predominantly a bunch of desperado single mothers, up to their eyes in shitty nappies and school runs so even THAT PUTRID THING looks attractive to them.
Childbirth evidently really DOES kill the grey cells.
Whenever Knightly does that jaw-clenching, teeth baring ‘smile’, she reminds me of Skeletor from Masters of the Universe. Not a pretty sight.
She’s yet another of the ‘luvvy’ set who values her own opinions far more than most people do. She can’t act for fucking toffee either; as my old grandad used to say ‘Ah wuddn’t pay ‘er in leather washers’.
Breaking wind !!!
Diane Abbott has actually said something credible, namely that “in the event of a People’s vote tomorrow, Leave would win again.”
Predictive thinking…I meant news, not wind…
Am hoping for a swift and painless end to The Maybot’s oxygen, space, sunlight, and water thieving activities on this plant.
It will NEVER stop her being a complete and utter cunt, though.
Fuck ! A new Range Rover was delivered to Sandrigham today . I kid you not !
Armour plated direct from China.
Looks like an elf with AIDS.
She’s never wanted a penis. Being that bony I reckon she rarely gets offered one.
Yet another sleb offering their wisdom whilst they live in a nice big gated house and never has to interact with the scum that has infested our city centres.
Listen Keira you get vast sums of money for acting (badly). Be bloody happy with your lot and don’t try to educate the masses with bullshit.
She’s never wanted a penis. Well i wouldn’t offer her mine.
Bony self inflated opinion bag of piss.
Get back to acting badly. She gets vast amounts of money and should be grateful.
Like Angelina, she needs putting out to grass…
She’s reproduced? So much for Darwin. This hideous munter should have been naturally selected for extinction.
These femenazi types don’t have any sense of personal hygiene. You can bet your bottom dollar theirs a lot of steaming soft cheese between her beef curtains. ???
Seriously overrated so called “actress”. Painfully thin. She was guest at an anatomy school last week. One of the skeletons toppled forward and landed on her. Apparently her words were “get off me, you fat bastard”.